Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Claimed Heart ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Dude!! Its been a long time!! Like man. XD. Anyways, lets kick this puppy off with a long drawn out bit of nothingness shall we kiddos? Enjoy. Disclaimer: I dont own dbz or its charaters. It owns me. The older saiyian broke down and fell down to his knees whining as if he was refused food. "Gohan there driving me crazy! And they treat me like Im some icky thing that crawled from under a rock!" Gohan laughs and shakes his head, sitting on the crunchy leaves with his arms crossed. " Dad you know, mom and Vegeta are going to continue to treat you like that until you show them you can take what they handle and throw it back at them. They like a fight, you should know that. The more you submit the more they will badger you. Just because their pregnant doesnt mean they are handy cap. Make them do something too."Goku stared at his son and thought he never heard more wiser words. " So ya think I should be ruff with them like before? I dont know.. I dont want to hurt them.. but they dont even act like they even like me anymore.."" Dont hurt them, just let them know whose boss, you know?" the teen smiled and blushed alittle. He was finally getting used to the idea of his father being this way, he wasnt as panic attack as he was before. He had relaxed. Taken the time to relize the situation and relized it wasnt something unacceptable, it was part of their race, it was in his nature. He his self was secretly having these "urges" and they were disturbing, but he just let them pass. His father hugged him and nodded, gave him a small defiant smirk as a way of practice. " I'll make them remember.. Im still me.. "**Vegeta stared at his rival for a moment and her rounding belly with her halfbreed halfbaked unborn child, and felt sick to his stomach. He did not like the hell maiden. She was to put it bluntly, a bitch. A sarcastic, balls too big for her own good witch, who got off on the wrong side of her broom everymorning. She was never happy. She was fake. Like all the other misfits he had to come in contact with. Why did kami grace him with such bullshit so early in the morning. She sat on the other side of the table with her burnt food and he was going to say something such as " dont eat that shit, burnt food will give you heart burn you dumb bitch", but hesitated. It was too early for an argument with her.He was still having sickness. He covered his belly with a callus hand and used the free one to comb through his flame like mane, not at all a unconsious motion, but something did from lack to do at all. When Kakkarrot left the silence was torture. It was like solitary confinment. If he turned the tv on she'd start to groan and rub her stretch mark covered stomach, and if he walked she'd glare death from behind his head from the noise he made when he moved. What a precious thing it was to carry a life. It makes you strange. " Vegeta.." the housewife said lowly, looking to her plate, " I know you might not care... and I know you hate me.. and.. I know that you probably think Im some cruel bitch.. this changes nothing but Im sorry for hitting you.. I could have hurt Gogeta.. It was just hard to believe." she said calmly as she stared up at him before standing up and walking out to her room with her hand on her stomach, emotion taking over her. The prince arched his brow and shook his head as she closed the door. "Hormonal hellcat."He rolled his eyes in irritationn and arched his brow as his unwanted mate came through the door, lookinng serious. " Why the long face Kakkarrot. Constipated?" he laughs and grins at the brick wall the other full blooded saiyian had on his face. There was something definetly diffrent about the dumb witted man now, it was something he couldnt describe. He watched as he closed the door and stared at him as he leaned against it. This was not a normal stare, it was more like a penetrating, I see your fears stare, the kind that made you shudder. It was something wild and it was a turn on. The prince watched chocolate eyes glide down his body, watched a hand slip up a gi clad chest, and blushed at the grin that spread across the others thin lips. 