Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved Monster ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5

((Author's Note: Well, looks like I should follow in the fad of "answering reviews." Eh, why not? I can't e-mail everybody… Okay, here we go!))

Jesscheaux - Yeah, 17 is pretty mean to 21 but his attitude will change later on. Yeah, 21 will be known as Cell later on. A lot will be happening later on. What's 17 going to do with the picture? Well, it's right here in this chapter. I'm glad you enjoy it so far, and I intend to continue, and yes, Cell and I do make a cute couple. ^^

Suiceene - Hmm, I don't think I've seen you around before. Glad you like my story so far. Yeah, it is strange to see Cell acting so much like a little kid. This is all mostly my theory of what Cell would be like if he were under Gero's total control.

Demonica - Ha, ha, ha! Just gotten over your obsession? You can't get over a guy like Cell! He's like chocolate; he's so good you gotta have more! Hee, hee. Glad you like the story so far.

AgalaxiaGoddess - And here's another name I haven't seen before. No, I'm not doing an e-mail list, so sorry.

Aymei - Welcome back, Aymei! Thanks for the complements. Your fics are good too.

ULTRAnormalMAN - Hey, man! Don't rush me! Why don't you try writing a fic sometime and you'll see how hard it is to write one! Look, it's nice of you to review with all your thoughts and opinions, but I rather you didn't insult my guy (condom-tail mutant-duck indeed!) and that you watch your language. Please don't force me to delete your reviews because of your S and F words!

((I dunno if I'll do this often. I'm more used to creating fads, not following them. ^^ Okay, here's chapter five of My Beloved Monster.))


Gero shook his head, taking out a sheet of writing paper.

"Then I discovered that he had DNA of a fighter I didn't intend to collect. So, I figured that at least his face should turn out like this." He slid the paper in front of the plans, and 17 looked at those.

There wasn't anything much different about the head except for the color of the skin. Instead of green all over with framing orange muscles, the face was pale white and was framed by long, indigo stripes. The eyes were also the typical shade of blue all androids had. 17 frowned even deeper.

"Hey look, it's Powder." He dryly poked fun.

Gero snatched the papers away and put them back where he had found them.

"Well, now you know."

17 grunted out of his nose as he stared at his sneakers.

"Hmph. 18 would have liked those." He glanced back at Gero. "Hey, can I have that last sketch? I'll give it back."

"Why do you need it?" Gero asked suspiciously, handing 17 the paper again. 17 looked at it with a smirk.

"Oh, nothing. I just got an idea."

*******ano hito ni "suki" to tsutaete kagami yo kagami In the night doushiyou mo nai setsunasa ni doko made mo ochiru Rainy day kon'ya wa kitto nemurenai hitomi wo tojireba aeru itsudemo anata ga afurete itsumo anata de afurete'ru Please tell him that I love him, oh mirror, mirror, in the night. Sorrow I can't do anything about makes this rainy day fall on and on. I won't be able to sleep tonight. When I close my eyes, you're always there. You're overflowing, always Overflowing with yourself


"Oh, Twenny-oooooone!" 17 called out with a sly grin. It was the next morning, and 21 was sleeping in the room he and 19 shared. 21 poked his head out of the sheets while 19 remained asleep in the other bed.

"17?" 21 wondered, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Rise and shine, buddy." 17 prompted. "There's something I need to tell you."

21 blinked in confusion. After yesterday, he had no idea what 17 would want to tell him at all. Taking the risk, 21 pulled back the covers and slid out of his bed. 17 beckoned with his hand and walked away from the door. 21 followed curiously and 17 led them into the bedroom he and 18 shared. There was no one in the room. 21 looked at 18's bed.

"Where's 18?"

"I think Gero has her running an errand somewhere." 17 shrugged, closing the door. Then, he leaned against the door to prevent 21's escape. "Anyway, she's not here."

"So, what did you want to tell me?"

"I noticed that you're very attached to my sister."

21 stared at his feet.

"Well, she's the only one here who is nice to me…"

"Next to 19?"

"19 and I have a lot in common, and we get along…but 18…she's different…"

17 frowned.

"Would you say you were in love with her?"

21 looked up at 17 in alarm.

"L-l-love?!" his voice was quivering. "But…we aren't allowed to fall in love!"

"So what? We aren't allowed to do a lot of things, but we do them anyway. Are you in love with 18, just say yes or no."

"Well…" 21 had to think about that. He sat down on 18's bed, and stared at his three-fingered hands. Was he in love with her? He wasn't programmed to hold love in his heart, only loyalty. Was that it? Maybe it was just loyalty to his fellow android? It didn't really feel like loyalty… It felt like…

But it couldn't be…

"All you have to say is yes or no!" 17 snapped suddenly, pounding on the door behind him with a fist. 21 stood up in shock.

"Yes!" he suddenly blurted out. He covered his beak with both hands.

