Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mmm... Kinky! ❯ Double Double ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mmm... Kinky

Double Double

A/N - I don't own Cathowl or Scott, they're friends I borrowed for the tale.


*Four frightening people sit together around a table, drinking tea*

Jady: You want me to *what*?

Strawberry-Tiger: I like that idea...

Jady: Of course you would! You hentai!

Strawberry-Tiger: You like it too!

Scott: So, will you do it?

Jady: I dun know...

Cathowl: Come on!

Jady: Why do you look like a strange mix of Saiyajin and cat?

Cathowl: *growls*

Scott: More to the point, will you do it?

Jady: *looks through mirror into DBZ universe that hangs on the wall* Incest fics I can do, and often enjoy doing... but this is... strange... frightening... what would I be unleashing?

Strawberry-Tiger: *snorts*

Jady: Okay, I'll do it!

*Jady waves magical fingers that vibrate with her powers as an Author, causing the mirror to flash back for a brief moment before clearing. All four people stare anxiously at the glass screen*

~End Prologue~


It was dark in Capsule Corporations, extremely dark. As far as Son Gokou, savior of Chikyuu, hero of the helpless, could tell, he was alone in the large mansion. The moon, which had been wished back with the Dragon Balls months ago, floated in the dark sky, allowing some light to guide the man's way. He had come to Capsule Corporations for a reason, to find the Saiyajin Vejita and hopefully have a quick spar before it got to late. Bulma, he knew, was away for a few weeks for conferences and other things related to the business that she reined over as president. Trunks was with Goten back at the Son household, spending the night. Vejita, however, was nowhere to be found.

Gokou frowned in disappointment as he paused in the hallway outside of the gravity chamber, where Vejita should have been, but wasn't. He might have gone into the woods for wilderness training or something of the such. It didn't matter, though. Wherever Vejita was, he wasn't here. Gokou opted to use the gravity chamber himself. Vejita might show up later and then they could spar together before bed.

Such innocence...

Unknown to Gokou, the moon suddenly grew very dark. The stars cowered beneath the black clouds as the moon cried out in terror, begging Dende to stop the horror that was being unleashed. As Gokou moved towards the gravity chamber to train and wait to see if Vejita would return, another being did not; instead it remained in the very place the Gokou had once stood, a mirror image of the tall muscular Saiyajin.

The Saiyajin Kakarrotto...

The door to the gravity room closed with a small sound of metal brushing by metal. The tall dark-haired Saiyajin stood statuesque for a long moment, his instincts, fears, and joys all overwhelming him. Freedom! For so many years he had been trapped within that body, only allowed to be free to kill some evil that the Saiyajin-Chikyuujin couldn't defeat alone, then captured once again beneath the bonds of human-ness that disgusted him. His skin felt sick with all the blood he had prevented from being shed. He wanted to taste blood! Someone needed to pay for all the suffering he had been sentenced to for so long.


Who better to pay for caging him for so long, trapping him in that chaotic world where he was as helpless as a small bug against a tiger, but the person who was responsible? His fingers curled into fists, long unclipped nails digging into his palms, filling the hallway with the scent of blood. Those dark clouds faded, allowing the moon to once again gaze upon the dark world it ruled over. Pale shadows danced across the face of the callous man with a heart as hard as gold. The dark brow was drawn together, eyes were narrowed and their vision was focused on the large metal doorway that rested only a few feet away. The orange material resembled the crimson blood that was drawn beneath the fires of hell, and the blue gi beneath it was no different that the black shade of hopelessness in hell.

He moved towards the doorway with the grace, agility, and rage that a panther moved with as they approached their prey. Within mere seconds he had reached the large metallic door. His hands reached up, pressing against the chilly silver shades, caressing the coldness. Behind that wall lay the person who was responsible for all his suffering… and that man didn't have the faintest clue what awaited him.

With a snarl, Kakarrotto stepped back and kicked in the door. The metallic barrier exploded, the center of the door breaking apart to soar across the room, slamming into the wall. Within the room Gokou froze, his eyes wide, the eyes of trapped prey. Kakarrotto stepped into the gravity chamber, his scanning over the duplicated form. There was a few windows around the top of the small room, allowing the pale moonlight to shine in. The door had struck the main computer when it had flown in, breaking the controls. The lights had been switched off from the blast, Kakarrotto assumed with a smirk.

"W-who are you?" Gokou stuttered with a frown, dropping into the familiar defensive position. Kakarrotto---


*Mirror shuts off as Jady sobs*


Cathowl: OI! Turn that mirror back on! I was watching that!

Strawberry-Tiger: Bring Vejita in there, damn it!

