Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Misplaced ❯ Misplaced Emotions ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: I feel bad about the eight-month hiatus. I could babble on with some excuses, to which you're all probably thinking, “ yeah right…” with your eyes rolling in mock disbelief, so I won't. Just not truly motivated to work on this. 3 reviews only, and it wears at my mind when this story is so hazy in my mind. I know where I'm going, just not exactly how to get there and the motivation to sit and plan it out isn't there usually. Give me some direction, please; what you think will happen, want to happen or what you liked. I need it. Anywho, I posted this as soon as I was done. Sorry if there are a few grammar errors, I'll fix it later. Promise. ^_~

gracyneekap: Thanks you so much for saying I deserve more reviews. This chapter is dedicated to you for your sweet review. Rereading it every so often motivated me to write this monster. ^_^
Chapter 4………
I jolted at the sound, staring at the object in quiet contempt as I ate my breakfast…err…dinner that is. I had slept all morning and for the first time Grandma didn't show any annoyance of it. She picked up the phone and I watched as she glanced at me quickly, an obvious sign that the call was about me.
“Yes, she's been staying here.”
I tuned her out, hoping that whoever was on the other end, wasn't my father…again. It probably took Grandpa a while to even convince him to let me stay this long. Since that conversation a few days ago, he seemed to being calling every hour or so. I ran a hand over my bandaged arm and sighed as I shoveled another helping into my mouth.
Grandpa had gone out on an errand leaving me all by myself with Grandma. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind. I just well…I had a lot of pent up emotions that a nice day of training would easily release. Although with my arm's condition, I doubted that my grandmother would allow me to do even one push-up, let alone train.
“Yes, mmhmm… Bye.”
I glanced up as the phone was placed back on the hook and she regarded me hesitantly for a second and then turned to finish the dishes that Grandpa had left for her only minutes ago.
“Who was that?” I inquired carefully as I settled my fork on my plate.
I noticed her freeze for a moment, a dish in her hands. Yet it was only for a moment, “Trunks.”
I breathed in sharply as the name fell over me. Trunks?
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
I bowed and bit the inside of my cheek in frustration. I just didn't under-
I gasped sharply as the wind was suddenly knocked out of me and my back was pressed tightly into the wall, behind a small partition that separated the room into two sections. Prussian eyes stared into my own, any light tone gone within an instant before he held my wrists above my head and jutted one knee between my legs. I couldn't look away, it was almost as if everything in my body froze as his grip tightened, but not enough to hurt yet.
“You're not even a pure saiyan-jin woman.”
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
I swallowed uneasily as the images from my nightmare were still fresh in my mind.
“He asked about me?” I asked unsteadily, as my hands fell into my lap to writhe together.
“Of course,” she answered naturally as she dragged a small towel over a wet plate. “After all, he was the one to tell us that you were hurt.”
“Oh,” I paused and pushed my plate away. Of course Pan, why else would he call? He was worried about your feelings! Yeah right, just making the duty call that is the responsibility of every hero.
“Are you ok honey?”
I glanced up at my grandmother, not even noticing when she had placed a hand on my plate in a silent question of whether or not I was finished. I stared at it for a moment and nodded. My breathing became a bit faster as she turned away, the walls seeming to constrict around me. I hated this feeling; it came every time the harsh reality of my life came crashing down on top of me. A phantom pain suddenly course through my thigh and I winced slightly. What was wrong with me?
“I'm gonna go for a walk.”
I didn't wait for her to answer me. I knew for a fact that she wouldn't want me outside. The wound on my arm appeared fatal in her view, she always did baby me too much.
I strode out, mentally prodding my mind as I noticed the many paths that led into the forest around my grandparent's house. I knew where each one went, and Bura would laugh but I can even recognize the trees as well.
“Pan, I didn't mean for this to happen. Bura, she…”
Mikhail's words floated back into my mind and I could still feel it. The sting of those words...validating what I didn't want to be true. He didn't have any part in what I saw, I knew that. Yet I couldn't help but blame him, it was the easier way. Secretly, I knew I was in denial. At the moment though, the thought of being drowned within this ignorance wasn't such an unpleasant thought.
