Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Of Us ❯ 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

More of Us


Notes: Slash. M/M. Sex eventually. *Soon. * Mpreg. Chi-Chi bashing. AU, I guess. *isn't all fanfiction AU?*


To say that ChiChi was displeased would be a gross understatement. Livid. Enraged. As close to being a Super Saiyan as one person could possible be. These things all described her fairly accurately; but displeased was just too polite of a word for what she was currently displaying. In fact, Goku figured if she were a Saiyan woman she would be flickering yellow hair right about now. But, somewhere between the "Just where in the hell were you?" and the "Disrespectful Saiyan monkeys" he had gotten bored. Very bored. Bored to the point were he was currently counting the seconds by the swish of his tail. One two three, and one two three. Five minutes so far. Boredom was making him edgy. Fighting Freiza had been more fun than this. Of course, fight Freiza had been more fun than most things, so he wasn't going to compare his enraged little wife to something he actually liked doing. In fact, just after the "Why can't you get a real job" and just before "I don't know why I put up with you" he just walked away. He smelled like dead fish. And dirt.

ChiChi stopped silent, and stared after him, gaping like a trout for a moment before she caught up and started in on "How dare he think that he could just walk away like that, didn't he realize that…" He slammed the bathroom door in her face.

She screamed through the door. He turned the water on, full blast, and slipped out of his gi. He felt funny. The fall must have done something to his insides, because everything felt like it was put back together the wrong way. In fact, there was this place just below his stomach that hurt fiercely, like someone stuck a knife in him and twisted it around. He rubbed it and let the hot water soothe away the other numerous aggravations. His tail stopped swishing for a moment and was loosely wrapped around his elbow. In fact, now that the pain in his hips was lessened, he felt pretty good. Vibrant even. Hungry.

He wanted chocolate. Maybe ice cream. A purr vibrated against his chest, and it took him a while to realize that he was the one that was making the noise. He had never purred. Purring was a girly thing to do. He was no woman, thank you very much. With a little satisfied grin that he was not a woman, he glanced downward, to reaffirm his masculinity and… Yep. There it was. MALE. Thank you very much. He kept purring though, much to his passive annoyance.

Which reminded him, what was Vegeta doing anyway? Goku was fairly certain that Saiyans didn't go around sticking their hands in each others pants. It didn't seem like a warrior-like thing to do. So what was the little Prince doing exactly? Goku knew-mainly from Yamcha and Krillin-that sometimes earth men would compare or something. But it wasn't something that he imagined Vegeta would ever do.

Why had the purring gotten louder? And now his tail was swishing like a fan behind him. A smell filled the shower. A nice little smell, in fact, that made him wonder if someone had come over to visit while he was in the shower. ChiChi never smelled that nice, but it was similar to how she smelt before they had Gohan. He sniffed, found that he didn't recognize the scent and sighed. The shower was getting colder, and he couldn't hide in here all day anyway. With a regretful smile, he turned the shower off, and used a little ki to drying himself off. His clothes were ruined, so he left them in the bathroom. ChiChi was outside the bathroom still and while she had opened her mouth to start with a "Just you wait until you're hungry, and you have to feed yourself." But stopped when she saw him naked and changed it to a "What in the hell do you think you're doing walking around like that. No human would walk around like that. Why did I marry you?"

Goku stopped, turned, looked down at his tiny wife. "Why did you?" he asked. She blinked. "Why did you marry me?"

She blinked again, scowled and said. "Because nobody is stronger than you. I should have picked someone smarter."

Goku thought about it for a moment. "Well. Good luck." He went into the bedroom-that smell was still following him, and dammit, he was purring again! The closet was open and he pulled out a gi, slipped into it, and then reached to the top of the closet where Chi-Chi kept the suitcases. Retrieving them, he opened them and pulled her clothes out of the closet and tossed them in. Then her drawers, and when he had finished, he turned to look at her.

In the middle of "What in the hell are you doing with my stuff?" he shoved the suitcases at her, and with a happy smile pointed toward the front door.

"Good luck finding someone smarter." Then he pushed her out of the bedroom and closed the door.


The annoying woman was bothering him again. Vegeta lived at Capsule Corp because it was the best house in the city. He tolerated the yipping woman because she provided him with food and the gravity room. He was not there to be her friend or to listen to her. He didn't care about her problems with Yamcha. He didn't care about her parents. He didn't even remotely care that she was still alive other than the food was always there for him to eat. Right now, she was babbling off about some machine she was fixing with her father, and how she had this suspicion that someone had used the DragonBalls, and that was silly because who would use them and waste them like that?

Vegeta, Prince of All Saiyans, was suffering this gossip in silence. He was sitting very still, trying to blend in with his surroundings, and found that while Saiyans had many talents, being a chameleon was not one of them.

It was just about that time when ChiChi, the harpy bitch that Goku was chained to, showed up at Capsule Corp, arms full of suitcases, face filled with rage and screeching little voice raised. "This is all YOUR fault!" she screamed at Vegeta. "If you had NEVER come then this would not be a problem!"

Bulma took one of the suitcases and asked: "What happened?"

"He kicked me out. Goku kicked me out. Of my own house!" There was a short pause before the harpy continued: "First he comes home smelling like lord knows what, and when I tried to talk to him, he just slammed the bathroom door in my face. Then I tried to reason with him again, he just kicked him out of my house."

"He didn't say anything?" Bulma asked.

"He wished me good luck in finding someone smarter." She huffed. "And that damn purring! He just kept purring."

