Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Of Us ❯ 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

More Of Us


Notes: Slash. M/M. Sex eventually. *Again! * Mpreg. Chi-Chi bashing. AU, I guess. *isn't allfan fiction AU?*

Oh, and I don't own them. Of course I don't, or I would be rich.


Gohan knew a few things for certain. One was that everybody had a mommy and a daddy. The other was: when in doubt, ask Piccolo. So after his dad attempted to explain that he was pregnant, Gohan immediately went to Piccolo to ask him to explain in terms that Gohan could actually understand. The green man was looking especially green, and a bit perturbed.

"You should ask your mother about sex, Gohan," was Piccolo's response.

Not exactly the helpful answer Gohan was expecting, so he-realizing that it was a bad idea-sought out Vegeta. He found the disgruntled, arrogant Prince sitting on the roof of the Capsule Corp building. The Prince looked at him with one eye and then heaved a sigh. "Kakarot is not here."

"I know," Gohan said. "Dad said." Gohan wasn't really afraid of Vegeta, but he wasn't exactly looking forward to asking the Prince questions. "He said that he was pregnant. Can all Saiyans get pregnant?"

"The women can."

"But dad is a boy." Unless, of course, Gohan had his genders mixed up horribly. But he was fairly certain that he and his father were both men, and thus they would not be the ones to carry children.

"Yes. But Kakarot made a wish to be able to have more Saiyans. His body changed to make him both male and female."

Gohan stared. Vegeta was being down right civil. Pleasant even. Terrifyingly so. If Gohan listened closely enough he would have heard purring from under the roof where Vegeta was laying, and if he had focused on his Father's ki, he would have realized that Vegeta was lying directly above where Goku was sleeping. But he did not notice these things, and feeling a bit unnerved that the Prince was being civil, promptly flew away again.


Trunks forgot, to his shame, that there were other threats the Saiyans would have to defeat. In the weirdness of finding out that Goku was pregnant he had forgotten about Freiza's return. Forgotten that someone would have to defeat that asshole and save the planet. Of course, by the time he finished recovering from the idea that he wouldn't exist; since Vegeta was with Goku and not Bulma. Or if he did exist it would not be the same. Which posed the question about how many alternate futures there were, and had he come to the right past? And he was forgetting about Freiza again.

He left without telling the others were he was going. Intent on defeating the threat without alarming the pregnant Goku-who purred and snored the whole night-or Vegeta-who was sleeping on the roof-or Bulma. It should be a relatively simple thing to destroy the annoyance. After all he was a Super Saiyan. As strong or stronger than Goku. But, as he stood in the middle of the field, and watched the space pod descend, he felt the approach pair of Saiyans.

The pod door opened. Freiza appeared, snickered in that annoying pitch of his, smirked. Trunks didn't spare the energy to talk. He powered up, burst into Super Saiyan, as powerful as he could possibly be, and then raised both his hands, gathered all the ki he could.

"You can't destroy me!" Frieza shrieked.

Trunks let the ki go, felt it tear through the space pod, the earth under Frieza, through the icejin himself. Just as his energy started to fail, there was more power in the blast. Goku and Vegeta were standing on either side of him. Vegeta was screaming in rage and Goku was silent but just as deadly as Bulma had told him about.

When the bright flash died away, there was nothing but a deep scar in the earth. Scorched dirt that formed a new crater.

"You're a Super Saiyan?" Vegeta demanded.

"How'd you know…?" Trunks started.

Goku grinned. "I recognized his ki. I fought him. Gave him part of my ki."

"You're a SUPER SAIYAN?" Vegeta screamed.

"Don't worry, Vegeta," Goku said calmingly, "I'm sure you'll be one soon."

Vegeta shot him a venomous look, and growled out in anger. Without saying another word he flew away, leaving a minor dent in the dirt where he flew over the earth.

Goku shrugged and turned to look at Trunks. "What are you going to do now?"

Trunks sighed. If he went back to the future he wouldn't exist anymore. Because Vegeta was never going to end up with Bulma. He might still exist, but as Goku's child instead of Bulma's and wouldn't that mean that the antidote didn't exist? What if Trunks existed and Goku's three children lived too?

No. Then Trunks would have known them. It was just Gohan in the future. But, Trunks thought, if he had to be born to bring back the antidote, maybe Goku's three children had died from the same heart virus and that's why Vegeta had sought out Bulma. Maybe that was why he existed in the future and Goku's children didn't.

Goku was purring again, eyes half-lidded, tail wrapped around his own thigh, the end flicking back and forth like a cat's, teasing the suddenly highly sensitive skin. The smell was back, stronger, and as he watched Trunks' brow furrow in thought, he thought to himself how very much like his father the boy looked. Wondered if he tasted the same. Wondered if Trunks would let him find out. Goku moved forward, the purring got deeper, his tail tightened around his leg, and Trunks looked up just in time for Goku to nuzzle against his neck.

Trunks stood stock still. Goku was so close to him he could feel the man's chest vibrating in that intoxicating purr. When he felt the man's breath against his neck he tilted his chin back, instinctively giving the taller Saiyan the room to press his lips against the skin. And when Goku ran his tongue across Trunks' neck, the boy was absolutely certain he was going to die. Every impulse in his demanded that he reach forward, grab Goku and… What? Exactly? He wasn't sure, but if this man was Vegeta's mate-temporary obviously, or else the Prince would be here beating Trunks' skull in-he wasn't inclined to do anything to Goku.