I let my head fall back as I walked under the tall trees, trying to spot the bits of sun that managed to peak through the branches. There was something about this place, it was better than any therapist. It allowed you to forget all your problems and just simply live for a moment without any worries or any thought to the world around you.
The air around me began to condense as the humidity rose around me. The sound of rushing water filled my ears as a smell akin to rain hit my nose. Stretching my arms out, I sighed and smiled as the waterfall came into view. It had been a popular picnic spot for all of us. I could remember many summers spent out here with everyone. Dunking Uncle Goten and grandpa in the water, tag with dad when I was little, and having swimming contests with…
I growled in frustration as he invaded my thoughts again. Damn that man.
I fell back against the plush grass and stared into the sky, my eyes fixated upon the clouds that drifted above. Why did I? His face came to mind and all the memories began dancing in my head. Why did I like him? There were so many answers, but perhaps I should alter that question a bit. Why did I still like him? He has never returned the feeling I have held for him. Throughout the years he's made it clear that he thought of me simply as his little sister. What did I expect anyway? He was after all, ten years older than me. The president of Capsule Corp. didn't need to have a twenty-year old along his side. 21 and 31….that sounded so wrong in some ways. The press would eat it up if it happened. The Capsule Corp president is “rocking the cradle.” Then again there were other couples that were ten years apart, it wasn't an uncommon thing to see now a days. There were women marrying men twice their age and visa-versa. Yet the media would exaggerate and no doubt make it sound perverted.
Then again the women that he did go out with, I have to say are rather superficial, well most of them. They were eye candy for the press, since he's been with many but only ever close with three or four. They ranged in all size, shape and color. Petite to taller than him, voluptuous to almost anorexic, black, Asian, Hispanic and white, and every different hair color imaginable. Although three of the four he was close with, it was four now that I think about it more closely, were brunettes. Yet all the women had one thing in common, they all were a bit…how do I put it…nuts? Ok well not psychotic, but eccentric and sometimes reckless. It didn't matter to Trunks that they were this way because he was a saiyan-jin. His girlfriend could suggest for them to do the most dangerous sport and he'd only smile and say yes. This actually happened a lot. Him and Jennifer `whatchamacallit' on the cover of the East City newspaper: Capsule Corp president Trunks Briefs free falling from an airplane with his girlfriend. Waking up to that front-page edition was another reason for me to hate the media.
Maybe he liked dangerous women. Women who had a wild side. What was wild about me? Good old Panny, his best friend's niece. Nothing dangerous or wild about me, after all nothing ever happened now a days. I grew up hearing the adventures of them all and I wished something would happen, just so I could show everyone I wasn't little Panny-chan anymore. Although, that was a terrible thought, after all. Put everyone in danger just so I could get Trunk's attention.
I let out a frustrated cry as I grabbed my face. “What's wrong with you Pan?!” I dashed the thought aside as I threw my arms out away from my body. A whimper escaped as another phantom pain appeared. This time in my chest.
“Kami I'm pathetic.” I whispered, hating my emotions, hating the fact that I couldn't get Trunks out of my system.
I turned my head to the shouting and frowned. Usually, the sound of my grandpa would make me happier, but he thought of leaving this little sanctuary wasn't exactly what I wanted.
“Over here!” I cried out reluctantly, as I pushed myself into a sitting position.
I mustered a weak smile as he came into view; his worried look not escaping my notice before it vanished to be replaced with one of his goofy grins. At least I wasn't going home…
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The corridor was small, small being an understatement actually, although a nice inch or two separated me from everyone else. My irritable mood made sure that my team stayed as far away from me as possible. Miroshu stood next to me staring out into the arena, a low energy field separating us from it. “Surprise Day.”
I glanced at him and chuckled softly as I noticed the grin on his face. `Surprise Days,' as we've dubbed them were fights when the opponents weren't announced before the match. Any race could pop out the other side.
“With King Vegeta in such a sour mood, who knows what the hell may come out.”
The comment came from the back and I managed to spot Hyrog. He was rather a coward in my point of view, dragging his personal opponents around another teammate so they would be forced to help him or suffer a side blow. I snorted and glanced at the guards besides the opening.