No! I meant no!

But I…


17 shook his head in disappointment.

"So, you really don't know? Is that it?"

"I… I…" 21 muttered behind his hands, staring back down at the ground. He felt his eyes were watering.

Stop it, you moron! Don't cry in front of 17! He'll never let you forget it!

"Maybe you should know how she feels about you…" 17 suggested. 21 took his hands away from his beak, and looked into 17's eyes.

"Do you know how she feels about me?"

"She tells me everything." 17 nodded. "We keep each other's secrets. And she did tell me what she thinks about you."

"What does she…"

"Well, she doesn't love you, that's for sure." 17 shrugged.

21 wasn't sure how to react. She didn't love him? What did that mean?

"Doesn't she like me at all?" 21 asked.

"You really wanna know?" 17 teased.

21 narrowed his eyes at the android.

"Tell me!"

Coming tears were blurring his vision, but he refused to let the tears fall.

"Heh," 17 laughed at 21's futile attempts not to break down, "you're really dedicated to her, aren't you? Alright, I'll tell you…"

17 paused dramatically, creating an air of suspense. 21 was feeling the sudden urge to strangle the truth from 17's neck if he didn't speak up soon…

After a while of silence, and 17 refusing to speak up, 21 screeched at him.


"Okay, okay…" 17 gave in with a satisfied smirk. Then, he dropped the bombshell.

"She thinks you're garbage, just like everyone else."

21 froze, and felt the world suddenly spin. He couldn't believe it. 18…the one he trusted most…

"But…" the bio-android stammered, "She was so nice to me…"

"She was toying with you." 17 shook his head. "She doesn't like you, she never has."

21 fell to his hands and knees before 17 in disbelief. His voice and entire body was shaking.

"She was my friend…"

17 laughed.

"You honestly thought that?!" he taunted. "You? A friend of my sister's? Yeah right! Not some ugly, worthless, stupid, abominable mistake like you! I'm amazed she fooled you for this long! She's not your friend, and she never has been! You never had friends, you freak!"

"Stop…" 21 whimpered, balling a hand into a fist, "Please…"

"The truth hurts, doesn't it?" 17 smirked, turning his back to 21 and staring at the dull gray door. "Well, now you know."

21's heart was beating slowly, and he felt he couldn't breathe.


Is it true?

You never liked me…

You never cared…

You acted like you cared about me…

You even saved me from Gero's wrath…

Why did you do so much for me if you don't like me…




A small sound made 17 turn back to 21. On the floor where 21's face hovered was a small splatter of water.


Another fell next to it.


17 looked at 21's lowered head, unable to see the bio-android's face.

Oh my God, he's crying…

Yet another inferior flaw to Gero's design…

Androids don't cry…

"Aw, don't do that." 17 huffed, untying his bandana from his neck. "Crying makes you look pathetic." He got down on one knee and rubbed his bandana over 21's eyes. He tied his bandana back on as 21 rubbed his eyes himself with the back on his hand. "So, you were in love with her? You wouldn't be acting this way if you weren't."

"I can't…" 21 sniffed. He couldn't bring himself to continue. He couldn't what? He couldn't believe what he heard. He couldn't bring himself to see 18 laughing at him. He couldn't be in love…

"If you can cry, you can feel love." 17 advised. "Gero put many flaws in your body." He stood up. "If you want 18 to love you, you should get rid of those flaws."

21 looked up to 17's cold eyes.


"Gero would know how." 17 suggested. "He said that if you were completely flawless, you would look like this." He took out the picture Gero had given him, and handed it to 21. The bio-android held the picture tenderly in his hands, like it was a small animal. He stared at the face for a long time.

"So…this is who I should be…"

"18 goes for the really cute ones, and that's her type right there." 17 pointed at the picture. "If you can look like that and be flawless, she'll change her mind about you and like you." He spread his hands out enthusiastically. "Picture it! 18 pining over you, loving you back for being so perfect and handsome!" Then, he squawked in a female voice that was supposed to be 18, "Oh, 21! Lookit you! You're so strong, and flawless, and damned CUTE! I love you!"

21 once again stood up in alarm. There was a glimmer of hope in his teary eyes.

"Will she really think that way about me?!"

"Hell yeah." 17 nodded. "You should go ask the doctor to help you out."

21 nodded.

My next training day is in two days.

I'll ask him then.

I don't have the energy to ask today.

*******suki na hito "iru" to itte'ta sonna UWASA wo listening uchikeshite demo moshikashite watashi ka mo nante Nothing kon'ya mo kitto nemurenai RIFUREIN meiro no naka e tobikomu mitsukete watashi wo soshite deguchi ni michibi-ite

You said that there's a person you love. I was listening to such rumors I want to forget about it, but, perhaps... Maybe I am the person? Nah, nothing... I won't be able to sleep again tonight. Flying into the labyrinth of refrain... Oh, please find me and show me the way out...