'Is Kakkarrot trying to seduce me or something? What the hell!' Vegeta spoke in his mind, holding on to the egde of his seat. Where did this come from? This fear, what did he fear? It certainly wasnt Kakkarrot, he didnt fear him, maybe it was what that grin implied, maybe it was the way his entire body shivered at the intimate stare. Maybe he feared that. Feared the entire " I own you Vegeta" gaze he got from his earth raised lover, as if he was his pet, and he planned on letting him know it. To much of the short ouji's surprise his third class mate chuckled and walked behind his seat, his strong arms wrapping around him from behind, chaste lips against his ear. " You know.. I never quite seen you shiver like this.. maybe you should go lay down.. I know how hard it can be in the morning.. " The older man blushed the darkest shade of red and parted his lips to say something, but all that came out was a quivering breath, and he wondered how he allowed such a act on his person go on without so much of a fight. His hands shakily slid up pale forearms that drapped over his sturdy chest, in weak attempts to have control. "Kakkarrot.. you idiot.. just.. what the hell do you think your doing.. " he whispered out in his raspy voice, mixed with want. "What do you think? Im saying hello to little Geta.. " Goku whispered, but of course he was doing far more than that. He slide his hands over a rounding stomach and carressed the skin adoringly before planting a soft kiss against the bite mark on his mate neck, whispering "I love my two princes.. " and stood up, and walking out the kitchen and down the hall. ***"Goten oh god stop!" Trunks cried, face against the dash board of his cherry red mercadees as he was being pounded into. Goten growled and forced the other teen to sit down against him, the purple haired saiyians hands banging on the ceiling of the car. " Goten! Fuck stop I cant take this!" he nearly screamed out, his torn shirt clinging by a thread to his arms. Tears streamed down his face and his legs were raised up , feet on the dashboard, his back pressed against a sweaty chest. Goten bit at the others shoulder and helped him rock down hard, pumping his hard sex deep inside him, moaning against slick skin. " Ill stop when you promise me.. " he whispered, raising his hips off the chair causing his lover to scream moanishly, nails ruining the material of the cars ceiling. Never did he imagine it would be this way. Goten was cute and funny and loved him, he wasnt sex crazed and mad. He stopped when he said so he gave up after a while. Not lately.. no.. he wouldnt stop.. he wouldnt until he passed out. Was this punishment? Deep inside, Trunks believed his boyfriend was sick. His mind was...very disturbed.. He clenched his fist as the teen under him came for the fourth time since they left the house, and bit his lip when he felt his own orgasm. What he hated most was that his body loved it.. loved this ruffness.. loved that he always fucked him raw, loved that he made him bleed and scratched and bit him until he looked like he'd been in a fight and loss. He did not. He didnt like the change. There was no passion in it anymore. This was not making love this was fucking, and he finally understood what his lover was talking about that night. He thought they were the same.. but obviously they wernt. Goten lifted him up and off his spent cock and leaned all the way back, wiping sweat from his brow. " Trunks I love you.." he said through pants.The purple haired prince pulled his pants up and looked down to the keys, starting the ignition, pausing a minute to look at him. " No you dont..." he said low and pulled off finally back to Capsule Corp, shaking from anger. Goten stared as he sat up. " But koi.. why would you say that.. I do love you..""Did you love me enough to stop when I said so.. God damnit Goten.. did you even care that we missed my graduation.. "The youngest son buttoned his shirt up and cleaned his self up, looking out the window. " Im sorry Trunks.. I dont know whats wrong with me..."" I do.. your a jerk." he said straight forward and stopped infront of CC, taking the keys and getting out of the car, slaming it so hard the door fell off. He came in and everyone stared at him, making him feel even worse than he already did. He stomped up stairs to their apartment quarters and slamed the door, Goten running upstairs after him. Bulma stared at Yamcha and Krillin pulling her feet up onto the couch. " Those two have been fighting for months.. ""Yeah.. Trunks says Goten has a sex addiction." Yamcha said and sipped some of his drink. " Yeah well Trunks hasnt exactly been his self these pass few months since all that business with the serum.. I wish I knew what to do to make my son happy again..he has said he's going to college in a few weeks.. but he cant just run away from his problems like that." Krillin rubs his head and sighs. "Well Im glad I dont have all these relationship problems. Me and my sweety have been just happy!" he says with a laugh, smilling widely. "Oh go blow it out of your ass Krillin. " Goten says as he comes down, sitting on the floor next to him. They stare at him and his bruised cheek as if it was something dead. The blue haired genius chewed on the end of her pencil and rubed his face. " The graduation didnt go well huh?"The son shook his head and tucked his knees up to his chest. " I dont understand him anymore.. one minute he's all over me.. and the next he's telling me to stop and that Im sick. Tonight he says he doesnt want to go into the graduation, and then blames me when we miss it.. Bulma.. I.. dont know what to do.. its like he snaps on me for no reason..hes so moody.. and I just cant do anything about it.""Maybe he just needs some time.. its only been a few months.. maybe hes just alittle shaken up." she says comfortingly, looking concerned. Krillin scratches his head. " Maybe hes pregnant?"Gotens eyes grow to the size of quarters and everyone stares at the monk. "What? Didnt Vegeta get pregnant too? Im just saying.."