Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Monster ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

There it was again. The monster. How did I know he was so beautiful? Isn't that superficial of me? What did it matter, as the tangled limbs glistened with light, arms and legs wrapped around him? I was on the ceiling again, feeling the familiarity like an old friend, my senses on high, my arousal apparent without the shame and the awkwardness that would be experienced in reality. I was beautiful. I was perfect. I was me and yet so much more.
I was a God in my dream: desired, envied, wanted, hated, loved. I was everything. And the monster knew it. He gave it to me. “You can do anything you want to.” I sensed him say. His lips never moved. I heard no real voice. But the knowledge overwhelmed me and I drifted downwards, hot and cold, towards the darkness and the orgy that awaited.
“Freedom.” Yes, yes that's it. Yes, that's the perfection. That was all I wanted. Freedom. I was entrapped by my own inhibitions. If only I could go further, why, I'd be free in a way I'd never known I could be. Just a little further.
“Kakarot.” My eyebrows knitted. I'd definitely heard that. Oh, but just a little further and I can-…… “Kakarot, wake up.”
I jolted into reality, gazing around, the blinking from my clock the only light that shone through the shadows and darkness. Chi Chi groaned next to me, elbowing my ribs angrily and clawing at the blankets.
“Idiot.” She moaned, turning onto her side with a scowl, still fast asleep.
I laid down again, breathing slightly harder than normal and gazing up at the ceiling. The dream had been so real. The emotions I felt were uncanny, the desire slowly building to that sexual level where you simply can't fight it any longer and know that you need it. And the thought of freedom, that forbidden idea that I'd cast away as perverted so often, still fresh in my mind. Was I a prisoner? Vegeta had insisted that my life with the humans, my association with them, had poisoned my true instincts, confusing my mind with their ideas of right and wrong. Imprisoning me in a sense to what I could be. To my true potential.
But what if in my dreams, I was showing my true potential? The potential of becoming a murderer, a rapist, the equivalent of a male prostitute? Was that freedom?!
With a sigh, I returned to my sleep, the sensation that I was falling gripping me harshly as I had almost neared the dreams again. I opened my eyes wide, feeling pressurized, heavy, breathing difficult. Why couldn't I see? I gazed up at where the outline of a ceiling should have been and yet my eyes registered only darkness.
“Shhh…. Shhh….. Shhh……” came the voice, my body instantly on high alert. “Don't panic you fool, it's just me.”
I felt his breath against my face, hot and sweet, his mouth so close that I was forced to close my eyes. He was on top of me, his entire body covering mine, only thin blankets separating our meshed bodies. And Chi Chi, right next to me in bed, facing towards the window and completely oblivious to this intrusion.
Blessed rays of moonlight streaming through the window, I began to see the outline of Vegeta's face, the gorgeous planes of impossibly smooth flesh, the thick, dark colored lips and the shadowy, piercing eyes. His lashes were thick, the area around his lids dark and mysterious. He took my breath away and not only because he insisted on being perched on top of me.
“What do you want?” I hissed, glancing over to be certain that Chi Chi didn't stir at my voice. Vegeta smirked, the starlight catching his mystical eyes just right so that they glistened, shining as if they'd been polished with lacquer or stain.
“Did you find the answers you seeked?” he whispered, staring at me in a way that made me instantly uncomfortable, as if his unexplained position hadn't accomplished that already.
“Cant we talk about this tomorrow Vegeta?” I spat in a harsh voice, trying to sit up and get him off me.
He slammed me down onto the bed, his hand on my chest as he straddled me, his face suddenly ice cold.
“No.” He seethed, eyes blazing. “We talk when I say we talk.”
“Vegeta,” I said as reasonably as I could, my temper getting the best of me as he dominated my body. “save your superiority act for when I don't risk my wife's wrath. We'll talk tomorrow. Not tonight.”
“Maybe talking wasn't what I had in mind.” He said suddenly, moving down towards me, his body pressed against my own. I was mortified, staring in confusion as he pressed his mouth to mine, my eyes darting to look at my oblivious wife. Please God, don't let her wake up.
His hands were holding my face compassionately, his lips pressed almost painfully against my own. I closed my eyes out of sheer instinct, letting him push my lips apart, letting him explore the inside of my mouth with his tongue. By all accounts, I should have thrown him off, exercised my status as the Saiyan who was stronger than him. I should have been appalled, biting down to avoid this penetration. God so help me, so many things I could have done. Should have done.
