Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Musical Love ❯ Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?

Mirai Trunks took a deep breath through his nose, taking in the clean air of the Past. A brief wind tousled his short, mushroom-cut hair, small blades of grass feeling his boots. The sky was clear, clouds taking the day off so the sun would show. ‘Perfection.’ Swinging his army bag over his shoulder, he strode down the grassy hill toward home.

To Really Love A Woman
To Understand Her-You Gatta Know Her Deep Inside
Hear Every Thought-See Every Dream
N’ Give Her Wings When She Wants To Fly
Then When You Find Yourself Lyin’ Helpless In Her Arms
Ya Know Ya Really Love A Woman

Bulma greeted her ‘oldest’ son as he guessed she would. She hugged and kissed him, while Vegeta ‘huffed’ and only watched, as his nine-teen year old younger self wanted to know what the hell was going on with Bulla.
After explanations were handed out, he made himself at home. In getting to know his ‘siblings‘, he felt he had everything for this vacation. Except for one thing that he knew his heart was too shy to ask for. He was always a timid and coy person, being raised by his mother all his life. As usual, he shoved his want away and made the best of things.
“Bulma-san, I’m back! The store was out of them. They said the next shipment should be in by next week.”
“How much were they?”
“Around two-hundred-fifty dollars each. Those were the good ones. The cheapest was ninety, but they still had very good quality.”
“Well, whatever. Just write down which set and I’ll get it for you.”
“Arigato, Bulma-san.”
Mirai listened to the conversation downstairs from his room. He did not recognize the person his mother was talking to, but could tell it was a young girl. A very pretty, dark haired, tomboyish, girl with…….’I got one hell of an imagination.’ Putting down his book, he got off his bed and went down for a look.
Matti placed her backpack on the kitchen table, resting her elbow beside it. She accepted the tall glass of water Bulma handed her. ”I should ask my brother to get me those speakers. Haven’t seen him have a shit-fit in a long time.”
“M-chan, I’ll get them for you.” She insisted, “Yamcha already got you the music book and CD player. Was your birthday ok? You haven’t told me how it went.” She sat down in front of her, ears ready to listen.
“You just want the dirt on what my brother did.” A sigh heavily left Matti as Bulma grinned. “Everything went alright. We decided to just have a mini-open-presents-thing ourselves. Since I went away, I didn’t get everyone’s presents.”
“How did Yamcha ever afford it? He only has that morning job at the motor cycle place, right?” Bulma asked. “Sounded expensive to me.”
Matti shrugged. “An all out music camp? Not that much, even if it was three states away.”
“Wow. Who knew he could be so sweet!”
“He’s only acting that way ’cause he’s happy the custody papers went through. They were finalized a month ago.” She sipped some water before going on. “The house is finally his too. No more family friends for me!”
“As long that everything is going great.”
“Yeah. He’s my best friend now.”
Mirai wondered if he was going to fall asleep. He knew women talk about nothing, but never this badly. Figuring something sweet might wake him up, he stepped into the kitchen for some juice.

When You Love A Woman You Tell Her That She’s Really Wanted
When You love A Woman You Tell Her That She’s The One
Cuz She Needs Somebody To Tell Her That It’s Gonna Last Forever
So Tell Me Have You Ever Really-Really Really Ever Loved A Woman?