“When's the show start?” I asked derisively, hating their arrogant attitudes as they regarded me with a disgusted look and said nothing.
“Smart ass…” Taunted Miroshu and I had to suppress my laughter. He always kept my mood in check, after all my anger tended to get me in more trouble than I needed. ”You ready akashu?”
I couldn't hide the smirk that graced my features, “Yeah, I've been needing to vent for the last couple of days.”
”One tournament after another,” Turvol stated slightly annoyed. Next to Miroshu, I trusted my life in Turvol's hands. He was a large towering figure, around 6' 8” with dark black hair that ended at his shoulders, but its disheveled look made him look wild and primitive. His intimidating appearance has helped out in more than one tournament; it seemed to strike fear into our opponents very efficiently.
“Yeah,” I agreed, “We don't usually get called out for tournaments so frequently. Two in a month… At least Mr. High-and-mighty ordered the guards to have us all healed before today.”
“I wonder what he has in store for us…” Miroshu muttered.
I suddenly could hear the King's shouts and the answering roar of applause that came from the audience. I had to admit that I liked the sound of it. Especially at the end of the battles, when victory rang clear.
“Try not to get your ass beat Hyrog.” I teased as my eyes settled on the arena intently. I heard him snort in annoyance as light flickered before us. I stepped forward feeling the burning heat as the sun washed over my body and we entered the stadium. As captain I held the front of the line and made my way to position my men in front of the royal stand. I glanced up and spotted King Vegeta, he smirked and I shuddered at the look.
“What's a matter Pan? Does the King scare ya now?” Hyrog teased, but Miroshu saved me from answering.
“You better bite your tongue boy, or we'll win this victory without you.”
I smiled at the comment; Hyrog had gotten the hint as evident by his silence. We stopped and glanced back up at the King. Next to him sat his daughter Princess Bura, who seemed completely disinterested in the match. On the other side, a chair away, sat Prince Trunks. I allowed my eyes to be drawn to those familiar dark cobalt orbs only to find him staring directly back at me. I averted my gaze and shifted to face the opposing entrance to the arena.
There were four entrances actually. Two were small, rarely used unless special saiyan-jin guards would be our opponents. The opening would stay open during the fight then; an energy field set in tune with the frequency of a device within the armor of the guards. This way they could exit and enter them if they wished and we couldn't. Since they were also connected, if you weren't paying attention to the number of them, then you might be in for quite a surprise in mid battle. The main entrance on the opposite side was for alien races that were either slaves of the saiyan-jins or representative teams sent to prove the strength of their race.
“My fellow Saiyan-jins!” Cried out a large guard below King Vegeta. His little stand was actually simply an oval hole that opened to a platform only a foot or two wide. “Today, once again we have the Fuskin team fighting!”
I frowned at the name, a name given to us because of the fact that I was a woman and captain of the team. It was a rather derisive name actually, its meaning lost on me, after all the saiyan-jin language tended to hold phrases that simply could not be translated. At least our reputation has ridden them all of the notion that we are weak.
“For your viewing pleasure, we have an interesting battle for you all! A two-part battle will commence, no restrictions given as the question of Fuskin's team's survival is questioned!”
The crowd roared with applause at this news and I grimaced. What the hell could that bastard be planning?
“There will be no preliminaries! Upon a half an hour in the ring, more opponents will be allowed to enter the ring! Although there can only be one victor! Only one team must win!” He finished as the roar of the crowd grew deafening again.
“What the hell…” I said in disbelief as I balled my fist.
“Do you know what is going on?” Asked Miroshu as he turned to me.
I don't like to be wrong Pan. You should always strive to please me. It's unfavorable for you if you perform anything less than perfection.”
Damnit! They've never allowed more than two different teams to fight at once and always had at least one preliminary match before hand. Was this payback for last time?
I glanced back at Miroshu, unsure what exactly I could say to him, “I'm not sure, but I have an idea.”
“They've let down the energy field!” I heard someone cry out and looked to the side, the opening still looking dark and empty.
“I present…” Started the guard.
Forms slowly took shape as the sunlight fell over their bodies.
“Fuck.” Turvol gritted out as the crowd went wild in excitement.
