Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets the Eye ❯ Chapter 2: A Surprising Encounter ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thank you again my lovely reviewer :p hopefully as I get more chapters up more people will take interest, or maybe I should take longer for each chapter evil grin. Jdeppgirl4 (can I call you Stephanie, makes it easier to remember :p) it is pretty sad for poor Goku snuggles the big snugly saiyajin but his boys are half human so it could happen… I may address that further in this flic, or have another rather depressing one based more on that concept, depends how much longer I can take this miserable job. Oh and if there's anyone you'd like to see in this flicky, then feel free to suggest :) Oh and there's a teeny mention of yaoi in this chapter, it's fairly clean, more suggestive than anything, just warning you and don't worry, it's not going to dominate the storyline at any point!
Ch2: A Surprising Encounter
It had been several months, Goku was well past the point of worry, Vegeta had been gone since the day after Bulma's funeral, only Piccolo had seen him since, twice at his waterfall, but that had been at least 5 months ago. He was brought back to the real world when a tiny ki blast hit his arm, a satisfied looking Pepper grinning up at him “Grampa Goku I did it!” the tall saiyajin grinned and crouched down in front of his grandson a look of pride on his face “well done Pepper” he grinned “try it again then I'll catch us the biggest fish you've ever seen for lunch!”
The little boy screwed up his face in concentration, it took him quite a while but eventually a tiny ball of pure white light formed between his palms, he tried desperately not to lose his concentration and the ball continued to grow until it was around the size of a tennis ball. He pushed it toward Goku who caught it and gently sent it back, a short game something like catch ensued until the grumbling of two bellies confirmed it was definitely time for lunch.
The eldest and youngest of the Son family tucked into a truly massive fish, Goku had been true to his word and little Pepper's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. All too soon Gohan appeared and received a demonstration of the new technique “you know Videl's going to have your head if he breaks anything, she made me swear to not let you teach him until he was 10.” His father adopted the typical one hand behind the head Son pose and chuckled “sorry, he really learnt it by himself, but I guess I didn't discourage him… He's the same age you were when you learned to use your ki, who knows, we might need him one day” the little boy looked up expectantly as his own father frowned “Dad, nothing's happened for almost 10 years, I hope you're not wishing… I know you get bored.”
“Graaaaampaaaaa! Tell me more stories!” Pepper tugged at his grandfather's leg “pleeeeeease” Goku picked up the boy and hugged him “sorry monster, your mummy misses you” he then passed the disappointed child to his father and waved as they left. Did he wish for some new threat to appear on earth? Perhaps he did, it was only so long one could train without a proper fight, especially with Vegeta disappearing all those months ago.
Some time later a spark in the tall saiyajin's mind shocked him from his thoughts, he glanced around for what had caused it then focused his mind, a power signature, and a large one at that. Was Vegeta returning? No, it did not feel like him, and it was coming from above, Goku's eyes widened, sure he'd been bored but he'd not wanted this! He brought his two fingers up to his forehead and the next moment he was outside Gohan's house. His son was just getting out of the car when he spotted the older saiyajin “Dad?”
“Gohan, something's coming, it's powerful, from space, I'm going to round up the others, we've only got a few minutes, it's moving really fast, search it out, look for a high power that isn't anyone else's, I'm going to get Trunks and Goten, can you try and find Piccolo?” Gohan nodded and his father was gone.
Goku appeared in the main kitchen of Capsule Corp. it was strange not being able to feel Bulma here any more, even after all these months, but there was no time for reminiscing, he searched out Trunk's ki and was pleased to find Goten's with him. He ran upstairs and burst through a door “Goten Trunks something's coming it's really powerful and I think we're all gonna be needed” his eyes then bugged somewhat and he turned around with a strangled “sorry I, um, search it out, I'll see you there” and he quickly transported out of there. Goten's cheeks flushed a bright red as Trunks slid off him, and subconsciously covered himself, despite the fact that no one was there any more `Ok, that wasn't supposed to happen.'
Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, Videl, Pan and Kuririn were stood in a field all watching the decent of a sleek black space craft. The heat and power from the engines scorched the ground beneath them as the craft hummed to a halt. Bra was left to look after Pepper and Nemi, those two were still far too young to fight and Bra never really had any interest. The group all tensed as a loud hiss sounded and a door slid open, armoured soldiers began pouring out of the ship followed by three large robots and finally a single woman who floated out above them and was the main source of the colossal power. She touched her earpiece, as though she were receiving orders then spoke out in an unusual accent.
