Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets the Eye ❯ Chapter 9: Burning Like the Sun ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yay! Reviews! I love you my beautiful reviewers, so I'm gonna make this chapter extra good… Well, it was gonna be good anyway, I've been planning it for weeks, even before I'd written the others so it should be fairly decent… I hope…
Oh and from the moment Ashi wakes up, I'd advice listening to Muse - Map of the Promlematique it seems to fit, it's what I was listening to when I wrote it.
Chapter 9: Burning Like the Sun
A meteor churned through the sky, red hot exterior threatening to burn anything nearby instantly to pale grey ashes. Animals ran away, their instincts strung high knowing where this ball of brimstone would land; it did just that, a crater the size of a small town scarring the ground. A door hissed and opened allowing a limp form to fall forwards into the superheated dust.
“He's already here…”
Vegeta's eyes were wide, how could he be? A beast this powerful, if Jazera's interpretation was correct, how could it be hidden.
“We need the others, but they have to stay calm and quiet, he has to think you and I are the most powerful… He thinks he knows my power and that all saiyajin elites are around the same as me. The only ones of our kind he has ever met have been me and his mother who was a weak second class by birth but by all rights she should have been third class.” She sneered distastefully “Kakarot must hide his power, so must Gohan, Trunks and Goten. Both of us should hide ours too, but seem stronger than the others. He works a lot on surprise, but I know how he goes about everything, if we shock him it'll shake him to his foundations.”
With that she turned away and headed for the tall fitted wardrobe, sliding her lithe form from her loose nightwear the prince could not help but stare for a moment, every perfectly toned curve of her smooth tan skin. He did still remember his wife, he had loved her as much as an alien could love a human, and surprised himself how great that could be. But this in front of him, gliding soft black cotton underwear up her smooth legs, this was perfection.
“Do you have any armour with the house of Vegeta crest on it still?”
He was snapped from his musings in a second before nodding “y-yes I do, why exactly?”
“You're the prince, you have to display your crest with pride, he has to know how proud we are of our species.” She hung a pendant with her family crest displayed around her neck; it rested upon her chest a little way above her breasts that were now wrapped in black fabric clinging to every muscular contour that had certainly improved in shape since being here and training with her own kind. Tight, flexible black pants clung to her legs as she crouched to lace up a heavy pair of boots that would turn her usual ballerina-like glide into an intimidating march, raising her height to almost that of Vegeta's. “Make sure you have boots on, you have to look larger than me.”
It was a simple series of telephone calls that brought all those of saiyajin blood, well, all those with a fighting spirit and mature saiyajin blood together. Circled at the base of the crater where this creature lay. He seemed to have already lost his life during his descent, Goku glanced towards the other two pure blooded saiyajins a questioning look on his face. How could an enemy this deadly already have passed away? The demi's all appeared to release a sigh of relief, they could sense no power from him, they believed they were safe. Even Vegeta seemed to relax somewhat, Jazera the only one who remained as she had always been, stood tall and proud over the body of `Ashi'.
She spoke out in her mind to him `wake up, you're not fooling any of us'
His eyes slid open and the creature stood in a single smooth movement, he was tall, taller than Goku and Gohan, but more of a slender build, more like a taller version of Trunks. His eyes were solid silver, no pupil, just a solid silver iris that shone coldly as he regarded the group of saiyajin. The only way to describe his him was, beautiful, the way his milky skin swept over his sculpted cheekbones, his lips plump and soft. Platinum hair flowed like silky tendrils over his shoulders, and I hasten to add when I state platinum, I mean just that, not platinum blonde, but the precious metal. Clad in a pure white gi, with a blood red t-shirt underneath and matching colour belt. His lower arms adorned with tattoo-like markings, long slender triangles starting from his wrists and peaking at his elbows.
