Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Misplaced ❯ Encounter ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: Hmmm, yeah been a while hasn't it… I feel so bad, but I just kind of well… to be honest I lost my muse. There was no desire to write this for a while, maybe because it was summer and I was only working or the fact that last semester tried to kill me. I think I've recovered a bit, and watching a few old episodes of dbz helped. Anywho, here's the next installation, I`ll try and write more soon. Thanks goes out to my beta Sabi!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't own dbz.
Chapter 6………
I contemplated the repercussions, I seriously did. Then I proceeded to ignore them as I found myself sneaking around Capsule Corp in search of a door out.
Keeping my ki low wasn't much of a problem. After all I had been taught by the best, but then again those same mentors also knew how to find me no matter how much I suppressed my power. Not arousing suspicion, needless to say, was high on my list. 
I started up a stairwell that I assumed led to the main floor, although my last few assumptions hadn't served me well. I froze as the door began to open, the loud creak of its overused hinges filling my ears. A slim hand came into view, but it just as suddenly disappeared. The door swayed back and rested partially closed, allowing a thin strand of light to light the stairwell.
I could hear the sound of footsteps, fortunately retreating away from me, and I sighed in relief. Kami was favoring me today….
I took a step forward, all the while stretching my sense. No one was near and the person before, who I found to be Bulma, was making their way towards the southern end of the compound. However, my small moment of relief was quickly shattered.
I winced at the commanding voice in my head; it always seems unnatural when he took a stern tone. My body tensed and I groaned in annoyance.
`Where do you think you are going?'
Hmm, interesting question when you consider I haven't thought that far yet…
`No where….'
Half-truth... I wasn't entirely lying because at the moment my destination was the main floor, which was still in the Capsule compound. Afterwards however….
`You expect me to believe that…'
No, although I was hoping he would. He sighed when I didn't answer him back.
Another excellent question, which beyond the obvious reasons, an explanation was seriously lacking there of…
When in doubt, beg. At least besides divulging my rather unplanned rendezvous, it was the lesser of two evils.
`You are not allowed to leave Capsule Corp.'
Ok that meant I could go outside and bearing in mind that there was a good acre or two surrounding the property, it was the best I could have hoped for considering the circumstance.
`Thank you.'
He sighed and I was once again left with my own thoughts. Now that I actually paid attention, I noticed that most of them were on the southern side of the compound. That was strange unless they were holding some sort of meeting… Which was probably about me.
It didn't take long, with the ok from my grandfather; stealth could be placed on the back burner as I slipped out the back door and into the open air. I stretched, sighing as my muscles protested against the movement. Many parts of my body hurt in ways entirely foreign… It was an uncomfortable feeling not knowing why my body ached the way it did. Then again thinking about it again for the umpteenth time would not help at all.
I settled down against a tree, my gaze wandering over the animals that roamed the compound. They didn't seem to acknowledge my existence in the least. Kind of liked it that way though… No worried looks and questions whose answers I didn't know. I knew they meant well, but at the moment I truly didn't care.
I tried to relax, but my mind circled back to the conversation that had taken place earlier, and strangely enough in my head. Someone who looked like me, talking to someone who looked like Trunks… ok basic skim of it, excluding the vague conversation and strange air of conformity that was obviously present between the two.
I shook my head, trying to dismiss the memory. After all, it was just a dream...only a dream. There was no doubt in my mind that divulging any part of it would never happen. I didn't need any more evidence hefted against me telling me I was insane. The crazy possession from the day before had already taken up that department.
I tensed suddenly, a familiar power level washing over me as it approached. Now this was why I avoided introspection, it left me completely preoccupied and open for ambush. Which at the moment, considering whom the person was, this was defiantly an ambush.
I glanced to the side, seeing a pair of sneakers stop next to me and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I decided quickly that perhaps if I pretended he wasn't there then maybe he'd just go away…
I suppressed the urge to growl and shifted, my arms coming up to cross over my chest. I stayed silent and settled to simply sigh as a response. Damn, why couldn't he just take a hint?
