Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mirai Love ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer; I do not own DBZ/ GT or any of its characters.

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"Vegeta what's wrong?" Bulma asked concerned.

"Nothing," Vegeta replied bluntly.

"There's someone he should meet," Yamcha said as Vegeta glared at him with all the hate and venom he could muster.

"Come on Vegeta, I need you to come, please," Bulma said taking Vegeta's forearm and he reluctantly let her lead him towards the nursery.

Goku, Yamcha and the Briefs followed the couple but stopped in the doorway when Bulma lead Vegeta in.

Bulma lead Vegeta over to the crib then gently placed Trunks in his arms.

"I think he looks like his father," Bulma smiled.

Vegeta briefly glanced down at the child he so reluctantly held in his arms.

"He looks nothing like his weakling father!" Vegeta snorted.

Bulma stood there looking at Vegeta as she registered what he just said. She glanced at Yamcha then back to Vegeta as she realize what he meant.

Vegeta stood paying no attention to the baby cooing in his arms as he looked out the window.

"Vegeta is that why you left because you thought Yamcha was the father?" Bulma asked. But she got no answer from Vegeta.

"You idiot after everything it took for us to get together you think I'd go back to Yamcha that fast?" Bulma asked slightly amused.

"Well you did didn't you!" Vegeta growled.

Bulma just smiled as she reached up and loosened the blankets around Trunks.

Vegeta's head snapped down as he felt something soft flick against his wrist. He gasped and watched in awe as Trunks' tiny brown tail curled around his wrist.

Vegeta was so stunned he looked like he was going to drop Trunks so Bulma took him from Vegeta and just in time too as Vegeta's leg gave out and he sat down on the floor with a rather load thump.

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Mrs Briefs seeing the couple would want some time along shooed the three snickering men away.

"Your lucky Vegeta didn't see you snickering," she scowled lightly

"But it was just so out of character for Vegeta to be that shocked." Yamcha muttered. And the other two men nodded in agreement.

"Well I've got to go Chichi will be expecting me," Goku said climbing to his feet.

"Say bye to the happy parents whenever you see them next alright," Goku added and transmitted home.

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"Vegeta?" Bulma asked.

"I'm a father?" Vegeta whispered still shocked.

Bulma giggled and placed Trunks back in his crib.

"Yes you are, now do you want to get off the floor?" Bulma smirked.

That snapped Vegeta out of it and he scowled at her.

"Are you hungry?" Bulma asked "Hang on stupid question of corse you are. Stay here with trunks and it'll get you something to eat." Bulma said and before he could even retort she'd left.

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Bulma got back to the room and watched as Vegeta sat next to the crib watching Trunks. He had his head rested on one arm along the rail of the crib while the other hand hovered above Trunks.

Trunks cooed happily and reached out to grab one of Vegeta's gloved fingers.

"You're going to make a fine warrior brat," Vegeta mused.

Vegeta gently lowered Trunks nappy slightly to see the top of his hip. There was a birthmark a small crest like shape and Vegeta smiled.

"I thought his birthmark looked familiar when I first saw it but I couldn't place where I'd seen it before." Bulma said walking in and giving Vegeta the tray of food.

"It should seem familiar I have the exact same birthmark. Saiyan royalty have it, it's the sign of the first born child and heir to the thrown, If there still was an empire for him to rule Trunks would be the Prince and take over being King once my reign was over."

Vegeta said and began eating. As he ate Vegeta watched Bulma change and feed Trunks before putting him back to sleep.

Vegeta glanced down at himself realizing for the first time just how badly he needed to shower and change. His combat suit was torn and bloody from hunting and training, he was filthy and smelt terrible.

Vegeta got up and headed to the door.

"Vegeta where are you going?" Bulma asked a trace of worry in her voice that he might leave again.

"I'm going to shower and change," Vegeta said gesturing at himself.

Bulma blushed. "I hadn't even noticed I was so glad to see you,"

Vegeta was almost out the door when Bulma called out to him again.

"Trunks really does look like you , you know,"

Bulma saw a small smile tug at his lips. "Trunks? Is that his name?" Vegeta asked.

"Yeah we can change it if you'd like, it's just that I always wanted to call my son Trunks."

Vegeta shrugged. "Fine. I can just imagine my father having a fit in the afterlife cause I just agreed to break one of our traditions." Vegeta smirked.

"What tradition?"

"Calling the first son Vegeta,"

"Well how about Trunks Vegeta Briefs. Correction - Prince, Trunks Vegeta Briefs?" Bulma asked with a smile.

Vegeta smirked and nodded. "That will do," He said before heading to the bathroom.

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Bulma knock on Yamcha's hotel door. On Vegeta's return he decided it was probably better for his health to move back out of Capsule corps and decided to stay in a hotel nearby for the night before heading home tomorrow.

"Bulma what are you doing here?" Yamcha asked as he opened the door.

"Can you do me a huge favour and look after Trunks, Vegeta and I really need to talk and I don't want to have to worry about Trunks as well." Bulma said holding Trunks out to Yamcha who took him along with the bag.

"Thanks Yamcha. Ok he'll probably need changing a couple of times during the night. You need to feed him at 9 and then he'll wake you up again at 2 to be feed. Make sure you burp him and there's a capsule containing his crib and the big things you'll need. Thanks Yamcha I'll come and pick him up about Lunch time tomorrow bye." Bulma rushed out and then was off down the hall before Yamcha even had time to blink.

Trunks cooed in Yamcha's arms as Yamcha shut the door and went back in side. "Man James Bond never had to put up with any of this crap," Yamcha muttered (I love that line. It's from the movie `Notting Hill' so I'm not taking credit for it as it's not mine it's whoever wrote the movies) running though the list of thing Bulma had just told him in his head.

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