Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Music of the Night ❯ Backstage ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Music of the Night
Chapter: 2
Subtitle: Backstage
Author: Trixie-chan
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. If I could say it in any language, I could.
Author's Notes: Hey, sorry that it took a little bit to get it out. :P But at least it wasn't NEARLY as long as it took to get the last chapter out. ^-^;; This chapter is about the meeting backstage, and no, it's not a lemon. Not quite yet. >) I don't know if I ever put ages in this fic... Well, here, I'll put them here now:
Vegeta and Chris: 24
Bulma and friends: 22
:) Hope ages are all clear, if they weren't before. I don't know what else to put in the Author's Note sooo... On with the story! :D

Thanks to those who reviewed:
Chapter 1 (The Concert): DBZ chick, Sue, lil_gurl, moonsaiyanprincess, Dragongirl96, Mushi-azn, Kiyakakia NeMoonia, rockstar13, vegetalover, Lovin Vegeta, I-c-thangz, Venus, Dark Angel, PanChan27, RePliKaNT, Renee the Rabid Squirrel, Gohan's Girl, BulmaAngel, Black_N_Blue_Angel, Frostfur, and leeannia.

Thanks again!

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Vegeta leaned in and kissed her lightly, yet almost passionately, on the lips, then leaned into her ear and whispered, "Meet me backstage."

Bulma could hardly contain her wordless blabber she was about to let out as her mouth fell open from surprise. For one thing, Vegeta never kissed the girls he brought up on the lips; it was always on the hand. And for another, he never whispered anything to them; he just smiled gentlemanly and nodded them off stage. Bulma couldn't speak; her voice was gone.

Vegeta smiled sweetly at her and took her hand, kissing it while looking directly into her eyes, giving her delightful shivers up her spine. She smiled dreamily at him and slowly left the stage, backwards so that she wouldn't have to take her eyes off of Vegeta. Once off the stage and by her friends again, they burst out in questions.

"What was he whispering?? What was he like?? How sexy were his eyes??" But Bulma barely heard any of them; she was too busy staring at Vegeta, who was bidding Los Angeles farewell.

"Well, it's been a great show, hasn't it?" Vegeta called. Cheers erupted throughout the stadium, causing Vegeta to chuckle. "You're damn straight it has! My next concert will be back in San Diego in 3 months, and I hope to see you all there! Goodbye Los Angeles!" With that, he walked offstage, waving to the audience and winking at Bulma before he disappeared behind the curtain. The audience cheered for a while after he had left, then it quieted down to talking and people began to leave.

"BULMA!!" Bulma shook her head, coming back to reality, and turned her head to Trixie who was waving a hand in front of her face.

"Huh?" she asked, a blank look on her face. Trixie looked her quizzically for a bit, then continued with her quesiton.

"What did he say to you up there??" Bulma giggled.

"Come on, I'll show you." She grabbed her friends' hands and led them out of the seated area of the concert hall. She dragged them to the very end of the giant room, then turned right into a long hall with a door at the end, guarded by two huge guys in tight black shirts and dark glasses, their arms crossed across their chests and their mouths twisted into strong scowls. Trixie's eyes widened.

"Bulma! What do you think you're doing! This is the backstage entrance!! Those guys will kill us if we try to get in!" she yelled. Bulma only smirked at her.

"You'll see." She stopped when she reached the two men. The one on the left smiled at her and opened the door. Bulma smiled back and dragged her confused friends inside.

"Wha.... Why'd they let us in??" Sara cried, confused as hell. Bulma smirked once more.

"That's what he whispered to me." Her friends still looked at her quizzically. Bulma sighed. "He told me to meet him backstage!" She couldn't contain herself and she burst out in a giggling fit. Her friends' eyes widened before they burst out in squeals and began hugging each other and jumping around.

"You're KIDDING me!!" Trixie screamed. Bulma only shook her head with such enthusiasm you'd have thought her neck would snap. After they calmed themselves down, they continued down the little hall to another room with one guard.

"Who are you?" the man asked.

"I'm the girl Vegeta called up on stage. He told me to meet him backstage." She smiled sweetly as the guy looked at him questionably, then turned around, opened the door and peeked in. She heard him mumble something, waited, said something again, then turned back around to the girls. He nodded to them and held the door open to them. When they entered the room, they didn't see anyone. They looked around; staying in their spot after the door had closed, and started asking each other what could be going on because no one was there.

"Hello," they heard from the corner, and before Bulma even turned her head she could feel her heart flutter in her chest. She knew that voice. They turned their heads to face the gorgeous angel himself, Vegeta. He still had on his leather pants and black muscle shirt, but what added to the sexiness was the towel he had around his neck, holding on to each end with either hand and a sexy smirk on his face. "I don't believe I caught your name." He walked over to her and held out his hand.

Bulma nearly fainted right there. "Uhh... my name... name... uh... Bul... Bulma! Yea, my name is Bulma..." she stumbled through, thourally (that's spelt wrong...) embarrassing herself as she put her hand into his. He chuckled a bit and kissed her hand gentlemanly, making her melt.

"Um, Mr. Vegeta?" Sara asked timidly from behind Bulma. Vegeta looked up at her.

"Yes?" Sara and Trixie looked at each other and giggled mindlessly.

"You're like... my COMPLETE idol and I would do anything for you!" she cried as her and Trixie burst out laughing. Bulma put her forehead in her hand and sighed at their childishness. Not like she could talk, she was worse than that at the beginning of the concert, but still. Not IN FRONT of him! Vegeta only laughed a bit and winked at Bulma.

Vegeta then leaned into Bulma's ear and whispered, "I'd really like to talk to you alone, would you mind?" Bulma's mouth hung open as she nodded vigorously, causing Vegeta to smile at her.