“The Curdasians!”
Six rather large figures stood on the other side. Their skin was rough, holding a strange thick appearance with no visible hair on them. Mahogany in hue, their bodies adorned spots where their skin was highlighted with an indefinable red tinge. They wore no boots or shoes of any kind, instead hooves adorned their bodies just below their ankles. The teeth were sharp, and I could swear one of them had drool handing out of his mouth, if it was a him. Following up their faces, their foreheads seemed to have a plate of bone or skin jut up an inch to slope down to their skull. Defiantly not gentle-looking creatures, more like the kind who liked to rip off limbs.
“These guys annihilated Muzik's team, who were almost on par with us.” Hyrog exclaimed nervously and I frowned in disgust at his blatant fear. Although I would be lying if I didn't feel a shiver slowly make its way down my spine as I swallowed uneasily. A hand fell on my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Let's kick their asses akashu?” Miroshu said with a wink as he smiled comfortingly.
I nodded, not trusting my voice. After all, a captain has to remain strong in front of her team. I could see King Vegeta standing up in my mind, his eyes intently upon me before glancing up at the crowd.
“BEGIN!” Bellowed over the stadium and I instantly sprang forward, my legs pumping as we barreled towards each other.
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Awkward silences and my grandfather were two things that had never been synonymous, however at the moment that was exactly what was happening oddly enough. I knew he wanted to ask me questions, probably how I was feeling, why I fled the house or why I didn't want to go home. All he did know was the limited amount of information I had given about my relationship with Mikhail, the Bura situation and my feelings for Trunks, which he had known about since they started, but other than that he was completely clueless. However he would never be one to pry into someone's personal business if he could help it. Just another goofy grin and a complete dismissal of the situation till the person gave and told him what he wanted to hear. He had a way of making people confess things without any visible pressure.
He stole a side-glance at me and I could see it from the corner of my eye, but decided to ignore the creases that I believed I saw mar his features. I didn't like making him worry, no one did. He always seemed to be carefree, never showing concern even when half-dead from a battle. Yet, I knew better. All of us did, well most. Vegeta, my father, Goten, grandma and I were the only ones who could always tell actually.
“I'm fine grandpa.” I grabbed his hand and smiled up at him; watching as his face begin to relax. “I just needed some fresh air and that spot by the waterfall….” I drew my attention back to the path in front of me and I suddenly felt like I was five years old again. “It makes me remember all the fun times we had there. Cheers me up.”
“Yeah,” He agreed. His face taking on a calm and serene expression as memories, no doubt, flooded his mind.
“Like when Uncle Goten started a diving contest.”
He laughed at the memory, “I still can't believe that you got Vegeta to join in on that.”
I couldn't help but join in on the laughter as I remembered Vegeta jumping up on the ledge of the cliff and taking a rather perfect dive. For such a hard and seemingly unfeeling man he was quite graceful. “Well, Bura helped a lot, but then you came up and Vegeta didn't know…”
He bursted out laughing again, holding his sides. “The look on his face…”
“Yeah you almost landed right on top of him! Actually now that I think about it you DID land on him!” I stopped walking and leaned again a tree as my sides began to ache. “Bulma even managed to take pictures!”
The sight of a resurfaced Vegeta who had leaned his head back to get his soaked hair out his face entered my mind. As soon as the Saiyan-jin Prince opened his eyes, grandpa was only a few feet above him. A loud curse filled the air as Vegeta's eyes widened and grandpa nailed him in the face, forcing them both to be submerged as the water rippled and rose creating a small wave to nearly soak grandma. If that had happened, kami only knows what grandma would have done to grandpa. Vegeta's face was priceless, although he was mad for quite a while after that…
“We should get going to the house, your grandma is probably getting worried by now,” he managed as he regained his composure, only a few chuckles still passing his lips.
“Yeah, sure.” I managed out as I took large gulp of air and fell into a giggle.
“Pan.” Grandpa shook his head in amusement as he ruffled my hair. “What am I going to do with you.”
I pulled myself up, “Don't know.” I glanced back down the path and smirked, “But first….”
“But first what?” He asked clearly interested and I giggled once more.