Then the tall Saiyan looked up at him, smiled, and pressed both his hands to Trunks' chest, ran them up and down his shirt, and then around his back, pulled them closer together. His eyes were clouded, and he murmured " 'Geta," just before he kissed Trunks. Teeth bit through Trunks' lip and he opened his mouth, felt Goku's tongue, and forgot-just for a moment-that this was Vegeta's mate. He curled both his hands in Goku's wild hair and pulled it hard, pressing them closer together.


Vegeta had imagined going Super Saiyan a thousand ways. He had imagined it since he was old enough to listen to his father lecture him on how he was a miserable excuse for a prince, how he had no pride and no honor. He had imagined it every day he had served Freiza, every minute he had known Kakarot, and now that Trunks had appeared from the future he imagined it with every beat of his heart. And the fact that the little brat could achieve Super Saiyan was enough to make his eyes cross in envy.

Vegeta did not pout. He simply allowed himself time to be disappoint in himself once again, allowed himself time to gather all that anger his father had given him. Because a Saiyan fed on anger. They grew stronger with rage, and he was certainly not going to let that little future boy to come back and best him the same way that Kakarot did.

When he felt that he was appropriately filled with rage, Vegeta returned to Trunks, intent on challenging the demi-Saiyan to a fight. But when he got close enough to see the lavender haired Saiyan, he stopped dead in mid-flight.

That lying, deceiving, BASTARD! That stupid little pale boy from the future had his unworthy hands wrapped in Kakarot's hair! Had his mouth pressed to Kakarot's, was bleeding for Kakarot and whimpering and Kakarot was PURRING for someone ELSE!

Just like that, as the rage inside of Vegeta burst beyond anything he had ever felt before, the sky burned yellow, and crackled. Blindly, Vegeta dove, intent on killing the lavender-haired bastard that thought he had the right to touch something that belonged solely to the Prince. Vegeta smashed into Trunks, head first, felt ribs crack and smirked as he shoved the worthless body into the ground. If the little bastard wanted to bleed for Kakarot, Vegeta was more than willing to oblige him. He would bleed and die for Kakarot.

Goku realized it probably wasn't a good idea, what he was doing. But the realization was dimmed by the fact that Trunks was right there, in front of him, warm and hard and responding with the same sort of want. And he did taste like Vegeta, just enough that Goku could forget that it wasn't Vegeta he was kissing. Or at least, he was doing an excellent job at forgetting until the enraged Saiyan he was imagining smashed head first into Trunks and propelled them both into the ground.

Goku stared, momentarily shocked into dumbness by the sheer magnificence of the smell Vegeta was sending off. It was even better than Trunks' smell. Goku sniffed at the air and moved to catch up with Vegeta as the Prince picked up the body of his future son and kicked it straight into the air like a football. The short Saiyan was just going to send off a ki blast when Goku wrapped his arms around him, and sniffed his blond hair. Vegeta when rigid in his grasp and then, when Goku started to purr, the prince turned, looked at the bloody smile on his mate's face and snarled. Behind them, Trunks fell to the ground and groaned.

Vegeta half turned, raised his hand to finish what he had started, but Goku's tail wrapped around Vegeta's thigh and his hands were raking down the Prince's back, clawing at him, reminding him of the marks that were already on his back, reminding him of how he had gotten them. He let his power dwindle, let his hair fade back into black, and Goku smiled at him, licked his lips.

"I'm hungry," he said, "Can we go eat now?"

Vegeta stifled the sigh. Five months, he reminded himself, five months of a spastic Kakarot absorbing his every thought. Five months of this insanity. Five months of sheer hell. He had admitted it to himself, even if he didn't like it, that attempting to distance himself from Kakarot was not going to work. The farther away he got, the worse he felt about himself, the angrier he got and the more territorial. There was a severely bruised Saiyan climbing to his feet behind them to attest to this fact. He was a Super Saiyan now.

Because of Kakarot-Kami must have a real wicked sense of humor about things. Vegeta was going to be a father, and if he could not fight the impulse to protect Kakarot and give him his every wish and desire, then Vegeta could do the opposite, excel at providing for his mate so well that anyone else even so much as thinking about touching the bearer of his children would realize that Kakarot was for Vegeta alone.

" 'Geta," Goku said, "Doncha think you should help Trunks?"

"No, Kakarot, I do not." Vegeta waited until Goku's hold on him relaxed enough to let him go, and then rose into the air. The look on Goku's face was enough to inform him that if Vegeta didn't carry his happy ass over there and pick up the victim of Saiyan instincts then Goku was going to show Vegeta some Saiyan-style beatings that would remind the whole world why Goku was the strongest warrior in the universe. Vegeta, despite his intolerable pride, was well aware that Goku could and probably would-given his present state-proceed to spank him like the Prince was a misbehaving toddler if he did not do as Kakarot so kindly suggested. So, Vegeta moved over to pick Trunks up out of the dirt. Jostled the dirty demi-Saiyan, making him groan in pain again, and took satisfaction that he was causing the idiot pain.

"Maybe we should take him to Dende and get him healed," Goku said.


*You know you want to review! *

Gk: Hey, 'Geta…

Vegeta: What Kakarot?

Gk: Do you… Do you…

Vegeta: Spit it out already.

Gk: Do you think I'm fat?

Vegeta: *looks at audience * do you see the insanity I have subjected myself to?