Scott: NO! Leave it like it was!

Jady: Damn it, Scott! It's all I can do to read and write Vejita/Gokou yaoi, but this is just sick!

*Cathowl snarls and lunges at Jady*

Scott: *glaring at Strawberry-Tiger* Turn that damn mirror on…

Strawberry-Tiger: Okay, okay!

*Mirror clicks on*


"W-who are you?" Gokou stuttered with a frown, dropping into the familiar defensive position. Kakarrotto chuckled as he watched the nervous form. A faint breeze from the frightened Saiyajin's aura struck, causing a weak shiver to run down the Saiyajin's spine as the chilly air caressed the fur of his tail. Kakarrotto paused, glancing down to see the appendage waving carelessly behind him. He smirked again, taking control of the limb, forcing it to circle around his waist. Ah… it felt good to finally be a Saiyajin. "I'm who you should have been," he responded with a chuckle as his gaze turned to the defensive male. What was he classified as? A Chikyuujin or Saiyajin - he was neither, and yet Gokou was both.

"What do you mean? Why'd you blow up the door?"

"You are so simple minded," Kakarrotto growled out in annoyance. With a burst of golden energy he rushed forward, slamming Gokou against the wall. He was stronger and more powerful, the years of suffering around humanity and the emotions having not affected the more sinister counterpart, weakened him. Flashes of demonic images flared in Kakarrotto's mind - all forms of torture he could inflict on his innocent doppelganger. Weapons from both Chikyuu and Vejita-sei appeared in his mind, many of them that could easily be recreated in a short amount of time, but Kakarrotto had no patience. He wanted revenge now, not later. A faint chuckle echoed from the back of his throat as he stared ahead into the large and mixed emotional green eyes that rested before him. Perhaps the torture could draw out, go on for days. Kakarrotto could capture Gokou's wife and children and kill them right before the Saiyajin's eyes. "Ah yes…" he purred.

"You look like me!" Gokou exclaimed.

Kakarrotto frowned. No, this man was not a Saiyajin. No Saiyajin could be THAT idiotic. His hand gripped tighter around the neck, crunching the windpipes beneath his fingertips. "Oh, this is going to be fun," he snarled out. Gokou writhed beneath him, gasping questions that made little sense or had little meaning, but what caused the most shock within the darker senshi was the fact that Vejita's name was quick to leave Gokou's lips. With a growl, he pulled back, allowing the breathless counterpart to fall to the floor with a sickening thud. "What did you say?"

"You're evil," Gokou snarled, powering up as he rose to his feet. His golden locks rose to match Kakarrotto's, causing their likeness to once again match perfectly. It was strange, looking into a mirror image of himself that was so opposite. "You spoke Vejita's name!" Kakarrotto hissed, fists clenching at his side. "You have no right to speak of MY PRINCE!"

"Leave this planet! Get away from here before I am forced to kill you!"

Kakarrotto stared at the golden haired Gokou for a long moment. No, this man… not even man… this creature had committed endless crimes against all laws of Vejita-sei, and most of them were against the Saiyajin no Ouji. He had to be punished, ripped of his pride and everything he held dear. "You'll regret ever being born," Kakarrotto snarled before launching forward, wrapping his hands around Gokou's shoulders and shoving him back against the wall. With a growl he ripped away the orange fabrics, leaving the muscular Saiyajin only clothed in the dark blue shirt, his thighs visible to the world around. "Sickening, Saiyajin without a tail," Kakarrotto snorted with a disgusted grunt. Gokou cried out in embarrassment, reaching for the fabric, but with a small flare of ki the orange threads faded into ashes. "What the hell are you doing?" Gokou exclaimed, clutching his length with his hands in an attempt to hide the notable size.

"Hmm… seems that your eagerness isn't directed to retrieving clothing," Kakarrotto hissed, turning his head away. He couldn't go through with this. It was sickening… and above all else just plain nasty!

"What? Disgusted by your own body?" Gokou commented with a grin, removing his hands and placing them on his hips with a quirk of his brow. Kakarrotto snapped his gaze back towards the idiotic Saiyajin with a snarl, his tail falling free of his hips. "Why you damn tailless bastard," he roared as his fist came flying. Kakarrotto was surprised to find that in that brief second it took for his fist to reach Gokou, only the wall stood there, and with that it connected. He roared out and spun around, green eyes searching the room for his counterpart. Gokou stood against the far wall, removing the last remnants of clothing. His back arched with the movements, and had he still had a tail he would have almost look seductive…

A dark satanic growl rolled from Kakarrotto's throat as he found himself reacting to the image. The fur on his tail frizzed out, sending a delightful shiver running throughout his body. It curled lazily in the air. Before him, Gokou smirked. "I know what the actions of the tail mean, Gokou."