“You'll have to catch me first!” I cried out and took off down the path as laughter could be heard behind me. I dodged every tree, occasionally peering behind me to see glimpses of him right behind me.
“Getting a little slow in your old age, eh?” I teased and felt his ki pick up.
“I'll show you!” He cried out behind me.
I picked up the pace, the trees only a sea of olive and tan blurs that I instinctively maneuvered my way around. However, Grandpa knew this forest even better than me, of course. I think he could name every tree and never get mixed up or hesitate if you asked him each one's.
The path parted and I spotted the house. Home free!! I leaped from the end of the path and smiled as grandpa Goku was nowhere in sight. I was actually gonna beat him for once!
Suddenly two arms encircled my waist and I was jolted back against a hard chest. I glanced up and pouted, “No fair! No super saiyan!” I knew I sounded childish, but that was down right cheating, he knew I couldn't do that!
“Not fair?” He mocked, his spiky blonde hair and green eyes a strange site; after all it had been a while since he's transformed, “How's this for fair!”
I shrieked as his hands mercilessly danced over me, hitting every ticklish spot I owned. Laughter bubbled from my mouth as I fought to free myself. I managed to grabbed his waist and poke him a few times. He laughed as the tables turned, but I know when I can't win, after all he was still in his super saiyan form. I wrestled free and ran around to the side before the front of the house, a smile gracing my features as I continued to laugh. For once I felt truly happy, without a care in the world. I stopped before the corner of the house and turned around to see him standing up and I placed my hands on my hips, “You're getting too old for this grandpa.”
He growled playfully and set after me and I wiped around to round the corner. I just needed a few seconds and I'd hit home base inside. Then it'd be one Pan and zero grandpa.
I glanced at the front door and my laughter died in my mouth. My feet froze as I straightened, my smile disappearing as my eyes fixed themselves on the person who was standing on the welcoming mat.
Kami, please, not now. Not now, when everything was starting to feel so perfectly right.
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My head fell back as my knees bent beneath me, the fist slicing through the air a centimeter above my nose. Grabbing the offensive arm, I twisted my feet and heaved my weight around to flip my opponent over me. He landed down into a crouch, twisting his wrist around to pull me forward and smash his skull into mine.
“Fuck,” I hissed as pain seared through my head and white blinded my vision momentarily. Soon my legs were knocked beneath me, my body falling as my vision slowly began to return. My hands stretched out and pushed back against the ground as I flipped back onto my feet.
“You're good.” I wiped a thin trail of blood that flowed around my eyes. I didn't need anything else obstructing my view.
“Female saiyan-jin scum. You disgust me.” The Curdasian commented kindly and I smiled.
“Although not very intelligent are you?” I mocked and I watched it narrow its eyes, a scowl forming, allowing sharp grime-covered teeth to protrude over his lips. “And not very hygienic either?”
He barreled forward, his anger blinding him as I dodged to the side. I grabbed his projected forehead and slammed my knee up into his face and threw him away from me. He staggered back, disoriented as a purple substance oozed from his nostrils. I rushed forward and sunk my fist into his stomach, curving my arm up to launch him upwards into the air. He cried out, sounding more like an animal than anything capable of reason or speech. Ignoring its cry of pain, I leaped up and flew passed him. Halting a few yards above him, I waited for a second till he reached me. I positioned my attack, but just as he was a foot a way he flipped about in mid air. His right hoof slammed into my face, sending me crashing down into the ground.
A curse passed my lips as my back slammed into the ground digging down into the loam till I slammed into the energy field that lied a hundred yards under the arena. A shock of electricity jolted me from my pain-filled haze as I staggered up. My body moaned in protest as I straightened and glanced up. I thanked my enhanced saiyan-jin eyesight as I spotted my opponent bent over the hole I created, or I think he's my opponent. Gathering ki behind my back, I uttered one word slowly with each syllable drawn out as the ball of energy grew larger. “Ka…me….ha…me…”
Shooting up in front of the alien I thrusted my palms forward, the energy spilling from my grasp. “HA!!”
His arms shot out to block the blast, but there were few who could take this attack. My eyes widened in shock as to my utter surprise he began to hold it off. How strong were these things?!
