Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Musical Dreams ❯ Thrown Away Dreams ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author's Note: Hiyas!!! Back for more? Goodies!!! ^_^

...Did I just say "goodies"? O_o;;;
...Okay...yeah..well, anywho...

Something that might help ya incase you're easily confused:

"..." = Speaking
'...' = Thinking
*-*-* = Next Scene
*~*~* = Break inbetween Author's Notes and comments, separating it from the story.

Mm'kay? That seems to be it for now. You go on and start reading now, okay? Ja!!! ^.^


Trunks got up early that morning. He quickly hopped into his shower, got dressed, then rushed downstairs to have his breakfast. Soon as that was done, he somehow managed to avoid his father, luckily just before his father reached him to force his son to train with him, little Bra tackled her father and jumped into his arms. Good thing Bra draws attention away from everything else, Trunks loved his little sister for that. The lavander-haired Saiyan rushed up to his room and grabbed his guitar case and music folder. Then, to make sure he avoided his father for sure, he jumped out of his bedroom window and took off in flight towards Goten's house.


"Why, hello Trunks! So nice to see you!" Greeted ChiChi as she opened the door to find Trunks brightly smiling at her. "And I'm sure you're here for Goten, am I correct?"
"Hai, ChiChi-san," answered Trunks respectfully as he nodded and followed her in as she closed the door behind him.
"Well, he'll be with you shortly, he's finishing his breakfast with his father. Oh, and I see you've brought your guitar with you. Still at it with your music writing?"
Trunks nodded in reply.
"That's nice. Well, in the meantime, are you hungry? Did you eat breakfast before you came here? If you hurry, I think you can manage to grab something to eat before Goku and Goten devour it all." ChiChi smiled brightly at Trunks.
"No, that's okay, I've eaten already. Besides, I don't want to get in the way of those two..." Trunks chuckled as he glanced over into the kitchen and saw the two dark-haired Saiyans shoveling down dish after dish of food. As the saying goes, like father, like son.
"Well, I don't blame you quite frankly. Luckily I'm used to it by now, but they can be quite scary at times. You don't know how hard it is to actually go out to dinner with those two. Last time we did the restaurant went out of business..."

At that moment Goten walked out into the living room where ChiChi and Trunks were standing.

"Oh, hey Trunks!" Goten greeted. He had that famous, goofy Son smile plastered onto his face. Trunks loved that about his best friend. He was always so happy. Just like his brother and father. Trunks wished that his father were like that sometimes.
"Hi Goten," smiled Trunks as they both gave eachother a high-five greeting.
"What's up?" Goten asked as he stretched.
"Nothing, just wondering if you wanted to hang out today."
"Oh, yeah, sure!" Goten stated cheerfully. That's when Goten noticed Trunks holding his guitar case in his one hand, with what he was sure was Trunks's music folder tucked under the same arm. "Heh, still at it with the music?"
"Yeah, oh and hey, I got a really great new song! You have to hear this! Pan helped me write it. You know, for a 5-year-old your niece has really great talent in writing song lyrics..." Trunks continued to talk about Pan as he and Goten walked out of the house and towards the forest, where Trunks knew they were headed out to the lake clearing, the place where Goten and himself always played at when they were kids.

"So," Trunks started as he sat on a large rock as Goten sprawled out on the grass, "You ready to hear my new song?"
"Sure, go ahead," responded Goten as he tucked his arms under his head and stared up at the clouds.

With that, Trunks opened his guitar case, quickly tested it and tuned it up a bit, and then started strumming his fingers across its strings. Before he can sing the first word, however, an electric tune rang out into the clearing. Trunks stopped playing his guitar as he blinked and looked around to figure out where the sound was coming from, when suddenly he saw Goten whip out his cellphone and hold it against his ear. He put up his finger to Trunks to tell him to hang on for a moment.

"Hello? Oh! Hiya Akari! Ey? Um...no, nothing really! Yeah, just hanging out with my friend Trunks...yeah he's the one I talked to about. Yeah, Briefs, that's the one. Mmhmm...yeah...Well gee, I guess so. Well, I'm sorta in the middle of listening to him play a new song he wrote here...Hmm? Um...well, yeah I guess. Yeah, I suppose I could. Well, that'd seem kinda...but...huh? Er...well, okay. I'll see you soon. Bye." Goten looked up at Trunks as his hand went behind his head and he grinned nervously.

