Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Wishes ❯ A Look into the Past ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note:
This entire chapter is a look into Ices' past. It reveals how she knew Piccolo, how she found her Father, and how she was cast out of heaven.
Alanis, Ices' mother, had been a particularly evil dragoness, having been spawned from the chaos of Darkness and the destruction of Fire. Because of her mixture the dragoness' abilities were enhanced. Instead of only inheriting one side's power, she had both. Alanis was the beginning of a new generation of elemental dragons, a generation that would never be quite accepted, except by their own.
From her father, of Fire, she had inherited the ability of flame, and the stamina to survive hot climates.
From her mother, of Darkness, she had inherited the ability to traverse and control the shadows, as well as change her form and cross dimensions.
The mixture of which, had lead her to the Eternal Dragon, through her self-made and sustained Rifts.
Though the Eternal Dragon had known of her evil nature, that did not keep her from successfully seducing and mating with him. And, unbeknownst to the Eternal Dragon, for shortly after the mating he had been imprisoned, Alanis had a daughter, or rather, laid an egg. Like any other dragoness Alanis left it in a fairly secluded spot, if they were to meet again, it would be as enemies.
Unlike the Eternal Dragon, the Kais were well aware of this development, and feared that this hatchling would inherit its mother's thirst for blood and agony. But also they feared that, should they dispose of it, the Eternal Dragon would find out, and use his magic's power to curse them. The leaders were suspended between a flaming chasm of chaos, and a void of agony. The Supreme Kai, however, had an idea.
He proposed that they take the egg back to heaven, where they would raise it to believe in morals and teach it to do good. The others had been skeptical, but had no other alternative but to agree. And so they abducted the unborn hatchling and allowed it to hatch.
They named the serpentine creature after its dark coat of blue: Ices. And taught her how to tap into her humanoid camouflage.
They raised her and in doing so, fell in love with the child. She was completely contradictory to what they had believed would happen. The Eternal Dragon's seed had given her the innate knowledge of good from evil, the love of a pure heart, immortality, and the gift to grant wishes.
Weren't the Kais surprised when they found this out?
It had all begun when one of the new-arrival fighters had helped the small human-looking toddler find her way off snake-way and to the Kai. He had then grown sad.
“What's wrong?” Ices had asked in her small voice.
“Its just that sometimes I wish I were alive, so that I could visit my own daughter.” The warrior had sighed. That was when it had happened: his halo had disappeared.
Unsurprisingly, the word spread. It spread like plague through heaven, and even finding its way to hell. From there it stretched its tendrils to the outside universe, jumping from planet to planet in formerly unheard of speed. And every power-hungry creature began their search for this child that could grant wishes.
Luckily Ices was safe from such corrupted people in heaven.
And so centuries passed, and the youth grew, never needing to hunt raw meat so long as the Kais provided her with a `special' food that kept her full. Never needing to learn to fight, because her life-style never called for it. Never needing to grant another's wishes, because the Kai's forbade it. Ices had lived a luxurious, if boring, life. She kept her young looks through her four-thousand year stay, and the Kais could only assume that she had also inherited the Eternal Dragon's immortality.
They didn't mind it so much now, after all, she was a sweet, caring, and loving individual who wouldn't hurt a fly.
That was before it happened.
The day had been like any other day, Ices had woken and begun her lessons, but things had gone downhill from there. While at lunch with the Supreme Kai, Ices felt an energy slide over her un-honed senses, and tensed. The Kai had asked her what was wrong, and she had shook her head, replying that she had no idea, just that there was something coming.
And come something did. Or rather, someone.
Through a golden portal, stepped a violet-haired woman, her eyes cruel and hard, and her youth had long ago been stolen by the wrinkles of age. The Supreme Kai's usual good nature vanished, replaced with a simmering anger.
“Hm. So, this is my daughter.” Her voice cracked with age, and her corrupted eyes drank in the spitting image of her younger self. “If my memory serves you should be at least four millennia old by now, why is it that you do not look a century over two?” Jealousy was plainly evident in her voice.
“Alanis, you do not belong here.” Growled the Kai.
“But, you told me my mother had perished.” Ices had interjected, disbelief in her voice as her wide eyes took in the form of her mother. The mother she had longed for and yet never known.
“The Supreme one lies.” Hissed the elder. “I am your mother. Come with me, and I shall teach you what it is to be the Flame in the Darkness.” Her mother extended a wrinkled hand, before the Kai stood between them.
“She will not go with you.” He had growled, only for the dragoness to knock him back with a ball of fire from the palm of her hand. Ices' eyes widened as the Supreme Kai was buried in an avalanche of rubble, and her eyes narrowed into angry slits as they came to rest upon her `mother.'
“Ah, so you can show negative emotion. Perfect. We are already a step in the right direction.” Alanis grinned, and it was then that Ices deciphered her true nature.
“I will not go with you.” The young dragoness' eyes were hard, her jaw set with determination. The dragoness of Darkness and Fire looked about to attack her offspring, before the warriors showed up and attempted to rush to her, and the Kai's, defense.
Only for her mother to incapacitate them all, save for one. The Supreme Kai had regained his composure and now stood, ready to fight this rogue. He had started for her, only for the Dark Dragoness to leap away, a strange glow surrounding her as she began her transformation. It took less than the blink of an eye, but in Ices' mind it seemed to take hours.
