Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mirai Love ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer; I do not own Dragonball Z/GT or any of he characters.





Bulma saw Vegeta fly off, she ran out of her office past Yamcha, Gohan and Goku who tried to stop her but she just ignored them.

About an hour after she got to her room and collapsed on the bed crying her mother entered the room and pulled her into a hug.

"Naomi, Kea and Bindi came and told us what happened, of course it took your father a while to explain how you had super powered friends. Now why don't you tell me what happened sweetie," Mama Briefs said as she stroked Bulma's hair trying to sooth her.

"I thought I loved Yamcha, but now I'm not so sure?"

"What do you mean sweetheart? Is there someone else?"

"Yes but that's not the only reason. We just haven't been the same since he came back from the dead. Last night he . . . " Bulma quietly retold the last 24 hours to her mum.

Once Bulma had finished she looked up to see her mum smiling down at her.

"What?" Bulma asked.

"I think Vegeta cares for you a lot more than he shows. He went Super Saiyan for you after all,"

"What are you talking about he went super Saiyan cause he was mad at Yamcha who'd just thrown him out the window,"

"I don't think so Vegeta's been thrown through more than just a window and simply shrugged it off. He was already annoyed at Yamcha before he went and saw you. This morning you father picked that one up when Yamcha's name was mentioned and he looked like he wanted to kill something. I'd say that was because he'd upset you earlier. Then you said Yamcha was yelling at you right?"

Bulma nodded.

"Well he upset you and you started crying again and that's when Vegeta turned super Saiyan and began attacking Yamcha right?"

"I guess so,"

"Look don't worry about any of it just get some sleep and I'm sure you'll hear from both Yamcha and Vegeta soon," Mama said smiling at her only child as she got up to leave.

"Thanks Mum," Bulma called after her mum as she closed the door and Bulma began to get ready for an early night.

It was funny the way her mum always acted it was very easy to forget that her mother was just as smart as her and her father even if she did choose to give up science when Bulma was born.

"Except you never really gave it up did you mum, you still help us out every now and again," Bulma muttered to herself with a small smile.

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Bulma got up late the next day and headed down stairs to find Yamcha was already there waiting for her.

"Bulma I'm really sorry about everything I swear," Yamcha said getting up as soon as she walked in the room.

"I know," Bulma replied with a sigh, "But you know it's over between us right?" Bulma added quickly.

"Yeah, listen Bulma I didn't mean any of the things I said, I was just mad at finding the two of you and with Vegeta wearing that scouter it reminded me how he was when he killed me,"

*The scouter! I wonder what happened to it, I hope it didn't get trashed!* Bulma quickly pushed that thought aside.

"You know that nothing happened between the pair of us until I saw you with your agent the night before last and nothing really happened anyway, it's not like I slept with him."

"Are you going to be with him, as a couple now?" Yamcha asked,

"I'm not sure, I guess not, I mean it's not like he would anyway. The first time he kissed me was his mistake, the second time was in the office, I kissed him and kind of cornered him into it anyway," Bulma said and smiled slightly at the memory.

"We can still be friends though right?" Yamcha asked hopefully.

"Yeah of course, but look I have to get to the lab, I need to help the other three clean up the lab and fix or figure out what needs replacing out of everything that got broken." Bulma said and went to walk past him towards her lab.

Yamcha grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug. "I really am Sorry you know,"

"I know,"

"Let me come and help clean up I mean after all I did make most of the mess," Yamcha said letting her go.

"Ok thanks," Bulma said and the pair headed off to help Kea, Bindi and Naomi clean up and Bulma want to know what happened to her scouter.

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