Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets the Eye ❯ Chapter 5: Musical Therapy ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hope no one minds the baby twist, and the piano thing, blame my mother, she's amazing on the piano and when I was writing that chapter, she was all I could hear so it got included. I'm gonna try and progress the story a bit more fluidly now, Jazera's on the emotional mend, well, sort of, ish… Oh and Vegeta finds out something he certainly does not like taps side of nose you'll have to read and find out though
Oh and I do not own Moonlight Sonata, obviously, it was written by Ludwig van Beethoven, oh and anyone who's already read this chapter, I removed Gollum's Song, it seemed silly on re-reading. Plus I had no reviews for this chapter so it must have been rubbish :( hopefully this is an improvement.
Ch 5: Musical Therapy
Jazera was tucking into her breakfast with a tidy enthusiasm, everything was eaten with a knife and fork, mouth closed, chewing politely but the food was disappearing at a proper saiyajin rate. Trunks observed she ate just like his father did, it must have been ingrained into them from a young age whereas Goku, he supposed due to his earth upbringing and not having strict parents, ate rather less politely. She leaned back with a satisfied smile on her face after consuming three large stacks of pancakes, two bowls of cereal and half the contents of the fruit bowl. Vegeta entered the room, he'd already finished his breakfast before Jazera made her way downstairs, she'd had a shower before eating, and he had one afterwards so his hair was still damp and not quite as erect as usual.
Jazera stood from the table and stepped straight over to him, combing up the dark strands with her fingers “I'm surprised at you, back in court even as a child you'd never be seen with wet hair” she smirked.
“We are not in court and as I recall I never gave you permission to groom me” the prince raised an eyebrow in mock irritation, but his face still read as amusement, Jazera bowed low in front of him “I apologise oujisama, I will not step over the line again” Vegeta nodded with a satisfied expression and tipping his nose in the air made his way out of the room.
“What was that?” Trunks stared at her wide eyed “was that my father, being…”
Jazera chuckled “playful? Why of course, isn't he usually?” she knew the answer already but felt the need to tease the young prince before heading out of the house to train. Trunks was genuinely shocked by the sudden change, what had happened last night? Suddenly they both seemed at ease to the point of friendship with eachother.
Next time Vegeta saw her she was on the lawn carrying out a complicated kata with the precision of a true martial artist and the grace of a dancer. This was despite the fact that she was wearing heavy weights on her wrists, shoulders and ankles, her strength had wasted somewhat during her several days of fasting but she was certainly gaining it back at a steady pace.
The prince watched her for a short while, then, recognising the sequence of movements, joined her in mirror image, Jazera opened her eyes for a second, then unshaken closed them again. They both moved in perfect synchronisation it was almost like they were watching themselves as the opposite gender in a mirror so exact were their movements.
Several minutes later Jazera opened her eyes just as they both came to a halt “not forgotten the old ones then?” something akin to a smile tweaked the corners of Vegeta's eyes “they were effective then and still are now, why shouldn't I keep them up?”
Her face almost cracked into a smile as well before she padded, soft footed, back towards the building. “These weights are a little too easy, perhaps I could use the gravity room later?” She asked looking back over her shoulder, then turning just in time she avoided crashing into the broad chest that blocked her way.
Looking up her eyes widened “N-namekian?” Piccolo's somewhat intimidating form towered over her “Saiyajin” he answered calmly Jazera blinked then held out one hand “Jazera, daughter of Unagi, super elite” After a split second of hesitation the enormous green hand engulfed hers “Piccolo” he stated simply then brushed past her towards the back exit.
She raised a brow and turned to see him bend down and whisper something into Vegeta's ear, the prince's face became somewhat stony as he nodded silently then made his way past Jazera and up the wide staircase.
She caught up to him after a few seconds and tilted her head in his direction “what did he want?” Vegeta simply growled and entered his room, slamming the door behind him that also meant it was right in Jazera's face.
Diving from a window she cannon balled into the large form of the departing namekian punching him sharply in the stomach before begining to charge a small blast in one hand “What did you tell Vegeta!?” She demanded “He slammed the door in my face so you'd better start talking Namek!” her face was so close to his he could feel and smell her hot breath, blueberry pancakes, how nice, well, it would have been if he ate.
Piccolo lowered them towards the floor, although, Jazera continued to hover so she was eye level with the far taller individual “Simply some information regarding a certain member of the Son clan and one of his offspring.” Her face darkened “Unless he informs you himself, I cannot divulge any more information than that.” She growled and swiftly planted a strong fist into his nose before dropping to the ground and stalking off back to the house muttering “baka namekian, I should beat it out of him, he's lucky I'm not in a violent mood, baka baka baka!”
She cursed all the way to the gravity room, then louder and more colourful when she found it already in use, Vegeta was powered up, she could see that, and feel that he was emitting a level of power that seemed almost ridiculous to her. “I knew he was better than he was letting on…” She bit her lip and made her way quietly upstairs.
