Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Of Us ❯ 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

More Of Us


Notes: Slash. M/M. Sex eventually. *Even more! * Mpreg. Chi-Chi bashing. AU, I guess. *isn't allfan fiction AU?*

Oh, and I don't own them. Of course I don't, or I would be rich.


Krillin had told him, but Yamcha had to admit that he didn't really believe the short bald one until he arrived at Capsule Corp the next morning to find Chichi and Vegeta arguing at the top of their lungs with Goku eating a whole cow-no kidding, it was a whole cow.

"Which one of us gave birth to a Saiyan?!" Chichi yelled.

"You are a stupid earth woman! You will not be there when my sons are born!" Vegeta yelled back.

"Fine, then! Who's going to explain to Goku what's going to happen? You? Which one of us has been in labor before?"
Yamcha felt his heart stop. He'd been dead before, so he knew what it felt like. But he never thought that a person could actually die of shock. In fact, had Bulma not pushed her way past him to get into the kitchen he could have very well died right there and gone to Otherworld without anyone noticing a thing.

"Stop it!" Bulma shrieked at the two of them. "Vegeta, it's five months away. Chichi, stop yelling so loud, you're giving me a headache."

"Do you have any chocolate?" Goku asked. He paused in ripping charred flesh from bone long enough to look at Bulma with the pleading dark eyes.

"Should he be eating that much?" Chichi asked.

"He's pregnant," Vegeta said. Then he crossed the kitchen, managing not to turn his back to Chichi, and retrieved a stack of chocolate bars. Then, as he sneered at the woman, he returned to Goku's side and dropped the candy in front of him on the table.

"I was pregnant too, and I didn't eat that much."

Yamcha only realized his mouth was open when the drool dripped off his chin onto his chest. He closed his mouth finally, made a sort of strangled squeaking noise and then chuckled like a moron, felt like an idiot, and then said: "So… Congratulations!" And ran as fast as he could to get away from the freak show.


Goku unwrapped the chocolate and purred. Just a quick little purr to let his mate know he was pleased with the food he had been given. Over the past twenty-four hours-since Goku woke up and realized that his three little children had developed into four-Goku had learned that a little thank-you purring went a long way. In fact, a purr to thank Vegeta for giving him food generally made the Prince smile in a patriarchal way and that in turn made Goku smile, and then everyone was smiling and everyone was happy.

Then Chichi had started talking about delivery. Delivery of what exactly Goku had no idea. As it often happens, Goku got bored with listening to her, and promptly turned to his mate to provide him with distraction and food. Thus the cow. And now the chocolate, and Chichi was still going on about things like 'labor' and 'birth' and 'nobody explained where babies come from to Goku' and that made Goku start to think about it. Because he knew that he was a boy and that that meant he was the one to put the babies into women-like when he had sex with Chichi and Gohan was made-but as he considered it nobody really explained how that worked exactly. Something about mixing body fluids or something and wham, bam, thank you, there was a baby. But… Wait a minute, Goku paused in the middle of chewing a piece of chocolate. If the babies started out inside of him, how exactly do they come back out?

Then he heard Chichi say things like "IV" and "Doctors" and "Hospital" and suddenly Goku did not want to be pregnant anymore. He choked, felt Vegeta look at him, and then, he managed to sputter: "Hospital?!"

"Yes, Goku, a hospital. What did you think that the babies just appeared?"

"Woman," Vegeta growled, "Your continued existence is not necessary." He sneered at her and would have done something further but Goku shot to his feet and grabbed both of his shoulders.

"Vegeta!" he screamed, "I don't have to go to the hospital do I?" And it obviously just occurred to the baka, Vegeta thought with a grimace, that getting the babies back out was not going to be as nice as putting them in.

"No, Kakarot," he said.

"Vegeta," Goku said quieter, "How do they come out?"

And Kami, Vegeta thought, why did he have to be the one to explain this to the baka? Why wasn't there someone else he could hand the task off to?

Apparently the prince should be careful what he asked for because Chichi opened her fat mouth to say: "you have to give birth to them Goku. I assume you have the parts if you got pregnant."

Goku's eyes widened impossibly. "They have to come out down there?" he asked. His hands were tightening on Vegeta's shoulders, and the Prince was certain if Goku got another shock he would in advertently shatter Vegeta's shoulders. "All four of them?!"

"Yes, Kakarot."


"No," Vegeta said calmly, "Not at once. You'll have time between each birth."

Goku let go of Vegeta's shoulders, finally, and sat back down. He blindly picked up a chocolate bar and started to eat it. Vegeta took the candy away from him and unwrapped it so the idiot didn't eat the wrapping as well. Then he looked at Chichi and narrowed his eyes.

"Leave," Vegeta growled, "Get out of this house, out of this city and if I see you anywhere near here I will not spare your life."

Chichi opened her mouth to object, but Bulma stepped in, wisely, and yanked the dark-haired woman out of the kitchen before any more words could be exchanged.


Trunks stayed away from Goku and Vegeta. Getting beaten into the ground by his father for hitting on his father's mate was not the reason he came back to the past. Of course, the past he thought he was returning to would have had Vegeta be a heartless jerk that could not achieve Super Saiyan despite his unhealthy fixation with it.

