Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ MiNd GaMeS ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Note: I finally re-did the lemon in this chapter. What a job that was! I had just finished doing the lemon for LTL15 and so all I have in my mind is sex, sex, Vegeta, and sex, LOL. I'm going to take a couple of cold showers. And you can read and review this revamped version of MGCH7.


MiNd GaMeS

By: Bulma16

Chapter Seven, The Lemony Version


He was still in the bathroom when she arrived. Damn. I was hoping he would drown in there. She sat at the kitchen table and stared down at the shiny brown surface. Her eyes widened in surprise as a tear fell onto it. She wiped her tears away hastily as she heard the King rummaging in the wardrobe in the next room. Don't show any fear, Bulma.


She took a deep breath and forced herself to go in the next room. He didn't look up, but Bulma knew he sensed her presence. "I went to the male slaves' quarters again," she blurted.


Vegeta straightened and looked at her intensely. "Why are you telling me this?" he asked, a


"Because I want you to know that I fear you no longer. You're not the only one with a lot of pride Vegeta, and what you said to Ackbar hurt me. I belong to no one. Least of all to you."


The King moved closer to her his eyes shining coldly. "That's an unwise decision, woman. You should fear me above all else, because I'm a-how did you put it?-a 'cold-hearted murdering bastard.'"


The female ruler of Vegetaseii flinched as her insult was thrown back in her face. "I'm sor--" She stopped as she noticed a change in Vegeta's expression. "W-what is it?"


His expression could only be described as being a combination of anger, disgust, and disbelief. "You've been with some damn human male." It wasn't a question.


"Yes. That's what I just told you a while ago," she said, confused by his sudden change in behavior.


He snarled at her angrily. "I can't believe I actually fell for your chaste little virgin act while you've running around fucking every male that catches your eye."


"What?! What the hell are you saying, Vegeta?" She screamed, her heart palpitating furiously beneath her form fitting bodysuit.


He grabbed her by her wrist, his voice laced with scorn as he continued. "I'm saying, you lying whore, that I can smell that double damned bastard all over you!" His obsidian eyes burned into hers. "And as your mate, I will no longer be denied what is rightfully mine." He angrily yanked her toward him and kissed her with the same cruelness his words indicated.


Bulma pulled away sobbing "No, Vegeta! You're just angry. I know you really don't mean it."


"That's where you're wrong. I've never been more certain of anything in my life," was his less angry response as he pulled her to him again. He was much gentler than last time and for some reason, Bulma found herself letting most of her defenses down.


Her brain screamed at her to stop; yet she found herself wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back urgently, succumbing to her desires. It suddenly occurred to her that a part of her had wanted this from the moment she'd first seen him.


Vegeta placed his hands on her hips and brought her pelvis against his rather roughly, his tongue began an inquisitive exploration of her mouth. Bulma moaned deep in her throat blushing as she felt Vegeta smile against her mouth. In a moment of courageousness, she put her hands on the side of his face and began her own exploration, briefly teasing his tongue with her own and trying to ignore the heat she felt growing in the pit of her stomach.


She pulled away and kissed the hollow at the base of his muscular neck where his pulse was slowly rising. She stared into his eyes as she slowly traced the contours of his face. Vegeta's face remained an impenetrable mask as she let her hands slide down his shoulders and finally rest on his chest. The King's grip on her waist tightened a little and Bulma smirked, something she had picked up from Vegeta and Saiyans in general, as she winked before she began to trace fiery kisses all the way down to his navel, which she teased mercilessly with her tongue, smiling as she felt his muscles contract. He pulled her from her up from her position and carried her under his arm to the bed where he deposited her unceremoniously. Bulma kicked off her shoes and pulled the straps of her outfit down so that it revealed a tantalizing glimpse of her cleavage, striking a pose she'd seen in a Playboy once, her head tilted to one side, a finger in her mouth, and her eyes widened innocently as she opened her legs invitingly. "Is something the matter?" She asked sultrily, excitement making her much more bold than usual.


Vegeta only smirked as he got in the bed with her, yet something in his eyes made Bulma think that he was a little surprised at her actions. It didn't seem to register to either of them that a mere 15 minutes before the King had been calling Bulma a cheating whore. They were too caught up in each other.