“Do you mind if…”
Did I mind if he invaded my personal space during a very vulnerable time, especially him, the man who as of recent had no idea I still pined for him? I shrugged and turned away, and feigned fascination with a few weeds beside me. I watched his shadow grow and wash over me as he sat down, his shoulder touching mine slightly and I couldn't help but wince away.
Surprisingly enough, he was silent and I glanced over at him. He was staring off, his gaze nowhere exact, but I still felt uneasy. I tugged at a flower beside me and twirled the stem between my fingers. Why was he here? I plucked a lone petal and tossed it aside. A low chuckle suddenly came from him, startling me slightly and I looked over to find him holding a violet petal. He smirked in a taunting way, “Taking it out on a defenseless flower are we?”
I shoved him, almost playfully, and I couldn't help the smile that came to my face, “A weed, not a flower.”
“Ah,” He stated airily and tossed the petal dramatically.
I giggled lightly and sighed as I set the small bud down on the ground. I knew he was trying to make me feel better. Trunks had always seen me as something akin to a sister, and I suppose he felt obligated to cheer me up.
“Pan?” He seemed almost hesitant, and I had a sneaking feeling what subject he was going to broach now… “I'm sorry.”
Ok, that was entirely unexpected. Why was he apologizing, after all in a way it was my own fault for thinking that he'd ever look at me any differently. “It's not your fault Trunks.”
He frowned at my dismissal, and shifted. “But I-”
“No.” I cut him off, holding a hand up to silence him, “Look, I know what I said and… I guess I held onto the fantasy too long.” I cursed inwardly as I felt my eyes tear up a bit. Why the hell was this so hard to say. “After all, you look happy with Marron, and she's my friend and…” I didn't want to deal with this, with all that was going on Trunks wasn't a priority. “I'm sorry I made a big deal out everything. Just forget what I said, it's better off that way.” Yep, that's right. Lie to his face, after all dealing with the truth complete and uncensored was something I couldn't handle at the moment.
I pushed myself up and stared down at him. He seemed ready to say something, but closed his mouth, his eyes full of sympathy that I couldn't take. I mustered a half smile on my face, knowing it looked false. I had truly constructed a lie, after all I had lived it for quite a while. Without allowing him to try and say something, I turned away and stalked out further away from the main building. I could say that I heard him say my name, but it was probably my imagination trying to trick me again.

The scathing sunlight hit my eyes, and I winced against the bright rays. Blinking rapidly, I gazed about the empty stadium. This was the closest we ever got to socialization. Every few weeks the guards emptied out the prison and gladiatorial barracks, and basically left us to our own devices for most of the day. We had the entire arena floor to wander, spar, or do whatever else we liked. Food was given out at a specified time, but in the manner akin to feeding wild animals. The strongest ate their fill before the weaker did, it was a way of survival. Especially since even if we divided the food equally, there wouldn't be near enough for each person besides one measly mouthful.
I smiled as I spotted a familiar baldhead, and jogged over to Miroshu who was leaning back against the stadium wall. His eyes widened when he spotted me, a look of worry hidden in their depths. “Akashu, are you alright?”
I simply nodded, not feeling up to sharing my odd meeting with the prince. “How are you fairing? You were gone when they brought me back.”
He growled low, and crossed his arms. “Those bastards threw me in an isolation cell.”
I frowned, knowing those chambers too well. One would be thrust into complete darkness that rivaled even the most trained saiyan-jin eyes; the cell was laced with the corpses of tournament scum that didn't survive. One of the king's mind games more than death trap, although after being sent to it already numerous times the effects of it was slight; a heavy feeling of disgust lingering, instead of the fear that I remembered from my youth.
Miroshu's lips curled into a smirk, “Looks tike Turvol is starting a sparing session with the new recruits.”