Unlike her humanoid form, her mother's draconic form matched hers only in two categories. Both draconic form's possessed wings, as well as dark violet spikes, talons, and tail-fans. But that was where the similarities ended. Unlike the sharp-crystal blue of Ices' draconian form, her mother's was a murky black, and patches of dirty purple surrounded her deep violet eyes. Her jaw was less slender, and her teeth meshed together in the front, much like a crocodiles. Instead of the small, compact legs of Ices, Alanis possessed only two large and powerful hind-legs, her wings coming down to assist in supporting the body while hunched.
All in all her mother's draconian form was anything but majestic and beautiful, she resembled above all things, a hellion bat. Her webbed spikes worn almost to her skin, the fan upon her tail dilapidated and un-shimmering.
There was nothing beautiful or pure about this creature.
The Dark Dragoness rushed the Kai, her greater size putting her at an advantage as she snapped at him with her terrible jaws. Missing by at least five inches. The Supreme Kai brought his hands together as he levitated, only to be knocked to the ground by the beastess' whipping tail. Before Alanis could move in upon her prey, however, another form intervened.
Though smaller and less experienced than her mother, the surprise attack had allowed Ices the advantage. She now stood between the heaving form of the Supreme Kai, and her mother.
“Step aside, whelp.” Her mother's voice grated like sandpaper against the walls.
Never.” Hers was slightly less repulsive, though still rough. She never let her eyes stray from any feature of her mother, keeping the whipping tail in check with her gaze, as well as the snarled jaws.
It matters not, I shall kill the Supreme one, after incapacitating you.” Hissed the hellion as she launched herself at Ices. The younger and slightly smaller dragoness brought her wings forward to latch with her mother's wings, and she used her forefeet to keep the gnashing jaws away from her jugular.
What should I do? I've never fought before in my life! But she threatens the life of Master Supreme Kai…I must put a stop to this. Thought the dragoness furiously as she brought her own tail around, flattening her own pristine fan before using it to lash at her mother. Alanis' fan came around and countered it, a slap ringing throughout the extensive building. Again Ices' appendage flashed through the air, only to again meet with her mother's.
Ignorant child. Your main weapons are still free.” Hissed her mother between gnashing jaws.
She's talking about my teeth isn't she? There's no way I'm going to bite her! That goes against everything Master Supreme Kai has ever taught!
Ah, but if you do not, then Master Supreme Kai will die. Purred a voice within Ices' head. All at once the picture of the grotesque beast before her towering over the body of the beloved Kai flashed within her mind and she found the fury to do what she knew must be done.
Her ivory fangs flashed, catching her mother's under-throat, but her mother had been ready, and disengaged from their battle, flaring her worn wings and propelling herself back. Ices' rage covered mind knew only instinct, and so rushed at the hell-creature, her violet eyes glowing in her primordial rage. Angst she had not known existed within her flared to the surface and found outlet in her mother's throat.
Alanis fell at the fangs of her offspring, unaware of what she had awakened within the once pure child. Uncaring and unaware, as her soul sunk into the depths of hell.
But her mother's death had come too quickly, Ices was not yet finished. Her fangs had tasted the heat of her mother's blood, and they wanted more. Viciously she tore chunks of her mother's still hot flesh, downing them with quick throws of her head.
That was what the Kai and other heroes had awoken to.
That was what the Kai and his comrades had discussed.
That was what had thrown doubts upon Ices' pure heart.
That was what had made her into what she was today.
Her first kill, her first fight, her first real meal. And it had consisted of her own mother. But somehow Ices couldn't feel shame for it, all she could feel was an empty sort of want. What it was that she wanted, the dragoness knew not. Only that it was outside of this room they had locked her in. Outside this hell they called heaven, and away from those that populated it.
She wanted…freedom…
“Their going to destroy her aren't they?” Whispered the two demons they had posted at her door, seemingly unaware of her excellent hearing.
Destroy me? Why? Have I not loved them well enough? Will one act of senseless rage and violence truly be enough to break a millennia of trust? Ices felt tears slide down her cheeks as she unwillingly remembered that the Kais had lied to her about her mother. And if it was a lie about Mother, could they also be lying about Father? The dragoness didn't know, but there was only one way to find out…
She had to go to him.
And go she did. She searched for 700 years before she came upon the planet Earth, and met with a Namekian man called Piccolo(1). She and he became precarious friends. After-all. Both were alone, and both had descended from the heavens. Both had a darkness within their once pure hearts, that could not be released.
But Piccolo had found release.
And then Piccolo's purity had been cast out in the form of Kami…
And then Ices had found Father…
But she had lost her dear friend, Piccolo. The darkness had consumed him, without the purity of Kami.
And Father was trapped within the devices called the Dragon Balls. Apparently he had been trapped for a long time…elsewhere…
Years passed and Ices grew closer to Kami, though they never had the squabbles they used to, when both had shared differences. After-all, Kami had re-entered heaven. Kami had found belonging. Kami had no shadow in his soul.
And then the hunters had come, forcing Ices to flee into the Rifts once more.
She had all but forgotten Earth in her panicked flight, but returned a century and a half later. By blind luck the Rift had spit her out at Kami's lookout…where she met Piccolo(2). But he was different, he didn't remember her.
Here was when she learned of Goku's victory over her friend, and how this Piccolo had come to be.
Unable to bear it, Ices continued her flight…
And then she met Cell.
I'm not sure exactly what Kami's name was when he first came to Earth, but because the password to the spacecraft was `Piccolo' I'm assuming that that was what he called himself. As you probably guessed, this Piccolo refers to when both Kami and Piccolo were still in one body.
(2) This is the younger Piccolo, as you may have well known. I'm not sure if he does remember anything of his past life, but if so then this is slightly A.U. and I'm sorry, you can beat me with a broom if it makes you angry.