***A smirk of satisfaction graced the goofy mans face and he sighed in contentment. " Im glad I had that talk with Gohan." he chirped, back to his happy go lucky persona, one he hadent been in, in months since all oth the events when down. He opened the door to his wifes room and looked around to find her crying in bed, hands over her face. She looked up to see him and sniffed. " Goku.. " He hushed her and stoked her hair, sitting in a chair nearest to the bed. " Its okay Chichi.. I know you wouldnt have if you had really known. You shouldnt be so unhappy all the time, its not good for the baby. " She nodded and smiled alittle, combing through her hair. Inside she welled and felt more than happy now, she didnt need to worry when he was there. She didnt need to feel afraid because he would always stay to dry her tears. Thats what she believed and thats the happy belief she dozed to sleep to. He opened the window of he small room and let a cool breeze in. It was good because her room smelled like death. The entire house was gloomy but it wouldnt be, because he would make it better. Slowly walking out the room he closed the door and stripped at the walkway of the bathroom, taking a long relaxing shower. Everything in his mind appeared to be going in the right direction. So it appeared. Warm droplets of water dripped from his black hair and down his chest, fingers following as he leaned against the shower wall. Was love meant to be manipulated? Was it a game of dominance and submission as Gohan thought? Was it right to play the right cards they wanted for peace? Was it even right to seduce someone who didnt want to be mated to him in the first place? These things Goku didnt know, some of them he tried to block out, some he would have to deal with. The water stopped and he stepped out onto a cold tile floor, wrapping a towel around his waist and retreating to Vegetas room, picking up his dirty clothes on the way. When the warrior got to the dark room, he was surprised to see the room was in horrible condition. Clothes everywhere, the bed unmade, shoes, sparing pants, books and all matters of food scattered around. This told him one thing. Vegeta was depressed. He sighed and put a fresh pair of clothes on from the closet ( they share a closet because he sleeps on the couch) and began to clean the mess, placing everything in its rightful place. He picked up a book that seemed to have slipped from the bed to the floor, staring at it peculiar. It was a small book, smooth but worn, cover a milky white with rips at the corners. It had no title and t his made the third class warrior curious. He was not a smart man, that was proven, but he did know how to read somewhat, and when he opened the book and began to read, he nearly fainted. "Vegeta.." he gasped in a whisper, looking around for the small man. He knew if he saw him with this book he would kill him, so he quickly transported to CC and popped infront of the gloomy crew, his cheeks red, his hand tossing the book back and forth like it was hot to the touch. " Someone help!""What is it dad?" Goten questioned, looking at him oddly. "Whats with the book?" "Its Vegetas! I cleaned his room and I probably shouldnt but it was dirty and I found this book and I cant read that good but it has my name in it and its really important that someone reads me what it says!!" he said without breathing, and everyone jumped up around him, curious to read it. Bulma took the book, pushing her glasses up as she opened the book, and turned completely red. "Haha!""What does it say?!" everyone yelled from anticipation, Krillin leaning over the edge of the couch to see. " Its Vegetas journal... ""What does it say?? Why does it have my name in it!" Goku said impaitiently, wishing he could read the words. "It says... " she began with a blush, mocking Vegetas voice, and everyone had it in their minds, "The nights have been sickning.. Kakkarrots offspring is forming quickly inside me.. and Im wondering just in the hell how long I can deal with it. I have never been so fucking horny in my life.. I am actually glad the woman lives here, or Id be fucking Kakkarrot in his sleep.. I remember now.. and