Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Chocolate Covered Saiyan ❯ The fun begins! ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Chocolate Covered Saiyan

(A/N: This is my G/CC version of `The Game of Nookie'. I've had quite a few requests for this, so I'm finally gotten round to doing it. Soz it took this long fokes, but I've been busy with another long running fic. Anyway, I'm not going to do a description on this one, as I think the title is the biggest clue as to what happens. Remember, R&R!!)


After being dropped off back home by her best friend Bulma Chichi stood outside her front door and watched her cherry red air car speed away down the road towards the highway, before stepping inside the house to find it silent and empty.

"Looks like Goku and Gohan are still out training with that green freak Piccolo." Chichi mumbled to herself as she set the brown paper bag with her purchases from Pulse and Cocktails down on the kitchen table.

Time to put the first phase of my plan into action.

Ten minutes later she had phoned her father, the Ox King, who agreed to have Gohan for the night so she could be alone with her husband. Picking up the bag from the table again she quickly ran upstairs to hide it, before making a start on a meal fit for a king, or in her case one hungry saiyan male.

"By the time I'm done with you Son Goku you'll be begging me for more!" Chichi chuckled wickedly to herself as images of a withering and moaning Goku flashed before her minds eye, causing a pleasant heat to pool in her belly, making her skin flush in excitement of what was to come.

I can't wait!


Blocking and countering attacks from both his son Gohan and his Namek sensei Piccolo Goku suddenly smiled to himself as he could feel the good mood of his mate through their bond. I wonder what's got her so excited?

As he continued to fight off his two attackers he quickly contacted Chichi through the link they shared, and felt his mouth water uncontrollable at the sight of the great feast she was preparing.

/Hey Chi, what's up?\ He asked using telepathy, causing his mate to jump slightly.

/Oh, nothing Goku-sa! Just getting dinner ready for you.\ Chichi replied with a knowing grin forming on her beautiful face. /I should be finished in about ten minutes honey, so why don't you wrap up your little play time with Gohan and your friend, and take our son to my fathers before you come home.\

Feeling a puzzled expression come over him Goku jerked his head aside as he felt his son's fist graze his left cheek, before signalling for them to stop with a raised hand. As he was about to ask why she wanted Gohan at the Ox King's he was quickly silenced as images of erotica flashed in his head, causing him to blush deeply and heat up in anticipation.

/Ok Chi, consider it done. I'll be home soon!\

After closing up the telepathic link with his mate Goku quickly explained to Gohan where he was spending the night, and smiled as his son's face brightened in joy at the thought of sleeping at his grandfathers house.

"See you later then Piccolo!" Goku waved to the Namek, before he and his son blasted off in the direction of the Ox Kings home.


Checking her image in the bedroom mirror one last time Chichi swiftly headed downstairs to wait for her handsome mate to arrive, and smiled pleasantly at the sight of him standing in the living room, clutching a handful of exotic wild flowers in his right hand, and to her surprise a bottle of her favourite red wine.

Walking slowly towards him she also noticed that he had cleaned himself up from his sparring match with his son and Piccolo, and was wearing a dark blue shirt with a couple of the top buttons open, showing his sexy as hell defined chest, and was also sporting black jeans and boots. Arching one eyebrow at his attire Chichi slipped her slender arms around his waist, smiling up at him as she felt his own wrap around behind her.

"You look good enough to eat, Goku-sa!" Chichi breathed huskily as she nibbled playfully on his chin.

Feeling the vibrations from his chest as he laughed softly she quickly tilted her head back to kiss him, before slipping out of his grasp, taking the flowers with her.

"Your father let me clean up at him place and told me to put these on." Goku explained, smiling when he remembered the comments from his son, and placed the wine on the kitchen table as he seated himself. "I thought of the wine though Chi. But Ox King asked me to fix his roof for it."

Smiling happily at the thoughtful gesture Chichi watched in amazement as her mate quickly made short work of opening the bottle, before pouring generous servings into both their empty glasses.

"To what's yet to come!" Chichi announced as they clinked their drinks together, then with a sigh she quickly dug into her meal, and was again surprised that her mate was eating with manners, but still faster than a normal humans could.

Feeling happier than ever that Goku was doing his part to please her Chichi smiled brightly through out the rest of their meal, talking occasionally and teasing him by playing footsie.

When all the food was gone (thanks to Goku ) Chichi quickly programmed the cleaning bot Bulma had given her before Goku swept her into his arms and carried her upstairs to their bedroom, and the fun that was yet to come.


Placing his stunningly sexy mate on the bed Goku stared down at her adoringly, running his eyes from her beautiful face down to her exposed legs. With her raven locks spilling and cascading around her on the mattress and framing her porcelain face perfectly Chichi looked to him like a goddess.

