Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Baby ❯ One-Shot

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't claim to own DragonballZ though I do own Zafira and this story. So steal and die. ^^ Enjoy!

"My Baby"

She had raised him since he was a newborn. Spent what felt like an eternity of pain, bringing him into this world, and now that monster, her "master", was taking him from her. She couldn't even fight for him. He'd probably kill her. But now that she thought about it, what would that psycho do to her baby once she was out of the way? She was starting to consider fighting to the death for her boy, but that would only make Vegeta's life harder. She knew how he felt about her. As much as he hid it from others, he loved her very much.

Zafira quickly go readjusted to life back on Frieza's ship. Even with the loss of her late husband and the destruction of her planet, she surprisingly managed to hide all the sad emotions from her son. She'd wait a few years and tell him what happened. Then she'd train him, train him hard, nonstop until he was strong enough to finally defeat the monster. Until then, she made sure to train him in his tactful skills and hide his mutinous feelings from Frieza. The boy never knew what had happened to Vegetasei and she would see that he didn't know for a good 5 years until he was old enough to handle such a loss.

Zafira stood before one of the training rooms, gazing in through the window, watching her offspring train vigorously. The boy was amazing. His power rose alot more drastically than the average saiyan, she was in fact considering the rumors back on Vegetasei that her boy would become the next super saiyan. Oh, but he had a long way to go. Though, he was quickly reaching her level of ki and was already far above his trainers, Nappa and Radditz. Zafira saw to it that those two stuck to the boy like glue when she wasn't around. It was hard for them, though. Vegeta hated being followed and after learning his way around Frieza's ship and his many bases, he knew how to ditch the elite and the 3rd class.

Zarbon was walking through the halls, the lower rank soldiers saluting him as he walked by. Life had actually been a little better ever since the destruction of Vegetasei. He had managed to convince Zafira that she was better off without King Vegeta and with her son around, she wasn't so gloomy. Yep, everything had gone according to plan. Of course, there were times he wanted to vaporize the brat, but he knew Zafira would plot his death from then on, and he wanted Zafira as his mate, not his enemy. And frankly, he pretty much had it that way. She had played into his arms like a harp.


Zarbon had convinced Frieza that the saiyan's were plotting his demise and Frieza put an end to the planet and it's feared race. This had put him in good with Frieza, but not so well with Zafira. She hated his guts and refused to look at him or even acknowledge his presence for weeks. After putting up with Dedoria's teasing ways, Zarbon furiously stormed through the halls into Zafira's room. She was on her bed, and wiped a tear from her face, an angry scowl on her face as soon as she got a good look at her visitor.

"What do you want?" she asked in an icy tone. "I came to check up on you," he said.

"Well you can leave now," she said. He gritted his teeth and walked up to her.

"Still blubbering over your dead king?" he asked in a cold tone. She looked at him and sneered.

"Jealous because I never showed the same concern for you?" she said before getting off of the bed and headed for her dresser. This infuriated Zarbon and he grabbed her by her wrist and made her face him.

"Listen, you need to forget about him! He's gone!" Zarbon yelled.

"Yes, he's gone! And it's your fault!" Zafira yelled back. He pushed her onto the bed and ripped off her gloves, shoulder-pads and her dress. She sat on her legs in nothing but her panties, folding her arms over her breasts.

"Forget about him! Tying yourself down to his memory will make you weak!" he said.

"Are you done?" she asked, looking down. He eyed her for a moment and noticed the necklace that the king had given her.

"Not quite," and he ripped the necklace from around her neck, threw it in the air, and blasted it into dust.

"You bastard!" she yelled and tried to attack him, but he got her by her wrists and held her down.

"Let go of me! All you've ever done is made my life a living hell!" she yelled and struggled.

"That's a lie! All I've been trying to do is help you!" he said.

"By taking me from my husband and then destroying my home?" she asked.

"This is your home! Here! With Frieza! And with me," he calmed down.

"Can't you see? You don't need the saiiyans. You have me. I will ALWAYS be here for you. And anyway, how do you know if he really loved you. For all you know, he could've just kept you to bear an heir," he said.

"Impossible," she looked away.