Vegeta smiled, inwardly, where nobody but himself could see it, and thought of what it would sound like to hear Kakarot purr. Velvety. Smooth. Probably deep. Masculine, but purring was mainly a feminine attribute that alerted their mates that the season was upon them and they were ready and more than willing to make children. Very soon Kakarot would start to look for a mate.

"I will too," ChiChi muttered, "I will find someone smarter."

Vegeta considered his part in Kakarot's blunder; considered whether or not he wanted to become the man's mate. While it wasn't uncommon for the royalty to select their consorts from the public, he couldn't remember if actual heirs came from those liaisons or if the children born were just for the furthering of the race. He could, conceivably, give Kakarot what he was looking for, make the man pregnant. Perhaps even multiple children. Saiyans had at least two most of the time. Sometimes they had more. Like these stupid earth women could have triplets, Saiyans could have four. Hmm. It couldn't hurt anything to further the race a little. Perhaps they would have a daughter, and then, she could find the strongest earth warrior and even if the bloodline was diluted a bit, it would still be strong.

And Kakarot was too strong and too big for Vegeta to inadvertently break. It would be interesting to see if another Saiyan reacted to stimulus the same as Vegeta did. What the differences were. What the similarities were. Of course, he should probably, at least, tell Kakarot what he had gotten himself into. It wasn't like Vegeta was offering to move in with him, or to raise the brats once they were born. Kakarot had wanted them, he would get them. Vegeta would be the Prince again.

The choice made, Vegeta stood, ignored the yipping of the harpy and set off to find Kakarot.


Goku stood at the window in his room and stared out the window. Something felt wrong. He was still purring-to his annoyance-and that place under his stomach was aching again. He'd eaten everything he could find in the kitchen, found that there was no chocolate, and after going to the store to buy some, and eating it, he hadn't felt any better. The purring subsided a little bit, but once the last piece was gone, he was straight back to the steady rumble. His tail was docile, curled around his arm. After ChiChi had stormed out, he was faced with the enormity of what he had done, and while he couldn't understand why he had kicked her out of her own house, he didn't really regret it at all. Gohan had come home only long enough to give his father a strange expression, inquire about his mother-no sorrow from the boy about his mother's departure-and then announce that he was going to camp with Piccolo so he could train more.

Goku was alone again. Purring. And even though he could figure out what or who for, he was waiting for something. Someone. Anything. Stupid Dragon. Promised him that there would be more Saiyans, and what had happened? Nothing except Goku's tail coming back. That wouldn't do him much good.

Then, there was the most delicious smell. Like musk, almost. Intoxicating. The annoying purring got louder, and he could feel it all the way through his chest. Then, Vegeta was there, in the doorway, vague expression of annoyance on his face.

"Kakarot," he said.

Goku's tail curled tighter around his wrist, cleanly pulling itself completely away from his backside, almost like dogs he had seen when they went into heat. "Yeah, 'Geta?"

Vegeta rolled his eyes, and raised his hand up to pinch his nose. "Kami, you smell," he said lowly, almost to himself. Then he looked at Goku. "We need to have a discussion about your wish."

"I don't think it worked," Goku said.

"Stop purring!" Vegeta snapped.

"I can't," Goku replied miserably. "I tried."

"I think the dragon answered your wish," Vegeta said. He wasn't looking at Goku anymore, and the taller Saiyan had the child-like need for Vegeta to be looking at him. So he moved closer. Vegeta moved back, until they had worked themselves into a corner.

"What do you mean?" Goku asked.

Vegeta stared up at him. Then, almost like he was giving in to some invisible enemy, Vegeta lowered his hand away from his nose and heaved a great sigh. "I think you are now able to have children."

"Well, of course, 'Geta. I have Gohan."

"No, Baka, I mean I think you are able to carry children and give birth."

Goku blinked at Vegeta then cocked his head to one side and purred deeply for a moment. His tail unwrapped from his hand and strained to touch Vegeta. The Prince, very reluctantly, ran his fingers across the tail. Goku shuddered, so much that his knees felt week, and he almost fell. But Vegeta was there, growling deep in his throat suddenly. His hands released the tail and wrapped in Goku's gi.

"But, 'Geta," Goku whispered, "I'm a boy."

Any response Vegeta might have said was swallowed when Goku dipped his head and nuzzled against the Prince's collarbone. The compulsion seemed odd to Goku, but he wasn't one to question Saiyan urges. He turned his face inward, to smell Vegeta's neck, found that it was the short Prince emanating the nice smell, and then, he did something that seemed very odd to him. He licked the Princes' neck.

Vegeta's growl turned into a primal howl, and he wrapped Goku's black hair in his fists and pulled as hard as he could, twisting Goku until the man's face was just were Vegeta wanted it, then he kissed him, pressing hard against the pliant lips under his and forcing them open, dipping his tongue down, to taste the chocolate-tinted flavor of the giant baka. Goku's purring vibrated through both of them. And just as Vegeta's hands tightened and he was pushing them toward the bed, Goku leaned back and looked at him.

"Can we?" Goku asked in a breathless whisper, "Can we make more like us?"

Vegeta felt the Saiyan in him screaming out and he growled, louder than any scream, and shoved Goku back onto the bed, grabbing the man's legs, throwing them open and up, revealing the clothe-covered treasure. "Yes, Kakarot," he growled, "We are going to make more like us."


Hmm. I wonder what the next chapter is going to be? Hmmmmmmmm? Hmmmm?!?!? * Glances at audience * What do you think? We have two horny, instinct-driven Saiyans in "season" whatever are they going to do?

Gk: Watch TV?

Vegeta: *why did he have to be only other Saiyan? Why? *

Gk: Ooooo, Soap Operas!

Vegeta: WHY? Why?!