Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Misplaced ❯ Dreams... ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: I feel so bad about the updating that I wanted to post this as soon as I was done. Sorry if there are a few grammar errors, I'll fix it later. Without feedback this fic is becoming increasingly difficult. Anyone confused on where this is going? Or is obvious? Lol, if it's obvious then know that I'm not following the cliché style. For now that's all I'll say.




Chapter 3………


Opening one eye, I found myself surrounded by a tinted darkness. Blinking a few times, my vision cleared to reveal the shadowy outline of a light fixture above me. A low groan escaped my lips, as my body shifted against the sheets. Wait…sheets?


Bolting upright, I gazed about myself in slight fear as I took in my surroundings. The last thing I could remember was falling asleep…somewhere….


I grimaced as I unconsciously folded my arms together. My arm had been bandaged as well as a small area on my shoulder. I tried to wrack my brain for some clue as to where I was, but my foggy mind wasn't up to the task. Rubbing my eyes I froze. My hand slightly stuck to my cheek and I felt the puffiness of my eyes immediately. Suddenly Mikhail's face entered my mind and Bura's….


"Oh Kami."


I hid my face, as my body fell back onto the bed. Bura kissed Mikhail…She kissed him, she kissed my boyfriend…. A tear rolled down my cheek as my stomach clenched within me painfully. But I gave her permission to, didn't I? I told her I wanted to break up with him. I told her she could have a go at it. Then why….


"Why do I feel so horrible?" I whimpered softly as I stared at the inside of my palms.


"You're awake."


My hands fell away as I pulled myself up. I knew that voice. Sure enough, there he was sitting in a chair in a corner of the room. I couldn't make out his face and I decided after a moment that I didn't want to. I turned away and stared out the window for a moment and noticed the soft rays of light that split the early twilight. Yet, I was on the wrong side of the house for the sun to grant any real light and instead the room lit with a dull, dim glow. I could detect the concern in his voice and instantly felt guilty for causing it. Had he been here with me all night?




A low sigh filled the air and I settled back against the headboard as he stood up and stretched a moment.


"You slept most of the night after I found you." He walked over and sat down beside me; faint light creeping over his face. "I found you passed out in the middle of nowhere."


I could tell he didn't know what happened, most probably Bura didn't want to tell and who could blame her. Besides me and her, no one knew I wanted to break up with Mikhail. Although, now I wasn't even sure if I ever wanted to in the first place. She would have been seen as the cause for the whole situation and a feud between my father and Vegeta was the last thing any of us needed.


"Pan…" He trailed off as he moved a stray lock from beside my eye, "What happened?"

I turned away for a moment, not sure how to start. Who knew I would ever be in this situation. I suddenly felt like I was on one of those teenage-angst shows that Bura keeps talking about. Bura…


"Grandpa…" I whimpered as fresh tears stung at my eyes. I couldn't take it. Every time I thought of her I remembered what happened. Why did it hurt so badly? I thought I didn't even like Mikhail that much. But I was with him for more than a year and after all that time….


"I don't know what to do." I stared at my hands, as I writhed my fingers together.


"Pan..." I felt him rest a hand on my shoulder as the other lifted my chin up gently, "Just tell me. I'm worried about you. So are Gohan and Videl."


I snorted softly at the comment, "They actually noticed?"


"Of course they did Pan…they're your parents. Why wouldn't they?"


"They never notice!" I cried out as I swept my arm back for emphasis. "They haven't noticed anything for the past two years? Off, course I should have guessed that it would take something like this to make them pay attention to me!" I shoved my arm in front of my grandfather's eyes. He glanced at the bandaging, which no doubt was done by grandma, and sighed.


I took a few calming breathes and smiled faintly. "But you've noticed."


His eyes met mine ounce again and we stayed silent for a moment.


"You noticed," I continued, "I could tell and sometimes you'd ask me how I was. At least you cared enough to actually inquire upon it."


"Yet, every time you denied anything being wrong," he whispered as he glanced away, "Maybe if I pushed it more…"


"No," I stated sharply. He wouldn't pin this on himself, I wouldn't allow it. "I didn't want you to know, and I wouldn't have told you."


"Can you tell me now?" He implored, his hand falling away from my shoulder to hold my hand.


"I-" placing my free hand over his own, I closed my eyes almost in silent prayer. Why was I falling apart? "It started so long ago…"


Goku shifted to where he fully sat on the bed and kept his eyes fixed upon me. I fumbled for the words, but what were the words? What was I suppose to say? Do I talk about Mikhail? Do I talk about Trunks?


"For the longest time, well, how do I put this…" I bit my lower lip and glanced up for a brief moment, "I've just felt as if there is something missing."


"Missing?" He inquired curiously.


I nodded and tightened my hold around his hand, "Mikhail was my crutch. He supported me and I used him simply as something to cling to, however time makes you want to never let go." I stopped for a moment, taking in a deep shaky breath. "I always complain to Bura on how I want to break up with him, but I guess I never really thought about how I would feel when it really happened. I simply assumed I'd feel relieved."


"But you didn't…."


