Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Wishes ❯ Food and Transformations ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“I thought we were trying to avoid civilization, why in the universe would you want us to land on a hospitable planet?” Frieza growled, crossing his arms in annoyance as he glared at his father across the chessboard.
“Because I must feed.” Replied the dragoness, her dark blue wings flitting slightly in their almost cloak-like state. The Ice-lord's eyes widened.
“You mean you actually eat?” King Cold spoke up from his side as he took Frieza's rook.
“All living things must.” Ices' violet eyes darted over the chessboard once, before resting on the lord once more as he spoke.
“Even an immortal dragon?” He seemed more surprised than anything, as he knocked a pawn out of the way with his knight, tail curling in satisfaction.
“Speaking of which,” King Cold cut in once more, “If you are full dragon as you say, why is it that you appear so…humanoid? The only draconic quality I can place would be your wings and fangs.” The female snorted in contempt.
“Do you believe I can last more than a few years in a form so conspicuous as that?” She scoffed, her eyes once more hovering curiously above the chessboard. “my transformations are rare. Only when I must feed, or fight.”
“You didn't transform when you fought us, or those hunters.” Frieza pointed out.
“Because I did not care to. Now will you or won't you allow me to feed?” She growled angrily.
“Yes, yes, you'll eat, don't worry. But you've yet to answer the earlier question, why do you appear humanoid?” The ice lord wheedled.
“It is in my Elemental heritage, they commonly transform such to blend more thoroughly into their surroundings.” Ices' violet eyes did not leave the board as she answered, they seemed almost curious.
“Do you play?” King Cold inquired, motioning to the game board.
“No.” She replied, her tone speaking disappointment. “Nobody has ever bothered to teach me to play such games.”
“Then we will have to teach you, sometime.” Replied the hierarch.
“I believe I would enjoy that.” Concluded the dragoness as she left the two to their game.
Some time later the craft came to land on a prairie with tall crimson grasses, which swayed in the slight breeze. The pinkish sky above gave the illusion of peace and kindness to this planet. The fierce snarl that greeted them, spoke otherwise, however. Soldiers raised their blasters toward the sound, but the dragoness motioned for them to lower their weapons.
“Stay back if you value your lives, and do not interfere.” She commanded just as the villains stepped into the sunlight. Cell seemed tense, and had the look of one who had been brooding. Ices paid them no heed, however, as she moved toward the bestial sounds, a glow beginning to surround her.
The scouters clicked on as the energies engulfed her, and expanded, a white-hot fire in an inferno of vegetation. Before the soldiers could blink the light solidified into a serpent.
Cell recognized the build as that of the Eternal Dragon from his memory banks, and placed her dark purple antlers into the same category, if a bit longer and more lethal. Her snout was elongated, and also based after her father, but she was nowhere near the size. Where her father had countless smaller legs, she had only three pairs of slightly more muscular and fitting appendages, as well as something that was completely alien to the wish dragon, a pair of wings almost twice her body length. A shimmering cerulean body only a few shades lighter than the webbing between her wings, and the matching underbelly. Along the dead center of her back ran a row of webbed spikes, the same shade as her talons and horns, it stopped slightly behind the last pair of legs, only for a worn fan to resume somewhere along the tip of her whip-lashing tail.
Her eyes had remained the same, save for size and location, two long whiskers on either side of her snout drew up with her upper-lip as she released a primordial snarl, her long tail whipping the air, the fan shimmering in the pinkish light. Her upper body poised like a snake, she waited. Her lips exposing ivory fangs and pink gums, as her wings folded comfortably upon her back.
No sooner had her transformation completed, an enormous leopard spotted dog-like creature burst from the woods. It out-weighed the female by at least five tons, its fangs seeming twice as deadly, and its claws gouged the dirt as it reared upon its hind legs to intimidate Ices. Not one to back down easily, she coiled her neck, spreading her wings slightly as she struck like a snake, taking a hunk of crimson flesh from just beneath one of the arms, downing it in a swift motion.