"Oh really? I heard about how his first wife could not bear a child. How do you know he didn't sleep with you just to get an heir?" he asked. She wanted to say something to defend her king, but she couldn't. Her only excuse was the battle she had with Cyrene, but who knows what could've happened if Cyrene had survived the battle?

"You see. Now, forget about Vegeta. The planet and it's blasted king," Zarbon said and bent down to kiss her.


He had made love to her for hours that night. He couldn't help but smirk, remembering it. After a few days, she had managed to put the king's memory behind her and devote her energy into the present, like raising her son and serving Lord Frieza. The brat was annoying, but easy to avoid. Now he was on his way to her room. He had missed her company and planned on showing her in every intimate way possible just how much. Zafira had just stepped out of the shower and was about to undress when the doors slid open and Zarbon stepped in.

"You know, you could give a little warning before you do that," Zafira said bluntly before sitting down on the bed. Zarbon smirked and walked over to the bed and seated himself beside her. He wrapped his arms around her waist possessively and began kissing her neck.

"Zarbon.." she said as if lightly scolding her son.

"What? I missed you," he said playfully before placing his hand on her towel. She quickly placed her hand over his to stop him and looked at him with a smirk.

"Oh, are you going to tease me now?" he asked with a returning smirk. Why does this feel familiar? she thought.


It was years ago before Prince Vegeta was born and only a few days before Zafira had earned her status as queen. It had just been announced that Queen Cyrene was sterile, incapable of bearing children. The king was furious and spent less time around her. That one fateful night changed everything..

He had spied on Zafira while she was bathing and she had found out. He tried fruitlessly to come up with an excuse, not that he needed one, he was the king. She ignored his stumbling and headed into her bedroom only to find him standing at the doorway when she was about to change.

"I heard about Cyrene. I'm sorry," Zafira said. Vegeta merely sighed, "You have nothing to apologize for. I am sorry for not evaluating her first instead of going based on her appearance."

Then he looked up at her, who was now facing him, and eyed every inch of her body. Zafira looked into his eyes with a look of sympathy, which turned to one of surprise as he pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. She soon closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms wrapped possessively around her waist as he led her to the bed and slowly placed her down. He quickly discarded his own clothing and proceeded to hers. He pulled off her robe, leaving her tiny towel. Just as he reached for it, Zafira placed her hand over his. "I can't do this. I'd be dishonoring the crown. You should be doing this with your wife, not a complete stranger," she said. "Forget about her, just for tonight," he said and reached up to kiss her again.


Needless to say, that one night led to countless others, which eventually led to Prince Vegeta's birth. She couldn't help but remember how his big strong arms felt, wrapped around her body, keeping her warm in their bed. Zarbon could see the look of sadness on her face.

"What's the matter?" he asked, softly. Zafira was shaken from her thoughts.

"Nothing. Just...thinking," she said. "Well, we can't have you looking so glum, love," he said affectionately, and kissed her on the lips. Zafira couldn't help but smile and returned the kiss, allowing him to pull off her towel.

Vegeta was in the lunch area with Radditz and Nappa, eating quietly while the other two ate as if it were their last meal. Pigs, he thought. Of course, saiyans are naturally that hungry. There were times Vegeta wanted to get messy and just enjoy his meal, not caring what others thought. But his royal training had suggested otherwise. Straying from the subject though, he felt like he was being watched. Then he let out a small sneeze.

Oh, my little saiya-jin no ouji.. Frieza thought to himself as he watched the little boy eat at the mess hall. The boy was unlike any other, he was remarkably powerful, and there was just something about him he had always liked. Not to mention, he was Zafira's boy and Frieza had always been fond of her, so it seemed only fitting that he would take a liking to boy as well. But the boy had a little something more. His mother had a fire in her that was always burning and blazing out of control, that is, until she was sent to Vegetasei. Sure, she had gotten more powerful, but that fire in her had died down a little. Luckily, she had passed it on to her baby and his fire was roaring and burning out of control. He constantly trained, fought, bled, sweated and conquered. Sure, all saiyan boys loved to fight, but the prince saw it as his life, not just his favorite pastime. He worked hard at it each day as if trying to reach some goal.