But I didn't. I let it happen and when I say this, I mean to make clear that I suggest no justification on my part. My body was subjected to his own and in that bed, on that night, I cheated on my wife only an inch away from her, kissing Vegeta. So that's where it all began. I should have known, as I wrapped my arms around him, letting him touch my body in places he ought not to. I should have known, as his hot mouth attacked my throat, my eyes gazing at the ceiling, half lidded. I should have known as he touched the crotch area of my pants, sliding his hot fingers across the material, up and down my erected shaft.
I should have known. But I didn't. Or maybe…….. maybe I did. And as much as I should have loathed it, as much as I should have done so many things, I didn't. And that is the end of the beginning, or perhaps, the beginning of the end.
“Daddy! Wake UP!”
I bolted upright, knocking Gohan off my chest and into my lap, my eyes fearfully scanning the room. Finding no sign of a certain Prince, I breathed a sigh of relief, smiling tiredly as Gohan laughed at my expense.
“You're funny daddy.” He cracked. “Come outside, look what I can do!”
I dragged myself out from under the warm covers, unsure how I'd fallen asleep, unsure when Vegeta had left. I remembered only the feeling of lightheadedness, the illusion of freedom so strong, it had felt as if for the first time in my life, I'd been relieved of chains that had bound me, stretching my limbs and journeying away from my boundaries for the first time. Taking my first steps away from my cage, overwhelmed by the things I'd been blinded to while in its confines.
Only now, I felt the restrictions of guilt, shaking my head simply to will away the feeling, not wanting to believe that I, the hero, the mindless, thoughtless Superman, had actually done the unthinkable.
The sunlight burst into my eyes and I shielded them, squinting as the rays beamed through the breaks in the forest and the fresh, cool air filled my body like water. A beautiful morning to be sure, and I smiled wearily as Icaris, my son's overgrown pet, panted next to a nearby tree.
“Now remember Icaris!” Gohan coached in his childlike voice, soothing my conscience for the moment. “You gotta stay still.”
The dragon looking creature only panted more, obeying reluctantly as he crouched down, apparently bored with this trick. His tiny wings, (far too tiny for much flying you'd think) bat the air mercilessly and his large, trusting eyes beamed at me.
As I watched, Gohan stretched out his little arms, his palms facing upwards as he gently lifted the enormous animal using just his power as a levitating force. I smiled broadly, clapping my hands enthusiastically to congratulate him.
He placed a hand behind his head, laughing merrily and enjoying this self promotion, reminding me, (of course) of myself. Icaris plummeted to the ground, Gohan's concentration apparently gone with his display, the large creature smashing face first into the ground, legs twitching comically.
Gohan apparently found the scene a little less humorous than me and ran towards Icaris, pulling him out of the grass and dirt and apologizing profusely.
“Oh Gohan,” I chuckled, waving the air. “Icaris is a big guy. He's fine!”
“Yeah, dad,” He said embarrassed, his hand behind his head again. “I guess you're right.”
The sunlight caught his fingers just right, the gleam of a band around his pinky catching my eye.
“Say Gohan,” I said, moving towards him and catching his little hand into the palm of my own. “What's this ring on your finger about?”
“Oh that?” he stated the obvious, cradling his hand possessively. “Prince Vegeta gave it to me this morning before he left.”
My stomach sank and I felt blood rush to my head.
“V-Vegeta?” I stammered “You saw Vegeta leave?”
“Yes,” He answered. “He came outta your bedroom. Didn't you talk to him? He said you two were talking about important things and you fell asleep. He gave me this ring and told me it was a present. I'm supposed to keep it on he says. For good luck cuz' someday, it'll come in handy.”
I snatched the ring off his finger as gently as I could, against his protest, gazing at the rare beauty it held. Made of onyx stone, it gleamed black and green, tiny letters engraved with Peridot. I squinted, twisting the ring this way and that in the sunlight, trying to make out the words. Catching the rays at just the right angle, the Peridot stone shone bright green, revealing the haunting sentence “The Kiss of Hell”.
I shuddered, automatically despising the ring, appalled that Vegeta would give my son something so blasphemous. But just as quickly as I had taken it, Gohan grabbed it back, holding it between his hands protectively, as if at any moment, I would tear it away.
