Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel... Won't You Be Mine? ❯ Chapter 3: A Delightful Challenge ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Three- A Delightful Challenge
Author's Note- I don't own the DBZ gang. Boy, how I would like to? Piccolo to make me new clothes, Gohan to do my work for school, Vegeta to pummel/torture my enemies, Puar for a pet... Oh I could go on... Oh, But Alielle is mine, she is my transportation. Nothing like a winged friend.

Piccolo flies straight to his cave even though he was tempted to go bash a certain little Guardian's head in. 'This is all one big joke. I become less evil and people start to walk all over me. How dare they laugh at me!'

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of been so mean. But Piccolo, you really need to lighten up. That's one thing Goku taught me. I hadn't laughed in five hundred years but then I met Goku."

"I don't like being mocked." Piccolo's eyes practically bore a hole through her, "If you want to live, I would suggest you follow my rules."

Alielle can't help but smile, he sounds just like she was before Goku, "I promise I will do whatever you wish."

"You can start by shutting your mouth for once and going to sleep."

Alielle looks outside the cave seeing the sun hasn't even set. She sighs and then sits on the cold damp cave crossing her legs and arms, closing her eyes. Piccolo tilts his head at her and assumes she is mocking him.

"You are mocking me again!" He growls.

"I meditate just like you and anyways do you expect me to lie down when I have these?" Her wings open up to show their splendor.

"Hmph," Piccolo is actually speechless, he decides to mimic what Alielle did and meditate. Hopefully tomorrow he can beat her senseless then she will go live with someone else. He smirks thinking of the many ways to torture her tomorrow.

'Just you wait, Monsieur Piccolo, I will show you who I really am. At the very least you will not dislike my company. But I am going to strive until you wish for my company or even beg for it.' Alielle smiles during her meditation/sleep, she knows exactly why Goku chose Piccolo for her roomie.

Piccolo wakes early to the smells of cooking. His eyes open quickly, how come he slept in?

'Blasted dreams, so human, so weak. If I wasn't born on Earth, I wouldn't be having these dreams!' Piccolo snarls as he watches Alielle cook over a fire.
'Oh great, he's in a bad mood already. And to think I cooked this vegetation for him. Bet he refuses and rushes me.' Alielle sighs as she takes a bite out of the piping hot rutabaga.

She offers some to Piccolo and he declines and does just as she predicted.

'I'm ready to teach this smart-mouthed little… well she's not little but she is a brat. And smug and beautiful. What the hell? Where'd that come from? Get a grip. It's just…'

"Ready?" She interrupts Piccolo's thoughts by strolling over to him.

"Yes, let's get this over with."

"I would like to offer you a challenge, first."

"What kind of challenge?" He quirks an eyebrow.

"If I don't double your power level in one week, I'll leave voluntarily."

Piccolo smirks, 'This girl must be out of her mind'

"What's the catch?" Piccolo says with a smirk plastered on his usual stoic face.

"You will do what I say. No exceptions. Piccolo, I can and I will help you reach the next level, but you must allow me to." Alielle's eyes look caringly upon the Namek. She is only a foot away from him and she reaches his shoulders in height.

"One week?"

"Yes. But full obedience is required if I am to do it in such a short time. I know you can't wait to get rid of me."

He doesn't deny it, but his smirk changes to an all-out Piccolo smile, "Deal."

She hands him her cooking, "Eat. Then we work."

Piccolo looks down at the burnt vegetables and sighs. He eats them and they go off to train.
Training… it should have been called let's see how annoyed we could get Piccolo by being to fast for him. Now Piccolo knows how it felt for Gohan. She isn't going easy on him as she jabs him in the stomach yet again. Piccolo feels nauseous from the vegetables and promptly regurgitates on a stunned Alielle.

"Oh my! Piccolo, are you alright? Eww… now I have to clean up." Alielle looks down at her outfit. Piccolo tries to get a punch in but she appears behind him and kicks him in the butt, "I guess you are fine."

"That poison you fed me! It was slowing me down."

"Yeah, yeah. I thought you of all people would be above making excuses." She smirks, "Come on, next lesson."

"Don't you have to wash up?"

"You do too. And I know just the way."

Alielle leads Piccolo to a lake and she begins to remove her shoes. Piccolo quickly turns fearing her shoes aren't the only things she will be removing. He feels her hand on his shoulder.

"Well, you are a gentlemen. But we are only removing our shoes for now. I didn't think you would have minded even if I was naked, being asexual and all."

Piccolo turns with a bewildered expression, "Only our shoes? What are you talking about? What kind of weird Alexian ritual is this?"

"No ritual, now take off your shoes." She begins to tap her delicate foot on the ground impatiently.

He bends over and removes his shoes, noticing her perfectly small golden feet, "You are a bizarre woman."

****That's the end of Chapter Three. Please R&R! Just what is this thing with the removal of shoes? Will some more clothing be coming off? And can Alielle make her one week deadline as impossible as it seems? All in the next chapter!****