Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets the Eye ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Right, just ta let you know (in case you didn't realise) I don't own Dragonball Z shock horror I just love it :D I do however own Jazera, so no pinching however lovley she is. I would claim ownership of Vegeta, but so many people do I wouldn't wanna make you jealous when you realise that he is actually mine and I won't share ;)
Oh and this is M rated for a reason, this is a prologue, I know I shouldn't have anything lemony so early on, but it's essential to the story, I could have skipped over it, but that wouldn't have been so fun and I'd not have got the sweetness in there.
So yeah, enjoy and if you do (or don't) review darn you so I know if I should bother with the rest of this story.
Shivering fingers pressed against cold reinforced glass, a pair of midnight eyes gazing into the space beyond the window, feet lightly vibrated from the engines of the huge ship. She'd been in space too long, a shadow of her former self, she had been… What had she been? Long ago, she could not even remember any more, but she knew she looked nothing like she used to. Her skin was pale, almost grey, eyes holding no fire, black hair hung limp around her weakened form, gone were the tight toned muscles that had granted her respect before. She was a shadow, pale, thin, she wrapped twig-like arms around her wasted torso, protectively, able to feel every rib across her back and sides, ridges of scar tissue. She was no longer the pretty little thing, she was cold and ugly with hollow cheeks and a painfully angular shape that was too easy to break, that had been her intention. Self induced starvation to stop the torture of those, creatures, it worked, they never took her away any more, but she still had the fear. Leaving the glass she padded down the cold corridor, soldiers staring at her as she passed by, clad in the clothing appropriate for her status, a barely covering thin black ensemble, easy to remove, perfect for them. She shuddered as she passed one of the higher ranking officers then everything went black, ringing in her ears, pain in the back of her delicate head.
She awoke to the warm feel of the regeneration tank, a soft pulsing around her, the breathing mask obscuring most of her view, other than the distorted, yellowy images of the aliens outside. She tried to move, wanting to dislodge the mask so the tank would be drained, but she was restrained by hundreds of wires pulsing into her sensitive skin. She supposed one of the creatures knew she was awake, it looked straight into her eyes then moved over to a panel, her eyelids grew heavy once more as she was forced back into chemically induced slumber.
A soft beeping roused her, just in time to feel the viscous yellow liquid drain past her face, she was no longer bound so removed the breathing mask herself. Her heart sank as she moved; strength in her legs, far too much strength for the state she was in, she looked down to see her body almost at its former glory, she knew her eyes would still be slate though. “Aren't we clever” an orange salamander like creature oozed “we packed you full of nutrition while you were under and stimulated you with electricity and ki to get your muscles back” it grinned “aren't you pleased? You can go back to work now” She paled, sinking to her knees on the cold, wet floor before being wrenched up and dragged damp and naked through the ship to her shared quarters, her uniform tossed in after her “get dressed” the large purple being stated simply “you're off this ship” she gripped the thin fabric, her eyes wide, off the ship, was she free? Never, she was probably going for slaughter, or torture…
She stood on the new ship; her uniform was different now, more respectable, almost like a warrior's without the armour. The tight black fabric clung to her re-formed contours as she was lead by the arm through corridors, glancing at the new faces as she passed them by, biting her lip as she recognised one, saiyajin, what was his name? Nappa! Her head whipped back to see him usher a young man, a little taller than herself from a room, dark auburn hair swept up into a flame like shape, clad in tight dark blue fabric and saiyajin elite armour “V-chan” she whispered, a tear raising to her eye, that meant she was on Frieza's ship. The sight of the prince bled a little life back into her heart, defiance regained, a look on her face she had not felt for years, pride, confidence, almost arrogance. Almost erased by what she entered a room to find. There he was, Frieza in all his vile glory, reclining in that throne like he was god of the universe, he did not deserve the galaxy, he did not even deserve his ship. She resisted the urge to power up, not wanting to give away her identity as she heard his cold, calm voice. “So, this is the little girl who has been causing my officers so much trouble” she was thrown down into an ungraceful bow at his feet “Glad you know your place little girl, you'll do well to remember it or you might get hurt.” She bit her lip, holding onto the thought of her V-chan, he would give her strength, she would not be broken again not by Frieza, not by anyone.
