Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Wishes ❯ Jealousy ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Cell was thrown from his meditative state as a strange Kai began to build, he remembered this energy from somewhere before, but he couldn't place where. It wasn't exactly powerful, or even threatening, merely familiar, and out of place. A loud thud alerted him to the awakening of the female, and he laughed inwardly as she picked herself up from the snow.
Fell out of her tree? How quaint. Cell smirked to himself, keeping his demeinior cold and unreadable as his eyes followed the obviously tense wish-granter. Her wings were open half-way, as if she were going to launch herself into the sky at any moment. That caught Cell's attention, was she planning on making a break for freedom? At this thought his good humor vanished and a suspicious frown crawled over his features. A slight squeak sounded as he turned to face the female, her muscles tensing at the sudden movement, but no attempt at escape made.
“What're you doin'?” Slurred Recoom whom had been awakened by the loud thump.
“We must leave.” Her voice was strained, almost panicked, “we must leave immediately.”
“And for what reason would this be?” Cell inquired, arching a non-existent eyebrow. Ices glanced at the android, fear rimming her iris. He knew that look, it was the gaze of one who knew their hunter grew closer with each passing moment. He was suddenly curious, she was afraid of this strange energy, and yet not of him? A cold feeling settled in his chest, it took him a few moments, but he finally recgonized it.
Why he was jealous of this off-beat energy which terrified the creature before him was something even his intellect could not fathom. Was it because he wanted her attention, unconscious or not focused upon himself? Surely that could not be it. Perhaps because it was he and not this precariously pulsing energy who deserved terror. That was it, it must be. He was perfect, after all.
“I beseech you not to argue this time,” explained the female as she gathered up her own energies and opened a rift. “If you still wish to accompany my wanderings you must step through now.” Ices prepared to do just that, when a powerful hand caught her around the wrist, Cell imposed himself between the fleeing creature and her escape.
“What is it that you flee?” His mind swelled with rage, she would take flight from an anonymous presence, and yet not from him? All the perfection of the universe? He, who could crush her bone with a mere twitch of his fingers, was not worthy of her fear? A feral growl sounded from the throat of the wish-granter, her wings flaring in outrage.
“I shall explain my motives later, we must leave now!” The hard resolve in her voice did absolutely nothing to quell his irrational jealousy at not being feared. How dare she not have a tremor to her voice while addressing him! How dare she even stand up to him, and how dare she attempt to run from anything but him. His grip tightened painfully around the creature's wrist, not hard enough to break her bones, but enough to leave a bruise straight down to the marrow.
“You are to explain them this instance.” He wanted to know what terrified his female so much that she would put it before himself.
“You don't unders-” She cut herself off, her eyes going wide and wings slackening slightly as a trickle of blood found its way out of her mouth. His raging mind quieted a bit at this and he gazed down at her curiously. A device of some sort was purtruding from her abdomen, almost like a grappling hook, but… all at once he felt a tug, and his gaze floated to behind the wish-granter, where a long string connected to a device being held by a strange man dressed in loose-fitting, brightly colored, cloathing.
“Yeah! We got the bitch this time!” In all his excitement, the human-like alien didn't notice the five villains glaring daggers at him, so it was no surprise that he hardly noticed, when he died. Then again, one really can't notice anything…when one is a steamy pile of ashes.
Once the man had been dealt with, Frieza lowered his hand, glaring at the other two who had taken cover behind a nearby tree. The both of them, along with their entire half of the forest were blown to smithereens by Cell himself, whose face portrayed raw outrage. His attention was again arrested by a slow, sarcasting clapping that sounded from where he had left the female, sunk on her knees with her wings and arms keeping her from falling upon the crimson drips in the snow.
“Very well done.” He congratulated, Cell tensed to dispose of him as well, but the man was too close, and he grabbed the wish-granter by her hair, unsheathing a sword and holding it to her neck. “Making an attempt on my life would be most…unwise.” The female's once glazed eyes now flashed in anger and a snarl was torn from her throat.
“Cowards…” She hissed, the trickle of blood from her mouth slowly stopping itself.
“Quiet, you.” Smirked the brightly dressed, dark haired man with chestnut eyes. “Its not as if we've even so much as -injured,” at this point he pressed a button and the prongs of the grappling hook rushed back inside itself, he yanked it from her body, freeing her blood to flow, “you…much” He finished as he tossed the hook aside. He kept his eyes glued to the simmering villains. The female growled deep in her throat, but stayed otherwise immobile and silent.
“No matter, it would seem. A new portal lies open for me to take my leave, after I receive my wish.” He grinned down at the female, who bared her vampire-like canines at him, her wings tensing in unease.
“You could never pay the price I have set for your wish.” Her voice was low, angry…frightened.
“Oh? And what if I proposed a new price.” He reached within the folds of his loose-fitting kimono-like shirt and pulled out a vial of clear liquid. “If you grant my wish, I'll give you the anti-venom, and you will not be digested from the inside.” At his proposal the female began to chuckle, and that chuckle grew into a full-blown laugh.
“You, mortal, are an ignorant fool.” Her chortling voice responded. A fire danced in the man's eyes and the blade was held more firmly to her throat.
“Watch what you say, wench.” He snarled, elicitng another bout of laughter. “What do you find so funny!”
“After all these years of pursuit, do you not see?” She continued, her voice now carrying the note of one relieved. “I can sense that you do not.” She seemed almost giddy. He pressed the sword enough so that a line of blood was drawn, the female winced slightly but kept her good-humor.
“What am I supposed to see?” The man growled, his eyes forgetting to watch the plotting villains.
“That my life holds no value! All the years I have fled you, I have not fled for my life.” Her voice was beginning to mock him, and his muscles tensed.
“You've run like a madman, Dragon! What would possibly propel a dragon into flight, if not fear for his life!” The human-creature's frustration came out in his voice.
“The preservation of his freedom.” The female replied easily, her eyes watching something behind him with a curious humor. His eyes widened in realization for a moment when he noticed the green character had gone missing. Before the man had turned around…he was dead. The man's decapitated body dropped the sword and fell to its knees, its neck squirting blood upon the female like a fountain. The steamy liquid ran from her back in sheets, as she pushed herself away from it, heaving a sigh as the fire within her belly began to expand outwards in her bloodstream. Cell glared at the wish-granter, receiving the vial and popping it open. He proffered it to the female, who snorted disdainfully but accepted and downed the concoction.
“Funny…that pain you had told us about has yet to enter our systems.” King Cold snorted, glaring at the body of the man whom had unknowingly threatened his life.
“Because I am far from death.” Growled Ices as she pushed herself unsteadily to her feet. “The poison is slow-working, I can feel the antidote taking effect as we speak. Now, let us be off, before the next group of hunters arrive.” She turned toward the portal, and this time around, nobody argued.
All five of them winked out of existence through the golden portal, leaving in their wake a bloody trail of death.
Authors Note:
If you haven't noticed, Cell has become rather…fond…of Ices. Or at least, I think its fondness he feels. Kind of hard to tell sometimes isn't it? I tried to keep in Cell's perspective for most the chapter, but it was hard for me because I haven't seen the Cell saga in so long and therefore don't know his attitude as much as I used to. Anyhow, I'm happy for all the reviews I've been getting, and would like to thank those of you who have taken the time to review. Especially Zaya Ayame, AnthyRose, and aquasage. You have been the biggest commentary, and as corny as it would seem the repetitive feedback has been what propels me to continue this fic. Thank you.