Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mmm... Kinky! ❯ Carelessness ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Rated: NC17

Warnings: Yaoi, violence

Summary: Many years ago, Vejitasei was revived after the loss of all the human friends Gokou and Vejita had. Trunks and Goten went too, but they slowly began to grow apart, much to each other's dismay. Trunks wants to settle this.

Dedicated to: Raven! (Saiyajin_Raven69)

A/N: Thanks to Shi-Saiyan for betaing!

It had been four years since the rebirth of Vejitasei. It had occurred just months after the death of the last few Z Senshi back on Chikyuu - Piccolo and Kuririn. Their deaths had been final, of natural causes, and all the Saiyajin and demi-Saiyajin had been left alone on a planet that considered them freaks and murderers. Even Gokou had been ready for Vejitasei's rebirth. The light-hearted Saiyajin had stood proudly by his prince's side, watching as Shenlong had grown in size. Their sons, daughters, and even little Pan had stood there, watching with hopeful eyes, hoping for something more... something that would make the longing go away.

They had found it on Vejitasei. They had found everything the could want or desire. There was violence, passion, and the power that Vejita and Trunks had needed so badly. Vejitasei, in it's own twisted way, became a peaceful place beneath Vejita and Trunks' rule. Saiyajin everywhere marveled and respected them. Even the darkest of warriors learned some vague sense of mercy and intelligence. Purges all but stopped. The Saiyajin Empire was becoming more powerful, gaining allies instead of enemies. Saiyajin spanned across the universe, colonizing on planets all across the universe.

No longer was there anything to fear. Furiza was long dead, and the remaining Icejin were terrified of Saiyajin. Vejita, though against Gokou's wishes, had attacked and purged the planet of life, alone, in the name of revenge. They were no longer a threat, and there had been no survivors.

That had been years ago, though. The memories had faded. Bura was taking over their father's throne - she being "more Saiyajin" than Trunks, as Vejita explained. Trunks was more than pleased with the decision. He really didn't want to be the ruler of such a mad race of beings.

Outside of the purges and constant wars, nothing had really changed on Vejitasei, according to Vejita. General mayhem echoed day and night as warriors fought each other and fought together. Despite their attempts, the Saiyajin still had many, many enemies, and there was always a battle to go off to, or a race of people to confront. Many races didn't approve of the Saiyajin's spreading across the galaxy, but Vejita had decided they would spread. He refused to have anything happen to his people again, so when a planet denied him... they were "dealt with".

Trunks sighed at the random thoughts as his cerulean gaze wandered around the inside of a small house. He, his second officer in command, Goten, and a vast army of Saiyajin senshi had arrived on this tiny little nameless planet. They had been one of the few to deny Vejita colonization on their planet, and they had all been killed as a result. Trunks didn't like it anymore than Goten or Gokou, but he accepted it with a sigh and a nod. Vejita had become power-hungry when he'd been given his throne back. Only once had Trunks disobeyed the Saiyajin no Ou, and he never would again.

"Are we done yet?" came a tired sigh behind him. Trunks glanced over his shoulder to see Goten standing against the now closed door, blood covering his pale orange gi. Trunks returned the sigh, glancing down to his own black clothing. He preferred black. It hid the bloodstains. "I haven't a clue," Trunks responded, moving towards a small couch against the wall and falling like a dead fly. Goten joined him after a moment, stretching along the length of the couch, head falling in the prince's lap. "I didn't know this..." Goten trailed off somberly.

Trunks could offered a smile. "Don't, Goten," he muttered.

Goten nodded with a frown, eyes traveling up to the pale ceiling. The people who had lived here had been peaceful. They hadn't stood a chance against any Saiyajin. As far as Trunks was concerned, Vejita had wasted their time sending them here to fight. The king was always cautious these days, though. Experience had taught him never to underestimate anyone or anything.

Neither demi-Saiyajin had really expected this life when Vejitasei had been reborn. They expected endless spars and a huge lack of boredom, not violence and death.

They couldn't complain though. It was better than Chikyuu.

Trunks sighed impatiently, ripping of the scouter that was over his eye and tossing it to the floor. It bounced once, the newer plastic versions not easily breakable. Goten followed the example with an annoyed moan, hurling it aside without a glance. Trunks watched the object bounce, skidding to a halt just inches from his own. He chuckled and leaned back on one elbow, propping his head in his palm and reaching down to run his hands through Goten's faint bangs. The darker demi-Saiyajin's hair had grown out with the last few years, pulled back in a tight braid, short bangs that refused to grow hanging around his eyes, getting in the way of his sight. Trunks' vanity refused to show him such carelessness. His hair was always perfectly trimmed, face always clean. Even at this moment, nothing but his garments were bloodstained.