“Hey Mirai.” his mother greeted shortly after he entered the room, “Matti, this is Mirai Trunks. I know I’ve told you about him, but has Yamcha?”
The girl nodded, leaning back in her chair to get a look at the warrior. “Yup. My brother has told me all about you.”
Stupidly, and shyly, Mirai grinned. “Well, didn’t know I was famous!” His cheeks reddened after saying the words.
“Matti may become famous soon.” Bulma hinted, resting a cheek in her hands as she leaned her elbows casually on the table, “Yamcha signed her up for music camps and lessons. Matt can do a variety of music by herself.”
“Really? Do you write your own?” Mirai asked.
She rubbed the back of her head in modesty. “Nah, too much thought. Once I hear the music, I can play it and sing it. My brother says I’m a fast learner.”
While the man was brought up, Mirai figured it was the right time to ask. “How are you related to Yamcha?” he wondered, “On my last visit, he didn’t mention you once.”
Matti unhooked a key chain with the sibling’s faces inside. She handed it to him. “I just found my brother around two years ago. I was living with family friends, since our parents died when we were little. He just finished the custody papers to have me last month.” She took the picture back after Mirai was finished looking. “We’re actually best friends, which can be a shock to most people.”
Mirai pulled back a seat and sat down beside her. “I think he’s a nice guy.”
“That’s what I’ve heard about you.” Matti replied, clipping the key chain back on, “Then again, I always thought you were just a fairy tail.” She gazed at him.
Mirai smirked, copying his father’s features. “I am no story. Once you get to know me, you can find out that for yourself.”
Matti sent him an ’oh really?’ expression, then slung her backpack over her shoulder, making sure the bag came inches to his face. “Thanks Bulma-san, but I’m going to head out. Tell Bulla-chan I’ll be by later tonight to pick her up for the movie.”
Bulma saw their actions and tried to hold her giggles from them. “Alright. Make sure to call her an hour before.”
“I will. Sayonara!” Matti made sure to shoot Mirai a look before leaving the room.
Bulma picked up Matti’s half full glass, dumping it in the sink. “…..Yamcha would kick your ass if he found you were hitting on his only little sister.”
Mirai blinked, looking at her in shock. “What are you talking about, Okaasan? I was not flirting on her!”
“Whatever, Mirai. Just be careful around her; she‘s more dangerous then Yamcha. And by the way, I said hitting on.”
Mirai sat and stared at her.

To Really Love A Woman
Let Her Hold You-Till Ya Know She Needs To Be Touched
You’ve Gatta Breath Her-Really Taste Her
Till You can Feel Her In Your Blood
N’ When You can See Your Unborn Children In Her Eyes
Ya Know You Really Love A Woman

