Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mirai Love ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer; I do not own Dragonball Z/GT or any of he characters.





A month passed and there was no sign of Vegeta.

Bulma woke one morning feeling totally awful. She stumbled down stairs to her Parents who were in the kitchen.

"Oh My goodness Bulma you look terrible. Are you feeling ok?" Mrs. Briefs asked as she ushered her daughter into a seat.

Bulma just groaned as her mother high pitched voice made her head throb.

Her mother handed Bulma a drink, she took one look at it, shoved it back into her mothers hand and ran to the closest bathroom to empty her stomach.

*What the hells wrong with me? I don't usually get sick like this!*

~You know this is just like morning sickness~

Bulma froze half of her excited at the idea the other half dreading it.

"You know ever since I first heard you I've learnt to trust you . . . But that is just insane! I can't be pregnant!"

~You just said I've always been one to trust~

"Don't use my words against me I'm not believing you this time!"

~Go to the doctors and check if your so sure~

"Fine!" Bulma snapped her stubborn streak setting in as she cleaned up and stomped out.

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"Dr Briefs, Congratulations you're pregnant,"

"WHAT!!!!" Bulma screamed launching herself at the doctor.

Yamcha grabbed Bulma before she could get the doctor. Once Mrs. Briefs found out she was to busy to go to the doctors with Bulma she'd ordered Yamcha to go with her instead. And once she hears what happened she'll be glad because Bulma most likely would have decked the doctor had Yamcha not been there to stop her.

"Bulma are you ok?" Yamcha asked his stunned ex and close friend.

"You can have an abortion if you wish," The doctor advised softly.

"NO!" Bulma blurted out, "It just took me by surprise," She whispered.

"Are you the partner?" the doctor asked Yamcha who shook his head.

"No, we were together just over a month ago but not since then," Yamcha replied.

"Dr Briefs do you know who the father is?"

Bulma shook her head.

"Have you had any other partners since this young man here?"

Bulma shook her head.

"Have you been with another man?"

Bulma paused.

"Bulma?" Yamcha asked

~The babies Vegeta's, I can see it in its Ki and its spirit. You have a baby demi-Saiyan growing inside of you~

"I know who's baby it is," Bulma whispered not looking at Yamcha as he knelt down in front of her.

"It's Vegeta's"

Yamcha felt like he'd been slapped. Then his shock turned into rage.

"Bulma did he rape you?" Yamcha asked and Bulma's head instantly shot up shaking her head.

"No of course not, he'd never do that, not to me, never. Yamcha I'm sorry I know you don't want to hear this but I love him. What we had it wasn't with no feelings, I may not know exactly what Vegeta feels but I think, I hope, he feels the same way towards me. I just wish I knew where he was so I could tell him,"

Yamcha hugged Bulma "You're my best friend and I won't leave you, I'll stay with you through this and if you want I'll be there when you tell him. Alright?" Yamcha said.

"Thank you," Bulma said as she hugged him tighter.

The doctor had started working at his desk feeling the friends needed some privacy. Now that he saw they'd finished he approached Bulma.

"I'm not sure whether capsule corps has the right equipment, but I'm pretty sure you would, for you check ups. So I'll write a list of instructions and email them to you. But I want you to send the results of your checkups to me so I can double check them for you,"

"Alright Thank you," Bulma said with a smile. She paid her bill and they left.

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Bulma told her parents the news and while Mrs. Briefs was almost expecting the news on who the father was, Dr briefs didn't take it to well.

Later that night Bulma Yamcha and Puar sat on the balcony at Capsule Corps which lead to the Lounge room.

"Kami! How am I going to tell the others? They're going to find out I'm pregnant soon enough but I'm not ready to tell them it's Vegeta's." Bulma muttered.

Puar flew over and sat on Bulma's shoulder hugging her head to give her comfort.

Bulma reached up and gently scratch Puar behind her ears as thanks.

"Bulma if you'd like you can tell them it's mine, just until you're ready to tell them the truth," Yamcha said.

Bulma smiled at him. "thanks Yamcha I know how hard this must be for you,"

*No Bulma you really have no ides how hard this is for me* Yamcha thought with a sigh.

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Over the next week Bulma rang all her friends to tell them the news.

The Z gang were told the kids was Yamcha's but not to congratulate him cause he wasn't happy about it.

And other friends through work were told they didn't know the father but would meet him later on when he returned from his business trip.

A few more months had passed and it was time for the yearly get together of the Z gang.

Bulma was now visibly pregnant and it would be the first time she'd seen anyone in the Z gang except Goku's family and Yamcha since she told them all she was Pregnant.

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Bulma's airplane landed in a small clearing in the area next to where the get together was being held in it's usually place.

It was an area not far from Goku's, a large lake to fish at, lot's of room for the guys to do some casual sparring and a nice bunch of trees next to the lake for everyone to sit in the shade.

Bulma had been in a meeting for work so she was the last of the group to arrive.

Chichi gushed all over her making sure she didn't do anything and the other's were all backing her up which annoyed Bulma.

Goku and Piccolo had been off sparing so it took them a while to realize Bulma had arrived and when they did they flew over to the group.

Piccolo just raised a slightly amused eyebrow and Bulma's pregnant state while Goku gave her a big hug.

"How ya going Bulma?" Goku smiled.

"Great so everyone's here huh?"

"Everyone but Vegeta . . ." Goku replied not noticing Bulma expression fall. "That guy needs a pager," Goku muttered.

Bulma's heart ached she missed him then something Goku said caught her attention.

"Goku you're a genius!" Bulma cheered throwing her arms around him in a hug and running (as best as she could) back to her plane.

"Wow I can't believe it! Someone put Goku and genius in the same sentence!" Krillin said as surprised as the others.

"Bulma what are you doing!" Yamcha called as he ran after her as her ship took off into the air and flew off with Yamcha flying not far behind her.

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Bulma ran into the house and down to the lab.

Searching her computer database she found the number for the pager she'd made for Vegeta and sent him a message before heading down stairs to explain to Yamcha and wait.

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