The human female smiled into his obsidian eyes, her own sparkling in mischievousness. "You didn't like it?" she asked, a seductive pout on her lips.  


The king loomed over her briefly and then gently nipped her ear, his voice a deep growl; "What I don't like is how many clothes you're wearing." With a swift moment, he tore off her bodysuit, leaving her in her underwear. "I've always wanted to do that to you," Vegeta said, with laughter in his voice.


The Queen's eye lit with passion as she saw the hunger rise in Vegeta's eyes as he examined her body. She closed her eyes in submission as the King kissed her again, as intensely as before, if not more so. She felt Vegeta's hands on her back but ignored them as she teased his tongue with her own. The blue-haired female's eyes snapped open in surprise as she realized she was topless. She hastily sought to cover herself and blushed until Vegeta's eyes, amused expression, and his words stopped her,


"Are you ashamed of your body Bulma?"


Her voice only trembled a little, as she replied, feeling a little self-conscious "No."


His voice seemed to increase in its sexiness as he continued. "Do you think yourself beautiful?"


"Hell yeah!" Was her immediate reply, followed by a confident smile.


Vegeta smirked and gently pushed her hands away, his voice low and persuasive. "Let me find that out for myself."


And just like that, Bulma got over her bashfulness. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked up at him in puzzlement as he just silently looked down at her for a long moment, a part of her wanted to ask him what he was doing, but she knew that speaking would break the spell around them. He met her eyes finally, a smirk on his face. "You're right," he said simply, his hands moving up her sides to finally rest on her breasts.


Bulma's cheeks flushed in embarrassment, but this emotion vanished as she felt a whole new wave of pleasure as Vegeta massaged a breast in one hand and teased the other with his tongue, using his teeth to gently nip her nipple. Bulma closed her eyes even tighter in ecstasy and pressed her breasts against his face, encouraging him to do more as she arched her neck backward.


She thrust her hands into his dark mane, fighting the response building inside her, yet feeling as if she'd die of pleasure soon if the king either stopped or kept going for too long. Her hands left his surprisingly soft ebony hair and wandered to the waist of his pants. She impatiently tugged them down as best as she could even as Vegeta lavished a ridiculous amount of attention on her breasts. Vegeta halted his ministrations long enough to help her take his pants off.


Bulma felt her head spin a little as she realized where this would undoubtedly lead. But what will happen after this? Will he act any different toward me? Her thoughts ceased as she took in the full size of her mate's member and her eyes widened a little bit in surprise. This wasn't her first time seeing a naked man, but Deus, Vegeta was so…big!


He didn't seem to notice this hesitation as the pair lay back in the bed, passion bringing them back together. Bulma massaged the muscles of his chest and abdomen as he massaged her breasts. Her breathing was becoming more labored more audible than his and for some reason, this irritated her. She didn't want to be the only one to enjoy this; for some reason, that didn't seem fair to her. On sudden impulse, she stroked Vegeta's swollen member, a small smile of wonder on her face. Vegeta's breath came through his teeth in a hiss and in an instant he was straddling his woman and hurriedly removing the last physical barrier between their two bodies.


He could tell from her scent that she was ready for him and he brushed the tip of his fully aroused member against her moist entrance and chuckled as the female arched her pelvis against him, moaning in yearning. "Patience wench," he told her huskily.


Bulma sat up and gasped as she felt his fingers slowly stroking her "little man in the boat" as she'd heard it called in one of her mother's Cosmopolitan articles. This strong sense of pleasure was completely foreign to her as a virgin. It felt wrong but maybe that's what made it feel so good. She beseeched him with her eyes to continue, harder and faster even as her mouth said otherwise. "No," she groaned her hips rocking against him at the same speed as he strummed her clitoris.


He smirked down at her, planting a tantalizing kiss on her lips as he increased his strokes. "No what?" was his teasing question.


The human female felt her breath catch in her throat and for a split second things appeared to move to slow motion and then stand still. The next thing she knew, her hips were bucking against his wildly as she neared her climax, pleading him, "No, don't stop."