“Earth beings, we represent our lord Emperor Papyri. Yield, join our army or be destroyed.”
She then folded her muscular arms across her chest and shook her long golden hair out behind her, teal eyes regarding the small group. “Must I repeat myself, be swift or I may grow impatient.”
“Leave us, we have no interest in joining you!” Trunks called out bravely, taken aback somewhat by the woman's smirk “Then I will make you join us”.
“RAISHUU!” she bellowed and the entire army lunged forward viciously. Energy weapons sending up immense clouds of dust and debris the humans had some trouble but saiyajin and the namekian destroyed most of the men “ROBOTTO RAISHUU!”
The three robots suddenly sprang to life pelting toward the group at a great pace, huge energy blasts erupting from the cannons each one had on their right arm. Trunks was the first to be hit, he was sent flying backwards and created a painful ditch as he skidded back. Goten roared furiously and burst into his super saiyajin form blasting the arm off the robot that had hurt his friend. After this however the robots suddenly gained energy shielding, deflecting all physical attacks, Goku, Gohan and Trunks all shifted into their transformations and finally began to beat down on the mechanical menaces. All too absorbed in the fight to notice the wide eyes of the woman in charge.
Soon it was only her left, she pressed her communicator again and babbled something in an unknown language before being brought to solid ground by a ki blast from Gohan, her earpiece shattered. “Baka!” she cursed at him then suddenly her power level dropped, her eyes shifted from teal to midnight black and her hair became an intensely dark auburn. “Fukanou, I'm supposed to be the only one left…”
Goku sat beside her as she lay on her back, side smoking slightly from the blast “A-are you?” the woman appeared to grit her teeth “My name is Jazera” she wrinkled her nose “you would do well to show me respect, third class.”
The other saiyajin approached and she appeared to look at and sniff each one in turn before pointing accusingly at each son “you should not have this power, third class have neither the wit or the physical potential for super saiyajin” she then paused and sat up straight, sniffing Trunks closely and causing a tinge of red to cross the bridge of his nose. “You however, smell elite, why is your hair… What's the word… L-lily, no… Lilac?” Goten piped up “because his mother was human, just like ours” his hands balled into fists. The one who called herself Jazera nodded thoughtfully “that would explain why the only strong scent comes from him” she nodded towards Goku “You're the second son of Bardock aren't you?”
“Eh?” Goku looked puzzled for a second “Oh yeah, you're right, Bardock was my dad” Gohan noted that this female was rather small, even more so than Vegeta, and had the same red tinted hair the prince had when he first visited earth. “Bardock was the only third class I ever respected, he was not strong but at his bravery to stand up to Frieza on the last day of Vegetasei was certainly to be commended.” She paused for a moment “I suppose, the class system cannot exist here, can it, I mean, you two are stronger than this young elite” she nodded toward Goku and Gohan.
Her brow furrowed then she turned her head “Lilac, who was your father, I recognise some of your features but I cannot place them” Trunks shifted then managed to gather his courage “My name is Trunks and I am the son of prince Vegeta” below him he felt a power surge and before he knew what hit him, his entire world was golden for a moment then black speckled with white as a fist connected with his nose “how DARE you make such a claim as the saiyajin no ouji?! Take it back whelp before I bury you so deep even these three great lugs will not be able to dig you out again for a century!”
Goku burst into super saiyajin himself and ripped the furious women off of Trunks, her power buffeting against his as she roared and thrashed out at him “let me go you great oaf LET ME GO!” Another surge of power burst from her and blue sparks began to dance over her skin “UNHAND ME!” Suddenly she squeaked, then her entire body went limp as Gohan hit a pressure point in her neck causing her to slip instantly into unconsciousness. Goku grinned “Thanks Gohan, she's really powerful. I wonder why she reacted so badly to Vegeta's name?” they both looked towards where Goten was helping Trunks up and pinching his bleeding nose.
Hundreds of miles away Vegeta had felt the power surges and blasted off from his reclusive spot in the mountains towards the source of his new found interest. Faltering for a second when they all disappeared, but carrying on as his curiosity took him.
Fukanou: Impossible
Raishuu: Attack