Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets the Eye ❯ Chapter 7: Farewell Young Prince ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Back again, there's quite a bit of sadness in this chapter and of course my usual unhealthy dose of sweet sappy-ness, a hint of sexuality but nothing really graphic in the slightest.
Sorry to the peeps that aren't too fond of the Trunks/Goten angle, but don't worry, it's heading into the background again…
Oh and just in case you didn't realise, the film I'm mentioning “My Neighbour Totoro” / “Tonari no Totoro” isn't mine, it's by Hayao Miyazake ((absolute legend, worship the guy)) If you haven't seen it, do, it's the happiest film ever and just thinking about it always makes me day seem brighter. Much like the first Dragonball Z theme, that song makes me so happy XD.
Chapter 7:
Jazera's eyes were as wide as little Verdur's watching the bright, cheerful images on the large television screen, a childish look of excitement on the usually stony faced saiyajin. They were watching a film involving a large hairy creature holding an umbrella his two companions each smaller than the other whom were holding leaves and two sisters all performing a strange dance and causing an enormous tree to grow. Jazera and Verdur's lips both parted at the same instant when the huge umbrella shaped plant was entirely revealed with a joyful soundtrack.
Vegeta appeared just as a bus in the shape of a cat was running along a telephone wire with one of the little girl's inside, a puzzled yet somewhat amused look on his face. To see his child and, what was Jazera? She was not his mate yet, perhaps he should make that title certain soon, but to see them both so happy actually warmed his heart.
He glanced at the clock, 2 hours, that was all the time they had left, a thought popped into the prince's head “When the film's finished, we should take him into the woods, he'll have never seen a proper lake or a green, snow topped mountain before…” Jazera looked up and nodded, she was aware of the time but desperate to enjoy every second.
“We'll fly with him, he's never flown either.”
Verdur screamed in excitement as he toddled after a butterfly, Vegeta and Jazera watching, content and aware of an approaching group of ki's. They'd invited everyone, it was Jazera's idea, she wanted the lot of them to know the boy that could have been. Gohan was the first to land with Pepper in his arms, Videl and Pan by his side. A moment later Trunks was there, nervously supporting Goten one side and his little daughter Nemi on his hip, Bra just behind. Goku arrived with the little white cat Toast somehow seated atop the tall saiyajin's head.
No one knew why they were there but all had assumed it important, even Piccolo was approaching with Kuririn, Eighteen and Marron just landing beside Goku. Once the Namekian was present Vegeta's voice caught their attentions “Everyone, I would like you to meet my first born son.” He paused for dramatic effect as his words confused all those who had not already come across them “This is Verdur, he was born and died almost 75 years ago, Shenlong has brought him back to life for one day.”
“We thought it was only right for all of you to meet him, he's only got an hour left but I want him to enjoy himself as much as possible” Jazera's face smiled but the pain was clear in her eyes, she was about to lose her son again and was clearly distressed.
“Baby!” Pepper exclaimed, leaping from his father and running clumsily over to the smaller child. Nemi looked up to her father, Trunks smiled down at her and let go of her hand, nodding towards Verdur “Go on, he wants to meet some friends.” The little girl smiled and ran over, giggling when the tiny boy handed her a daisy and threw a handful of grass into Pepper's face.
The three youngest children present played excitedly, unaware of how little time they had, occasionally Verdur would be plucked from the group and someone would hold him, comment on how sweet he was or how much he looked like his father, the boy was adoring all the attention. It was Piccolo who observed the time, Jazera's eyes filled with tears and plucked her son from the group “Verdur's gotta go now; you two can carry on playing if you like…” The two other children frowned and pouted as Vegeta led Jazera a little way into the woods.
They embraced, Verdur between them gurgling like a perfectly normal, happy child, this was it, the final moments, his skin began to glow. Holding him between them their lips moved in what seemed like perhaps a prayer, or a verse of respect, even a simple goodbye. Golden sparks began to lift from their little boy as his body gradually grew more and more transparent; his little face never losing its wide eyes and joyful smile.
All too soon the light was gone, all that was left was a tingle in their hands where he had been and a little tear in both their hearts. That was it, they'd had their 24 hours and now he was gone, forever. Jazera looked up to the sky “I hope his soul's in a happy place; I hope he's strong and loved somewhere out there…”
Vegeta looped his arm around her little waist as they stood there for a long moment before leading her from the trees “You didn't just lose him again, that was just his image so I could meet him, remember that, we've both lost him once and that was a long time ago, that was just a wonderful flashback” Jazera nodded and took a deep breath as they approached the group once more.
“He's gone, thank you so much for helping him to leave smiling” her voice seemed slightly softened, she was finding the bright side to a tragedy that had haunted her for most of her life and that much was clear.