Yamcha frowned as his sister’s arms came from behind and wound themselves around his shoulders. “Nii-chan, may I borrow your car for the night?”
Her brother placed his arm between hers, unlocking them from his neck. “I hate it when you sneak up on me. I could be jerking-off for all you know.”
Matti sat heavily beside him, nudging his shoulder with hers. “Guess I’m lucky your not so much as a pervert as your old girlfriends say. Anyway, back to me borrowing the car till 11 o’ clock tonight….”
“Eleven?” Yamcha questioned, turning to her. “Where are you going?”
Matti rolled her eyes, knowing this must be around the fourth time she has run her plans by him. “I am picking up Pan, Ally, and Bulla. Bulla has tickets to go see a movie tonight, ‘Bewitched’. It starts at nine, ends at ten.”
“Where does the other hour come into play?” he asked, knowing his math was not wrong.
“Um…..” Her black eyes roamed to the other side of the room.
“Nice,” he laughed, “Don’t even have your story strait.”
“Brother, the movie is two hours. We’ll be home by eleven, after I drop everybody off. Pan lives far, and Ally in the city.” She leaned up and kissed the side of his head. “At least I know you pay attention, Brother.”
Yamcha heaved a sorrowful sigh. “Fine. Wake me up when you get home.” He dropped the keys in her awaiting hand.
She kissed his scar cut cheek. “Arigato, Nii-chan.” She quickly ran up to her room and grabbed her wallet, shoving it into her back pocket before putting on her Taitans hoodie. “Puar, want me to bring you back some popcorn?”
The blue cat smiled, floating from Matti’s bed. “Yes, please!”
Matti patted Puar’s head, gave her brother another kiss, then left through the front door.
Pan and Ally were the first to be picked up, Yamcha’s SUV easily accommodating five people. The girls entered Capsule Corp. together, looking for Bulla. Aside from Vegeta, who snubbed them, Trunks came out to greet them.
“Konichiwa, Pan-chan. How have you been Ally-kun?” he greeted, flirtation skills working double time. He smiled charmingly at each of them.
The girls giggled, sending each other looks about inside jokes that have to do with the boy.
Trunks gazed at them curiously, when Matti tapped his shoulder. “Dude, where is Bulla? I called and she told me she was ready.”
He shrugged. “I’m not her keeper! She’s probably in her room-”
“Mirai! I told you!! I figured you listen better then your younger self!!!”
“No way…..” Pan muttered in wonderment, “Mirai-san…get’s yelled at?”
His brother smirked. “He hasn’t done one thing my mother has told him. Hasn’t done the laundry, cleaned the dishes after eating off them, went shopping with her….”
Just as they spoke of him, the time traveling warrior came speeding down the stairs. He looked up at his friends. “….You guys are going out, right? Mind if you have an extra wheel?!” His body was telling him to run, Bulma’s angry ki searching for him. He panted, waiting for an answer.
Matti glanced at the girls to help her make the final decision. “Fine, but you’re going to watch a chick flick.” She blinked when he grasped her shoulders.
Mirai looked at her face, showing how desperate he was. “That’s fine, just get me out of here!” He unconsciously stepped back from the angry leer in her raven eyes, a low growl escaping her throat.
Bulla, slinging her purse over her shoulder, said, “Mirai-chan, she wants you to let go of her. You’re in her bubble.”
Immediately, the hand’s left her arms. His hands shot down to his sides.
“………Don’t grab me like that ever again.” Pan and Ally giggled at the warning.
“Yes Ma’am!” He gulped when Trunks clapped his shoulder, whispering a ‘good luck’ in his ear. After taking a seat in the car, he asked what movie they were seeing.
“Bewitched.” Matti answered, adjusting the rear-view mirror, “Even though you were born twenty years from now, ever see the show?”
He nodded. “Yup. My mom has it on DVDs.”
“At least you’ll know the story line. I saw it with two friends of mine. We loved it.” She turned the wheel as they exited the driveway. “Hey, your mom knows when you’ll be back?”
Mirai turned away. “…..she wanted me to get some air for awhile.”

When You Love A Woman You Tell Her That She’s Really Wanted
When You love A Woman You Tell Her That She’s The One
Cuz She Needs Somebody To Tell Her That It’s Gonna Last Forever
So Tell Me Have You Ever Really-Really Really Ever Loved A Woman?

