Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mirai Love ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer; I do not own DBZ/GT or any of the characters.

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AN: I wrote this a while ago and had it lying around the house. It's how Bulma and Vegeta got together in the Mirai timeline and since Vegeta didn't spend all the time in the three year gap training for the androids so he relaxed a bit more and lightened up slightly. But he still trains to beat Goku.

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Bulma paced the living room annoyed. Yamcha was supposed to pick her up for their date four hours ago. It was now midnight and there was still no sign of him anywhere.

Her anger had been building over the time she'd been waiting for him and now she started to feel despair as well.

*Why does he keep doing this to me? . Why do I let him keep doing this, because I love him, don't I? Maybe he doesn't love me? Maybe I don't love him? He's never shown any love to me lately and I haven't really let him near me over the last few months*

Bulma shook her head, why did that same trail of thoughts keep popping up in her mind? Is it true? She shook away the feeling in her heart and headed towards the kitchen to get a drink and something to eat.

She opened the fridge and grabbed the carton of milk that would hopefully send her to sleep.

"Why do you put up with that idiot?" Vegeta's voice made her jump and she dropped the milk spinning around to face him.

He was leaning on the doorframe in his boxers the dull light from the open fridge been the only light in the house still on causing his body to almost glow.

"Vegeta don't do that!" Bulma snapped trying to calm her racing heart.

"What?" he asked confused

"Do that creepy sneaking in the shadows and scaring the crap out of me!" Bulma replied calming down.

"I don't sneak your weaker human senses just don't notice me," Vegeta said and Bulma just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever now clean up the mess you caused or I won't cook for you!" Bulma ordered pointing to the mess the milk had made on the floor.

Vegeta simply glared and left.

Bulma sighed and turned to clean up the mess only to find the empty carton with the milk evaporated completely.

*Did the arrogant prince actually lower himself to clean up . I must be going crazy* Bulma thought glancing in the directing Vegeta had just gone.

Bulma turned and found a mug of still hot drink sitting on the bench. *I guess Vegeta forgot his drink*

Bulma glanced down and the cup and frowned. Then she caught the aroma and her frown deepened. *It can't be Vegeta's he has black coffee not white tea. But then my parents are out of town so . he can't have made it for me could he? *

Still confused Bulma decided she'd figure it out later and sat down to drink the tea.

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When she had finished her coffee she headed for bed still confused but trying to ignore it for now.

As she passed Vegeta's room she paused and gently slid open the door.

It was dark and from what she could tell he was in bed asleep. She left the door open so it gave her some light and walked over to the bed. She knelt down next to the bed so she was eye level with him since he was asleep on his side facing her. When she was kneeling and got no response she realized he was infact asleep.

She looked at his face, with him being asleep his scowl had almost completely melted away and his face had softened a lot.

Bulma smiled *how can someone so arrogant, cruel and harsh look so gentle and gorgeous as he slept* she thought then froze at the last part. *Gorgeous! Am I actually attracted to Vegeta? Come to think of it I guess I always have found him nice to look at even if he is kind of heartless*

Bulma gently ran her fingernail over his softened expression. When her fingernail reached the end of his nose his eyes flew open making her jump.

The next thing Bulma knew it she was pinned to the floor with Vegeta's fist heading for her face and she squeezed her eyes shut waiting for the impact.

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Vegeta felt someone running something along his nose, he woke and pounced on the person in self-defence pinning them to the ground and aiming a punch towards their face.

Recognition hit him just in the nick of time and he managed to stop his punch before it landed.

Blue eyes slowly opened and focused on his fist inches from her nose. Bulma let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Woman what the hell are you doing don't you know I could have killed you, you bloody stupid woman!" Vegeta growled out.

"I wanted to thank you." Bulma replied as Vegeta got up off her


"I wanted to thankyou for the drink," Bulma replied scrambling to her feet.

"I didn't do it for you."


"Hopefully the tea will put you to sleep otherwise you'd be up all night moping around and keeping me up! And I can't train to beat that clown Kakarot if I can't sleep because some idiot woman is keeping me up!"

And without another word Vegeta climbed back into bed rolling over so his back was to her.

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