"Hey Chris!" Vegeta called behind him.

"What!" was heard from a back room.

"Why don't you come here and entertain these two ladies while I speak with Bulma?" A man's head poked out from behind a door with a confused, and rather disgusted look. Immediately Trixie's head shot up as she looked at the man with longing.

"You've got to be kidding me! You want me to baby-sit while you chat up... a.... girl....." He slowly drifted off as he looked to the girls and saw one that was looking at him with amazing blue eyes. Vegeta smirked, he saw that.

"I'll take that as a, 'Sure thing Vegeta,'" he responded, leading Bulma into his dressing room. Bulma was a bit nervous, he wasn't going to try to sleep with her, was he? When they got into the room, Vegeta shut the door and led her over to his luxurious couch, while Bulma was wondering if it was a pull out, and if she should be afraid for her virginity.

The moment they sat down on the couch, Vegeta placed his hand on Bulma's shoulder and, noticing her jump a bit, said, "Don't worry, I would never do anything disrespectful to you." Bulma felt a great weight being lifted off of her shoulders, she really didn't have to be afraid of him.

"So... is your whole 'bad boy' angle just a cover? Or is that the real you? Come to think about it, what is the real you? I've always wanted to know..." Bulma smiled sweetly at him. Vegeta felt a light blush creep up into his cheeks as he smiled back at her.

"Well, my stage act is party a cover. The stage me is half of me, just a part. The other part is... well... a normal guy, I guess. Although I can be a bit moody... (Cha!)" Bulma just laughed.

"I think everyone can."

"So... what about you?" Vegeta asked.

"Well, I have basically worshipped you since I knew about you, you probably think that's creepy..."

"Actually, I hear it a lot," Vegeta smirked.

"I'll bet. I finished high school early and did 4 years in college until I was 21, then began on my following of you to every concert. I guess you could say I'm a fan."

"Looks like it..." Vegeta responded quietly as he ran his finger down her jaw and rested his hand on her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into his soft touch. She brought his hand over to her mouth and kissed his fingertips lightly, opening her eyes to look at him, with an unintentional seductively.

"Uh, Bulma. I really don't want to take advantage of y-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence before Bulma leaned in and kissed him fully on the lips. Vegeta hesitated at first, eyes widened and a bit stunned, but then deepened the kiss as Bulma wrapped her arms around his neck. But suddenly, Bulma pulled back, shocked.

"Oh my God, Vegeta! I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that!" she cried, completely stunned at what she had done. Vegeta just smiled at her and leaned in slowly, kissing her again and rubbing his hand along her cheek. God, Bulma loved that... She kissed him back, adding as much passion as she could muster, and once again, threw her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist, pulling her closer.


"So uh, what do you do?" Chris asked, tracing a finger along Trixie's jaw, giving her shivers.

As Trixie opened her mouth to answer, Sara answered for her. "She's an actress, but she's gonna be a singer some day! For SURE!" Trixie laughed nervously and pat Sara's head; she just looked too proud of herself, she couldn't scold her.

"Yea... not in any movies or anything, just commercials and stuff..." Trixie said quietly.

"Ahh! I knew I saw you somewhere! The hair color commercial!" Chris said.

"Yea, that's why I got to have my hair's tips red, they gave me tons of the hair color to have." Chris smiled at her and ran his fingers through her hair, causing Trixie to sigh unintentionally. Sara just smirked at the two.

"I'll leave you two alone...." she whispered as she slipped out of the room. Chris chuckled and went back to petting her hair lightly. Then, when Trixie finally had enough courage to do it, she leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips, relieved by his immediate response as he deepened the kiss.

"Trixie!" Sara cried, running out of the room she had originally gone in and breaking up Trixie and Chris's tender moment. Trixie sighed.

"WHAT Sara..."

"We have to go, it's like, 3 AM! We all have to go to work tomorrow!" Trixie sighed sadly, realizing that what Sara had said was, indeed, true. She walked over to the room where Bulma and Vegeta were in and knocked. Not hearing a response, she opened it and peeked in. What she saw astounded her.

There was Bulma sitting on Vegeta's lap as they were making out furiously on the couch. Trixie smiled and felt bad that she had to ruin the moment.

"Uh... Bulma?" she said quietly, but loud enough for them to hear. Bulma turned her head and saw Trixie there, with Sara's head just poking out beneath hers, noticing that Sara was trying to hold in her burst of laughter at their "position."

"What, Trix....?" Bulma said sadly.

"It's nearly 3 AM and we have to get up for work in the morning...." Trixie responded, giving her a look that said, 'I COMPLETELY understand....' Bulma frowned a bit, then turned back to Vegeta.

"I do have to get up in the morning.... Maybe we could set a date to meet again? If you want to, that is..." Vegeta smirked.

"Of course I want to. How's this Saturday?" Bulma smiled and nodded.

"That'd be perfect." With that, she leaned in a kissed him, while pulling him up at the same time. When they pulled away, she led him out into the main room. The girls lined up by the door and Sara stood there smiling and giggling as Bulma and Trixie exchanged kisses and good-byes with their men.

"So, I'll see you Saturday?" Bulma asked. Vegeta nodded and smiled. Bulma quickly pulled out a pen and took Vegeta's hand, writing down her number on his palm. "Call me anytime..." she sighed dreamily, then kissed him one last time that night (or more accurately, morning).

The girls waved to the men as they left the room and continued out of the concert hall, giggling and talking.


That was nice and long, too! Yay! ^-^ Don't know when the lemon is gonna be, I'm going to try'n hold out. >) Just to torture all of you guys! MWAAAHAHAHHAAA!!! Well, all of you guys best R&R! :P I love my reviews. ;) Ja!

- Trixie-chan