“BOY!” Trunks startled and rushed through the building to find his father, he was greeted by a smirk “Record time boy, I'm almost impressed. Kakarot has informed me why you disappeared so late last night, so your idiot friend can stay here for a few days, it'll be better for him than that musty old place Kakarot still calls home.” Trunks gawped, eyes wide “Don't mistake me boy, I do not approve but I accept the fact that you seem to have a liking for the brat. You've shown me how mature you can be so I'll not kill… I will not kill Son Goten.”
Trunks took on the appearance of a fish out of water, his mouth opening and closing trying to find something to say, his father rolled his eyes “Just go get the baka and make sure I don't see him, unless you particularly wish to ruin my mood.”
Yes, Vegeta had accepted the fact that his son was interested in a Son, Trunks had accepted Jazera seemingly without much resentment, he could not allow him to appear more noble than he, the prince of all saiyajin. So Vegeta accepted the third class intruder, he needed something to keep his son occupied tonight anyway, however much it disgusted him.
There lay Jazera, she was fast asleep wrapped in his soft comforter, her hair, like his, was distinctly brighter than it had been on arrival. The auburn tones were a sign of high class in saiyajin culture, but as a defence mechanism, black dominated over red in the absence of other higher class members. Now that they had been spending time in each other's presence for a number of months, the true colour was returning, Jazera's quicker than his.
He sat gently on the side of the bed and slid off his gloves, tossing them deftly onto the bedside cabinet. He brushed her cheek gently with the backs of his fingers, curling a strand of her hair behind her ear. Jazera stirred and gripped the larger, strong had in her own slender fingers, his hands were so soft, not a warrior's hands at all, they definitely belonged to a prince.
Vegeta was the one who initiated the kiss, his lips grazing over hers, but it was Jazera's tongue that made the first appearance, running over his bottom lip then slipping into the welcoming space. They battled for dominance despite the fact the both already knew who would win.
Purring for a growling Vegeta, Jazera allowed herself to be rolled onto her back with him straddling her hips and making quick work of every item of clothing that covered her lean torso, the green top, then the black one that was beneath it, the soft black bra. As soon as he released the two globes he brushed his fingertips over the smooth skin, she'd changed over the years, but in a wonderful way. Her still angular form had some slightly fuller curves, her hips were certainly broader, they really had still been too young back then.
Jazera peeled off Vegeta's tight t-shirt, his torso even more fascinating than ever, the more stocky shape of his youth was gone and replaced by a slender pelvis, narrow waist but wonderfully broad and lean shoulders and chest. Her hands ran from his neck over the bumps of scar tissue that only served to add to his rugged beauty.
She swallowed loudly as those soft hands slipped over her skin, it felt like all those years were being pulled away, all that time she'd spent alone and scared. She was where she belonged, with her prince; nothing could tear her away, not ever again. Her back arched, pressing her lower chest against his, arms wrapping around his body as his slid into the gap between her spine and the mattress, pulling her closer, crushing her into his beautiful, masculine warmth.
Suddenly Vegeta rolled off her onto his side, his arm still round her waist but an odd look on his face, Jazera questioningly tilted her head, the prince simply answered “too much” `too much too soon' she understood that, she'd been on the verge of being overwhelmed as well. She placed a hand on Vegeta's chest and slid closer to him, resting her head on his bicep.
“Goodnight my sweet prince”
He kissed her forehead “Goodnight princess.”
Goku sat bold upright in bed, Toast rolling with a squeak down the covers as she had been curled upon his chest. He could feel something coming, something big and terrifying. It was a while away but the others must have detected it, throwing on his usual orange gi he hurried to the kitchen, wolfed down what was left of last night's dinner to still his rumbling belly then dashed from the house.
He calculated where the source of power was most likely to appear and flew the short distance, Vegeta and Jazera were already present, eyes fixed on the sky. He could sense Trunks, Goten and Gohan approaching from one direction, Kuririn and Yamucha from another.
No sooner than they had all arrived what appeared to be an enormous red meteorite crashed into the earth close enough to them to all be battered by the blast.
Jazera gasped, she seemed to recognise the ship, lowering herself into the crater, Goku and the others followed. To their surprise there was no mechanical hiss or creaking, though a section of the red mass seemed to expand, then deflate again in steady rhythm. Another section began to rise, a grotesque face with large shining black eyes, slits for a nose and short curved horns, the beast rose, bipedal like a human but slouched with long horned arms that appeared to be shimmering with white.
The white leapt in unison from the colossal beast, a hundred creatures all of whom appeared to be ice jins. “They have DNA from Frieza's family, they are clones of ice jin, be careful!”
Blasts began to fly, the saiyajin responding forcefully to the initial barrage from their enemy, the enormous beast standing still, just watching them. Their power easily matched and surpassing the attackers without even having to slip past super saiyajin 1.
In an instant Jazera's world went black, the beast had moved and one long arm had struck her in the back of the neck, sending her face first into the dust.