Vegeta left yet another training session, well, they called it training, it was more like him entertaining the witnesses by his ability to kill, it was getting dull, so was the purging, Nappa and Raditz were not the most articulate of company, speaking of the balding man, the prince felt his elite's large hand on his back, guiding him back toward his quarters. “V-chan” he heard it, the faintest of whispers but he'd definitely heard it. His head whipped back past the bulk of his company to see the slender form of a girl disappear round the corner, long black hair following her, was it black, or was there the faintest hint of auburn? `It couldn't be,' he was imagining things, shaking his head he continued on his way, stepping through the sliding doors and dropping down onto the hard bed to stare at the ceiling, `but what if it had been?'
It was late, all the lights were dimmed, only the guards were in the corridors that she silently slipped along, it had been 4 days, if you can call them days on a ship. She had learnt much, including her destination, far on the other side of the ship, she needed to move fast. It took her a matter of minutes before she found the correct door, punching in the 4 digit code then sliding through the doors before they closed. She could see the form of the prince asleep in a small bed, he was alone, thank goodness, she was safe. Creeping to her bed she bit her lip, he looked so peaceful, but she needed to speak to him. “V-chan” she whispered `please wake up' her hand reached out to touch him only to find her wrist suddenly in a painful grip, a snarl emanating from the prince. “V, V-chan” she almost whimpered, her eyes suddenly filled with emotion “it's really you.” The flame haired teen stared at her for several seconds before his mouth dropped open “J-chan?” he released her wrist then nearly forgetting himself he leapt to her and embraced her tightly “J-chan I thought you were dead!” she smiled nervously, then chuckled softly “Nope, here I am, as alive as you are” she spoke, wrapping her arms round him in return. Vegeta's expression cooled “you shouldn't be here, if anyone finds you they'll kill you on sight, they have no idea you're saiyajin.”
She nodded “I know, but, I just needed to see you, it's been so long V-chan” the prince began to look softer then furrowed his brow “Jazera, you need to get out of here, there's a guard coming to check on me, he's a corridor away on the left, get out, go right and run!” She whimpered then felt a shove from her prince `GO!' he screamed to her telepathically, so she did, flying out the room and down the cold dim corridors. Vegeta looked down to where she had been sitting only a moment ago and spotted a piece of paper, lifting it and unfolding the creases he found a map guiding either her to his chamber, or him to hers. Good, he could still find her sometime, even if she was not on the ship long.
Jazera was curled on her hard bed, ever since seeing her prince, how long ago was it now, a month? But there had hardly been a second she hadn't thought of him, she still sometimes felt the skin of her wrist tingle where he had touched her. She heard the metallic sliding of the doors to her quarters opening and cringed deeper into the covers, not tonight please, she was still sore from her punishment this morning. A soft hand rested on her hip before an equally tender voice spoke up “J-chan” she turned over, smiling up at the prince “V-chan” she smiled, literally able to feel the fear and hatred melt from her heart. Vegeta stood and punched a code into the panel by her door, locking it. Jazera looked up at him confused before sinking into the hard bed, his body covering hers, lips connecting nervously for a moment, then as she responded a smooth, gentle tongue caressed her bottom lip enough to make her shiver. “V,V-chan” her voice trembled, his voice was smoother than she ever imagined it to be, far deeper than she remembered but still youthful “I missed you J-chan” he nuzzled her softly “I kept hearing rumours of this fiery little girl with long black-auburn hair and dark eyes, it kept me alive, I was sure it was you.” She shivered, never thinking of him this way before, he'd grown colder and colder as they grew up, ever since he started training. The day they were separated she'd not seen him show a single shred of emotion, she'd been lucky, she'd cried so hard her father shoved her in a pod and sent her to some sparsely populated planet as punishment. Perhaps it was a foresight on his part; she'd been saved from the massacre.