“Its mine!” he growled, his eyes staring into mine intently. “Vegeta gave it to me.”
“Gohan,” I said reasonably, concerned that my son was acting so strangely about such a hideous gift. “I don't think your mother would approve of you wearing something like that. She'd flip if she found it you know.”
“Well she's not going to find it.” he said, his eyes staring intimidatingly into mine. “And I don't think mom would like Vegeta in your room when she's sleeping either.”
I sucked in air, suddenly going on the defensive against my own kid.
“Now you listen here,” I hissed, never having used this tone on him, never having to. I caught myself mid sentence, realizing what I was about to lower myself to. “Gohan, look. I wont take the ring if you agree not to tell mommy about Vegeta's little visit. Its just that she'd hate having him around when she's awake and so I thought it'd be better if he came at night.”
He didn't look convinced and I was increasingly sickened by my lie. What had I done? What had happened to me?
“Deal?” I said, opening my palm to him.
“Deal.” He said in a grown up fashion, staring in that uncomfortable way. As he took my hand, the nausea came, bringing with it the realization that I had lied about me and Vegeta, for the second time.
I watched the news silently, thankful only for my dreamless night as twisted, horrible faces caught the eye of the camera, all remorse, all sanity gone from them. Child molesters, rapists, murderers. All caught in one night and showing not even the least amount of guilt or even fear of what punishment awaited them.
“Yeah I'm sorry!” Screamed a man, eyes absolutely blazing with madness as police struggled to hold him by both arms. “Sorry I only got to do it once!”
I shook my head, changing to another channel as Chi Chi entered the room, looking groggy. Oh, I almost laughed at the irony of it all. At the sickness of it all. If only she knew. Oh, but if only she had awoken to the noises, to the overly crowded bed. How differently this morning would have gone. But in all the guilt that, (and I put emphasis on this point) WAS there, I had to admit a certain happiness to it all.
I was like a young boy who, although he felt remorse at what he'd gotten away with, had to remember, he DID get away with it. It was very mischievous to be honest and I guess, well, now that I think on it, I must have been quite excited.
Every channel was cursed with scenes of madness, of strife and despair. Every channel showed scenes that were all too often occurring, each one resembling the next. Bodies, distorted, bloated with time and negligence. Blood, gore, death. Every click of the button brought just one more flash of violence that I didn't want to see.
An attractive blonde newscaster stood at the scene of Sin's newest victim, the remains of San Diego quite the contradiction to what it had been before. Filth and fluids from bodies littered the streets, animals chewing on remains before investigators found the time to shoo them away and continue gathering up the corpses. Experienced, professional as I figured she was, the pretty faced reporter could barely blink her tears away enough to finish the broadcast, remarking in a dull voice, that there were still no suspects.
“What used to be a thriving city is now nothing more than a graveyard.” She said in a shaky voice, squinting to see the words meant to be spoken. “Families laid to ruin, lives lost, the smell of human decay. Its all that remains.”
She looked down, the tears finally just escaping from her eyelids and making her appearance all that more appealing as she flushed with color. Looking back up, she tried to smile, her lips forming the words “God help us all,” weakly.
“God, God, God.” Fumed Chi Chi, moving around the living room to wipe off dusty counters. “Its all you hear these days. Everyone fluttering about over God. Funny how the whole topic was so taboo not too long ago and oh, now look! The world is crumbling and what do these idiots do? They turn to the one person they strived so long to forget.”
I looked at her wearily, seeing the tired lines and wrinkles near her eyes, trying not to think of last night and the things I'd gotten away with.
“Every body wanted freedom from religion for so long and now? Well, they got their wish. They're free to do what they want and suffer in their silence. You ask me, its justice.”
I didn't look at her, just watching the quivering scenes that the camera revealed, tales of the first attack still running rampant after all these months.
“Man stabbing himself in the face with a pitchfork?” One investigator shook his head. “Seems crazy that a man could even do that once let alone several times. You'd think that the pain would've stopped em' or something. But he just kept on hacking away till there's wasn't nothing much left. And the farmer who bashed his head into the wall? I tell you consciousness should've left him long before he busted right through to his brains. I'm the one who had to clean that s***,” the television editors beeped out his word. “up! Had to scrap them brains right of the wooden side of his barn. You should've seen it! Looked like a G** damn horror flick. All bloody and-..”