"You're so girly, Trunks," Goten muttered, trying to pull himself away from Trunks' prying hands. Trunks chuckled. Their minds always seemed to follow similar paths of thoughts. "Nah... stay," he grinned, wrapping his arm around the demi-Saiyajin's waist, entrapping the younger man. Goten huffed and leaned back with a faint yawn, sleepy lidded eyes staring up at his friend.

Gazing down at the young male, Trunks couldn't help a quirk of his lips. He missed the old careless days when the two of them did nothing but worry about girls, school, and having fun. He remembered parties at the beaches, laughing with friends, stumbling home drunk and trying vainly to sneak into the house without waking up everyone in the universe... only to fail, be busted, and have to face a very annoyed Vejita in the Gravity Chamber the following morning. Those had been the good old days, full of random madness without a method. There had been few to no responsibilities back then, but now things were so different. He missed that carelessness, the lack of fear and the ease in which their lives had been lived.

Life was great, really. He and Goten had long ago gotten over the killings and violence. It just seemed natural to them, these days. They didn't lose sleep, or have nightmares about their victims. It was only the friendship that Trunks missed.

He missed Goten.

It was a strange feeling. He and Goten were rarely apart. It seemed that, with the chaos of their lives these days, though always together, they had been pulled apart by responsibilities and loyalties. Vejitasei came first... to both of them. He was beginning to hate his father for this.

"What... is something wrong?" Goten whispered with nervousness out of the blue. Trunks blinked, awakened from his reminiscing suddenly. He saw Goten's midnight black eyes gazing up, lips parted just slightly. A tongue snaked out to run across the dry pinkness and he nearly shivered at the sight, eyes gazing over the moist lips. "Goten..." his voice almost trembled with the words. "Goten... I'm going to kiss you know, and I don't care if you hate me for it." Trunks didn't wait for a response before leaning down, claiming the sweet mouth.

He didn't pull away once their mouths met. Trunks lingered, his hand running down Goten's legs, fingers caressing the soft skin beneath the thin material of his gi. Their noses brushed together as Trunks deepened the kiss, tongue brushing over Goten's sharp teeth, expecting a harsh angry bite any second. When none came after a few brief moments, Trunks pulled back, eyes wandering over Goten's face, seeing the flushed cheeks and hearing the heavy breathing. His hands paused as they reached the demi-Saiyajin's knees, halting there, afraid to roam any further. "Goten?" Trunks whispered. He wanted more... he wanted to touch his bare body, watch him shiver and hear him moan. Trunks was aching beneath his royal robes, his arousal pressing against Goten's neck, but he didn't care. "Goten..." he pleaded quietly, begging for a response, a hateful shriek or a purr of contentment.

Goten licked his lips once again, eyes sliding closed. "Do it again?"

Relief flooded through Trunks and he wrapped his arm beneath Goten's neck, pulling the demi-Saiyajin up and into his lap, wrapping his arms around his friend's neck and pulling Goten down. Trunks slid back into the cushy sofa, moaning as Goten leaned down into the kiss. Trunks' hands roamed over and down Goten's body, ripping at the fabrics almost madly, and yet trying not to tear them. They would need them the following morning if they didn't want Vejita to suspect, for the Saiyajin no Ou would most certainly not approve.

Not that Vejita was in Trunks' thoughts... no, not at all.

The cloth pulled away easily enough, thrown aside and forgotten just as quickly. Trunks felt Goten shiver against him as he gripped the demi-Saiyajin's rear, squeezing the firm skin, drawing their arousals together through his own gi. Goten whimpered quietly, hands fisting Trunks' soft lilac hair. Their groins clashed and a devilish grown ripped itself from within the younger Saiyajin's throat, surprising even Trunks. Goten ripped himself away and slid to the ground beneath Trunks, grabbing the prince's hips and jerking his ass off the edge of the couch, ripping down the fabrics, a feral gleam in his eyes. Trunks was nearly panting as his rigid member was exposed to the cold temperatures of the room, but his head exploded with feverishness as Goten's lips wrapped around his arousal and sucked it harshly, sending waves of mind-numbing ecstasy through him.

"Gods above.... GOTEN!" he shrieked aloud. When had he lost all his stamina? His essence spilled itself into Goten's mouth and the heated walls of Goten's mouth tightened with each swallow, causing Trunks to writhe as he was trapped by the younger man. He felt Goten's lips nip at his head as the darker Saiyajin pulled back, licking hungrily at his lips, eyes full of mischief.

