Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets the Eye ❯ Chapter 3: Reunited? ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thanks again my beloved reviewers, sorry it's been a while, I've had a seriously crazy week…
Stephanie: Glad you like the start of my little Goten/Trunks side angle, I will be continuing it but definitely as a side story, as this is not intended to be a yaoi flic, and you won't have to wait long for Vegeta's reaction…
Phreya: All will be explained within the next couple of chapters, why Jazera thought she was the last and everything, why she's on earth…
Oh, and in case you forgot, I don't own Dragonball Z or anything important like that, this chapter is actually kinda short and crappy, but I'll be giving you the next one real soon, as in, as soon as I've given it a proof read so in about half an hour.
Update: Yup, I've edited this chapter, it was rubbish so I've tried to improve it... I could use the fact that I was having an ultra stressful week, but that's a bit of a cop out, so I'll just say I was being useless :p
Ch3: Reunited?
Vegeta followed the ki signatures back to the Capsule Corp. building, all the usual lot were there but another picked at the corners of his mind, it was extremely weak, but somehow familiar, and why would they be bringing an enemy back to his home? Before he could finish the thought he found himself bursting through the front door and making his way through all the twisting corridors toward the lab deep underground. Turning a corner he bumped into his son “Dad!” the young man was wide eyed “where…” Vegeta cut him off “what's going on brat? Who did you bring back here?”
“Dad, it, we think… She's saiyajin…” his father raised an eyebrow
“She seemed to know you dad; she attacked me when I said you were my father something about `how dare I clam to be saiyajin no ouji?' what…”
“She spoke saiyajin? Let me see her.” He began to push past his son towards the lab door “Dad, she thought she was the only one left, so she's in a little bit of shock”
Vegeta entered the lab, a sour look on his face; he pushed past the crowd of sons to stand by the semi conscious form of the woman. Goku looked to him “Vegeta, do you know her?” the prince's face was an unusual picture, it was an expression that none of them had ever seen, he slid one of his white gloves off and reached out to touch the sleeping cheek before him. Her eyes snapped open, fear on her face for a moment, then anger as she growled and shifted herself toward the wall behind her “How dare you.” Her voice lacked the same conviction it had earlier “you're, you can't…”
“Jazera… Frieza said he…” she cringed and moved further away from him “he told you he'd done the thing that he knew would hurt you most..? Said it to me too.” She shook her head as his eyes went wide “that was about what he told me, but…” Suddenly Jazera burst into super saiyajin and shot past the entire group, she almost ripped the laboratory door off its hinges and disappeared down a corridor.
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When Vegeta found her again she was curled up in the corner of the den with Trunks sitting on a chair nearby with Gohan rather close to him, the young son moved so there was a reasonable distance between the pair as he spotted the prince who simply walked past them toward Jazera. “Dad, who is she?” her eyes were open now, head low in a somewhat threatened glare, she seemed to be readying herself to blast away once more. Vegeta growled in frustration and stormed out heading for his gravity room, she growled quietly but there was a softer, almost sad look in her dark eyes.
“J-Jazera, would you like something to eat?” Trunks looked towards the form in the corner; she shook her head with a snarl “You'll be alright for a moment then?” She ignored him and continued to glare daggers at a spot on the carpet. He led Goten out towards the kitchen “You should speak to Vegeta you know, I can keep an eye on her…” Goten stated
“I don't know if you could… If she freaks out again, I don't know if you're strong enough to control her, probably only Dad, Goku and Gohan are…” He folded his arms.
"Exactly, weather it's you or me it won't make a difference, and your dad's gone, she's not going to freak out again unless he's there, then he can stop her."
Trunks sighed “let's make lunch, then I'll go talk to dad, but I won't hold out much hope, you know how private he is.” he then frowned as he was sure he heart Goten mutter something along the lines of 'stubborn more like'.
The lilac haired prince wheezed as he laid on the floor of the gravity room, his father standing over him with a look of pure anger. “Dad please, tell me how you know her, she's not doing well, we're all worried…” the breath was pushed out of him as Vegeta kicked him sharply in the side “please! If you tell me what's going on I might be able to figure out why she won't speak to you!” his father snorted then headed for the door “I don't know what's wrong with that onna and I don't care.” He ripped the door open, and then slammed it shut behind him, leaving Trunks just where he was, on the floor.
“What's going on dad?” Trunks whispered to him self, heaving up from the floor and wiping the trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. His mother used to go mad, back when he was a child if he was injured. Seating himself in the centre of the gravity room floor he looked up to the ceiling and sighed “I miss you mom, it's really hard work without you, even Dad's having difficulty… I know you were never sure if he really loved you, but he's been so strange ever since you died… I think he did you know, I think he learned something like love, even if he wasn't necessarily in love with you” He rubbed his palms over his bruised face “I just wish he'd tell us who this Jazera is, she's so terrified of him, but has such a huge loyalty as well, they must have known eachother once, at first dad was so familliar with her but now, since she ran away from him... She knew Goku's dad, respects him because of his father, I don't know if dad was like her when he first appeared, concentrating on class and family history, it's all so weird.
There was a knocking on the door of the gravity room, Trunks jumped slightly then stood and moved to leave. It was Gohan he found facing him “Trunks, do you have any idea what's going on? Your father seems even more volitile than usual and if I try and ask Jazera anything she lashes out at me..."
The lilac haired prince sighed "I have no idea what's going on... I mean, it's clear what happens to me if I ask father" he gestured to his face that was already swelling painfully from his beating "I could try and get something out of her, but I don't know how successful I'll be, she's so much like father, little respect for us demis... Although, she seems to have a little more for me, I guess it's because I'm Vegeta's son..."he added before nodding a farewell and heading towards her ki.
Hhe found her quaking with a mixture of fear and anger, Goten had what looked like it would become a rather nasty black eye and a split lip. He was trying to restrain her while turning to explain to his long term friend. “Vegeta's gone again, he shouted something in saiyajin at her then stormed out” He moved over and crouched beside her cursing form.
"This planet has changed your father" she spat with disgust "What the hell happened to the saiyajin-no-ouji who commanded respect even as a child?"
"Jazera..." he paused as he tried to remember the correct respectful suffix he'd heard his father use before "Jazera-san. We have a room you can use if you'd like to get away from everyone for a while. Father has been put through a lot, I haven't been alive for half of it, you'd do better to ask Goku... Kakarot I mean, or Gohan, they remember the facts, I'm sure Father will be back in the morning, he still has his thirst for knowlege and his pride."
“Jazera, are you awake?” She heard from the other side of the door, she'd been awake for hours, since a few minutes before dawn. Trunks slid in through her door “I know I'm kind of taking my mom's role, but do you want to go out, explore the city a bit and get yourself some clothes, I'm sure you can't want to stay in your uniform forever, and everything we could lend you would be too big…”
Jazera rubbed her eyes irritated but the intrusion “shouldn't your sister be doing this?”
“I could make her if you like, but I doubt you get along with her, you'd end up with dresses and makeup if you go with her.” She nodded then wriggled from the bed, still dressed in what she had been wearing ever since her arrival, running her fingers through her hair to get rid of tangles
“I used the shower last night, so whenever you're ready Trunks-sama” her arms folded just like his father's and he could not help but feel like the 'sama' was a little sarcastic.