Trunks already knew what the conversation was about.

"It's okay Goten, go ahead and hang out with your girlfriend. I understand." Trunks tried not to sound hurt. "You can always listen to the song later anyway. No biggie."
"Really? Gee, thanks Trunks, you're a pal!" Goten smiled brightly, obviously not detecting the hint of pain in Trunks's voice. He stood up. "Well, I guess I better rush back to the house and get the car capsule. I'll fly the way to the town where she lives, but I'll drive when I get there. Don't want to freak out anybody now..." He grinned.
"Yeah, I know. Well, I better get going then I guess. I'll see you later." Trunks sighed as he watched Goten dash off towards his house.

'Damn girlfriends. What's more important, your best friend or a new girlfriend that I bet won't even last 2 weeks?' Trunks thought to himself. With that he packed up his guitar and music sheets, then flew off back to his house, hurting from his abandonment by his best friend Goten, the Love-Sick Saiyajin PuppyDog...


"Hi Trunks," Greeted Bulma as she saw her son walk through the door. Trunks was in no mood for talking. He just wanted somebody to listen to him! Was that so much to ask? The one thing that's most important to him right now in his life, his music, and not one person would listen. He sighed.
"Hi mom..."
"Trunks, what's wrong?" Asked Bulma, concerned.
"Nothing, absolutely nothing..."
"Goten ditched you for a new girlfriend again?" Asked his mother, knowingly. She was used to the way Goten has been doing this to Trunks, the way Trunks always acted after he was abandoned by his friend. Trunks nodded in response.
"That boy, if I had a dollar for every girlfriend he goes through, I would be able to close down the company and we'd be able to live off of that money alone." Bulma shook her head.
Just then, Trunks had an idea. "Mom, do you have some free time?"
"Hmm?" Asked Bulma. She thought for a moment or so. "No, I'm sorry honey, I just remembered I have something to work on down in the lab. Then I have a meeting to go to in a few hours, so I have to get ready for that. I'm sorry Trunks."
Trunks sighed.
"Oh, but hey! Guess who's here?" Bulma brightened up. Just then little Pan scooted around the corner and jumped onto Trunks.

"TRUNKKKKIIIIEEE!!!" Squeeled Pan. Trunks laughed. Count on Pan-chan to brighten up your day, even when you're in the middle of a miserable one.
Seeing the smile on Trunks's face, Bulma quietly crept away to catch up on her lab work.
"Hiya Pan. Come to visit me again?" Trunks smiled down at the little ebony-haired Saiyan.
"Actually, I came over to play with Bra, but now that you're here, I can spend time with both of you!" She giggled, obviously delighted.

Just then Bra came around the corner.

"Pan! Pan, where are...oh, there you are!" The little blue-haired, Bulma-look-alike toddler said. "Come on Pan-chan, we haven't finished playing dolls!"
"One second, Bra! I'm saying hi to my boyfriend!"
Bra rolled her eyes.
"Puh-leeze, you make it sound like he's a king or something. It's just Trunks..."
Trunks glared at his little sister.
"Well, you know, dear little sister of mine, I actually AM, in fact, the next heir to the Saiyajin thrown, making me a prince, soo..."
Bra cut him off. "Yeah, yeah, I know, but that would make ME a PRINCESS, now, wouldn't it? So, big whoop for you. Now, come on Pan! Barbie is about to dump Ken for G.I.Joe!! Bra rushed around the corner back up to her playroom.
Pan stared out after Bra, then looked back up at Trunks. Trunks smiled and shooed her off with his hand, knowing she'd have much more fun playing with dolls then with him. With that, Pan kissed Trunks on his cheek again and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back.
"Don't worry Trunks, I still love you." She let go and stared back up at him brightly with her auburn eyes. "Remember Trunks, you're my prince. I'll always love my Saiyan prince!" She giggled and then ran off following Bra.

Trunks sighed, then went upstairs to his room.


