Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight's Insight ❯ Moonlight's Insight ( One-Shot )

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Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Dragonball Z/GT. I wish I did, and I'm sure a lot of other people do too!

Shameless plug: Please visit http://www.dragonballgirl.net if you have time! It's my new site ^_^.

Moonlight's Insight

I look up to you,
You always understand,
You always know
About the situation at hand,

You know of my son,
My friend and my foe,
You know of my past,
Of my all-time low,

You watch with interest,
You observe the norm,
You know my weakness,
But give me strength to transform,

All-seeing and all-knowing,
Mysterious and bright,
Illuminating my face
In the mid of the night,

I come to you now,
And gaze up above,
Maybe you know
About this thing called love.