And yet stop he did, much to her dissatisfaction. He traced her lips with his fingers and she opened them willingly curious as to what she tasted like. She sucked her essence from his fingers, smiling up at him seductively. "Wanna taste?" she purred, a challenge in her eyes.


He tasted her lips, unable to resist her challenge. His tongue left no area of her mouth undiscovered and once again, Bulma felt that she was nearing the end. This was sweet torture and she'd had enough.


Once he allowed her an opportunity to breathe, she asked him in as normal tone as she could manage. "What's taking so long? Why haven't you finished yet?"


Vegeta shifted his weight on top of her so that she felt his hardened length against her lower belly-ready and willing. "I still haven't determined if you can handle me or not," her mate said cockily, (no pun intended) raising an ebony brow to show he was mocking her.


"Damn it Vegeta!" She swore, her cheeks flushed and her voice deepened in arousal. "Just finish it!"


"Finish what?" He mocked, thinking he could get her beg him for it.


Angered by his taunting, the Queen licked her fingers suggestively, smiling deviously as she ran the moist fingertips down the King's rock hard length, licking her lips as his eyes widened in surprise. She laughed as she saw him struggling to control his own fast coming arousal (again, no pun intended). "If you can't do it maybe I should just finish up myself," she teased.


With a low growl, Vegeta thrust deeply inside of her all at once, his lips savagely claiming hers. Bulma screamed inside of his mouth, her muscles clenching instinctively as she lost her virginity, but eventually relaxed as the pain slowly went away to be replaced by pleasure. Vegeta didn't seem to take her behavior as being unusual for a woman in the throes of passion. He fondled a breast in one hand and ravaging her lips with his own. Forgetting the pain, Bulma felt herself kissing him back with heated urgency, her nails gently raking his skin, and pressing her pelvis up against his, eager to reach that final release she'd had a glimpse of moments ago.


The King partially withdrew, then re-entered, and kept this thrusting motion going rhythmically, his breathing becoming more ragged and audible as he continued as he sensed he was taking them both to the edge. Bulma found herself instinctively meeting his thrusts halfway until she finally found herself slipping away slightly, as if she was going over the edge of blissful ecstasy into the realm of reckless abandon. She realized then that she was crying in happiness as she looked into Vegeta's eyes just before she climaxed; Vegeta joining her, spent, soon after.


Later, the sore and decidedly tired Queen of Vegetaseii found the strength to open her eyes...only to find the king--still inside her-his body on top of her. His weight was a little tough to stand but she found his warmth and nearness comforting.


Trying to fight the growing desire inside of her, she studied the features of his face: classical, rugged, and tanned, three definite pluses for the king, besides the fact that he was a perfectly sculpted specimen of a man. She felt a feeling other than lust as she examined his features, and wondered a little worriedly what this feeling could be. Am I…in love with this jerk? No way! Although, I have to admit that Vegeta is much more attractive without that angry scowl of his, She thought smiling. On impulse, she kissed him gently on his mouth, but stiffened as she felt him respond to her kiss, gently biting her lower lip in a teasing manner.


She pulled her mouth away from his and frowned, mildly irritated by his ruse. "You ass, you were faking."


"No," he denied, squeezing her nipple roughly between his thumb and forefinger and ignoring her gasp of pleasure. "I just woke up," he said this with something that could have been either a smirk or a teasing smile. Bulma decided to take the second one.


"I can't believe how pathetic you are," she mocked, panting silently in desire even as she felt Vegeta's member began to grow inside her walls.


"Hmm…" Vegeta said pensively, absently fingering the blue curls of her nether region. "Pathetic am I? I'd better triple my efforts." He smirked unmistakably at her, his fingers lingering at her entrance. "You ready for me all over again?"


"Yes, but this time don't waste so much time with all the kissing!" Bulma growled, wrapping her long legs around his waist, the idea of rough sex with this man exciting her more than the idea of foreplay.


Vegeta raised his brows in surprise. Wonders would never cease with this woman. "In this matter, I will be only to happy to please," he purred, his eyes glimmering with desire. "But what makes you think you can handle it this time?"