Later Vegeta made his way upstairs to hear almost frantic music coming from Jazera's piano room, peering through the door he watched her slender fingers dancing over the keys, eyes closed. Her hair was thrown about her as though she'd been playing this wildly for a long time. She opened her eyes to glance at the music and flip over the page, `Moonlight Sonata mvt. 3' hands bouncing with the chords she was oblivious to her surroundings even as he slid into the room and seated himself in the lone chair.
She was gnawing her bottom lip, something must have upset her and she'd needed to vent, the prince could feel that from her even if she was blocking most of her emotions. It was difficult to stop the flow and keep the music this pure, so she gave up, her emotions escaped, she knew Vegeta would be the only one in tune with them and thought he was training so wouldn't notice.
Vegeta felt almost struck backwards when a sudden wave of feelings crashed over him, Jazera had let go she had taken the lid off the bottle and let it all out. There was an almost tangible pain; an image of his infant son bloody in her arms, her tears peaked at the corners of his eyes. The boy was beautiful, he hadn't been able to see him from her description the other day, but now, here he was, Vegeta could almost touch him. He had failed to notice the tune had changed to a slow, powerful one, filled with emotion; it was saiyajin, part of a story that was told, a favourite.
The story of two lovers, torn apart by time, this particular piece was their meeting again after almost a century, but the age had not been kind, one was suffering from massive internal injuries due to a vicious battle. The other had heard her mate was dead and consumed a poison, they both knew they were destined for hell, but they knew they had to be together. The movement reached a height, both leapt from the edge of a great mountain, falling through the clouds, hand in hand, separated in life, united in death and for eternity.
Vegeta found himself beside her at the piano, his gloves left on the chair, one hand slid gently over hers as he joined her in the intimate duet. He took the part of the wounded hero, she, the tragic bride. Music ringing through the corridors in its melancholy beauty, sensitive saiyajin ears picked it up, Trunks and Goten were the first to appear at the door.
The young son's eyes were moist, neither knew the story but they understood what the music meant, his arm slid carefully round the slender prince's waist, cheek resting on his shoulder. Trunks allowed his cheek to rest amid his wild spikes, ignoring his sister as she appeared, Gohan was close behind with Goku, they'd come to see how Jazera was getting along but found themselves facing what they could have never believed.
Vegeta's face was the calmest they'd ever seen him, his eyes bled emotion, Jazera's expression was the same, in an instant they all felt embarrassed, they'd intruded an intimate moment. Those two known each other since before any of the rest of them had even been born. Jazera stopped playing; Vegeta began another tune, a haunting voice slipped from Jazera's lips, so very different from her strong speaking voice, this was icy, chilling and beautiful. None of them understood the words, they were in saiyajin, it seemed less tragic than the one before but still highly moving.
She seemed to almost melt into Vegeta as she sang, leaning against his shoulder, as though the song was intended only for his ears, the softness so it didn't hurt his ears being so close. Louder notes caused her to move her own head away from his, perfectly aware of when it could make him uncomfortable.
During a pause to catch her breath Jazera reached up, was she wiping a tear from his cheek? The other saiyajin could hardly believe their eyes, but, would they regret this soon?
The prince's hands came to rest, Jazera's cheek on his shoulder as the rest of the world gradually melted into existence around them. Vegeta was the first to notice the other presences, his eyes regained their usual hardened expression as his face shifted to the doorway. His jaw clenched as he saw them there, she was mirroring him almost exactly, they had just watched something more personal than they could ever imagine.
Vegeta did not say a word, but his teeth bared and the group shivered in unison, the cold stares from the pair were unnerving, even Goku felt worried. His eyes rested on Goten and Trunks “brat, what are you doing to my son?” Goten blinked then pulled his arm back to his side, head straight, Trunks straightened as well, a terrified expression draining his face of colour.
“How dare you” Jazera's voice shook with fury, she stood and moved away from her prized instrument. “How DARE you?” in an instant she had bowled through them in a golden flash, sending Gohan flying with a kick then moving to give each of the others the same treatment until her prince ripped her away from his son “You boy, are coming with me.”
Goku restrained Jazera before she could fly at either of his sons or Vegeta's daughter, she roared in wild fury forcing the large saiyajin to power up to keep a hold of her. Their auras clashed, but he was always going to win, she was only past the super saiyajin two bracket, he was far beyond that but that did not stop her trying. She managed to twist in his grip and sank her sharp teeth deep into his bicep still snarling like a wild animal as electricity darted over her skin.
Goku cringed, he had not expected her to make that move but his voice was unwaveringly soft “Jazera, Jazera-sama listen to me” the respectful term caused her eyes to shift toward his face, she was listening but not letting go. “Jazera-sama, no one, none of us meant to intrude, we just heard the music and you two play so well, we were transfixed.”
“How long were you listening?” She released his flesh from her teeth.
“The tune when Vegeta was standing next to you, then you moved along and gave him room to sit.”
She snarled again and bracing her hands against his chest she forced her way from his arms “I'm keeping that door locked from now on” she licked the smear of saiyajin blood from her mouth then slammed her bedroom door shut.
Goku sighed, things had seemed to be going so well.