Something was happening to 21 over the next two days…

It was taking him longer than usual to get out of bed. He wasn't as energetic and as lively as he used to be. He started taking naps during his free time. Not to mention he was having difficulty climbing down the steel ladder to the underground bunker (the last time he tried, his grip failed him and he fell).

18 was quick to notice the changes in 21's condition, but he didn't appear sick and couldn't malfunction if there were no mechanical parts in his body. She also noticed changes in his personality. He used to hang out with 17 and 18 all the time, but now he was avoiding them. Since he and 19 shared a room, she told 19 to get the story behind the changes in 21. 21 refused to speak about his change of heart with 17 and 18, but he did mention that he was feeling very tired and depressed lately. 18 wasn't quite sure what to make of the problem.

It was difficult for androids to suffer from depression.

But 21 wasn't a typical android…

21's day of training came, and it was time for him to head for the sparring chamber to exercise. First, he couldn't get out of the bed without assistance. 19 helped the bio-android crawl out of bed, and then 21 pushed him away.

"Thank you." 21 moaned, trying to keep his eyes open. "I'm fine now." He walked out of the room, and down the long hallway. He paused once in a while to support himself on the wall with his arm and catch his breath. Even he didn't know what was happening to his body, but he didn't think there was a connection to his strange condition and his depression over 18's true feelings. After collecting himself, he took his arm off the wall and slowly made his way down the hall.

This is so strange…

Why is this happening to me?

I feel so drained…

Like I have no energy…

The world suddenly went black, and before he knew it he felt his face make contact with the floor. He couldn't move, he couldn't open his eyes, he couldn't call out…he could only breathe as he laid on the floor and let a single stray thought run through his mind…

I love you, 18…


18 was reading a magazine she had stolen from Gero's bedroom when she heard a loud thud outside her door. Wondering, she put down the magazine, and opened the door. She gasped seeing 21's body just a little ways down the hall. She quickly ran to him.

"21! Are you alright?!"

He didn't respond, so she bent down to his face and felt his forehead. He was burning hot, and his cheeks looked flushed. He was also breathing rather hard. 18 grew worried.

"21…are you sick? What's wrong?! What's happening to you?!"

21's closed eyes twitched slightly as they opened. She stared into his slightly glazed eyes, and noticed that he was crying. She gently wiped the tears away with her fingers, and he yelped, suddenly sliding himself into a wall.

"Don't…" he whimpered, shivering. 18 blinked at him.

"Don't what?" she asked gently. "21, what is happening to you?"

"18…" he whispered. "Don't you…like…me…" He closed his eyes and took a few breaths. 18 held a hand out to him.

"Can you get up?"


The hand 18 held out clenched into a fist.

"Hold on, I'll get Gero." She stood up and ran to the training room. Gero was standing there, waiting on 21. 18 called to him urgently. "Gero! Hurry!"

"What is it now?" he growled fiercely at 18.

"It's 21! He's…"

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know what's wrong. He's lying outside the hall, and he can't stand up."

"Hmm…" Gero wondered, heading for the door. "Yes, I've noticed his lack of energy lately…"

18 grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door.

"Don't walk so slowly, you damned old man." She yelled at him, running down the hall. "He could be dying!"

They soon came to his fallen body, and Gero examined it. He didn't look the least bit worried.

"He's simply losing energy and malfunctioning." He diagnosed. "He just needs replenishing."

"And if he doesn't get it soon?!" 18 demanded.

"Easy, 18. He's fine. His supply still has two days to go before he's completely out. Here, let's get him to the bunker. I can refuel him." They lifted 21 off the ground and looped his arms over their shoulders. They carried him to the bunker carefully. 18 patted 21's shoulder in assurance.

"You're going to be fine, 21." She assured her friend. "I won't let you die."


18 looked at 21's flushed face in shock. His eyes were still closed and he wouldn't look at her. She shook her head at him.

"Did you just ask 'why?' " she wondered. "That's a dumb question. I like you a lot, 21. I'd miss you if you died. You're…my friend."

Then she felt something on the side of her face. She turned slightly and saw the tips of his fingers gingerly stroking her face and hair. She gasped slightly, and put a hand over his softly.

"Don't…" she muttered slightly.

Gero noted their behavior carefully.

"Hmm…" he growled to himself.

*******anata ga afurete itsumo itsumo anata de afurete'ru ai wo tsukamitai kono te de anata no kokoro wo ima osorenaide soshite True kagami ni utsusu ima... ima...

You're overflowing, always, always Overflowing with yourself I want to grab hold of love, with these hands. Now don't be afraid of your heart, and reflect the truth in the mirror... Now... Now...

((Song used: "In the Night" from Key: The Metal Idol. I recommend this one to anime fans who love drama flicks and for those who want an alternate look on androids.))