Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Wishes ❯ ...Men.... ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The water ran down the female's body like a flowing river, taking with it all the dirt and blood she had gained through her travels. The dragoness ignored all the masculine bodies surrounding her, though they did not give her the same courtesy. While they did not openly gawk, they did sneak glances at her luxurious curves as she stretched and twisted her wings to cleanse them as well. She was grateful that they were still too apprehensive in her wake to try anything…dirty, but their gratefulness at being resurrected would soon wear off, and the males would return to what they really were. Men.
Sighing slightly she turned her gaze upward, to the sprinkler-like shower system, ignoring the murmurs about the barely healed scar over her stomach, the better healed slice on her neck, and the yet-to-heal bruise upon her forearm. Curious, she glanced at her left-wing, where the scales had been taken and traded for the bandages days before, and she was surprised, as well as satisfied, to note that the scabs had grown new scales upon them.
It is clear that I've still many things to learn of my body. She pondered silently as she turned her back to the majority of the males and toward the exit. She flinched slightly as her nose almost came into contact with a sculpted green and black chest, her wings raising in a questioning manner. Cell gazed down upon the soaked dragoness, noting how she neither held herself in high-esteem for all the attention she attracted, nor tried to avoid it. It was as if it were perfectly natural for her to traverse rows of men with nothing but her skin.
His magenta eyes glared the other males into submission, once all their gazes had been repelled from his female the android resumed his eye-contact. Though the human and saiajin DNA within him screamed for him to look down and check out all her assets, his intellect would not allow him to be caught peeping in such a manner.
“What are you doing?” He finally queried, keeping the jealous anger from his voice, if not his eyes. Ices looked almost innocent as she gazed up at him, her violet hair black with moisture, but once you looked into those eyes you could not mistake her as anything but cunning. The sparkle behind her pupils, shimmer to the iris', as if she were constantly focused on one thing, and that one thing made up her entire world.
And Cell loved nothing better than to feel that the one thing in her world was him.
“I am bathing.” She replied at last, her wings dropping down as the tension began to die. Cell snorted in amused contempt.
“Any fool with eyes could see that. I meant what are you doing with all these…males.” Cell continued.
“They wish to bathe as well, and seeing as I do not wish to spend all my time amongst the odor of sweaty men, I do not have any qualms with their choices.” Her eyes danced with humor that her face did not mirror. How could she be so much older than him, and claim to be so wise, when she delighted in such immature tortures? Cell narrowed his eyes in slight suspicion before stepping aside and motioning for the dragoness to continue her trek, she did so, growling slightly as the android fell into step behind her.
“Still following that girl like a lost puppy are you?” King Cold snorted from a shadowed corner as they passed, Ices now dressed in the dress Frieza had hand-crafted as price for his army. While plain, the black dress was much better than the violet tatters she had worn before, and allotted more space for the junction between her wings and back.
“I assure you, Cell has nothing in common with an infant canine.” Ices smirked at the surprised look she got from the two males, before the creation mirrored her smug look.
So she's defending me…for the first time no-less. Does this bode well for the experimentation to continue? The android stepped back and watched as the King also joined in on the humor, his black lips quirking in an almost friendly fashion.
“Ah, and so she speaks, tell me, my dear, what sensuality does he offer that I cannot give ten-fold.” The king crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, his horns resting against the sharp edge of the corner.
“None.” Replied the dragoness, causing Cell to almost fall over. He regained his balance and glared at both Ices and King Cold, a scowl firmly placed upon his features. The dragoness' smile widened before she turned her back to both the males and continued down the hall.
“She is an odd one, I must say.” Cold laughed as he too fell into step behind the female.
Author's Note: Kind of interesting…
Ooooo is this competition I sense? Or maybe just Cold looking for some kicks? Hmmmmm…wonder how Cell's going to take this…he can't very well fight Cold without injuring `his' woman…Ah well, we'll think of this later! For now I leave this here for you to share your own thoughts. By the way, I'm thinking of incorporating more of Ices' past into the fic, on her mother's side that is. We all know that her father is the Eternal Dragon.
Just how did is this possible, you ask?
Its very complex, and yet, strangely simple. Though Kami and the Dragon balls have only existed upon Earth for a few centuries at the most, that does not mean that the Eternal Dragon was created by these. In this fic (I'm not sure about the real DBZ world) the Eternal Dragon was a free, wandering wish-granter, just as Ices is today, but he was trapped in a world of darkness, with the Namakian dragon, Prunga (or however you spell that) when Guru (I think that's that fat namek leader guy's name) created his dragon balls he enlisted the help of the dragon Prunga. The same stands for when Kami finally made his move.
While the Eternal Dragon was still a free wandering creature of wishes, he met, of all things, a dragoness. But not just any type of dragoness, she was a hot mama, literally. An elemental of Darkness and Fire. She was almost as ancient as the Eternal Dragon, but not nearly as neutral. Stereotypical to today's Western Fire-Breathing Dragon she was as evil as evil could be. This would also be why the Kai's are so suspicious of her, because they fear that she will choose to walk her mother's path, even though she had not shown such an interest before. Ever.
Anyhow, there you have it, some of Ices' history, I may reveal this to the villains, or maybe I'll write another fic after this, like a prequel or whatever.
But that won't be for a long time. Ooh! Do you want to know a secret!
Ices is afraid of the dark. Ironic, no? Well, enjoy your night! Err…Day…