There were rumors about some super saiyan, but that was a myth. There was no such thing. Though, if the boy did reach some amazing new level of ki, Frieza wanted to be in control of it, which is one of the reasons he took the boy in. Oh sure, Zafira had begged him to let her keep her baby, but once Frieza had seen the boy in action, he praised his decision. Unlike Vegeta and Zafira, the other soldiers were sniveling, cowardly and weak. They did all the dirty work. Sure Dedoria, Kui and Zarbon were much more powerful than the two, it was probably that natural saiyan nature that attracted Frieza to the two. Frieza always had a favorite. Zarbon was such a pretty boy, and such a loyal one at that, but he soon got boring.

That's when Zafira's capsule crash-landed on Frieza 8 and he soon had a new favorite. Not only was she the first female soldier on his team, but she treated him like royalty, like all the other saiyans. She was always trying to get more powerful, and in his name. She was always doing it for him. Then there was Vegeta, who was his number one favorite. The boy was young, but very wise and mature for one his age. All due in part to Zafira's royal breeding. But ever since Zafira's flame lessened (all because she devoted her time to raising her son instead of her nonstop training), Vegeta had become the apple of his eye. And now he had the boy all to himself...or did he? The boy loved his mother, it was obvious, and rare. Most saiyans cared for no one, not even their parents. Vegeta greatly respected his, his mother probably most of all. He never questioned her, always did what she said, when she ordered it, but he still managed to be a little kid around her. He could pull some kind of prank on one of the soldiers and all he had to do was run behind Zafira and they'd quickly forget what they were complaining about. Vegeta might've sworn loyalty to Frieza, but his devotion was and always would be to his mother. The one that brought him into this lifetime and put her own life on the line to make sure he stayed in it. The boy would never truly be his. Or could he...

Vegeta had somehow managed to ditch Nappa and Radditz. Sure his mother had ordered them to watch over him, but they were bothersome and he felt like they were babysitting him. And Vegeta needed no supervisor, save his mother. Nappa was a great trainer and Radditz, well, he was a loyal soldier, but they were always crowding his space. Before they came along, Zafira was usually there. Of course, she just HAD to get involved with Zarbon-baka. He didn't mind the freedom though. She'd just leave him with one of Frieza's men. He was absolutely sure that she knew what she was getting that unsuspecting soldier into. What he did mind was that his mother had betrayed her loyalty to her king and allowed that blue-skinned freak to seduce her. The guy was weird enough with his earrings and his long, silky hair, but now he was sleeping with his mother, his queen, the only person he truly respected. He looked around. Now that you think about it, where is that bakayaro? Vegeta questioned a few soldiers until he came across the security room where guards would be monitoring different rooms in the base. Apparently, they were all out to lunch. After pressing a few buttons, Vegeta activated the camera to his mother's room. Ugh...I think I'm gonna be sick..

Zafira gasped and dug her nails into the smooth, blue skin of his back as he continued to thrust in and out of her and a moderate speed. She bit her lower lip and let out another moan, sweat covering the both of them. Zarbon couldn't help but smirk; he loved the reactions he got out of her whenever they made love. And it was even more fun each time they did it. Zafira had made it a point for him not to touch her in public, save him playing with her tail when no one was looking, which always got a...pleasurable result. She had another orgasm as he hastened his speed a little. He lightly nipped at her neck, trying not to yell too loud. It beat the hell out of training new recruits from day to day. They finally climaxed and he collapsed on top of her.

Zafira lay with her bare chest over his heart, sleeping peacefully, her sweat slowly drying from her body. Zarbon played with the strands of her hair affectionately. Funny, saiyan hair was usually spiky. Her's was smooth, silky and bouncy and fell down to her waist. Not that he minded at all. He preferred it to the wild fiery manes of Vegeta and Radditz. Ever since they had gotten together, Zarbon felt he had no need to spy on her from the cameras anymore. Why do that when he could see what she was hiding underneath that outfit for himself? Oh God, the cameras. Someone could be watching them right now. What if someone witnessed what they had just done? What about all the other times? How could he have been so stupid as to not disconnect it from the beginning? Where was it? His eyes scanned the room, but he managed to hold his usual calm and collected demeanor. Then he remembered, pointed his finger, and fired.