I glanced over to find many warriors crowded in a circle. Walking up to the crowd, I tried to catch a glimpse of the action between two large saiyan-jins from the Hirogin team. They rivaled ours with their leader being the only one that actually kept them at the top. Zarok, just thinking of the man left a bitter taste in my mouth. He fought at the expense of his team at times, never taking the time to back up any of them when they needed it. That was the reason why our team was thought to be stronger. We had experienced warriors, while Zarok went through new recruits every few weeks.
“If you fight like that, you're liable to get killed…” Barked Turvol, as he pinned one of the recruits to the ground. He was taking them one on one, assessing their individual strength. Turvol could be placed as a veteran within the gladiatorial rankings. He had been here longer than Miroshu and I both. He never spoke of why he was placed in this hellhole; some actually thought that he was born into it. Although I had a suspicion that something terrible had happened to him, something that hurt him too much to say. Either way I didn't push him, we were all in the same predicament and that was enough to deal with.
A quick flash of movement caught my eye, and I glanced to see one of the Hirogin's men near Turvol. My fellow team member didn't seem to have noticed the man, his eyes set on the two recruits in front of him as he began the team sessions. Even though, these little gathering were thought of as more peaceful, that didn't mean accidents didn't happen.
He caught my glance and quickly looked away before moving towards Zarok. They spoke briefly with one another, Zarok seemingly amused by whatever the man had to say. He was a new recruit, which surprised me that Zarok would even speak to him. Usually he felt too high and mighty to even be near them.
I glanced back at Turvol and smiled as one man managed to clip his shoulder. He had potential, and there was an empty slot on my team. The fight from a week ago was exceedingly brutal since he got separated early on and one of the youngest was killed before either of us could get to him. It surprised me that we didn't loose anyone in our last battle, then again we had been a little more organized and Vegeta had stopped the battle early on.
“What's your name?”
The man suddenly stiffened and glanced over at me, and I could see Turvol smirking out of the corner of my eye.
“Faruk.” It was said clip and short, a dismissal in a way. He didn't know who he was dealing with.
“You have potential, you actually saw the opportunity to get a hit on Turvol here.” I commended as I stepped into the circle and faced him.
“How would you have seen it?” He stated gruffly, a condescending tone apparent.
I had dealt with new recruits before and every time they looked down upon me because I was a female, although that quickly changes.
“He's got you there, Pan!” Cried out Zarok, his lackeys jeering him on. The man could be such a juvenile.
“Faruk,” I kept my face stern and motioned to Turvol, “This man here is one of my teammates.”
“He's your captain.” Faruk quickly assumed.
“No,” I could tell this perked his interest, “I am.”
Now this was a common reaction; he looked torn between shock and disbelief. Although the saiyan-jin race didn't caste an entirely disparaging opinion upon their women, they still possessed a superiority complex that ran rampant among its male population.
A shadow cast over my form and I growled low in my throat as Zarok's voice bellowed out over the crowd, “Do not let the small stature fool you. She is a handful to deal with.”
Usually I allowed Zarok to say what he pleased because, truthfully, I didn't care. However, now he was belittling me not only in front of my team, but also in front of the entire barracks. The guards had grown closer to our crowd, their amusement with my predicament clearly seen.
“Stand down Zarok, I don't have time to deal with you today,” I warned, keeping my stance firm and calm.
“Pan, are you becoming a little sensitive? Maybe women aren't cut out for this…” He chuckled low and I knew it was challenged. The others drew in, their eyes intent upon our two figures. Turvol and the new recruits had blended into the crowd, and I sighed inwardly. I did not want to deal with this today. Zarok's footsteps echoed behind me as he drew into the circle around me, and I turned to face him.
`Hmmm, how to make this as quick and painless as possible….' I knew that beating the shit out Zarok was quite possible, although it wouldn't be entirely easy. Then again all that was truly necessary was that I prove a point to the new recruits.
“What's the matter?”
I raised a brow at his question and slid my feet against the ground in a defensive stance, a stance I usually find ill advised since death was involved in almost every fight.
“Just like a woman…” He grinned, and gave his teammates a side-glance before focusing onto me once more.