I slowly shook my head as my line of vision trailed to the lone window in the room. "It wasn't his fault, and he did try to tell me that…it's just I couldn't believe it actually happened."


"And your arm?"


I laughed at that question. It's strange to think that he didn't ask that first. Yet, I think my action shocked him a bit as his expression grew more serious. "I just needed to get out of there. I planned to jump out the window at the end of the hall since the stairs were in the other direction, but the lock wouldn't cooperate. Sooo…I just broke it and, with my ki so low, got all cut up."


Simple explanation, nothing too complicated. Although I didn't think my grandfather would relent upon his inquiry now.


"Grandpa?" I glanced up at him.




"Can I-" I bit onto my lower lip for a moment as I gave another split-thought decision. "Can I stay here, even if it's just for today."?


He settled back for a moment and looked at me pensively. Not many people see this look on his face, thanks to the ignorance role he plays when people are around.


"Gohan already knows you're here…" He trailed off as he poised a hand underneath his chin, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to let you stay a bit longer."


"Thank you Grandpa!!" I jumped forward onto my knees and hugged him tightly; ignoring the tingling sensation of pain that the grip bestowed upon me. Another true smile came to my face. Twice in two days…although the first….


My face fell at the remembrance of Trunks and I simply buried my head into the crook of my grandfather's shoulder. If anyone could make me feel better it was my grandfather.


"Just get some more sleep, ok?"


I nodded in agreement as my muscles loosened and fatigue returned. Letting his scent wash over me I relaxed as he cradled my body as if I was four years old again. No matter how old I get, this will never become old. In a way, my grandfather was another crutch, but one I could never afford to lose. If I lost him…I don't know what I would do.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The air was pungent with the smell of blood and sweat, as blow after blow was exchanged within the chamber. The sound of flesh being torn and pummeled forcing every fighter to drive themselves harder and harder to survive or win.


I crossed my arms and sighed in frustration as I watched my team spare endlessly. Their eyes flickering over to my own as they searched for the approval they strove for everyday. They were all weaker than me and they hated it. After all, I was the only female among them. Though it wasn't typically the case, what bothered them most was my power considering I was a woman.


I stepped back and swung my torso to the side as two fighters barreled their way past me. Each slammed into the wall, their arms digging into their opponent's shoulders with animal ferocity as they growled menacingly at one another.


Watching saiyan-jins fight is said to be the same as watching animals fight, except with clothing. My lips twitched at the recalled remark, after all sometimes it wasn't far from the truth.




I turned to the voice and spotted Miroshu standing against the back wall, his hand extended in a beckoning gesture. Out of everyone, he was the only one on the team who could tolerate me. Some could almost come to say that we were friends. I smirked at the remark and could sense the others stopping their fights to watch.


"You sure Miro?" I taunted as I stalked forward slowly, "Remember the predicament you found yourself in the last time you challenged me?"


"Ah, but `akashu'…things change…" He grinned and settled himself into a stance quickly as if to dispel any doubts of his choice.


The laughter rolled off my tongue as I settled myself to face him. It was always the same with him; he never knew when to learn from past mistakes. Obsidian orbs locked onto my own as silence suddenly dominated the room as every muscle relaxed and tensed. Pushing one foot back a bit, I settled myself into an defensive stance. Everything I did reminded me of my father. His stance, his moves, everything I did was from him. Although I had managed to retain a few new techniques from my teammates.




I swallowed slowly, accessing any movement and any change in the air pressure as Miro's ki began to flicker the slightest bit.




His fingers began to curl a bit and a droplet of sweat began to slowly find its path down his forehead and down his flat long nose. There it ended and teetered at the end, holding its place for a half a second before it fell.






My body jolted from the voice over the intercom as my brain tried to process where the familiar voice came from. Who would want our training to stop? We were favored to win the next match and needed our time to increase in strength.


"Everyone exit the room and return to your barracks."


I frowned at the ceiling and relaxed my body and stood upright, "What the hell is going on?" A hand clamped down on my shoulder and I smiled, "Looks like you'll have to wait a while before you can get a rematch Miro."


He laughed, "Whenever, akashu. I have all the time in the world, eh."


"Son Pan is to stay in the training arena."


I stilled at the command and exchanged puzzled looks with Miro. What was going on? Why did they want me to stay?


I watched pensively as Miro left the room, the doorway staying open longer than necessary. I had to stop panicking. I had been so jumpy all day and the situation wasn't impossible, but rare. Usually I was allowed to leave, yet sometimes new recruits had to be tested and they asked the captains to test their power.


`So maybe I'm simply getting a new recruit...'


Footsteps began to echo through the doorway, and I leaned back against wall as I crossed my arms in boredom. There was nothing to worry about, just a nice spar. It was amusing to see the cocky grin wiped off the faces of new recruits. They always assumed they would be the strongest, but they proved to be dead wrong…usually.


Just another day of `saiyan-jin hazing' so to speak…


I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to think back to the night before as my opponent entered the chamber. What had the Prince said to me…


"I thought I might test your strength"


My eyes shot open as I stared at my new opponent in shock and disbelief. It couldn't be….


"You're highness…."


