Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mmm... Kinky! ❯ The Forbidden Room ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mmm... Kinky!

The Forbidden Room

It was the forbidden room! Come on! Who wouldn't want to sneak a peak in there? Having the large sign embedded in the door was like placing a challenge to the Saiyajin senshi. I dare you to try and come in here…. It mocked him constantly, and every day he passed by those large sets of double black doors. The doors were black! Ugh… it was so tempting. Could anyone blame Raditzu from finally breaking and daring to enter?

Of course not!

The teenager had been serving in the castle for nearly six months when he finally lost control. He was only fifteen, and his curiosity was undeniable. For those six months, every night, he watched as Saiyajin entered that room but he rarely saw them come out. He had thought perhaps that feral Saiyajin were kept in that room, but that wasn't right, because feral Saiyajin were killed.

That thought was all that really made sense in his mind. He struggled for hours during all his free time to try and figure out what it was, but nothing ever came to mind. Finally, when, one afternoon, he saw a worn, beaten, and bloody Saiyajin exit that room, half clothed and exhausted, he couldn't take the not knowing any longer!

That night, carefully, he'd created a plan. Raditzu may not have been the strongest Saiyajin in existence, or the most skilled, but he had an uncanny strategic mind. Morning had come quickly, and with the breaking of dawn Raditzu jumped from his small bed, dressed in his normal black gi and armor, and darted through the bare corridors. There were nearly three hours before anyone other than the cooks woke and began moving about.

Within only a matter of moments he had reached the large black doors with the silver engraved letters. The height of the door was twice Raditzu's height and seemed to loom over him angrily, telling him to go away. Raditzu smirked as the warning burned itself within his mind. Eyes skimming around the hallway and over the railing towards the floors beneath, he shoved upon the door, darted inside, and closed it behind him.

Darkness engulfed the room as soon as the echo of the slammed door sounded. Raditzu pressed his back against the wall, staring forward as he tried to focus his gaze fruitlessly. The only light came from the cracks of the door he stood before. There were no windows, no other doorways - nothing but solid blackness. He stepped towards the side of the door, running his hand along with wall in search for a light switch, but he gasped out as something warm and sticky connected with his fingertips.

Spinning, Raditzu stumbled backwards towards the center of the room, his hand resting against his chest as he tried to wipe the feeling away. It wasn't really slimy, and there was no residue on his hand, but whatever it had been it was squishing and very warm. He paused as he realized he didn't know in which direction the door was.

A matching squishy warmness slowly circled around his ankle. Raditzu cried out with shock, trying to kick away whatever was wrapped around his leg, but his balance was overthrown when the tentacle tugged, causing the muscular senshi to collapse on the ground with a thud.

Raditzu froze, powering up his ki as much as possible, but the dim light that appeared only succeeded in reflecting small shadows on the corner of the room. He slowly moved to rise to his feet, but soon felt the gooey limbs of the beast within the forbidden room snag him, looping around his arms and legs, tugging him to the floor. Raditzu roared, his ki shooting out of his fingertips, but to his surprise the pale blue energy hit the beast and reflected back up, striking the ceiling above him. Whatever the creature was, it was immune to ki.

Twisting beneath the grip of the demon, he felt more of the creature's limbs circling his body. Raditzu became fearfully still as he felt the squishy end of the arm tugging at his armor, and with one hard yank the stretchy material was ripped away, taking the gi beneath it.

Hands and feet bound, an his ki worthless, Raditzu felt nothing but terror overwhelm as the oddly-texture of the thing's skin caressed his muscles, running along his chest and thighs, as if memorizing every inch of him. The teenage Saiyajin couldn't suppress a moan as one of the beast's arms encircled his shaft, tugging harshly. His back arched as the limb repeated the action, gripping even tighter as it did it again, then again, and again. He hardened swiftly beneath the warm tugs, thrusting his hips into each action. Raditzu didn't know what the creature was or its purpose, but his fear was quickly being consumed by pleasure.

A long raw arm of the beast ran along the back of his thighs, curling around his firm buttocks before pressing between them. Raditzu roared in protest, trying fruitlessly to rip himself out of the demon's grasp, but only found himself penetrated by the warm gooeyness. The pain was less than he expected, finding that the arms of the beast could be shaped, thinned and lengthened by the creature's will. Almost at once, as he was stoked by one of the arms, the second limb began fucking him, and hard. With each thrust the thickness of its arm grew, and the end shoved in deeper. In the mixes of pleasure and pain Raditzu sobbed, his back arched until it felt like his spine would snap. With each thrust he found himself shoved further up and back. His shoulders ached with each heave as they struck the cold floor.

His throat was raw when he came, unable to scream with the release. Raditzu collapsed, his seed coating the already gummy arm of the unidentifiable creature. He collapsed, legs curling against his stomach, as the creature slithered away from him, vanishing in the darkness of the shadows. He didn't care that he could be captured or killed in his slumber. Exhaustion and pain had consumed him completely. Darkness closed in.

When he awoke, nothing had changed. Fearing what could happen, Raditzu rushed in one direction, finding the wall. He ran his hands along, moving as swiftly and silently as possible, until he found the handle of the doorway. He shoved it opened and ran out, nearly blinded by the brightness of the corridor's lights. He stumbled back, slamming the door behind him, and he quickly realized that he'd been sleeping for at least two hours. The smell of food consumed the air, but thankfully the hallway was bare. Raditzu darted down the hallway. He didn't care that his clothing was gone, probably consumed by the insatiable hunger of whatever had raped him in the forbidden room.

Raditzu swore by every god that he did and didn't believe in that he would never go into another forbidden room in his entire life.

He knew it was a lie…

His bedroom was in sight. Raditzu rushed to the door and threw it opened, but paused as a small figure to the right caught his sight.

"Vejita Ouji!" he exclaimed, stumbling against the frame of his door. The young Saiyajin no Ouji, merely the age of seven, stood in the center of the hallway. His long red cape floated behind him, tiny hands and feet clad in white, dark brown hair defying gravity just as the Saiyajin defied all rules and logic that was ever presented to him. The younger senshi folded his arms across his chest, raising a curious eyebrow to Raditzu as his eyes ran up and down the nude body, taking in the long limp shaft, first buttocks, muscular chest that was somewhat hidden by untamed locks of long black hair.

Perhaps he didn't know!

"The forbidden room is only accessible to Elite, Raditzu," snarled the young boy. Raditzu winced, the thought dismissed with his words. Vejita smirked, stepping forward. "Perhaps, someday in the future, I will see to your punishment."