"Kakarrotto!" he roared in correction, forcing his tail back around his waist before he lost all control.

"Fine, I don't care," Gokou said with a chuckle, falling back against the wall in a relaxed state. This only enraged him further. His fists clenched at his sides, blood pouring from the ripped skin as he trembled with rage. In a small white blur, Gokou was no longer against the far wall, but standing before the angered Kakarrotto. With a light shove, their positions from a moment ago had been swapped. Kakarrotto found himself against that wall, beneath the dark glare of Gokou. He was about to counter the expected attack, but it never came, and he never got the chance to move. A warm pair of thin lips connected with his own. He cried out, trying to shove the carbon copy away, but for some reason he couldn't. 'You don't want to,' came a voice in his head, sounding remarkably like the doppelganger before him. His eyes jerked opened to see the mischievous sparkle in the matching set. 'Our minds are identical, and were once the same. Linking them is simple.'

Kakarrotto growled and tried to shove Gokou back, but it seemed his attempts were fruitless. "Get me off… gah! Get off me, Gokou." Gokou laughed aloud and leaned forward, brushing their lips together. 'More than happy to,' came the mental response. "No! Gokou! Kami-sama!" he cried out as the Saiyajin moved downwards, taking the bottom of his gi with him. Kakarrotto tried to dart away and run towards the door-less exit, but unfortunately his pants were still around his ankles. He tripped, soaring down to the ground and having a nice and painful introduction to the floor. He heard a snort of amusement from his mirror image behind him. Kakarrotto turned to his back, face burning in embarrassment as his tail thrashed in the air with rage. "Just… get the fuck…"

"Shhhh…" Gokou purred, and Kakarrotto found himself wondering just who the evil one was. On his hands and knees Gokou crawled over until he towered over Kakarrotto. One hand easily ripped away the orange and blue shirt, tossing it aside, immediately forgotten. Kakarrotto tried to shove the man backwards, but only succeeded in being turned onto his backside. At once, his semi-hardness was engulfed in the warmth of a wet mouth, knees shoved apart by two strong hands. He cried out against the sensation, his hips jerking upwards unconsciously. "No! You can't do…"

The mouth tugged back until it had nearly released the entire length before moving downwards again. Kakarrotto felt his tip brushing against the back of the Saiyajin's throat. The lips tightened over the base of his shaft, teeth grazing against the sensitive skin. He screamed out as the pace wildly increased. The contrast between the coldness of the gravity room and the heat of the man's mouth switched so quickly that he didn't even notice the change until the other had returned. He felt himself on the verge of climax, hands grasping out to cling onto something so he could maintain his sanity… then it suddenly stopped.

Gokou sat up on his knees, licking his lips. "I'm sorry, did you say 'no'?"

"No!" Kakarrotto roared and shoved him onto his back, climbing to sit on the Saiyajin's hips, feeling Gokou's firm arousal pressing against his balls. He gazed down into the mimicked face, taking in the dark green eyes that were smirking up at him. It seemed so normal… and yet so VERY wrong. His hand reached down and gripped the throat. "I'm going to kill you for what you've done."

"What?" Gokou questioned with a confused look. A short moment passed before his eyes widened with realization. "Oh! It's that thing Gohan talked about, isn't it?"

"What?" Kakarrotto snarled.

"Uh… homophobic? I think that's what he said…" the confused look transformed into one of pure sinister evil as Gokou moved up, twisting them so that, once again, Kakarrotto was in that vulnerable position. "No! Kami, damn it all! Get off!" he moved to punch Gokou, but the Saiyajin's already golden hair suddenly was engulfed in lightening. He shoved Kakarrotto onto the ground, holding him down by his shoulders. Those hellish green eyes glared down at him with that dark smirk running across his face. He lay very still, waiting for a chance to kill him, tail resting silently on the floor, as if it was a cobra, waiting to strike. The lightening faded after a moment. The sinister grin grew even more and Gokou turned, his leg looping over Kakarrotto's head. The firm pale butt waved in front of his face, and then that warmth of Gokou's mouth engulfed his arousal again. Kakarrotto couldn't stop himself from throwing his head back, moaning with the pleasure. His back arched with the sensations and his hands reached out, but this time found Gokou's thighs. His nails dug into the skin, unleashing the Saiyajin blood, filling the cold air with its heated scent.