About a few days later, Trunks attempted to gain the attention of at least ONE person he knew who would listen to his music and give him the support he so desperately needed. He flew over to the Kame House, to ask Krillin, 18, and Marron if they wanted to hear his new song. Marron and 18 were going out shopping, so they couldn't, and Krillin was the one who was getting dragged along by his daughter and wife, for he was the one who had to drive. After that, they were going out to celebrate their anniversary while Marron stayed at a friend's house for a sleepover. Trunks wished both Krillin and 18 a Happy Anniversary, while he went inside to see Master Roshi. Of course, the dirty old man was too busy reading porno magazines.

That's when Trunks flew over to Yamcha's. He wasn't home. Then Trunks zoomed over to Gohan and Videl's. Pan was delighted to see him, but Videl and Gohan were busy with their work, and Pan had already heard his music. No offense to the little Saiyan toddler, but support from a 5 year old wasn't all that much. Not to mention the fact that she would like his music either way, seeing as how she was head over heals for him. Afterwards he flew over to Goten's. He was out with his girlfriend (obviously), Goku was actually over Trunks's house sparring with Vegeta, and ChiChi had too many chores around the house. With a frustrated sigh, Trunks gave up and flew back to his house.


Trunks slammed his door shut and flopped onto his bed. A little attention towards his music! That's all he wanted! No matter WHAT he did, no matter WHO he asked for support, everyone was too busy. Trunks stared up at the ceiling. He didn't realize, but an hour went by when he finally snapped out of his trance and turned away from his fascination of the wall towards the door, which is where he heard a faint knocking from. Trunks got up and swung the door open, a frustrated look on his face.

"WHAT?" He half-shouted, half-asked the person to which should've been facing him outside of his door. He didn't care if it was even his father who was at the receiving end of his anger, why should he care? Nobody cared about him and his music...
But nobody was there.

"Huh?" Trunks looked around. Then he felt a tug at his pants. He looked down. Staring up at him was Pan.
"Oh, hi Pan."
"Trunks, are you sad about something?" The little toddler asked as she was invited into his room.
"No, everything's fine," he lied. Why should he tell her? She was too little, she just wouldn't understand.
"Um...okay. Wanna play with your guitar again like we did last time?"
"No, sorry Pan-chan, I'm not up to it today."
"Cause' why?"
"JUST BECAUSE I SAID SO, OKAY??" Trunks snapped at the little girl. Obviously seeing his mistake when he saw the tears welling up in the corners of Pan's eyes, he repeated himself, more calmly. "Just...not today, okay Pan-chan?"
Pan nodded, blinking the tears away.
"Um, okay Trunks," she said quietly, then headed towards the door. "I'm gonna go and see what Bra's doing. I'll see you later, Trunkie..." She stated her nickname for Trunks quietly, with affection, making Trunks's heartache, making him feel guilty for snapping at her.

As soon as she left the room, leaving the door opened slightly, Trunks stood up and paced his room, holding his head in his hands. He then sat on the edge of his bed and sighed, looking down at the floor. After a moment, he looked up, staring at his music folder on his desk. He stood up, walking towards it slowly, and opened it, pulling out the music he had written. The music he had written together with Pan-chan. He sighed. Within a moment's thought, he closed his eyes, biting his lip, and then tossed the music into the garbage. He picked up his guitar, and for the first time since he had first gotten it, put it back into its capsule instead of its case, and tossed the capsule into the garbage as well. With that, he rushed towards is window, opened it up, and flew out.

Trunks didn't realize that there was a little pair of dark auburn eyes watching him the whole time.

Waiting a few seconds after he had flew out of his window, little Pan crept into his room, looking down into his garbage can, then pulled out his music and the guitar capsule. She stuffed them into her little backpack, then, hearing her mother call her from downstairs, she closed Trunks's door behind her, and left.


So...whatcha guys think? Tell me!!! Review!!! Next chapter will take place in years to come from this timeline in the story! Pan is grown up, Trunks is the President of Capsule Corporation. Trunks finds himself empty and always saddened by something. What's wrong with him? Does Pan know? Does she help? What becomes of Trunks's Musical Dreams? Find out!!! ^.~ Ja!!!!