That was not the past Trunks found himself in. So he stayed away. Stayed on the lookout with Dende and Piccolo and Gohan. Trained with the chibi version of his future best friend, and thought about how he should probably go back to the future. He had given Bulma the antidote, so there was really nothing he could do here besides cause problems between Goku and Vegeta.

So he left, without saying anything to anyone but Dende. He had done his part for the past, and it was up to them to make the changes.


The morning faded into the afternoon, and then the evening, and as Vegeta laid on the roof, with Goku at his side, he cursed that loud-mouthed woman. Because Goku was still pouting about the unpleasant prospect of having to push the brats out. Every so often he would whimper and mumble something like: "I didn't know about that part" or "Isn't there some other way?" or "How am I going to be able to do that?" or "who's going to catch them when they come out?" and occasionally when the baka realized that somebody would have to be between his legs watching the babies come out, he would say "I don't want anyone down there! That's personal!" Until Vegeta found it very hard to believe that this was the same warrior that defeated Freiza.

"That's all five months away," Vegeta said again.

Vegeta looked at Goku, raised an eyebrow in silent question, realizing even as he sat here and waited for the question that it was going to be one of those questions that the oblivious Saiyan asked that he should have already known the answer to.

"Why does it take five months? Why can't they be born now?"

"Because," Vegeta said, "They aren't even this big yet." He held up his fingers spread with less than an inch between them. "They have to get bigger."

"Bigger? How big?"

"You had a son, Kakarot, how big was he when he was born?"

"Huge!" Goku yelled. "I can't do that. Men aren't supposed to do that! Vegeta how are they going to come out?"

Vegeta sighed again. Patted Goku on the back and started to trill. It was like purring, but it was more masculine, it was a comforting noise that soothed the mate and allowed them to rest. Kakarot-difficult as always-ignored him at first and continued to whine about his unfortunate luck, but eventually, he settled down, purred in response, and slowly fell asleep. For the first time that day, Vegeta was left in peace, and the silence was like heaven on his poor, abused ears. Between Kakarot's wailing and the harpy's screeching, he wouldn't be surprised to find that he suffered permanent damage to his ears. The thought of a deaf Prince made Vegeta snort. The very imagine of an older him standing in the middle of a battle with one hand to his ear attempting to hear what was being said.

And then, as a chuckle reluctantly rose from his chest, Vegeta realized, much to his own horror, that he was actually getting a sense of humor. Being around Kakarot for the next five months had the potential to be his undoing. Especially since he could not spar with the oversized Saiyan. Any attempt to bring damage to Kakarot would end with the four tiny developing Saiyans in his womb attacking with the full force of their mother. Then Vegeta started chuckling again, because Kakarot was going to be a mother.

Maybe, Vegeta repressed the nightmarish shudder; he could spar with the brat. Or the green alien. Or maybe both. Because there was absolutely no way he was going to go five whole months without fighting something. And if he was going to be the father to Kakarot's forthcoming brats he should at least be civil to his oldest brat. Not that Vegeta really wanted to. But the kid was strong for his age. Vegeta could teach him a few things that the stupid green alien had never seen before. Besides, Gohan-since when he start referring to people by their name-was a Saiyan and he should learn to fight from a Saiyan.

Goku mumbled something in his sleep and rolled over to curl up against Vegeta's side. He shivered, and Vegeta begrudgingly accepted the fact that he needed to wake Goku up and move him inside where it was warmer and more comfortable. He poked the man in the ribs until the sleepy black eyes opened.

"We're going inside," Vegeta said.

Goku stumbled to his feet and followed Vegeta. When they reached their room, Goku shed his clothes and crawled into the bed, curled into a stack of pillows and immediately fell asleep again. Vegeta shook his head, wondered what life was like if you were truly so free from self-reproach. It was as if Goku honestly didn't mind what other people thought of him. After Vegeta slid out of his clothes, he slipped into bed and wrapped an arm around the larger man's waist. He could feel the warm pulse of developing life under the man's skin. It was a comfort to Vegeta to know that even if he had done horrible things his race wasn't going to die out of existence. Goku's stupid little wish seemed to be a much smarter thing than anyone else could really understand.

Vegeta smiled to himself, and with the sound of Goku's purring in his ear, fell asleep.


Awwwwwwww! * Reviewing will make Vegeta happy* ALSO. I NEED ONE NAME FOR A BOY. (a name that Vegeta would come up with besides his own name.)

Gk: Vegeta smiled! Why was I asleep when it happened?

Vegeta: Because it didn't really happen.

Gk: And why did Trunks leave so suddenly?

Trunks: Because the author hasn't seen that part of the DBZ saga and I was really nothing more than a convenient plot twist to prove to Vegeta that he was being a pigheaded asshole.

Gk: Huh?

Vegeta: He missed his mommy.

Trunks: I did not miss my mommy!

Vegeta: Riiiiiiight.

Gk: Vegeta. I found all the DragonBalls.

Vegeta: WHAT did you DO?!

Gk: *Grin*