“Six popcorns, two Jr. Mints, three Icees, two Cokes, one Gummy Bear…oh, and another Coke. Better add another Jr. Mint in there too.”
“…..you sure you got all this?” Mirai whispered to her.
Matti shoved him away with his shoulder. “Fifty-five, did you say?” She handed the cashier the price. She took the change from his hand. “Thank you. Pan-chan, you have the tickets?”
The girl nodded, examining the tiny pieces of paper. “Yup. We’re in…studio 4. Upstairs.”
Matti took her two popcorns, Icee, and Jr. Mint box. “Alright, ladies….and man.” Here, she glanced at Mirai. “Let’s go!!”
The warrior heaved an enormous sigh before following. Empty handed, he opened the door for the girls. Through the darkness, he stepped behind Matti and took a seat beside her near the middle. He looked around for the others.
Noticing this, Matti said, “They split up. Nobody is here anyway.”
Numerous paid ads floated onto the wide white, screen, most colors faded, stretching tall to fit. Every so often, a movie question would pop on, and mumbles were heard around the rows of seats, then a realized moan afterwards. Pan and Matti invented a game so time would pass during the ’hoping to find customers’ moments.
“Have You Suddenly Noticed That Your Shit Is On Your Lawn??” Matti started.
“Then You May Have To Call 776-1-oops-278-0404 And Ask A Septic Tank Expert On the Cost To Clear Your Lawn Of…heehee….Unwanted Matter.” Pan continued, finishing in fits of laughter.
“Many Like To Show Off Their Mexican Shit And Their Egg-Fu Young Shit,” Matti went on, “But Frankly, It Is Not Pretty. Give Rickruns Dirtyhole A Call!!!”
Everyone, even the few who had also bought tickets, burst into laughter. The whole room echoed.
“Is this all you guys do?” Mirai had to ask.
Matti shrugged, shoving one of her popcorn bags in his lap. She then dove into her own. “Not really. We don’t get out much. Here, I got that for you.”
He knew there was no way he could not accept it, so he took a handful of the buttery goodness. “Arigato.”
The lights around the room dimmed immensely, only those on the stained carpeted pathway lit. The screen went dark as well.
Matti stood up, turning to where Pan was sitting on the other side. “Pan-chan, pass me the Jr. Mints.” She caught it with ease, then sat back down.
Mirai watched as she opened the box eagerly. “Have you ever been kicked out of a public place before?” He took the three little chocolate ovals she handed him.
“Once, at a Spencer’s. I turned on too many humping chiwawa dogs, and tried to smoke the pot beads people hang in front of their doors.”
Not sure how to reply to that statement of truth, her friend raised an eyebrow and said nothing. A trailer for ‘Wedding Crashers and ‘Must Love Dogs’ rolled before the actual showing. A hand full of popcorn went into Mirai’s mouth. ’Is love really that difficult to find…?’ His head lowered, knowing full well the answer.
Twenty minutes into show, Matti was surprised that the man beside her wasn’t board. There was only one other guy sitting far behind them also, most of the little crowd women. She figured he would be more like his younger self, except less obnoxious and flirtatious. She guessed that he would want to see a different movie, perhaps a documentary or serious. He even laughed when she did. She gently nudged his arm.
“You like it so far?” she whispered.
He turned to her and nodded, not wanting to talk during the movie.

You Got To Give Her Faith-Hold Her Tight
A Little Tenderness-Gatta Treat Her Right
She Will Be There For You, Takin’ Good Care Of You
Ya Really Gatta Love Your Woman….