Vegeta's smooth hands caressed her torso; he began gently peeling the black fabric from her, Jazera's eyes grew large as she questioned “V-Vegeta-sama?” he smiled softly and stopped “Please, may I…?” she swallowed, then nodded, shivering as her skin came into direct contact with the cold air of the ship. The prince's eyes looked sad as he folded her garments neatly beside them, running his fingers along the multitude of ugly scars “you had it as bad as I did?” she shook her head “no, I imagine they gave you worse, they left me alone for a couple of months once.” He looked surprised but it was clear she would not elaborate so instead he set to the task of kissing every one of her scars, so tender, she had not felt anything like this her entire life.
“You're ok, aren't you” the young man asked, concerned look upon his face, his companion nodded, reaching her hand up to trace his scars as he'd done to her. “How could they do this to a prince?” he shrugged “I am not their prince, so titles do not matter.” Jazera frowned but it was lifted in an instant as she felt Vegeta's warm hand on her breast, gently kneading the soft flesh, her back arched feeling the tip of his hardness on her thigh. His tongue flickered over her flesh so delicately, like she was covered in butterflies, for the first time in years she uncoiled her tail from her waist, and gently ran it up the length of his thigh. He shivered, releasing the pink nub he'd been playing with from his lips and raising his eyes to her, spotting the same hunger he felt. One hand slid down her body once more and gently moved her leg so it was hooked around his hips, repeating the same with the other then carefully positioning himself. He felt her tense up and blinked questioningly “sorry, it's just, no one's ever gone there, they're not allowed, they'd be killed if they did…” Vegeta smiled kindly “I'm getting you off this ship, out of this fleet tomorrow, no one will ever know but us” Jazera was shocked, her mouth open slightly “w…”
“I've got it arranged, you'll be in my pod for the next purging mission, it's a lush planet, you can hide in the jungle, I'll get a pod sent down for you and you can escape”
Tears filled her eyes, she'd only just found her prince “I won't lose you again” he hushed her gently “then enjoy tonight, I'll find you once I've killed Frieza, I promise.”
She nodded then slid a hand into his impossibly soft hair and drew him down to share a gentle kiss. Slowly he pressed into her, careful not to hurt her, pausing every time she seemed to wince. He was amazed by the heat that radiated from her, it felt so right as he pressed further forwards only to be met by a barrier, he'd heard of this, she really had been left this little shred of innocence. He pulled back to watch her, she nodded and pulled him a little closer with her legs, holding back her quiver at the pain, the prince moved slowly gently working his way until she let out a tiny yelp and he felt another hot liquid trickling from her. He felt guilty, knew it was blood, but was stopped in his tracks by Jazera's soft moan as she arched her hips towards him, he smiled and slowly pressed deeper inside her, able to feel ever single hot ridge, so smooth, so moist. The prince began purring with pleasure, the vibrating chorus joined in by his companion, four hands and two tails everywhere, exploring each other with something like desperation. Vegeta softly kissed her neck it was a contrast to the ever hardening thrusts and caused her to shiver contentedly, her purrs turning into moans “o-oujisama” the prince growled in an animalistic manner, sinking his elongated canines into the skin of her neck, revelling in the coppery taste the hit his tongue, the smaller female repeated this act for him causing a deep groan to sound from his throat. The thrusting becoming more heated, sweat glistening on their bodies as the pulled on limbs and body parts desperate to get that fraction closer to each other, Jazera began to tremble, her pupils dilating as her mouth formed a happy `o' Vegeta pressed his forehead against her and began grunting with every thrust as her muscles began to spasm around him. He began to throb in response to her cries crushing her body against his as she released a heightened “V-chan” and went limp in his arms, muscle still clenching as he was tipped over the edge pumping into her with satisfied groans.
They spent the rest of that night tangled in each other's arms, not wanting the morning to come, knowing they could easily never see each other again. Jazera lay awake, playing with her prince's hair, is that why they had done this, so she would always have a part of him? She knew the potency of elites, super elites more so, once was enough almost every time. A hand, his hand slid protectively onto her hard, flat stomach, he knew too, this was how it would be.