He smiled at my bewilderment of the situation. "I don't believe that taking a few hours away from your team's training schedule will do much harm."


Pushed myself up straight, I regarded him pensively, "No, it shouldn't you're highness. I must say though, this is an interesting surprise."


He chuckled lightly to himself. "I suppose I am simply eager to follow back on my promise."




"Yes, promise." He sprang forward, his hands instantly clamping down on my writs and driving my body into the floor. "What's the matter? You gave more of a fight with my father last night."


Anger rose within me as he mocked me. I knew it was suicide to voice such an opinion and I settled for a low growl. I quickly curled my legs around his calf and shifted my ki against his body. He rolled quickly onto his back and I yanked my arms down and slid them against his forearm and leaned over his form.


"What promise?" I inquired once more, the question puzzling me as I spat it out through gritted teeth.


Yet, Prince Trunks simply smiled in amusement as he tilted his head to the side. In an almost feline way he arched his back and licked the thin trail of blood that lingered on my shoulder.


Reeling back, I pushed myself up and stared in hazed bewilderment. It wasn't so much the invasion of privacy, but the searing feeling that the contact provided. He stood up as well, his tongue peeking out to lick the residue that stained his lips.


"Was is so appealing?"


I raised a brow at the question and settled myself into a defensive stance. "What do you mean?"


"About you?" He asked sardonically as his eyes swept over my body. Slowly he stalked around me and I watched in silence as he inspected every inch. "Do you enjoy it?"


I ground my teeth together, tasting enamel on my tongue. "Hardly…"


His brows jumped up as an almost surprised expression fell over his face, "What was that?"


It wasn't a question of whether or not he had heard me, but of the simple satisfaction of hearing it again.


I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and relaxed a little as he simply settled against the wall.


"I thought you were going to test my strength?" I prodded carefully as he continued to stare at me. It was unsettling, to say the very least.


"I don't need to fight you to know you're weaker and I've seen you fight so I know you're full power." He answered simply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


"Then why come in here? It was a pointless gesture." I had to almost physically stop myself from slapping a hand over my mouth. I quickly hid the horror of my own statement as I watched the Prince's face for a reaction. That had to be the most reckless thing I could say and in front of royalty no less.


Yet, strangely enough the Prince simply smiled, "I'm not my father Pan."


Did that mean he would shake off the brazen remark or that his punishment would be less severe?


Closing his eyes he pushed off and stretched his neck for a moment. His behavior baffled me, it didn't even make sense sometimes. He walked towards the door and I moved against the wall as I have always done.


`One should never stay in the way of royalty.' Miroshu had told me that.


I bowed and bit the inside of my cheek in frustration. I just didn't under-


I gasped sharply as the wind was suddenly knocked out of me and my back was pressed tightly into the wall, behind a small partition that separated the room into two sections. Prussian eyes stared into my own, any light tone gone within the instant before as he held my wrists above my head and jutted one knee between my legs. I couldn't look away, it was almost as if everything in my body froze as his grip tightened, but not enough to hurt yet.


"You're not even a pure saiyan-jin woman." He whispered softly, almost to himself.


Snapping myself out of my stupor, I narrowed my eyes. How dare he insult my mother…. "I hate to disillusion you, but you aren't a pure saiyan-jin either….your highness." I replied derisively.


He snarled at the remark and this time his grip did pinch at my nerves, he brought his knee up rapidly and pushed my body up. "Remember your place Pan…you are only entertainment to us. Your life means nothing."


It felt as if cold water had been dumped over my head. It wasn't so much as if a revelation had been given to me, but the sudden realization that I had no control in the situation. The fact that I was gambling and snake eyes was my next roll.


"Maybe Prince," I leaned forward and mentally remembered to reprimand myself if I lived. "But what gets to you more?" I allowed my lips to hover over his, considering something that I was afraid to accept and remembering the blood he had licked from my shoulder blade. "That your father fucks me or that you want to?" I pulled back with the remark and let a smirk play upon my lips. He stared at me a half a moment and let out a low growl before pulling away completely. I watched him stalk out of the room and fell to my knees once the doors had closed.


Dear Kami, I was playing with fire. One that could incinerate me without effort. My flesh still seared from his touch and I had just received the first spark.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


"That your father fucks me or that you want to?"


My eyes snapped open as I bolted upright. Sweat clung to my body as I realized suddenly that I wasn't breathing and let out the stale air I been holding for so long. My body was shaking, trembling…from what? I rubbed my wrists for a few moments, trying to dismiss the phantom pain that resided in them and the dull ache I must have been imagining between my legs. It had felt so real, all of it…


The scariest thing was that this wasn't the first time. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was already past 12.


`But it feels as if I have only slept a moment if that.`


I buried my face in my hands and took a calming breath, "What's happening to me?"


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


akashu = its like an endearment by a father/brother figure or close friend: `my darling little-one' etc


Sorry this is kind of short. At least we're starting to get somewhere… I think… Don't worry though, in another chapter or two things will get a little more interesting. I'm still debating on a few different scenarios when school allows me to… ::grumbles:: Hope this perks up your interest to review. Ja ne!