Moments later, Vegeta came walking out of the security room, sick to his stomach. Hope they don't mind the mess under the table, he thought. How he hated Zarbon for sleeping with his mother. It was bad enough he wasn't of royal blood, but he wasn't even saiyan! NAPPA would've been better! But Zafira always saw him as her trusty elite. When he wasn't watching over Vegeta, he was watching over her like his little sister.

(Alright, lemme break it down for you: Frieza wants Vegeta, Vegeta loves his mommy, his mommy loves Zarbon and Zarbon loves her. Vegeta wants Zarbon away from his mom and Frieza wants Zafira away from Vegeta, so Frieza'll do it one of the ways it does it best..)

Zafira and Vegeta stood at the docking ship. Vegeta was now a teen. Frieza watched secretly from his room. It was brilliant. The boy would soon be his..


Frieza had been watching Vegeta train again with an almost lustful look in his eyes (::shudders::) as the boy beat the crap out of his soldiers. Just then, Zafira came in and knelt before him.

"You called for me, my lord?" she asked in a respectful bowing position. Frieza smirked, he loved it when she did that, it made him feel...important. Of course, he was important, but she always made him feel like some kind of king when she did that.

"Yes, I want to take your son under my wing and train him personally. Well, not personally personally, we wouldn't want to hurt the boy, now would we?" he said, chuckling. What is he getting at? she wondered.

"I feel that the boy isn't training hard enough," he said,"and I think it's because he has you around."

Zafira remained silent and listened intently, she learned it from her royal training. "With his mother around, he can do as he pleases, no one really pushing him to the edge because they're afraid of what you'll do to them. So, I'm sending you to Planet Frieza 20. You have complete control and authority over all the soldiers there. Of course, only I can overule your orders, but then again, I shouldn't have to, given your expert decisions. You'll be leaving in a few days," Frieza said.

"Yes, Lord Frieza," Zafira said in an icy tone.

As she exited the room, she hid her look of pure hatred from Frieza. Once the doors closed, she slammed her fist into the wall. That bastard!! Vegeta was her son! She had raised him since he was a newborn. Spent what felt like an eternity of pain, bringing him into this world, and now that monster, her "master", was taking him from her. She couldn't even fight for him. He'd probably kill her. But now that she thought about it, what would that psycho do to her baby once she was out of the way? She was starting to consider fighting to the death for her boy, but that would only make Vegeta's life harder. She knew how he felt about her. As much as he hid it from others, he loved her very much. Now that she thought about it, Frieza was always staring at her son in an eerie, unnatural sort of way.

From then on, she had made all kinds of advances to keep her son away from him as much as possible. The nonstop training with either Nappa or one of Frieza's soldiers. The boy would eventually grow accustomed to it and do it on his own, and he did. But Frieza had found a way around it by sending her away so she couldn't protect her baby from him. But he was her "master", her lord. If he said jump, she'd ask "how high", if he said kill, she'd ask "who". Oh God, but he was taking her baby. The only thing that mattered in her life besides Zarbon and herself. Vegeta would protest of course, but would eventually comply. What if something happened to her on Frieza 20? What if Vegeta mutinied? She couldn't risk having him get himself killed. She wanted her son to grow up and avenge the deaths of their people. Secretly, deep down, Zafira felt responsible for the destruction of Vegetasei. And if she couldn't make Frieza pay for what he had done, which she couldn't, she wanted her blood to kill the bastard. This was why she had trained Vegeta so much, pushed him even farther than usual royal breeding. Both Nappa and Radditz had noticed this, but wouldn't dare question their queen.

The day before her leave, Zafira had to speak with three people. First, she called Nappa and Radditz into her room, the only private place she knew of for some reason. The two bowed respectively to their queen. "As the two of you know, Frieza is ordering that I be rebased at Frieza 20. I know that those soldiers will attempt to get Vegeta back for old qualms in the past, so I want you to guard him with your lives," Zafira said.

"What about you, my queen?" Radditz asked.

"Do not worry about me. I can well enough take care of myself. I'm more powerful than even Nappa here, so I think I can manage. Not to mention the training facility at the base. So I should be able to increase my ki over time. But, there's a slim chance I might die on that planet," Zafira said. The two looked up at her instantly.