I switched off the T.V. looking at the black screen that met me from across the room. Chi Chi was going on and on, complaining about Sin, complaining about all the theories and the fact that church attendance was higher than its ever been recorded. I sighed as she mulled out her own theories, something about conspiracies by the government, something I've never known or cared much about.
I ignored her completely, just staring ahead until I felt her warm arms encircle me from behind, her cheek pressed against my own.
“What's wrong Goku baby?” she cooed in an adorable way she seldomly does. “Why the long face?”
I sighed for the millionth time that day, placing my palm on her hand gently.
“Just seems like a lot of sadness.” I answered, putting on my foolish façade for her. “Lot of people dying for no reason.”
“I don't think people ever really die for a reason Goku.” She said softly, holding tightly onto me.
“I know, I know.” I patted her hand. “I guess I just feel kinda useless is all.”
She chuckled kindly, standing up and untangling her arms from around me.
“That's the Goku I know.” She laughed, patting my shoulder. “Always gotta be the hero. Well don't worry honey, I'll make you a big breakfast, eggs, sausage, pancakes, the works! How's that sound?”
My growling stomach answered her.
“That's just what you need.” She nodded. “A good meal will solve any problem. Besides, it'll wake you right up. And from the looks of it, you didn't get much sleep.”
For one instance, for one sick little moment, I had to let myself smile at that one. Oh Chi Chi, if you ONLY knew.
I jumped slightly as the obnoxious ring from the telephone sent my over sensitive hearing into orbit, Chi Chi snatching the receiver up and snapping a very trite, hello. She frowned, as was customary of her to do when someone she didn't “approve” of called and basically tossed the phone into my lap.
“Hello?” I answered, as of course, any idiot would.
“YO! Goku my man, what's up?”
I relaxed, letting myself smile genuinely.
“Yamcha! Hey there! Nothing too much going on over here. Just watching T.V and-..”
“Excellent!” he cut in. “Cuz Krillin pissed out on me working out today, got that new girlfriend you know. Course, who knows how long THAT one will last. Not to bash the chick but she'd give even you a run for your money when it comes to dumb answers and being an airhead! Like, the other day, you wouldn't believe this, Krillin says to her……..”
He droned on and on, my fingers clicking on my lap as I listened. That's right Yamcha, I'm such an idiot. Stupid moron that laughs when someone cracks jokes at him, too dumb to realize it ought to hurt his feelings. Here, I'll play with you. Let me put this hand behind my head, throw it back, open my mouth for one more hearty laugh. Aren't I so good at it? Ohhhhh, and wouldn't you know it, I'm innocent too. That's right. Goku would NEVER do anything wrong. Why, he's too fucking stupid to pull something over on anyone.
I should have been glad, proud that my innocent, incompetent façade was, as always, working like a God damn charm. But like anyone else, the comment stung, not my outer being, but the inner person being insulted. You could change so easily who you were on the outside. That's easy. Or you could simply ignore and mark it off as preference. But when it came to pissing on someone's intelligence, I guess others overlooked the idea that I might just be competent enough to get the joke.
“What can I do for you Yamcha?” I said, just a little bit off my usual tone.
“Well that's just the thing,” He answer, completely missing my peevish question. “I need you to go to the gym with me. I hate going alone and Puar isn't really the best company. I mean, a guy talking with his cat isn't exactly chick magnet material ya know? I would've asked Vegeta if he wasn't, you know, himself.”
I laughed sincerely at this joke. Yamcha and Vegeta? Oh, that was rich.
“Plus, I cant have him getting all the babes. You know the effect that guy has on women. Its ridiculous! You'd think he's Brad Pitt for God's sake! Walking around like freakin' Tom Cruise, that scowl. I don't get it I tell ya. But that's why I need you.”
“Cuz' I'm not competition?” I asked sternly.
“Aw geez Goku!” he said with a smile in his voice. “You know I didn't mean it like that. Its just that, well, you know. You're married and what not. You've got a kid and everything.”
Hm…. Funny how that hadn't stopped me last night. Quite the impediment.
“Besides,” he went on. “It'd do you some good to get outta that house. Word on the street is, you haven't been doing much working out ever since……… well, you know. The attacks and everything. Come on, let go for a while. Its freedom. Enjoy it.”
Ah freedom. How I wished I didn't enjoy it.