Smirking, the human bucked a little against him, clenching the muscles of her vagina around his shaft as she eased back down his length. Bulma laughed as she saw the look of astonishment on his face. "Why don't you give me a try so we can find out?" She asked sultrily.


Wasting no time with further questions, Vegeta pushed her feet so that her knees were pressed against her breasts, giving him a good position to work from. "If it pleases you," he said huskily.


Vegeta woke up slowly and was immediately alarmed. I NEVER sleep this deeply. I've been poisoned! Was his immediate thought. He felt reality hit him head-on as he saw the figure curled up beside him in the blankets. He turned away from her and left the bedroom for a very cold shower. He turned the water on full blast and washed the scent of lovemaking from his body, so deeply engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice the small trace of blood as it washed down the drain.


He turned the freezing cold water off and dressed quickly, trying to ignore the enticing scent of the woman behind him. She sighed something in her sleep that caught Vegeta's attention and then as if she knew he was watching her she rolled over in the bed, exposing a creamy breast.


Resisting the urge to touch the sleeping woman just one more time, Vegeta covered her with the blanket, a frown on his face. He felt an unexpectedly strong feeling of protectiveness rise inside of him as he observed her lying there under the sheets in the huge bed, with her blue locks in a ponytail. He cursed as he felt a tightening in his pants as he imagined making love to her with her hair loose about her shoulders and covering her breasts. He stormed angrily from their bedroom, You're the King, damn it! Can't you control your lust any better than a fucking third class? He let out his pent up breath and relaxed a little as he felt his desire slowly beginning to ebb.


Finding a pen and paper, he quickly wrote her a note and tried not to be too cold or too...emotional at the same time. Vegeta added another sentence as an after thought and smirked as he signed his full name to the document. He folded it and put it on the table where she would be sure to see it or where a serving wench would find it.


The Saiyan no Ou picked his scouter up and slowly put it on, reluctantly leaving his woman behind.


About 27 minutes later and Bulma woke up alone in the bed. After first she felt disappointed then she forced a laugh, why am I not surprised? She also woke up with a couple of damning realizations: I've betrayed Yamcha, the one I love with a man I hate. She groaned and put her head under the covers. She didn't regret the sex, but the circumstances under which she had it were a bitch. She couldn't help but respond at to Vegeta Deus, the man was good at everything he did. She had lost her virginity to him…her precious virginity. Something she'd been holding onto like a life preserver for so long. And now it was gone. Not that she regretted what she'd done. The sex had been phenomenal; she'd even screamed his name the second time, much to his amusement. But she would always remember that first time…where they had kept their eyes on each other, silently conveying their mutual need for this act. No promises or declarations of everlasting and unbreakable love were made. They lived for the wild moment, and nothing else mattered at that point. While she hated him as a person, the female ruler of Vegetaseii could not deny being attracted to him physically.


She threw the covers off the bed and rose to see that Vegeta wasn't anywhere in their bedroom or bathroom; No surprise there. He's probably eating breakfast with out me. She inhaled the smell of the breakfast meat the serving wench was cooking and grabbed one of the dresses out of the wardrobe, some underwear, and then ran to the bathroom to get changed.


After she was done, she strolled into the kitchen a half-smile on her face, but Vegeta wasn't there. She shrugged and sat down to eat. When she was a little more than halfway finished, the serving wench nervously walked up to her with a piece of paper in her hand, "A note from King Vegeta, Your Highness."


Bulma took the note from the frightened girl, who ran off to the bedroom to finish her chores. Bulma unfolded it halfway and read:


Important mission to Solmivia. Will be gone 2-4 months. If you need anything, let new Second Commander know. Will contact later.


"Does he have to be so distant in his notes?" She asked herself out loud. And just what the hell am I supposed to do in 4 months? She opened the note fully and laughed at what she read next:


Glad to see that you could handle it. ~King Vegeta IX


(During the king's absence)


The new Second Commander was a total pushover, and The Queen could get him to let her do anything. He was smart, but he didn't like making his mind up, so Bulma decided it was her duty to do it for him.


While Vegeta was away she was expected to act as both judge and jury; deciding the fates of those convicted of a crime. This was to her, the dullest part of being royalty. Few were put to death, but those who were, Bulma made sure they had received a fair trial. There weren't that many trials any way; expectations for Saiyans were high and the majority strove to be the model Saiyan.


