Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Wishes ❯ An...apology? ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“I am waiting.” Growled the female, crossing her arms over her breasts and aiming a heart-freezing glare at Cell. The android snorted contemptuously.
“And you will wait a very long time before I do anything so low as apologize.” Cell growled, scowling. Ices shrugged and turned her back.
“Then I wish you a happy life on this planet.” She waved her hand dismissively before heading toward the cavern entrance, only for Cell to phase into the entrance.
“Why is it that you insist upon opposing me every chance you get?” The android snarled grabbing her injured wrist and eliciting a flinch, and grumble of anger.
“Do not think you can intimidate me, one called Cell.” She hissed between clenched jaws. “You are nothing but a spoiled child, always trying to get his way, always trying to impose his views on others. I have allowed you to accompany me thus only because you are my spoiled child, and I must take responsibility for you, lest you be used against me.” She grimaced as Cell's grip on her injured wrist tightened. My arm will never heal at this rate… She sighed mentally.
“You dare to call me a child? I who could kill you so easily?” Cell's deep voice was deceptively calm as his grip around her wrist slowly tightened.
“Power is not everything, Cell.” Her pain-glazed eyes did not leave the android, but she didn't seem to be looking at him anymore, rather she was looking through him, and was that pity he heard in her voice? Why did she pity him?
Disgusted with himself more than anything else, Cell threw the female's hand away, and turned his back upon her.
“I am sorry.” He ground out.
The female did not deign to reply, instead she cradled her wrist to her body before turning back to the others. With a wave of her good hand their discomfort vanished, and they were healthy once more.
“Come, our pursuers grow closer with every breath we waste in this cavern.” Another wave opened the golden portal, and she crept towards it when several figures emerged from it. Ices froze, her eyes wide with shock, not at who had come through, but at the forces surrounding them.
Not only were these supposed Z fighters powerful, but they had the protection of the Eternal Dragon lingering within their power signatures.