Trunks had never known Goten was so demonic!

It left him shivering, aching for more....

The nervous child-like side of Goten was, however, far from gone. Goten stood still, his arousal aching for attention beneath his clothing, his eyes starving for more, but he looked the half-clothed prince over nervously, unsure of what to do next. Trunks grinned and forced himself to sit up, stripping off the rest of his gi and tossing it away. Goten swallowed and mimicked his movements, allowing the garments to drop of his hands, mere inches away. "It'll be fun," Trunks whispered, reaching out for the demi. Goten moved to sit beside Trunks on the small sofa that just fit both of them. He folded his legs beneath him and looked anywhere but at Trunks - the nervousness overwhelming the aches.

Trunks laughed aloud before reaching out, grabbing the back of Goten's neck and pulling him down. Trunks fell back, head propped up on the arm of the couch, and spread his legs, allowing Goten to settle between them. Their mouths melted together, tongues stroking and battling within each other's mouths. Goten's arousal brushed against Trunks' slowly hardening shaft, causing the prince to purr and break away, in desperate need of breath. "I want you, Goten..." Trunks whispered breathlessly. "Inside me... please... I want you."

Goten glanced down at his own need, cheeks growing redder by the second. "But... I don't..."

"Here," Trunks reached out, taking Goten's hand and wrapping his lips around three of the digits. His tongue lapped at the fingers, wetting them and never once breaking his locked gaze with Goten. He watched the confused emotions between heat and fright battle, one gaining before the other began to take over. Trunks pulled away after a moment, lingering his lips against the tip of his fingers before guiding the hand between their body. He lifted his hips, pressing Goten's fingers against his entrance before releasing the hand.

Goten swallowed softly, pressing against the tightness. He watched as Trunks purred, tossing his head back, lips parted. Goten grinned and pressed harder, feeling his fingers engulfed by the tightness. Trunks winced and grunted, feeling all three pressing into his virgin entrance at once. However, by mistake or luck, Goten struck something inside him that caused Trunks to yelp, walls clamping down against the fingers.

"Are you okay?" Goten gasped, freezing.

Trunks chuckled. "Yeah... do it again?"

Goten leaned back, pressing his hand against the back of Trunks' thigh to hold the leg up. He repeated the motion once again, watching - like Gohan would watch a new lab rat - each reaction that he received from every action. He struck the spot again and Trunks moaned out, arousal in full bloom once again. Goten grinned, releasing the thigh in favor of the shaft. He stroked the aching member as he hit the spot again, laughing as Trunks moaned and jerked back against his hand.

"Goten... please... I want you in me before I... oh gods..."

Goten paused, drawing his hand out with a nod. He rose to his knees, drawing the prince's legs over his shoulders and he positioned himself. Goten stared down at Trunks, smiling at the flushed sweaty face. He combed back his bangs, feeling the end of his braid brushing against his backside. "Okay... I'm... I'm gonna..." he whispered cautiously, unsure. Trunks nodded, lidded eyes seeing nothing.

Swallowing, Goten pushed forward, purring as the tightness engulfed his throbbing member. "Sweet Kami," Goten cried out, eyes clenching shut as he tried not to lose everything in that very second. He pulled back sharply, shoving in again, inexperienced and only knowing desperate needs. Trunks groaned, hand sneaking down to grasp his own arousal, knowing Goten wouldn't last very long. It was too much, their connection, their needs, their ignorance. He panted for breath as he felt Goten find that same spot again. He jerked back against each thrust, forcing Goten to hit it harder with each strike as his fingers caressed the tip of his arousal, setting each nerve-ending on fire.

He cried out in climax and heard Goten following mere seconds later. Trunks' seed splayed across his chest, intermingling with Goten's as the younger demi-Saiyajin collapsed in exhaustion, gasping for breath. Trunks remained still for an eternity, legs loosely wrapped around his lover's waist, hands brushing through loose hairs that had escaped the tight braid.

Goten pulled back after a brief moment, fearful eyes staring down at Trunks. The prince smiled up at him, brushing his hand against Goten's cheek. They both were forced to pause when a faint beep echoed out through the room, soon followed by a second - their scouters.

"Damn..." Trunks snarled.

Goten chuckled. "The universe can't revolve around us, my ouji."

Trunks growled. "I'll see what I can do about that."

Laughing, Goten sat up and stalked across the room, picking up the offending objects and tossing Trunks' to him. The prince caught it easily enough, but instead of responding, he favored following the younger Saiyajin with a faint smile. Goten's carelessness was back, he realized with a grin, leaning back with a content sigh, ignoring the persistent beeps.