I don't believe the arena had ever been so quiet; it was amusing how even the guards found our display interesting enough to move away from their posts. It was within a blink of an eye it started, Zarok's body phasing out as he launched his first attack. I stretched out my senses and chuckled lightly as I slid forward and raised my arms up to meet his leg, which was suddenly looming over my head. He seemed shocked that I caught his attack and quickly disengaged and jumped back. I stayed where I was, inclined to let the man make a fool of himself. He started to pace back and forth in front of me, the same smug grin plastered on his face.
“Not bad, Pan….”
Playing it off as a test was rather the best course of action. He didn't want to risk looking like an idiot in front of them all. I sunk back down into my defensive stance and waited. Stopping before me, he bawled one of his fists and the small sensation of ki suddenly was in the air. The fact that he would go so far showed desperation, however I never had anticipated that this would turn into an energy battle.
“What is going on here?!”
Everyone nearly jumped at the sound of the commanding tone. My eyes widened in shock at who was standing near the arena entrance; no one less that general Kakarrotto. What the hell was he doing here?
The guards quickly assumed their posts, their misconduct not lost on the general. Surprisingly enough, Kakarrotto simply frowned and ignored the guards' actions. In truth I didn't know much about him, besides the fact that he was Vegeta's right hand man. Supposedly he wasn't even from Vegetasei, but from the Queen's planet of origin; although such information has been belittled and turned into a simple rumor. His behavior was not as arrogant as many of the elites. Which in itself, made him rather peculiar.
The crowd parted as he passed, and I swallowed uneasily as I found his eyes trained onto me. Stopped a few feet away, he sighed to himself as he scanned my team. He suddenly seemed fixed upon something and I turned to find Turvol standing almost protectively behind me.
“It's been a while hasn't it?” A small smile spread over Kakarrotto's face as he shifted slightly.
“What do you want?” Short and clipped, and completely out of line. Turvol's body was tense, his hand balled into a tight fist.
“You still haven't let it go I see… that's too bad.” For someone so close to the royal family, I was surprised to see the regret on Kakarrotto's face. If anything, despondency or perhaps annoyance…
“You're Pan? The captain of the team?”
I found myself feeling slightly intimidated by him, something about him simply demanded respect. His questions weren't barked out as an order either.
“Son Pan, and yes…” I trailed off unsure of why he would want such information. Surely the king's gladiators would be of no concern or use to Kakarrotto.
His eyes widened at the sound of my name, “Son…?”
“Can't seem to give up that Chikayuuian name, can she!” Came a shout from the crowd and I frowned. I would never acquiesce to being a simple plaything for the King. Despite my position, I was my own person. Let that go and you're good as dead. I felt Turvol place a hand on my shoulder and relaxed, after all I should be use to it by now.
I felt Kakarrotto's eyes on me and I glanced up at him. He seemed to be searching my face for something…
“Lord Kakarrotto!”
Jerking out of his revere he glanced back as one his men stopped before him, “The King wishes to speak to you immediately sir.”
The general nodded and glanced back at me for a second, seeming to hesitate.
Shaking his head he turned away and left, the guards giving a standard salute as he passed. The only time you would see them actually following proper conduct.
“What was that about?” Asked Miroshu as he walked up beside me.
“Not sure…” I looked up at Turvol and found him still staring at the doorway Kakarrotto left through. I wanted to ask him what his history was with the general, but I knew better than to pry. After all, if it were important, he would tell us eventually.
“He seemed to recognize your name…” Miroshu shifted slightly and raised a brow to me.
“You had to be seeing things Miroshu, what would the King's right hand man know about me or my planet.” I ground out, remembering where that man came from. He was no different than the scum that made us fight for our lives everyday. Enjoying our pain and our gruesome deaths in this arena.
“Whatever you say Akashu…”

I don't know the codes to create accents on letters so, Faruk is suppose to be pronounced Far-ook, NOT Far-uk. The u is suppose to have line above it, although I don't know how to put it in.
Well, soon things will get very interesting. Hopefully as the action picks up, it'll be easier to write. ::knock on wood::