Jazera's lips pouted, parting slightly with a look of distaste on her face, a sudden wave of power pushed everyone except her back a few inches “Ashi-chan, you've decided to wake up, how sweet of you”
The pale creature's nose creased; only for a microsecond clearly he did not appreciate the way the small saiyajin's dark eyes were boaring into his “my precious little angel” his voice was as beautiful and chilling as the rest of him, deep, yet empty. “I wandered where you'd got to, when that fool Papyri said he'd managed to lose you.” He looked around the rest of the group “I see you've just been playing with some cute little monkeys all this time.”
Jazera smirked almost cruelly “beautiful purebred monkeys with fine elite pedigrees.” She tilted her head and leant only an inch or so towards him “not scum of the galaxy half breed offspring of a second class servant and a convict.” She licked sadistically across her bottom lip “actually, that filthy mother of yours was under my employment, did I ever tell you that before? She was a terrible servant although…” she turned to Vegeta “oujisama, are the laws of Vegetasei still intact, well, specifically the servantary ones that would mean this pathetic piece of crap actually belongs to me?”
The prince hid his bafflement with a thoughtful look, it took him only a few short moments to realise what she was doing and joined her in the wicked smirk “Hn, I have not amended that particular set of laws as of yet I must say. He is as much your property as his whore of a mother was.”
Jazera's facial expression shifted to a wicked grin stepping towards the towering Ashi, despite being considerably more than a foot shorter than him he seemed for a moment at least, intimidated. No one felt her ki rise but somehow her hair began to whip violently around her form. “Hear that little boy, you're my property” her face moulded again into a sneer “I own you so learn your fucking place” she snapped and followed the statement with a harsh, unexpected slap to his hard face that jerked his opposite cheek towards the ground, he was clearly somewhat shocked by her power “on your knees you filthy half-breed monstrosity.”
His beautiful lips curled into a snarl, revealing elongated deadly sharp canines “you think you and your pretty little monkey henchmen have even the slightest chance of even singeing my clothing. Don't make me laugh, your kind are so pathetic they were all but wiped out by a single ice jin.”
Jazera smirked as her hair suddenly flashed golden, this even shocked the others around her, they had not felt her build her power, yet suddenly she was super saiyajin, her power level almost at the point of breaking to super saiyajin 2. The tall beast's eyebrows rose momentarily “The whole time I was on that accursed ship Papyri kept me under ki restraints. You've never even seen a fifth of my power and these are all elites, high class male elites, they make me look like a kitten.” She parted her lips revealing her own slightly elongated canines that seemed to grow like she could partially control the great ape transformation and use that power, even Vegeta was shocked though he kept his expression totally passive like it was the most normal thing for all full blooded saiyajin.
“Aw poor Ashi-chan” she spoke with pure bitterness “you're not frightened of a little chimp are you, the big monkey demon?” A hand darted from her, so fast and precise, they hardly saw her, the evidence was present though, four ugly gashes in Ashi's cheek, mirroring tiny chunks of flesh under Jazera's nails and strands of white hair between her fingers.
“How dare you mark me?” the flawless beauty seeming to melt away as his hair slid to a blood red from his roots, triangles matching those on his forearms creeping up his neck onto his face. Jazera nodded to the others and instantly they all charged up and burst violently into their super saiyajin levels.
Ashi rose into the air, ki charged air whipping around him like a tornado, dust and stones from the crater floor filling the saiyajin's eyes. “How dare you have the gall to think you cannot stop me?” he raised one hand and sent a powerful blast directly into Jazera's chest sending her flying hard into the dirt. Vegeta flew at the offending creature and found himself in a similar predicament to Jazera, buried in the dirt; he'd hardly even seen the other move.
Shock hit the others, all charging themselves higher realising that she had not been exaggerating, this creature could overpower any one of them, but could it overpower all six?
Long thick, golden hair flowed down Goku's back, as his eyebrows vanished and his power positively vibrated against Ashi's. Vegeta rose from the earth, hair spiked highly with white and blue sparks dancing over his skin just as Trunks, Gohan and Goten appeared. They dived in turn for him, sometimes in pairs, sometimes all together, but he managed to block or dodge almost every strike, those few that got past his defences seemed to hardly phase him.