"Frieza is after my ba-the prince. I want you to protect him as if I were truly dead. With me out of the way, that tyrant will pull out all of the stops to make Vegeta's life a nightmare. Do you understand?" Zafira said. "Yes, my queen," the two said at once.

Once the two had left, Zarbon came into the room moments after. "This isn't fair," Zarbon said. She quickly placed her finger over his mouth to silence him. They had been through this before. It reminded her of when he tried to convince Frieza not to send her to Vegetasei for training, but he failed in that and he would fail in this.

"I don't want you to do something crazy that will get you in trouble with Frieza, do you understand?" she said. Zarbon couldn't help but smile. Zafira knew how to put her foot down. Not even he could change her mind. "It might be a while before I see you again and I.." this time, she silenced him with a kiss.

"Let's just enjoy this last moment together," she said for him. He smiled and removed her clothing. He carried her to the bed and caressed her breasts, sucking and gently nibbling at them equally. He stroked her womanhood and kissed her passionately at the lips, showing her how much he'd miss her when she left. He laid her on her back and removed his own clothing before climbing on top of her. He kissed her deeply and then spread her legs with his knee. He was soon thrusting in and out of her slowly, actually savoring the feel of her around him. He nipped and kissed at her hot flesh, knowing he'd remember the taste of her skin. The two went on for a quite a while before finally climaxing. He buried his face in her hair, dulling his yell and inhaling the scent of her hair. He knew he'd miss that.

The next morning, Zafira was at the docking station. She had said her last few words to Nappa and Radditz. Neither one liked the idea of leaving her alone with Frieza's men. Radditz mumbled something about sleeping with a ki ball ready. Zafira held back her laughter. Zarbon stood at the other end of the station, watching her intently, as if she were the only person there besides him. Vegeta came walking up to her and noticed that her attention was on Zarbon.

"Aren't you going to say good-bye to your boyfriend?" he said coldly. "Watch your tongue boy. I've already said my good-byes to him," she said, smirking at him, causing him to blush because he could hear. Vegeta wanted to puke.

"I don't see why I can't go with you," Vegeta said as he stood with his mother in front of the docking ship.

"Because you're not needed there, I am. They want me to run things and get everyone on the up and up. The soldiers there are weak and need a strong leader to make them strong again. I want you to stay here and behave," Zafira said and kissed him on the cheek. Snickers were heard from behind him.

"Mother!" he yelled like a little boy. She chuckled, then looked through her bag and brought out some kind of chain. In the center was a white orb, circled by gold lining. "What is it?" he asked. She placed it in his hand. "I know you'll be concerned about my health, so I'm giving you this. I had this made especially for me. If that orb ever turns black, it means I'm dead. I want you to hold onto it. Who knows when we'll see each other again," she said. Vegeta put it in his shirt and folded his arms angrily.

"I still don't like it," he said. "So spoiled," she said, shaking her head.

"Well? Doesn't your mother get a hug or a kiss good-bye?" she asked, opening her arms. Vegeta looked behind him to see the other soldiers laughing at him. He pointed his palm at them and fired a blast and they all ran off in fear. He turned around and hugged his mother tight before letting go and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Good-bye son," she said and boarded the ship. He merely folded his arms, still not happy with her leaving.

What Zafira hadn't told anyone was that the orb was actually some pearl she found on a conquered planet. If Vegeta saw the white whenever he looked at it, he'd think she was still alive, diminishing any muntinous thoughts from his mind. Of course, she knew that someday he'd find out the truth and he'd come looking for her. She sighed and got comfortable in her seat. It was going to be a long trip.

From then on, Frieza did make Vegeta's life a nightmare, constantly teasing and bullying him and his stronger soldiers (Kui, Zarbon, and Dedoria) doing the same. Ever since Zafira left, Zarbon lost his usual pleasant mood. He was now stone-faced and more of a hypocrite towards saiyans than ever. He had to act as if he'd never been with Zafira. Of course, whenever he smirked at Vegeta, he almost mentally stated that the queen would always be his. Nappa and Radditz did their best to protect their prince as if the queen had never been with them. And Frieza, well, he was content in his own psychotic kind of way. He now had the prince all to himself to emotionally and physically abuse to his liking. Of course, we all know he paid for it in the end. Speaking of which..


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