She freed Yamcha...sort of. She signed him to do easy work under Brocco, whom she knew would be a lot easier on her slaves than many others out there. She had wanted to assign him to her room, but for some reason, the computer seemed to be programmed to shut down completely and not allow her to issue herself a slave from the male slaves' quarters. Even with her superior intellect, she couldn't get into there without the King's authorization. She also checked on her friend Rachel who was one of the higher slaves due to her resourcefulness. The American woman swore that she was perfectly fine and told Bulma that she'd keep her company while Vegeta was gone if she liked. Bulma gratefully accepted the offer.


The best and worst thing was that she was pregnant but she wasn't sure if or how to tell Vegeta. For now, she was the only one who knew; her own blocked the tiny child's ki force. Outwardly, she was able to retain a calm façade, but inside she was terrified. What she feared the most was Vegeta finding out before she told him. Who knew how he would react?


Into the second month of pregnancy...


The VAP lit up, showing that she had a call; she pushed the button. "Brocco! How are you?" she exclaimed cheerfully upon seeing the warrior woman.


The tired First Commander smiled wearily. "Well, I've been better, I assure you. How's everything at home?"


Bulma shrugged her shoulders. "Really quiet. There aren't as many people left here, but I'm fine."


"What have you been doing in your free time?"


"Making clothes from scratch." she replied honestly…only she didn't tell Brocco that the clothes were for her baby. "How's Vegeta?" Bulma asked, a little too casually.


The Second Commander made a face. "Hold on a second." Brocco moved off the screen and muffled voices could be heard.


After what seemed like forever, Vegeta appeared, looking three times as exhausted as Brocco. "What do you want woman?" he growled impatiently.


The Queen ignored his words. "How are you, Vegeta?"


"I'm perfectly fine as you can see," he snapped testily, switching off his scouter.


Bulma smiled, not at all surprised by his bad temper. Vegeta was always so defensive whenever someone expressed concern for his well being "I see you're your usual happy-go-lucky self. What a ray of sunshine you must be to those poor Saiyans trapped with you for the next two months!"


Surprisingly, Vegeta smiled faintly at her sarcastic statements before he changed the subject. "You appear to be well."


She nodded a content smile on her face. "I am. I don't want for anything."


Vegeta raised an eyebrow at this but didn't comment. "Move closer to the screen," he ordered.


"Why?" Bulma asked suspiciously. She thought for a crazy instant that maybe he could see that she was pregnant, but she quickly dashed that thought as being impossible. I'm not even showing yet!


Vegeta sighed loudly, his growing aggravation evident. "Just do as I say for once, woman."


The Queen shrugged and moved in so that only her upper body was visible. He too moved in closer and their eyes met through the screens. Vegeta's eyes moved slowly over her face and to the few aqua tresses that escaped her low ponytail. He seemed to be trying to memorize every detail of her face, and Bulma decided to do the same. His onyx eyes were tired and she could see dark circles starting to form underneath them. His mouth was set in a thin line of determination and the black flame-shaped hair that she admired so much seemed to be missing some of its luster. His clothes were beginning to fall apart from battle, and blood could be seen on Vegeta's chest and splattered in various places on his uniform. Her blue eyes narrowed in concern, "Vegeta. You need to rest. You look terrible."


Vegeta ended his inspection and moved back from the screen again, shaking his head. "Good bye woman." And with that he ended the connection.


Bulma frowned at the blank screen. Same old Vegeta. "That man just doesn't listen to reason." She told herself, shaking her head. Yet something about him made her want to cry; he seemed so sad and lonely.


She shook that impression off, Sad and lonely? Vegeta? Yeah right, Bulma.


End of Chapter Seven




For those of you who don't think Bulma is a virgin, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I just think that Bulma is REALLY attached to Vegeta and I like to believe that she gave him EVERYTHING. So, if you don't agree, TOO BAD! I'm the Supreme Dictator and I say she is a virgin. So for this story at least, she's not a nymphomaniac, or a whore or whatever. She's just a virgin with raging hormones, LOL.


Any way, don't forget to review people!