Ashi raised one hand, rubbing at the side of his face “I expected more from you stupid monkeys, you aren't even worth my time. Forgive me for rushing you or anything but I think I'll just take my prize and go, if you don't mind.” Before even giving them time to pause for thought he had the dusty Jazera in his vice like grip and a moment later he had gone, just like Goku's instant transmission he was no longer detectable on the surface of the planet, and neither was their friend. He had, however managed to leave them with an immense ki blast that doubled the size of his crater, vaporising his ship and burying the saiyajin in the dust.
Vegeta was the first to rise, his body quaking with fury as he realised what had happened, she was gone, ripped away from him again, and again he was too weak to do anything about it. Trunks was the first to make a move towards him, any comforting words he may have said fell upon deaf ears as the prince rested on his elbows and knees, roaring into the dirt.
The others approached slowly, then were stopped in their tracks as the older saiyajin stopped roaring and simply vomited onto the ground. He was as dumbstruck as the rest of him, he could not remember throwing up like that since he was a child and had been ill. He looked up as each one of them sucked in a breath at the same time, a trickle of whatever he'd had for breakfast still clinging to his bottom lip. His tail twitched in irritation, what were they staring at?
He turned to look himself, the mucousy string of bile finally dropping to the dry earth, yes, that was a tail, but id did not appear to belong to him, it was longer and thicker than he remembered, and pure white. His tail had been the same reddish brown as his hair that he noticed much to his irritation was falling into his eyes. The prince dropped back onto his haunches, tail in one hand, the other a fistful of pure white strands that seemed to flow down his back. His mouth dropped open, voice shaking “T-Trunks, what colour are my eyes?” His own son stared at him in disbelief.
“Dad, they're blue” he blinked “They're blue enough to make mine look grey”
Vegeta then placed his hands over his face for a second before pulling them back, his skin was paler, almost the colour of the Son's but an icy blue glow emanated from within it. “D-dad, what's going on?”
He looked at his son, then at his fellow saiyajin “I don't know, I think… I think I have an idea, but this is a myth, more so than the legendary super saiyajin, this is, supposed to have only ever happened once!” He swallowed gathering his thoughts for several long moments “There was a legend, of a super saiyajin who'd been calmed, he'd found his soul mate and despite his enormous power, one beautiful woman managed to calm him and stem his bloodlust.” He took a deep breath “One day, that woman was stolen from him, her life in mortal danger from our good friends the Shiktenjin, the only race the saiyajin truly feared” he noticed the blank looks on their faces “Ashi is half saiyajin, half Shiktenjin, that's why he's so powerful and insane.” They nodded as a unit and urged him on.
“His soul mate was in mortal danger” The prince was shaking “It's almost like earth's `knight in shining armour' thing, he transformed, skin paled, hair and tail as white as ice with eyes so blue the colour could never be accurately captured by an artist.” Vegeta swallowed again “He caught up with them in a moment, tore through the side of the ship and killed every last shiktenjin, mercilessly, but calculated, wounding each one mortally, leaving them bleeding their filthy blood all over their ship. He found his love, and went to embrace her, forgetting his power, where her skin touched him she was burned, even as she screamed he wanted nothing more than to hold her…”
He could see Goku's face pale, that baka had never been good with things like this “By the time he realised, half of her was nothing more than charred patches of gore upon his clothes, her eyes staring lifelessly up into his. It was only then he powered down, somehow, his eyes were still blue when he returned with what was left of his beloved… He cremated her, as was customary then vanished into the mountains only to be found half picked apart by scavengers, he'd slit his own throat and with no will to live, simply laid down and allowed the blood to rush from the wound.”
“Do saiyajin stories ever have a happy ending?” the sweet, slightly high pitched voice of Goten piped up.
Vegeta growled “they are all based on real life, how often do you get happy endings in real life?”