I cant beleive Im inlove with a third class warrior.. my father is probably turning in his rubbled grave. At least Kakkarrot doesnt know.. " Yamcha and Bulma started laughing but Krillin held his stomach. " Im going t be sick. " Goten smiled sadly. "At least you know he loves you dady.. thats sweet. Even for Vegeta."Goku grinned widely but turned white as he felt the others ki. "Kakkarrot!" Vegeta screamed from the doorway. The third class warrior panicked. "What am I going to do?!" "Run." the saiyian no ouji said with a growl as he saw him with the book in his hand, the others moving out the way. Goku bit his lip but thought. ' why should I?' "Why? I wont. You love me and everyone knows it. Stop being such a meanie." he laughed, smirking evily at the prince, who was growling, blushing darkly. " You make me sick. Give me that!" he snatched the book and punched him in the stomach, walking up the steps, away from the laughs. Goten saw him and knew he was going upstairs to talk to Trunks. He prayed he would help. The short man walked to the white door and knocked on it. " Boy open the door."The door opened and Trunks was found laying on the bed, still wearing his torn clothes, not even bothered to wipe the blood from his arms. " What do you want..""Cut the shit boy. I am your father, I know whats wrong with you. We are mated to a pair of idiots Trunks. They cant grasp that overpowering need for dominance. One is the strongest in the universe and hates killing. The other has the opportunity to improve but hes so much like his father he can only show you how he feels the only way he can think of. You want to stop feelingl like shit, turn the tables. Start fucking and stop being fucked. Its making you like a woman." he said simply and left the room, not even giving the lavendar haired boy time to reply.Yes. That was it. He felt weak. He cant help it he liked Gotens dick. It was a weakness, but his father was right. He liked being dominant. If he wanted To feel better he would have to fight for that dominance. " It could be fun.." he laughed manically, and blushed. He relized, he had never taken Goten before. He had planned and wanted to, but when the serum took over, he ended up being taken for the ride. He stood and walked down stairs where everyone else was conversing, Vegeta growling at the hands on his stomach."Dont you know its bad luck to rub a pregnant persons stomach? Youll get pregnant too." He said and everyone turned to look at him, Bulma thankful he had at least changed clothes. Goten looked down but was caught off guard as he was pulled gently by his hair into a hard kiss, followed by a smirkish smile, the lavendar haired teen speaking to him telepathicly. ' Im sorry koi. I didnt want to go to that stupid graduation, and I know you love me, it is me who isnt showing how much I love you. But thats going to change.' At the thought of the superstition Bulma rubbed Vegetas stomach more. " Damnit stop touching me!" "We want a baby too Vegeta! Stop being a pregnancy hog!" The blue haired genius barked at him, circling the dent where the princes navel was. Yamcha coughed at her words and smiled, Vegeta crossing his arms in irritation. "What for? You have one already." he snapped and staired at Yamcha, and the scarred man frowned. Goku laughed and pulled the short aire up and sweated. "Hehe.. I think this visit is over you guys. Well come back soon! We should go before Chichi wakes up and were gone.." he smiled and pulled his growling mate out the door. They took off into the skin and the third class warrior remembered when the prince found out he was inlove with him, in the sky that day. "Vegeta wait.." he whispered and stopped in mid air.Vegeta stopped and crossed his arms, looking down at the threes below, still holding the read journal. " What is it now Kakkarrot..."Before he could protest the younger saiyian grabbed him by the hips and kissed him deeply and pulled from the kiss, pressing his forehead against the other. " I love you...you dont have to hide your feelings from me.. Id never deny you.."The ouji blushed."You'd deny me nothing Kakkarrot.." he whispered back in his raspy voice, hands pressed to the others chest. "Nothing...""I am horny as hell. I have been for months. Fuck me or be fucked, if Im going to be mated to you.. I refuse to jack off another night. " he said with a smirk, and the earth raised saiyian grinned cheekily, rubbing a callus hand between his arrogant lovers legs, causing a delicious moan to pour from the saiyians lips. The moonlight was against them, and Goku thought that he'd never seen anything more beautiful than his prince at that momment, the moonlight shinning against his features. They lowered to the forest floor in a fury of passionate kissees and seductive growls, hands grabbing flesh it longed