Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel... Won't You Be Mine? ❯ Chapter 9: Let The Insanity Ensue ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Nine- Let The Insanity Ensue
Author's Note- Hey! Merry Christmas... oh wait that's just in the story. Hehe... I don't own DBZ. There! I said it! WAHHH! But I do own Alielle so um, leave her alone! MINE! Please R&R and check out my other stories and my favorites!

Christmas comes and Alielle and Piccolo go to the Lookout before anyone else arrives. They sit on the edge hanging their legs over. Piccolo knows Dende must already know, he is the Guardian. But he does realize he should keep his mouth shut for Piccolo isn't the kindest guy.

"Piccolo, I love it here."

"Yes, it is nice."

Piccolo notices his fang marks in her neck, "Oh damn. Here." He made a scarf and wrapped it around her neck.

"Good thing, you noticed. I completely forgot."

"I'm going to go meditate. The others should be here shortly." Piccolo takes his usual position and waits for the insanity to ensue.

Alielle stands seeing Gohan coming up. Gohan waves at her and then Alielle sees the rest are right behind Gohan including Bulma's craft.

"Hey, Elle. You are looking great!" Gohan says smiling as he lands. She knows he is just trying to be polite, "I see you hauled Piccolo here."

Piccolo grunts, "She did not drag me. I came of my own free will. I have some words I need to share with your father."

"What happened to your wings?" Yamcha asks insensitively.

"An accident. It's better this way." Alielle answers.

"Hey guys," Goku appears halo over his head.

Insanity erupts and everyone surrounds Goku except Alielle. Piccolo walks up to Goku and punches him in the face. Goku rubs his face, "What was that for?"

"You know good and well what! I didn't want to train with her!"

"But you seem more powerful and what happened to your wings, Elle?"

"Dammit! They just fell off. Forget the damn wings!" Alielle snarls at the constant reminder of her loss, "I like it without the wings. So drop it!"

"Sorry… So let's eat!"

Everyone enjoys a meal and Piccolo and Alielle sit together as they enjoy the meal. Gohan nudges Krillin and points to Alielle and Piccolo, "Plan A, Kril?"

Krillin gets a huge grin and nods his head. Krillin goes to distract Alielle and Piccolo as Gohan sneaks up behind them. With a fishing pole, Gohan hangs mistletoe over their heads. Krillin points to the mistletoe, "You two better look up."

Both Piccolo and Alielle look above at the small green branch of mistletoe. Piccolo looks at Gohan glaring at the giddy boy.

"Come on, it's tradition. You can't break tradition." Gohan says coaxingly.

"That's right." Alielle kisses Piccolo on the cheek and he growls rubbing his cheek, "There, that wasn't so bad."

"I have to go decontaminate my cheek, now." Piccolo stands and goes into his Lookout room.

Alielle giggles trying to keep up their ruse when Vegeta walks over to her, "I wish to speak with you, princess."

"Then speak, prince."

"In private."

Alielle follows Vegeta into the back part of the Lookout, "Yes?"

Vegeta begins to try to kiss her and she backs away, "I am trying to give you your present."

"My wings are gone. You shouldn't lust for me anymore."

"I want you to give me a powerful child. I need not lust!" Vegeta corners her.

Alielle notices Piccolo walk up behind Vegeta, "What is going on?"

"Namek, mind your own business." Vegeta says not turning to him.

"This is my business. You have hurt her enough. I should kill you."

"Get lost, Namek."

"Go to your mate. Leave this one. You have your mate."

Vegeta finally turns away from Alielle and to Piccolo, "What are you going to do if I don't. You are weak."

"Let's see about that."

"No! Stop it, both of you! You are not enemies, let's just go back to the party and forget this." Alielle stands between the two angered warriors.

"Never. I will not fight you today, but just remember in two months the tournament is going to be held. I will kill you, then, Namek." Vegeta walks away, arms folded.

Piccolo takes Alielle by the shoulder, "Did he hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine. Go to the party." Alielle says forcing a fake smile.

"Alright." Piccolo leaves her and she sinks to her knees sobbing. Piccolo hears her with his sensitive hearing and it tears him up inside.

'I will kill you Vegeta for doing this to her. I will never allow you to hurt her again.' Piccolo thinks as he glares at Vegeta.

Goku finds Alielle sobbing, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, Goku." Alielle stands wiping her tears, "Having a good Christmas?"

"Yes! And I am allowed to come back for the tournament. Are you gonna come too?"

"Of course. Thanks for everything. This second chance… these friends."

"No problemo. Come on. Maybe you will sing for us." Goku smiles at her and she blushes.

"I couldn't sing in front of all these people!"

"It would be a wonderful Christmas present."

Goku guilts her into singing in front of the group. Her voice is beautiful and everyone applauds when she finishes. Her golden face is red and she looks to Piccolo who nods.

"We should get going. I'll see you guys at the tournament. Until then." Alielle smiles taking Piccolo's shoulder and teleporting to their home.

"I will kill him." Piccolo's anger explodes.

"Please… don't make a scene. We should train hard the next two months."

"I love you." Piccolo takes her hand.

"I love you, too."

"Close your eyes."

Alielle shuts her eyes, trusting her mate, she feels something placed in her palm. She opens them and finds a beautiful silver ring with an opal in the center of diamonds.

"Merry Christmas, my angel."

"Merry Christmas, Piccolo." She kisses him slipping the ring on her finger.

****That's the end of Chapter Nine. Please R&R! Will Piccolo kill Vegeta? Will Vegeta kill Piccolo and take his mate? Isn't Vegeta greedy? The tournament is coming up! All in the next chapter!****