“Damnit!” I cursed, fueling more energy into the attack. My back burned as I felt the gazes of the audience and my team. Pushing forward, I clenched my jaw tightly as signs of strain by the Curdasian became present. Die already!
“It seems that our prized Fuskin is having a bit of trouble,” Recounted the guard and I snarled at the comment.
I balanced my ki attack, my other arm falling back as I encased new energy around every finger and over my palm.
`This little fight has gone on long enough, any longer and I will have wasted too much energy.'
I phased out, allowing the energy flow to push forward and be negated by the creature. He glanced about in confusion for a moment, his back a foot away from the towering wall that wound around the arena. Suddenly a silent cry fell from his mouth as blood spewed forth and splattered onto my face. He glanced down, his eyes filled with pain and something else that I was afraid to identify. Then nothing as his body grew lax and his weight was fully placed against my arm. The crowd roared with praise as I willed my arm out of his chest, using my ki to cast the blood off my body and onto the ground. I watched him slide to the ground for a moment, my heart wrenching at another victim that I had claimed in these damn tournaments.
I whipped about as the cry reached my ears. I scanned the arena frantically, an unsettling fear resting in my stomach. My eyes widened as I spotted Turvol and Miroshu almost back to back, their hands curled around their opponents' fists.
“Only a few more minutes before our third team enters the arena!”
I listened to the announcement and cursed again; at this rate we wouldn't survive this match.
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“Pan needs to come home now.”
I couldn't believe it, why now?
“But Gohan, she's only been here a few days.” I heard my grandfather reason.
“I'm sorry, but Videl and I feel that with her recent behavior that it would be much better if she went home.”
“My recent behavior?” I mocked, feeling my fists ball up. What the hell did he know?! Just now he's decided to take a true interest in my life, after all I don't even see my grandfather that much and he knew.
“Pan, we all remember what happened at Capsule Corp. I can't believe you would try and pretend that it didn't happen?!” He threw up his hands in annoyed frustration, choosing to not even look at me.
“I'm not trying to pretend at all!” I cried out, hating the accusation. “What gives you the right to even assume anything about my life! You never noticed anything before?!”
“Maybe if you would talk to us.” My father tried to reason.
I couldn't believe it, he was still trying to blame this on me!
“Gohan, Pan is right.” I glanced back up at my grandfather and smiled as he squeezed my shoulder for comfort, “For a while now I've had a suspicion that something was wrong, that something might have been upsetting her.”
“And yet you didn't care to share that particular piece of information, dad.”
“It wasn't my decision. She would come to us when she trusted us to know.”
My father laughed, throwing his arms up in exasperation, “And we know how well that little plan went, don't we?”
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“Need a hand Miroshu?” I asked playfully as I bent down and knocked out the footing on the curdasian he was facing. Grabbing a hold of its arm, I swung around and slammed it into Turvol's opponent. I heard the loud crack as one of the aliens' head bobbled unnaturally, before lolling to one side as it rested on the ground. The other slowly got up and pushed its `comrade' away as a snarl passing over is lips. Two down…
“Awww, did I piss you off?” I mocked, making it dash forward angrily. These things were just too touché, couldn't take an insult without going nuts. I dodged to the side, getting a slight case of déjà vu. `Let's spice it up a bit…'
Bending my arm at my elbow, I slammed into the top of his skull. He grunted low in his throat and slammed his chin into the ground, his limbs flaying about. He didn't seem to be as strong as the others, which seemed strange since he withstood the attack before and his friend didn't. Perhaps this wouldn't take as long as I thought.
“The time has come!!”
My head whipped up at the sound of the announcement. What the…they were already calling in the other team?!
“Please, give a warm welcome, to one of Vegetasei's own!” Cried out the guard smugly and the crowd roared, “Presenting, courtesy of General Kakkarrotto, some of his elite soldiers.”
I gasped, feeling my stomach churn at the thought. There was no way; did they plan on killing us? Did my back-talk to the king anger him this much?!
“Akashu, what's going on?” Miroshu asked and I shivered as I noticed the noticeable quiver in his voice.