A few of the soldiers were physically ill.
Her opponent voiced its agony before charging her, she launched herself right back, and the two clashed. Her much smaller and frailer forearms straining against the almost were-wolf like creature. Cell noticed that the bruise upon her arm shown, even in this form. But it didn't seem to be bothering her…much. The android was forced to rethink his opinion as the injured arm was overpowered and the wolf-creature leapt upon the dragoness, sinking its own fangs into long, elegantly armored neck.
Snarling, the female's snakelike body writhed beneath the creature as it weighed her down. Cell almost leapt to her defense before remembering what she had told them before transforming, barely, the android refrained. A sickening crack reverberated through the plains and the dragoness was flung toward the tree-line her spine severed.
Cell's heart almost froze before it was easily defrosted by the rage boiling within. He was stopped by a hand on his chest, King Cold's he registered. The hierarch motioned for him to stay and the creation barely refrained from plowing his fist into his comrades face, before a series of the same cracks sounded. His eyes were drawn to the still form of the immortal dragoness as her bones began to reform, and the skin around them to knit back together.
With a fierce roar of outrage she was on her feet once more and arching her neck proudly, defiantly, a smirk in her eyes. As the now slightly more cautious wolf-creature began to slowly close the distance her body tensed and her head shot forward, resembling a striking serpent, she made away with another chunk of flesh the blood drizzling from her mouth as she downed this in one swift gulp as well.
The same soldiers were again physically ill.
A violent cry escaped the wolf as he made a snatch for her head, only for her wings to flare as she lifted off into the sky, the fan upon her tail flattening as it whipped across her opponent's face, drawing a well of blood from a curiously deep cut. A few beats of her wings was all it took to propel herself back and away from the wolf, landing about a body-span away. She pressed her belly to the ground as her tail whipped across the tall grasses, crimson fangs bared at the charging beast the dragoness struck from below, downing yet another steamy chunk of flesh.
Yet more soldiers were physically ill.
But the beast had been ready that time, and grabbed her head just behind her antlers, she growled throatily, flattening the fan against her tail once more and slicing the wolf's arm to the bone. Immediately she was released, but the female did not give the creature time to recover, opting instead to throw herself against her prey and bury her fangs into the junction of its shoulder and neck, finding purchase with her talons and wrapping her bodice around it to bring the weakened creature down.
With an earth shattering thud the thrashing wolf was brought to the ground, bucking a few times before stilling beneath the dragoness. With a squish and a crack the meat and bone were severed and the dragoness began her crimson feast.
The soldiers whom had escaped the sickness, now turned away in disgust.
Most of the soldiers returned to the ship, but the three, Cell, King Cold and Frieza watched in something akin to fascinated disgust as nothing of this creature was wasted. She devoured all organs, all including the rectum, and intestines. About half the rib-cage was showing by the time a deep almost mournful howl permeated the darkening atmosphere.
And that was when the other one appeared. This one more than several times the size of the first, and much more developed. It came into the field with furious speed, but stopped at the forest-line. Before continuing on, sniffing the air and growling in fury.
Mother seemed to have arrived.
Cell tensed, ready to jump in and take care of this newcomer, but stayed his own hand. He wanted to see how she would handle this.
Ices' crimson-soaked jaw rose to meet the mother, her wings flaring and neck arching in challenge. The message was clear: She would not leave her kill without a fight.
With a howl of outrage the mother tromped toward the female, and the female inhaled deeply, before releasing brilliant flames from her parted jaws. Her sapphire skin was almost purple in the light, her already violet horns seeming almost black in the semi-darkness.
The mother caught fire and shrieked in agony before running past the dragoness and into the forest. Ices continued her meal more vigorously than before.
The mother would be back before long, and ready for a real fight.
Author's Note:
Okay so this chapter may be a bit fast and confusing, but when I do the repost it'll be better. Just think of this as my rough draft. And remember, if you don't like something than tell me, otherwise I can't do anything about it when I do finally get around to reposting it!