Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Music of the Night ❯ Introductions ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Music of the Night
Chapter: Prologue
Subtitle: Introductions
Author: Trixie-can
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ.... duh....
Author's Notes: New story! ::sigh:: I know, I should be working on Love In A Day... :P But I got this idea and not writing it has been EATING ME ALIVE!!!! So, here it is. Sorry about the no updating and the long wait for chapters, I've been bogged down with work lately.... Have no fear, though! SPRING BREAK SOON!!! And I am doing NOTHING, so I will have a lot writing time. :D Well, here's the summary:

Vegeta is a famous pop singer (O.O) and Bulma is one of his MANY groupies. Bulma gets front row tickets to a performance at her hometown. Will sparks fly?

I know... a bit awkward... ^-^;; But I, personally, thought it was SUCH a neat idea! :D And no, I am not in any way copying the story BadBoyZ. :) Another disclaimer... Well, on with the story, I hope you like it!

"...." - talking
*....* - thinking

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"Oh my Kami!" Bulma cried as her and her friends left the concert. "I so need a backstage pass or front row seats or something for the next concert!"

"Ya know what I heard..." Kristin, Bulma's friend, whispered, leaning in to Bulma and their group. "I heard that the next concert is being held in OUR home town! Our PART of town!!"

"WHAT????" Bulma screeched. "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!" She threw her hands up in the air and started dancing around in circles, with her friends trying to shut her up. "We HAVE to get front row tickets for that show!! We just HAVE to!!"

"Would you keep your voice down??" Trixie, Bulma's best friend, said in a low voice, covering Bulma's mouth with her hand. "It's not for sure... some people don't believe it... we have to get like... the first tickets so we can get first row tickets!" Bulma's smile was not hidden, but her mouth was tight shut as her and her friends walked away from the concert hall, on their way to get tickets for the way home to Los Angeles, California.


"So where's the next concert?" Vegeta asked as he sat at his vanity mirror staring blankly at the ceiling, massaging his temples. His manager, Chris Good paced slowly back and forth behind him reading over papers and contracts. When Vegeta got no answer, he sighed and dropped his hands to his side. "Chris!"

"Hn..." came the quick, but preoccupied response.

"Where's the next concert I asked," Vegeta repeated, closing his eyes.

"Um..." Chris mumbled as he walked over to his dresser and searched through papers. When all the paper shuffling has stopped and a bit a silent mumbling, Chris informed, "Los Angeles, California."

"Haven't we already performed there?"

"Hold on..." More paper shuffling was heard as Chris found a small map. "We're actually doing this on a different part of town, way different area from where we last performed."

"Hm..." came the quiet reply. Silence. Vegeta sighed and slowly stood up. "Can I sleep now?" Chris waved him off and continued pacing and reading documents.

Vegeta watched Chris for a bit before wandering off to bed. *Damn does he need a woman, he's too uptight and engrossed in his work. Come to think of it... I really need a woman too... But where can I find a woman who won't like me just because I'm famous? Kami only knows....* With that last thought, Vegeta stripped down to his boxers and slipped into his bed, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Chris continued pacing and reading contracts and papers until he got so tired he could hardly keep his eyes open. When he looked at the clock, he noticed it was 1:00 AM. *I have got to stop doing this...* he thought as he plopped down on the couch in the living room of Vegeta's mansion. *I don't even have the energy to drive home... that would be unsafe (AN: Thank you Driving Class.... :P )...* His eyes slowly closed as his head rolled back and he slid down into a laying position on the couch. The papers fell from his hand, scattering on the floor. His last thought before drifting off to sleep was, *Vegeta is gonna bitch me out for this in the morning...*


.... How did you like it... :P That turned out different than I thought..... Sorry it's so short... :P I added my love interest, Chris! And I also added myself, Trixie. Guess who's going with who? Sorry that I'm adding OCs.... I know some people don't like that, but don't worry, they're not going to be the main characters, but I am beginning to fall deeper and deeper for Chris, so I need to add him. (His last name is changed a bit.) Anyway, tell me what you think of it, k? Ja!

- Trixie-chan