Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Monkey Business ❯ Wanna Play Hide-n-Seek? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its characters.

A/N: The conversation in the beginning of this chapter is between two Saiyan fighter pilots. (Just wanted to let you know so that we could keep the confusion level at a medium.) ^_~

Chapter 3: Wanna Play Hide-n-Seek?

"King Kong to Curious George. I repeat, King Kong to Curious George. Come in Curious George."

"This is Curious George, go ahead King Kong."

"Curious George, you take the left flank around to the rear and position yourself to keep the woman from falling back on her course. Maguilla Gorilla and I will drive her forward to overexert her engine's potential and stall it out. Got it?"

"Roger that King Kong. All operations are a go. I repeat, all operations are at a go."


"That's it monkey boys, follow me into the asteroid field. Well soon see who the superior race is."

"That we will woman!"


"Yes, do you really think that one weakling woman can defeat a squadron of elite Saiyan warriors lead by their Prince?"

"Well see...Computer, swerve behind the asteroids when we pass them." Bulma pressed a few buttons as the ship sped up to comply with the new commands.

"Hiding is useless. Our vision and senses are sharp enough to see you no matter where you hide."

"Oh yeah!?! Sense this!!!" Bulma used her gun turret to blow up an arc of asteroids behind them, causing her ship to disappear behind a wave of smoke.

"Find her you imbeciles, don't let her get away?" By the time they made their way through the cloud of debris, Bulma had managed to create and escape behind another one. "The Prince of the most powerful race in the universe, will not be shown up by a pathetic weakling female!" With that as his motivation, Vegeta withdrew from the battle formation and made his own way around the asteroids to cut her off.

"Heh heh, stupid monkeys. That will teach them to mess with Bulma Briefs. They aren't even smart enough to search for an energy signal." Bulma turned to face the monitor just as her ship was hit by something. "Ugh.....What happened?"

"I thought that would shut you up woman. What was that about not being smart? It looks like I AM the smart one, because you no longer have a way to escape. I just blew off your remaining engines. So, unless you can breathe when your oxygen runs out, it looks like you'll have to come with me." He gave her a chance to let his words sink in before he started to speak again. "Now then, are you going to cooperate or are we going to have to use force?"

"Yeah, I'm coming. You creeps better not try anything funny though." Bulma said in a flat voice.

"Or what?" asked Vegeta sarcastically as he raised an eyebrow and slightly smirked.

"Oh, you'll see." Replied Bulma in the same playful tone while she smirked back at him.

"Don't worry. Even if I did think that you deserved to be touched by me, do you really think you would have a chance? Hardly, you're not even Saiyan. I don't need someone like you creating illegitimate heirs to my throne. Besides, you'd probably die in childbirth from the strength of the baby. My men on the other hand, I'm not so sure of, so be wary of them. I don't need you to be misused and then die. I have other purposes for you."

"Yeah, like what?" Bulma was getting confused. Prince Vegeta did not seem like the type of person who liked to explain things. *Why would he go through the trouble of telling me all of this? What could he possibly get out of it?*

"Interrogation." Replied Vegeta.

"Interrogation for what!?! I was only trying to leave when YOU confronted ME and chased ME through the asteroid field!" Bulma thought for a second, *So, that's his game huh? Well, he's got another thing coming! He's never had to deal with Bulma Briefs!!!*

"We shall see." Was all that Vegeta said as his ship attached to hers at the airlock doors.

So, what do you think?

I got a really great review asking me to write what happened to Frieza. Is that something that you guys would want to read about? I think I know a way to fit it in with my story, but I'd like some more input before I write it. So, if ya wanna hear about it let me know. ^_^