“We're so screwed….” I trailed off as the force-field around the side entrances shifted and changed. This wasn't going to be easy…
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
“Don't try to pin this on me Gohan,” My grandfather's voice bellowed as telltale signs of anger began to show in his tone. “Don't blame your incompetence on me.”
“Incompetence?!” My father cried, “What the hell do you know, you were away most of my life. You don't understand what it's like. I work father, so does Videl. We aren't at home all the time and Pan is a grown woman. We can't simply cater to every one of her whims, and wonder about everything she does.”
I couldn't believe it, they had brought this argument away from me and onto their own issues.
“I had no choice Gohan,” My grandfather reasoned, “How can you ask me to choose between the safety of the world and you?”
“Yeah, it was always like that. I understand that with our powers that we had to, that it was our duty to protect everyone. Yet by the time that you made time for us, we were already all grown up.”
My father sounded bitter, almost as if he held hatred. I had never heard him speak to my grandfather that way. He never expressed anything but love and kindness to him and always spoke highly of him. Was that another lie? Was he only acting all this time?
“This isn't about us Gohan, it's about Pan.”
My father glanced back at me, his brows furrowed as he tried to regain his thoughts and composure. Great, now their attention was back on me.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
“God damnit!” I cried out as I locked my fists with a saiyan-jin soldier. It never got easier, and there was no doubt in my mind that this whole bout was because of my defiance for `his highness.'
“You should see your face Pan…” Teased my combatant. Unfortunately I knew this one rather well… Hemling, a rather despicable guard that made me frequent visits to the cell blocks…
“Really,” I drawled, letting go of one of his fists, allowing to fly over my head as I ducked, “Does it look a little like this?”
I bunched my leg muscles and sprang up as I kneaded him in the stomach and flipped him over.
He laughed, staring up into the sky, “Yeah.” He pushed himself up and wiped the thin trail of blood from his mouth, “Just like that.”
He dove forward and I settled back into my stance.
“This isn't about us Gohan, it's about Pan.”
I gasped as the statement filled my mind, and knocked me off balance.
`That was…Kakkorrotto's voice…'
The next thing I knew Hemling's fist was driving into me as another soldiers held me from behind. I smashed my head into Hemling, flipping my body over as he swung out again blindly and passed through his comrades back.
“What the hell was that?!” I cried out as I held my head. Why did I hear Kakkorrotto's voice…
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I gasped suddenly as I fell back, my stomach suddenly feeling like raw meat as a groan fell from my lips.
I curled onto my side, hugging my hurt abdomen as my grandfather bent over me.
“What's happening to her?!” My father snapped and I realized he was next to me as well.
“Daddy...what's...?” I felt fear crawl up over me and I felt myself clasp my father's hand tightly, my pain overrided the sense to push him away from me.
My father stared at me in utter bewilderment, “I don't know honey...”
Just second ago we had all been arguing with each other and now he was back to the diligent and caring father. Strange how things can change when someone is hurt. I groaned, as my thoughts dwindled and was replaced with the awareness of the throbbing ache in my abdomen. Why was this happening?
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“You'll pay for that bitch!” Hemling snarled and charged forward. Damn, they seemed to be all ganging up on me as my team concentrated on the Curdasians. This was just great, just fucking-fantastic!
I leapt away, feeling myself being cornered as three guards surrounded me. Suddenly I felt heat burn against my back and I managed to doge just as a large blast of energy nearly barbequed my back. Damn mouth blasts....
Dust and smoke settled around me and I caught a glimpse of one of the guards hovering over in the corner. “This'll be too easy.”
“What's happening to her?!”
“Daddy…what's…? 221;
My eyes widened as I my vision flashed. The red sky of Vegetasei vanished from my eyes as I glanced around myself. Instead, a blue sky expanded above my head as trees swayed in the distance. What the hell?
“I don't know honey…”
“Dad?” I could feel the pain in my abdomen increasing as if the blows were revisiting me, and I doubled over.
`Must be phantom pain…' I mused to myself, trying to shut away the voice that sounded a lot like my long lost father. That couldn't have been right.
Distracted by something Panny?”
I swiveled around and suddenly felt my ankles and wrist be crushed in Hemlings grip as his knee drove into my back. I let loose a scream, my cry drawing a cry of approval from the crowd.