Wearing a purple silk oriental style dress that reached to her knees with slits on either side to the hip, and a hole in the front of the dress exposing a great amount of cleavage, Goku could feel the urgent pulsing in his groin as he ran his hands softly up and down his mates legs several times, pushing the bottom of the dress up slightly each time.

With a strangled groan he quickly swooped down and claimed her lips in a passionate and searing kiss, while his hands traversed over her womanly and seductive curves. As one hand fisted into her dark waves on her head the other swiftly unbuttoned the clips on the front of her dress, before spreading the flaps open to reveal the black silk and lace bra and panty set underneath.

"Oh Chi …" Goku murmured quietly before burying his face between the valley of her breasts, purring contentedly as he licked the sweat that formed there before being pulled away by his hair where he met the darkened lust filled eyes of his mate Chichi.

"Goku-sa …" Chichi whimpered, tugging on the buttons of his shirt impatiently.

Knowing what she wanted Goku swiftly pulled the garment up and over his head, letting it fall to the floor at his feet. Toeing off his shoes his jeans quickly joined it on the carpet, leaving him standing in front of their bed in only black cotton boxes with red juicy lips printed on them. (Ooohhh yeah!) Looking down at the bed he saw that Chichi was no longer laying their, but standing in front of their closet rummaging around inside, her silk and lace covered behind swaying temptingly in the air with her dress discarded at her feet.

Smirking sexily he silently walked up behind her and placed his large warm hands on her hips, feeling her jump slightly at the sudden contact then hearing her moan softly when he ground his erection into her cute little ass.

"Chi, whatcha doin'?" He asked as he continued to grind into her from behind, then watched as she straightened back up and hearing the sound of rustling paper, he noticed she had something clutched to her chest.

"Why don't you go and lay on the bed and I'll show you love." Chichi replied without turning to face him.

With a smile Goku leaned his head down and nipped at her exposed neck playfully before sauntering over to the bed and doing as she requested. Stretching out cat like he put his hands behind his head as he watched her with a lazy and passion filled gaze, waiting for her next move.

Come on Chi, do your worst!


Turning slowly around to face her mate sprawled out tantalisingly atop the bed covers Chichi gulped audible at the near nakedness of him in his juicy lips boxers she'd bought him last Valentines Day.

Kami, he definitely looks good enough to eat! She thought as a knowing smirk appeared on her face, causing Goku to smile back at her as he stretched out a single hand towards her invitingly.

Walking towards him she quickly sat on the edge of the bed and tipped out the contents of the paper bag she carried, watching his features carefully as each item fell out and into view.

"Oh wow, chocolate!" Goku squealed childlike as he picked up the extra large tub next to her hip.

Snatching it back out of his greedy clutches she waved it in front of his face as she explained what she planned to do with it. "It's called body chocolate. That's all there is to say. Now, lay back and relax."

Seeing his eyes flicker to the other items between them Chichi quickly claimed his lips to distract him, thrusting her tongue into his warm wet mouth as she slid it over every ridge and dip inside, all the while she silently brought up the padded hand cuffs up to his wrists as she pulled them up and over his head towards the rails at the head of their bed. With a cuff in each hand she quickly clipped one around each of his wrists before slapping the dangling cuffs on the rail, securing him in place.

"You know Chi-pant-I could easily brake outa these things." Goku replied after she removed her lips from his, gasping when she suddenly pressed the single button on each cuff, causing a near silently humming sound to fill the room.

"I have Bulma to thank for these little babies." Chichi explained, watching her mate struggle with his bonds as his strength was sucked from him. "Don't worry Goku-sa, I'll let you out of those if you're a good boy. I just want to have my wicked way with you first!"

Seeing his body shudder at those words she quickly locked eyes with his and felt her heartbeat quicken as his dark deeps darkened even more as lust throbbed through him, causing his already straining penis to bob up and down, looking like it was ready to split from the confines of his boxes. Hearing him growl and buck beneath her Chichi quickly disrobed him of his last article of clothing, kissing his head lightly as she pulled the fabric away from him.

"Ooohhh … Goku-sa, you're so big and juicy!"

Licking his bouncing shaft slightly with her tongue she quickly brought her head up as he bucked his hips up, wanting nothing more than to have her hot little orifice clamped around his aching member as she slid it up and down, coaxing him to release.

"Not yet love." Chichi whispered into his ear, licking it as she showed him the tub of body chocolate again.