Saiyajin blood! The two words overwhelmed his thoughts. He needed to taste it, to drink it, to coat himself in it. His eyes jerked opened to find Gokou's need resting before his face, and without single thought he reached out and swallowed it, teeth piercing the skin and drinking the blood that dripped from the wound. Somewhere in the back of his mind he realized that Gokou was moaning. He felt the vibration of the sound around his length, causing him to shiver. The dark grin he'd seen on his more innocent doppelganger appeared on his face briefly. His hands reached out and grabbed the Saiyajin's hips, tugging him closer. He reached up and engulfed the long shaft, running his tongue along the backside slowly, forcing Gokou to endure the brief torment that he'd suffered.

Despite the overwhelming pleasure, Gokou managed to keep the violent pace he'd developed, encouraged by the shivers of pleasure he was filling himself. His tongue looped around the long shaft, teeth grazing but not piercing the skin. His vision had gone black. He felt the tip pressing against the back of his throat, shoved further down by the hard thrusts of the hips he struggled to hold to the cold floor unsuccessfully. Kakarrotto's tail curled up, brushing against his cheek, trying to reach up to loop around his neck, but the furry appendage wasn't long enough. Gokou felt the nails of his counterpart digging into his hips as the blood was sucked from his erection. "Kami," he moaned out, as he was overwhelming with a sadistic sensation of pleasure. It rippled down his spine, causing his vision to go white. Gokou screamed out, his seed unleashing within the depths of Kakarrotto's hungry throat.

A dark groan echoed beneath Gokou as he laid his cheek on the frosty white floor, body inactive atop Kakarrotto's as if he was a warm mattress. Gokou abruptly found himself thrown across the room. Raging mad, Kakarrotto rose up and paced in front of Gokou, hands on his hips as his trembling need screamed out for attention. "I'm going to rip out your ribcage and give it to your wife to wear as a dress," he snarled. His slender fingertips reached out, snatching in wild untamable locks that were identical to his own. Despite the threat, Gokou grinned. His hands reached out and ran down the smooth curves, fingers curling around the shaft. Kakarrotto grunted at the hard tug, eyes closed. "How can you…" he muttered vaguely, unable to gather his words into sense. His tail looped around, encircling one of Gokou's wrist in a struggle to hasten the strokes.

"You are a senshi," Gokou said with a faint chuckle, reaching down. His teeth grabbed onto one of the erect nipples, biting down until blood leaked. Kakarrotto growled out, hand grabbing the back of Gokou's head, pulling him as close as possible. He stumbled backwards, blindly searching for something to lean against before the floor once again claimed him. Finally he located the wall and fell back against it, clinging to Gokou as a mother would a suckling infant. Gokou responded willingly, his hands interchanging as they tugged along the shaft, one hand caressing the sensitive end while the other stroked down the length of the base, then switching, each stroke becoming tighter, each exchange becoming swifter. Blood ran down the curves of his chest, running down the abdomen into the dark black curls between his legs, soaking the stiff skin, forcing Gokou's grip to tighten. His nails dug into the shoulders as he clung for dear life, causing deep moon-shaped scars that would identify one Saiyajin from the other. Kakarrotto tossed his head back with a galactic roar as he released himself into the firm skillful hands, soaking them with his essence.

Unable to sustain himself, he slid to the ground, tugging Gokou with him. Kakarrotto, panting for breath, looked down, watching in silence as Gokou licked his hands as a mother cat would. He groaned out, turning his head away, disgusted with himself. "You can ignore the pain, Kakarrotto," Gokou said with a chuckle, reaching out and wrapping his arm around his duplicate's neck. Kakarrotto was forced to turn towards Gokou, and found himself tugged in a passionate kiss, tasting himself on those salty full lips. Gokou freed one of his hands, looping it around to caress the soft fur of Kakarrotto's tail, causing him to moan and surrender into the embrace with a faint moan of pleasure. Their blonde hair faded back to black as they clung to each other, casting the already dart room into complete blackness. "It's the pleasure, though, that's all-consuming," Gokou purred.

Kakarrotto pulled back, staring into the dark Saiyajin eyes that were so unlike his on. He was about to speak, but a sharp flare of ki forced him into silence as his eyes darted to the doorway.

Vejita stood there for a very, very long moment, staring at the set of nude twins. The smells of sweat, cum, and blood filled the air, something that no Saiyajin could ignore. In silence, he watched as the two sets of dark eyes turned towards him, staring with fear and shock. Finally, he slowly, very slowly turned and walked away.

Kakarrotto heard Gokou chuckle softly. "I guess Vejita wouldn't be up for a spar at the moment, huh?"

"Up, maybe. For a spar, doubtful."