Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Murderer ❯ Realization ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*Many thanks to gokusgirl for accepting my story. Here's chapter one! I hope you like it!
WARNING: This story is rated NC-17, so under aged do not read! If you can't handle rape and later crime, then do not read! I have warned you! EXTREME VIOLENCE!!!
ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yeah, I know I'm a very morbid person... what can I say ::shrugs:: )

By Salvia Tanima
* * * *
Chapter one: Realization

The guy was slowly approaching her. His smirk was visible to her, despite the darkness in the room. She wanted to scream, but found that she couldn't. It was as if someone had stolen away her voice, her power to utter her fear. The fear though was there. She could feel it very clearly! She tried to move, but found she couldn't either. This time the reason was a more palpable one. She was tied to the bed post, and the more she moved, the more she bruised her ankles. Her eyes grew bigger as she noticed her boyfriend standing in a corner watching them. She could feel her tears wetting her face. This was not real! Yamcha could not stoop so low. This was all just a horrible nightmare!

"Now get moving, will you?" Yamcha said not making a move to help her.
"I am ", the man approaching Bulma grunted, "What's her name? I like calling them by their names ", he smirked again.
"Bulma... Now move! I want to see something in this lifetime! "he urged the guy even more.

That bastard wanted to watch everything?! This couldn't be happening to her! This had to be a nightmare. This couldn't be happening... not to her at least! What could she have done so horrible to deserve such a treatment?

"N--no... Please, don't... ", she finally found her vice, albeit it was very weak.
"SHH.... ", the guy put a finger to her lips, "You'll like it. You'll see! "his voice was soothing, and she unconsciously calmed down.

Maybe the guy could be reasoned with. He started taking off his shirt, his pants following, until he crawled into the bed next to her. He smiled at her briefly then proceeded towards her clothes. He unbuttoned her first two buttons, when she began inching away slightly.

"Please let me go ", she whispered pleadingly, " I won't tell anyone a thing ... Just don't rape me ", she frantically tried.
"Rape? " he asked in a gentle voice, " I WAS NOT GOING TO RAPE YOU ", he screamed like a maniac, and she froze, " but I am now ", his smirk returning to him once again.

He tore her shirt off of her, her bra following suit. She tried screaming, but she could only utter a weak groan. Her skirt was reduced to pieces in mere seconds. Finally he tore her panties too, untying her, pinning her to the bed. Looking down on her, he licked his lips in anticipation.

" Hmm... tasty ", he whispered huskily.

Then he leaned down, taking a beast in his mouth, sucking hard on it, to the point of hurting her, then chewing on it, causing Bulma to moan in pain. Her tears flowing freely down her face, even more as she noticed Yamcha's interested face. He was actually ENJOYING everything? She still couldn't believe it. Then, suddenly, a sharp pain in her belly hit full force. The guy just broke her hymen, entering her as hard as he could, ramming into her, crushing her with his weight. After a while he got tired, and flipped her onto her stomach. Ramming into her from behind, he grabbed handfuls on of her breasts, making her dizzy. Suddenly he withdrew, and he stood still for a while. She felt her heart beating furiously against her chest. He pushed her down, raising her bottom as high as possible.

"Damn you... I'm still making you feel good ", he chuckled darkly.

With that, he rammed into her ass, causing more tears, and intensifying the pain she was already having a hard time to control. After half an hour, he let her drop and went away. She propped herself on her knees and elbows, shaking heavily, when she felt two hands grab her thighs, and she was once again entered from behind, causing the bleeding that had almost stopped to continue.

"No ", she moaned out weakly, but was rewarded with a slap.
"Shut up! What is this? You can please a stranger, but you can't please your boyfriend?! BITCH! I'll show you! "Yamcha menaced, ramming into her harder, causing her to lose consciousness.

* * * *



"What the FUCK!"

Vegeta shot up in bed, looking around menacingly. He was ready to kill. Frowning, he noticed however, that everything was fine around him. His eyes quickly scanned the corners of his room, but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. He growled rather loudly, and proceeded to lie down again, in attempt of sleeping.

"What the HELL is wrong with me?"

He had been waking up, for a week now, in the middle of the night, to a horrified scream and a loud BANG. A quick glance to the alarm clock beside the bed, told him it was 4:00 a.m. Trying to remember his dreams, a fact which was usually very hard for him to do, he wasn't able to find anything wrong. He just couldn't remember having dreamed something so horrifying. His heart was still beating furiously, due to the initial shock, and he knew he would not fall asleep until his heartbeat returned to normal.

"Damn it! Does it have a timetable or what? "he muttered angrily under his breath.

Every time it happened at exactly 3:58 a.m. Was it really him? Thinking of the scream always made him remember the one thing he never wanted to remember again. When he was eight, he had been mercilessly raped by Freezer. It had been the worst experience he had ever lived through. Thankfully it had only been once, this had obviously caused some major trouble for him. Beaten up every day, till he was nothing more than a bloody pulp albeit still alive, for example. He did have nightmares about it, sometimes, but they had completely subsided, for some very odd reason he couldn't figure out, when he had come to live at Bulma's place, half a year ago. Of course if he thought about it more, he knew the reason, but was too proud to acknowledge it, even to himself. He had hopelessly fallen in love with a human... and a very weak one too. Concentrating once again on his dream, he realized he could've hardly let out a horrifying scream. Trying to fall asleep, he started 'meditating' on his dream.