Near the climax of the movie, Matti collapsed her head on Mirai’s shoulder. “…..it’s getting late…and I know what happens…” She mumbled tiredly.
“How much longer do you think?” he asked quietly. A few strands of his long lavender bangs fell as he leaned his head down to hers.
“I don’t know. Probably another half hour.” she told him, reaching around his other side to drink the rest of his Coke, “I remember this part, so I think there is a bunch more left. When I first saw it, I thought this was near the end too.” Sipping the last of the soda through the straw, she placed it back in his cup holder. “Too bad there are no more Smell-a-visions.”
Mirai gave her a curious look, then returned his attention back to the movie. He jumped when Bulla appeared beside them. She gave Matti a poke.
“M-chan, come to the bathroom with me!” she whisper/called over.
Groaning, Matti pushed herself up, moving from her seat. Not paying attention while yawning, her foot was forced off course by Mirai’s bag of popcorn that he placed on the floor. She squealed, holding Mirai’s thighs, his hands grasping her hips. They stared at each other, not sure whether to move or speak. Eyes were the only bright thing they could see perfectly, emotions clearly seen. The moment was embarrassing, to say the least. A loud frustrated growl from Nicole Kidman on screen cause them to think Bulma was there. The two immediately broke apart and carried on with their business.
Mirai sat his elbow on the chair’s arm rest, resting his cheek on his fist. He tried to appear board as he thought to himself. ‘That was fun…..’
Bulla closed the bathroom stall she choose, Matti taking the one beside her. “This was a good idea, M-chan. Thanks for taking us.”
Matti shrugged, re-buckling her belt. “No problem. I had to get out of the house.” She flushed the toilet then turned on a nearby sink to wash her hands. “How do you like it?”
“Really good. How does my brother like it?”
Matti glanced at herself in the mirror, rubbing a rough paper towel on her hands to dry them. “Last time I asked, he said he liked it.”
Bulla swung open the stall door, smirking like her father. “How does he like you?”
Matti looked at her reflection in the huge mirror, then turned to her. “That was… pretty random, Bulla.”
Casually, she walked over to the same sink Matti used. “Matt, I saw you resting your head on his shoulder, and how you drank his soda. He caught you at the last second back there too, so your faces could be so close.”
“………Nani? What are you talking about?” her friend asked, confused.
Bulla kept the smile on her face. She ripped a brown paper towel from the dispenser. “It’s alright if you like him.”
Matti placed her hands on her hips, glaring at the girl. “Bulla, it’s almost 10:30 at night, I haven’t been sleeping well all month because of camp, and I just want to get to know Mirai-san. That’s all. He was done with his drink anyway.”
“Riiiiight. Anyway, just so you know,” A rolled paper towel ball was thrown into the trash barrel. She opened the door. “Mirai told my mom that he wants to meet a girl. I heard it.”
Matti’s cheeks burned brightly, watching the swinging door flap on it’s hinges. ’….just like my brother….’
Mirai held Matti’s sweat shirt in his hand, the movie credits rolling up the enormous screen in the other room. The girls were not back yet, but the others decided to wait for them outside. Ally went into the bathroom after Matti closed the door.
“How did you guys like it?” Matti asked, avoid any contact with Bulla or Mirai.
When Ally got back, they headed for the car, talking about their favorite scenes and quotes. The night air was cooler than the afternoon had been. The sky changed to a dark velvet, bright stars shining down. This theater was built on a high hill, almost cliff side. The half-cut moon seemed closer, along with Neptune who’s showing was for a month only.
Matti hugged her arms as she stood beside Pan, both staring up at the constellations with arched necks. The older of the two glanced over at the newly arrived person beside her.
Mirai draped Yamcha’s sweat shirt over her shoulders and back. He couldn’t help the charming smile on his face as she smirked back at him. “Thanks.” Quickly leaning over, she pecked his cheek.
Mirai had no idea how to react. He inched his arm around her waist, when Bulla called, “Hey, Joan and Chach! Let’s gooo!!!”
Matti pulled the sweat shirt on, walking to the driver side, her friend to the other. Capsule Corp. being the last stop, Matti got out. She stepped into the kitchen, picking up the phone.
Thirsty from the popcorn fest, Mirai opened the swinging door that lead to the kitchen. He shot Matti a blushing smile, as she did he, and quietly opened the fridge door.
“’Kay, Nii-san?…Yup, I’m on my way….Nite……Byes.” She gently placed the phone on its cradle bolted to the wall. Heaving a tired sigh, she turned and was ready to walk out. Hearing her friend wish her good night, she changed direction. Doing the same before Bulla interrupted them, she smirked. “Thanks for being such a gentleman and not your younger self.” she congratulated, sitting on the counter top while he stood beside her.
He grinned. “Thanks, I guess.” He took a gulp from his water bottle. “I owe you one for helping me escape that catastrophe.”
She shrugged good naturedly. “No problem.” Her hands laced nervously. “I have a gig coming up in town…if you want to see it, you can. It‘ll get you out of the house and away from Bulma.”
He smiled. “Sure. I think it would be fun.”
Matti jumped from the white counter, standing in front of him, hands locked against her lower back. She looked up at him. “I really want to learn to get to know you. Like you said before, we should hang out sometime.”
Mirai moved his head lower, her height shorter then his by a good margin. “That sounds perfect.” His face could help but warm when her lips met his cheek for the third time. Inside, he was a little disappointed.
“Call me later. I’ll be around.” She made sure to brush her hand against his stomach, loving to see him flinch from the sensitive area, then left for home.
The time traveler leaned his butt into the counter top. The breath he held from the touch poured from his mouth. He went to lean back more, when he quickly discovered the cabinet was not closed. Cans and boxes fell onto his head, clanking to the floor.
“Mirai-chan?” a voice called from the stairs, “Was that you?”
He balanced a bean can on his boot, wincing from the question. “No, mother.”

‘Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman’
By Bryan Adams
‘The Best Of Me’