Unscrewing the top off of the tub she squirted out a descent-sized glob onto her finger. Placing the tub out of the way she proceeded to smear it over each of his nipples, feeling the dark flat nubs push against her fingers as she did so, causing her withering saiyan to moan and pant in pleasure. Fully pleased with her work she swiftly brought the chocolate covered digits up to her mates mouth, and moaned herself as his tongue darted out for a quick taste before pulling them into his waiting mouth, sucking hungrily as he kept his eyes on her. Bending her head over his right nipple she licked and sucked the chocolate off painfully slow, making Goku release her fingers as he tossed his head back and growled low in the back of his throat. When that one was clean of all the stick substance she quickly swooped on the other one, repeating the same process.

"Chi …Chi … oh Kami!" He moaned as she continued to torture him with a talented tongue.

Chuckling heartily as she watched his head toss from side to side from under her dark lashes she silently reached for the tub again, squeezing twice as much as before onto her fingers before she started to lather his manhood with it, trailing open mouthed kisses down his chest and abdomen until she reached his now chocolate covered shaft.

"Oooohh … yes Chi. Lick my cock clean baby!" Goku growled, staring hungrily down at her as he continued to thrash around, wanting to be set free from the cuffs.

Swirling the tip of her tongue around his head she slowly cleaned it off inch by torturous inch, causing Goku to screamed and growl with the sensations that shot through his body from the experience. When she was satisfied it was clean enough she kissed the head once before crawling slowly up his body.

Feeling the pulsing between her own legs Chichi carefully stood up on the bed and quickly removed her bra than her panties before dropping to her knees over him, rubbing her sex against his.

"Chi … take `em off!" Goku whimpered as he tugged helplessly on the cuffs on his wrists.

With a wicked gleam in her eye she quickly grabbed hold of his shaft, positioning it at her entrance before slamming herself down onto him, causing her to arch back as she screamed silently as she felt him throb and pulse inside her. Leaning forward Chichi quickly grabbed hold of his wrists and pressed the buttons on the cuffs, returning his strength to normal.

Hearing the loud growl emanate from her mate beneath her she wondered if that was the right thing to do, then gasped in shock and fright when she suddenly found herself beneath him, the cuffs lying in pieces around her as she stared into the lust filled and maddened eyes of Goku. But that fear changed quickly into mind numbing pleasure when he quickly claimed her lips savagely as he started to pound into her roughly, causing her to wrap her legs around his bucking waist as he quickly seized her hands in his.

Oh Goku!


As soon as he found his strength returning Goku had quickly and swiftly snapped the bonds that had tied him down and flipped his teasing mate onto her back, before he started to pound away into her in a mad frenzy as he ravaged her mouth with his teeth and tongue.

When her second release washed over her Goku quickly pulled out of her. Then flipping her onto her stomach he hoisted her backside into the air and was teasing her rear entrance with the tip of his penis when he remembered the strap on dildo she had used on him once in one of their sexual escapades not long ago. Bending over her nipped the back of her sweat slicked neck as he breathed into her ear. "Stay like that, don't move." Before retrieving the object and a small bottle of massage oil he found next to it in a drawer.

Strapping the extra dick so it was above his own he quickly lubbed the slightly large penis up, and on a whim did the same to his own, moaning as his slick hand rubbed his aching shaft. With well oiled fingers he swiftly pushed them into her seconded passage, feeling her buck against him at the intrusion. Adding a second the third digit he started to stretch her and massage the tight ring of muscle that would eventually surround his second penis.

Pulling his fingers free he first positioned the dildo at her anus and slowly eased the tip in as he position his own penis at her vagina.

"Ready Chi?" Goku asked huskily as he grabbed hold of her hips.

"Uuummmm hhhmmm."

Without further warning Goku buried both shafts inside her, causing her to cry out at the sudden pain of the intrusion in her anus. After waiting a few seconds for her to adjust he slowly pulled both out before slamming them back in. As he continued to piston slowly in and out of his moaning mate Goku wondered if this dildo was the vibrating one, and checking at it's base he quickly found the switch and turned it on, causing Chichi to moan and thrash loudly as it hummed to life.

Without stopping his pace he quickly picked her up behind her knees and spread eagled her powering up and turning to super saiyan which made Chichi scream as the dick in her pussy double in size. With a good grip on her he quickly his pace to a maddening speed as he felt his completion near.

"Oh Chi!" He gasped as he sensed and felt her start to explode in multiple orgasms.

With a deafening roar Goku pounded away brutally as he started to shoot his seed deep within her, gradually slowing he pace as he powered down until with a shudder he collapsed onto his side, both shafts still buried inside his mate.

Wrapping his arms tightly around her he nuzzled her damp hair and neck as sleep started to claim him. "Love you Chi."

"Love you too Goku-sa." Chichi murmured back as she snuggled back into his embrace, letting sleep claim her as she followed him into the land of dreams.



So, what do you think!