The steamy bathroom was slightly blurring his vision, but there was no way he couldn't see the slim form of a certain blue-haired girl, showering peacefully. That is until he prevented it. Opening the curtains, he stepped inside, marveling silently at her body. She seemed oblivious to his presence. Smirking he inched closer to her, intending to change that fact. Very soon. Putting his hands lightly around her, he instantly caused a reaction on her part... and not only.

" Ve-Ve-geta? " she stuttered, her hands, which had been held above her head, instantly coming down on his.
"Were you expecting someone else?" he teased, nibbling on her earlobe.
" Mmmm... ", was everything she could utter.

His hands soon trailed down her flat stomach, making their way toward her womanhood. She shuddered as he advanced, all the while kissing, licking and nipping at the soft skin on her shoulders. Eventually his skilled fingers, reached their goal, plunging inside her. She squirmed slightly, then suddenly screamed horrified.

" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

~~~~~~~~~~~~~END FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Vegeta had been rudely pulled out of his daydreaming (well... umm night), with a terrifying scream yet again. Listening intently, he became aware of soft sobs coming from the room, near his own, namely Bulma's. Quickly and silently crawling out of the bed, he pressed his ears to the wall in order to hear her better.

* * * *

Bulma woke up all sweaty, again, as she did for the last few weeks. Looking around, she however realized, she was in the safeties of her own room. It was that blasted dream again. Actually it wouldn't have been so horrible if it was just a nightmare, but in fact the 'dream' had happened to her, almost half a year ago. At first she was too afraid to even fall asleep, but then... taking care of it she could safely sleep. However, it seemed that someone or something decided to pay her back...

"No ", she moaned weakly, "I want to stop this!"

However she knew it was no use. She couldn't escape, no matter how hard she tried. It just wasn't working. She began wondering briefly, whether criminals had a conscience, but was rewarded with nothingness. It wasn't as if she ever got the chance to analyze a criminal before... well there was always Vegeta, but they didn't exactly have philosophical chatting. They were more like ' WOMAN! Where's my dinner! I'm starving! 'and then ' VEGETA! Shut the FUCK UP! I'm trying to concentrate on this-- ', then Vegeta would snatch away the 'this' (the invention she would be currently working on), not giving it back until after having wolfed down his meal. And even then, only after ' VEGETA! Get your sorry ass here and hand it over !' .... But this was different. She ...well sort of enjoyed their verbal matches, he would never do anything to her, and she would always make what he asked.... more like ordered her. He really was cute....

" I'm a murderer, damn it! " she swore silently.

She had never even thought of killing a fly... before. Yes, that was the word. Before... She was happy before, she was confident before, she was... everything nice... before her boyfriend had done that to her. And the worst of all was, that she couldn't even do *him* anything. Who would've believed her, who would've helped her? She had to tell someone... she had to confess... the very thing she had realized just a while ago.... she WAS a MURDERER.

" NO! NO! NO! DAMN IT ! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " she screamed, pounding on her huge bed.
" WOULD YOU FUCKING SHUT UP?! " came an unexpected answer.
" Huh? " Bulma lifted her face, only to be confronted with a pair of dark ones, approaching her, "Vegeta?" she asked uncertainly.
" No! It's Santa Claus, whoever the HELL that would be! " he mocked at her.

Reaching her bed, he simply plopped down on it facing her. She could only stare at him in awe, unable to utter a single word.

" Would you be so kind and explain me why the HELL do you keep waking me up at precisely 3:58 in the morning ? " his voice was unnaturally calm.
" I... I... " she was speechless, he didn't seem very angry, as she would've expected him to be.
" Well? " he never looked away.
" I... I have to tell something... someone... and... " she didn't know how to continue.
" Well... you always phone that blasted mate of Kakarrot, why don't you now too? " he grew impatient.
"Chichi?" she looked at him quizzically, then on seeing him nod, she shook her head, " She couldn't help me... she would consider me a maniac ", she stated flatly.
" You have a ... how do you call it? A doctor of some sort.... go see one ", he frowned.
" A psychologist would send me to an asylum, right away ", she answered sadly.
" What's an asylum? " he looked at her quizzically.
" A place where mad people are locked in ", she explained.
" Hn... you don't seem mad ", he looked at her closely.
" Vegeta? Can't you.... umm listen.... maybe you could understand me ", she trailed off.
" Whatever... as long as you let me sleep in the future", he shrugged.
" I--- I killed a man ", she started.
" So? I killed many men and women... entire planets.... or ", he smirked, " Do you intend to become a serial killer? "
" No... I shouldn't have...killed him".
" Why did you then? "
" He raped me "
" Then , there's nothing to worry about... it's ok ", he proceeded to get up, "Is that what you wanted to hear?", she gripped his hand.
" Yamcha offered me to him. The guy paid him so he could have me. And... Yamcha watched everything... then he too... "
" Hn... onna he's still alive. You forgot about him or what? "
" I'm not strong enough.... and I cut his stomach and... pulled out eveything in it.... picked his eyeball out and... cut him entirely into two... ", she let him go.

Vegeta was only able to stare at her wide eyed, and mouth open wide. Did she really do this?

End of chapter one
*Well? How was it? Please review, so I'll know what I did wrong... or good ^o^. Don't you dare flaming me about Bulma being violent... I warned you!!!!