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“Goku? Pan?”
I could hear my grandmother call as the door swung open and she gasped, “Dear Kami, what happened?!”
I was vaguely aware of her being suddenly beside my grandfather as the pain suddenly dissipate and my breathing slowly returned to normal, “I think its-“
Suddenly I felt it, ripping up my back as every nerve ending screamed in panic. My ears burned as a piercing cry rang through the air, and it took me a moment to realize it was my own.
“My back!” I arched as I tried to fend off the new pain, my body slapping back against the ground as some unseen force held my ankles and wrists in a steel vice. I gritted my teeth and kicked out my leg. It felt like something was before me, something that wanted to hurt me.
“Get away from me!” I cried out, looking past my father into the distance.
“Pan, who's hurting you?” I could hear my grandfather, but his voice was drowned out as new pain surfaced again in my back. I kicked out again, desperate. Suddenly the weight against my back vanished, but the pain steadied in continual ache.
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I stared in shock as Hemling was hurdled to the ground, my body rounding about as I recuperated from the blow to my back. What had just happened? How did that happen? One moment I am at the mercy of his strikes and then he's hurtling to the ground. I wasn't about to look a gifted horse in the mouth and charged forward to the guard who still searched through the dissipating smoke. I phased out and wrapped my arm around his neck. He instantly grabbed at my forearms, wrestling with my attempt to choke him. I saw the light gathering in the distance and smirked as the ki blast ran rapidly towards us. I let go of him just as it impacted and watched his eyes widen as the white spread over his irises and pupils.
“Another down…” I surveyed around the arena and frowned, `'And three more to go.”
I began to power up through my reserves, ignoring the dull ache that resided in my back. Straightening up was a task in itself. Another elite appeared before me, his face the picture of anger and annoyance.
“That's enough!”
I glanced up and leveled my gaze with King Vegeta. He actually seemed quite pissed off and I smiled as the smug grin he sported earlier was completely gone. Probably didn't like the fact that two of his elite were beaten or dead. Personally, I preferred the latter.
He stood up and turned away, leaving his seat on the royal stands as the crowd let out an uproarious disapproval. His body suddenly flared up into super saiyan-jin and everything grew quite as the rest of the soldiers lowered their powers and left through the side opening. I hovered down, glancing suspiciously at the Curdasians which seemed to be reluctant to back-out of the fight.
“Get going.” Said one of the remaining soldiers as he shot a weak ki blast into one of the Curdasian's backs. The creature suddenly fell forward, his blood flowing over his back from the wound.
“Oops, used too much energy.” He mocked and I growled. They treated everything like scum.
“You too Pan,” I felt the shove on my back and I bit my lip as a hiss began to escape my mouth.
“Aw did Hemling hurt ya?” He mocked and I growled.
“Damn bastards.”
“What was that?!”
The next thing I heard was Miroshu crying out my name as the guard slammed his fist against the back of my neck, hitting the pressure point there straight on. The ground was the last thing I saw before darkness took over.
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“She's unconscious.” Chichi cried, “What happened to her Goku?”
“I don't know,” resigned Goku, “But, we should take her to Capsule Corp. As much as I know she doesn't want to be there, it's better if Bulma examines her than a hospital. After all, Bulma has had more experience dealing with us, maybe it's related to her saiyan side.”
Gohan nodded, “She did say she was being attacked, but maybe it was only in her head…”
“I don't know…” Trailed off Goku as he smoothed the hair from Pan's face. Gohan and moved to pick Pan up when his father beat him to the punch. He stared after his father as he got up and carried Pan to the hover car, his mother close behind. He fisted his hands, and blinked back the tears in his eyes. He couldn't help but feel responsible. Some how, he had a sinking feeling that it was his fault. Some how… and he desperately wished he could fix it.
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Took these a bit further, 13 pages without the spaces. I kind of don't like this chapter, something about it irks me. Maybe I'll work on it later and repost. Once again sorry for the late update, my new laptop sped up the update, which means no more uncomfortable positions in the study on my old incredible slow computer. It also means, more updates. I'll try and update before the end of September, ok. No guarantees though and please review, I really need it.