for. Strong arms wrapped around the short prince and he moaned into his rivals mouth as they fell to their knees, ripping off clothing until they were tumbling as much as they possibly could with the oujis rounding stomach against each other, shudders racking them at the feeling of hot skin against even hotter flesh. Goku fisted his mates throbbing need in his hand and stroked the hardness endlessly until the prince was moaning loudly at the speed, pre essence dripping over his hand. "Ka..Kakkarot.. fuck Im going to come.." he said gaspishly, eyes shut tightly, a undignified whimper leaving him as the hand stopped. "Shh... let me take care of you my prince.." the younger man whispered, leading his dripping hand to his lovers entrance, dizziling the hot seed over it before stroking inside, A violent shudder pouring over the shorter man. "Ahh damnit Kakkarrot.. " Vegeta said and hated that he did, hips moving back to meet those probing digits. A long lick was applied at the mate mark on his neck and he nearly cried out, tail lashing behind him. "What do you want ..." Goku said huskily, the tip of his thick sex rubbing against the prince's pulsating entrance. ' No.. he will not make me say it. I am prince Vegeta.. I will not beg..' The flame haired saiyian growled and refused to say what he wanted, his hands fisting the grass beside his smirking mates head as he hovered over him. The other reached up and grabbed a flickering tail, stroking it firmly, earning a choked cry. "Ahh fuck Kakkarrot!""Yes Geta? Do you want something?" he chuckled at the others expression, which probably made the ouji mader, but he didnt care. He wanted to hear it. "Fuck me.." the older full blooded saiyian groaned out, and vowed he'd pay for making him feel so dirty. He sat up and imediately cried out to the heavens, the large sex forcing its way inside his tight entrance, making a slick sliding sound on his hips decent down the thobbingi shaft. For momments he stayed this way, sitting on the other, filled with hard saiyan cock so much that it was pushed up over his sweet spot. His hands layed flat on the third class baka's muscled chest, and he could almost spit in his face at the smirk he saw. "Bastard..""Did you miss it Vegeta.." Goku teased, bouncing his hips up a few times, just to make the prince sit roughly down on his need. "We are alone.. at least be truthful about it.." he egged him on, hands on his hips. Vegeta bit his lip, his hips rolling back and forth but not up and down, the feeling too delicous to take in all at once. " Alright.. I missed your cock.. and Im sitting here because it feels so good I need to just have you inside me all at once." At this the Z warrior turned red and groaned, feeling the tight heat around him. " It does feel good..I missed being inside you.. " he said and took the other by the hips, helping him roll his hips in a fast pace back and forth, the thick head of his sex pressing hard against the princes sweet spot, both sensitive areas brutially assulted by each other. "Ahh Kakkarrot it feels so damn good.." Vegeta said truthfully and started to raise up, settling back down on the hard apendage inside him. He cried out as he was rocked up and down,the swollen manhood of his rival stretching him, that throbbing head rubbing his rim to the point of madness. They moved in a almost violently ruff fashion, bodies slickened with sweat, throb of their loins the only thing they heard besides each others moans until the prince could take no more, and sprayed hot essence between them, his mate behind him. "Kakkarrottt!!!"Vegeta laid against his baka koi as he slept and thought. What did it mean to be claimed? It was a partnership. Wernt they partners already? Trust. Did he trust him?. He thought he did. Love... he knew he did. It was like something that was always there. From the very first time they met. He hated him. And loved him. He was, his Kakkarrot. And he died for him and this planet he loved so much. Love wasnt the question. Was he ready to give his heart to a third class warrior? That was the question. He didnt know if he was. He never thought about things of that nature. He knew he loved the man because he hated him. A strong passionate hate. A fixiating stream of consiousness. An addiction. He wanted to kill him to get him off his mind. But he wouldnt go away. Even after death. So was he, the prince of saiyans.. ready to give away the one thing no one ever had? *******Ook...so something got screwed up along the way.. so they left Chichi at home and screwed in the woods.. sue me. Im a fiction writer! lol. Vegeta is having decision problems.. and oh my.. I cant wait to see Trunks back in phyisical action , can you? I love comments. Comments love me. If you liked the chapter let me know, if you didnt ,let me know.^.^ PrismaKakkerra