Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Daddy ❯ Reunion of Sayains! ( Chapter 4 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Back again, Smee is back, Smee is back, once again!
Oh and I forgot that when Caitlyn talks to Vegeta. She says `ka' at the end of her sentences.
And I do not own DB/Z/GT. Except for Caitlyn.
Few months later….
In the house of the Son's, Goku was watching the Family Guy movie staring Stewie Griffin: The untold story. Caitlyn jump down stairs with a yellow happy bunny shirt saying `I'm not mean. You're just a sissy.' and dark blue jeans. She sat on the coach next to Goku who offer her some chocolate ice cream and a bag of bar-b-q chips. (G.S.: Yummy!!! I like eating chocolate ice cream with Bar-b-q chips. Hmm funny I'm writing and eating my favorite junk food combo!) She ate it with a happy smile on her face. When she looks up to the screen, she saw Peter shot him self out of the catapult using his famous giggle. Caitlyn and Goku laugh at that and Caitlyn about choke on her chips. Goku laughs so hard that he fell to the ground.
Chichi walks in and saw Caitlyn about choking while Goku is about to die on laughter. Chichi giggled at them. Goten came down stairs with a pair of blue jeans shorts and an orange t-shirt. He looks at his crazy wacky family laughing at a poor Caitlyn and Goku. Then….
“Goku?” said a low but high voice inside his head.
“King Kai?” Goku said while looking up.
“Yes Goku it's me. I got something to tell you. You remember Vegeta-sei and Oujou-sei right.”
“Well, Vegeta-sei and its inhabitants came back to life and Oujou-seis' as well.”
Goku was shock, “You mean that Oujou-sei and Vegeta-sei is back!”
“Yeah, oh, and tell Caitlyn that Raditz is alive now.”
“Hmm, okay.” The link was cut off. Goku look back at his family who were looking at him with worried faces. He look down at Caitlyn with a big smile on his face.
She looks up at him with big eyes, “What?”
Goku look at Chichi and said, “Chi, I'm taken the kids with me today is it alright?”
“Yeah, but no fighting!” she said with a frown on her face.
Then Trunks came though the down and behind was his parents. “Hi Chi!” said Bulma while hugging her.
“Nuk Get ka!” Caitlyn said while running up to him and hug his leg. “Guess what ka.”
“What!” said Vegeta kind of annoyed of the emotions.
“Umm… I don't know ka?” she let go of his leg. Then she pointed to Goku, “Go ask Nuk Kick ka!”
Goku look sheepishly at his rival who was angry, “We're going on a trip. Do you want to go?” Vegeta gave a grunt in responds. Goten climb up on Goku shoulders, Trunks and Caitlyn grab Goku's pants leg, and Vegeta grab Goku's shoulder. Goku put two of his fingers to his head and search out for a similar ki's. Then he found couple of ki's that is very close.
He teleport to the ki's and shock to see… Broly, Nappa, Turles, Paragus, some other people, and Raditz where all there staring at them. Caitlyn just burst into a sprint and tackle Raditz head on. Screaming, “DDDDAAAADDDDYYYY!!!!”
Goku look down at his brother and said, “Poor Raditz…. and I must RUN!” when he said `run' he took of into a direction away from Broly.
“Was that Kakarrot?” ask Nappa looking in Goku's direction.
Vegeta look at him in bewilderment. `How in the hell is he alive?!' Vegeta thought was a little smug but oh well. He looks over at Caitlyn and Raditz. Caitlyn was choking him with a pitch squeal. Goten ran over there and watch his uncle get suffocated by Caitlyns' hug.
One of the unknown guys looked over at Raditz then at Goten. “Did Bardock had another kid or did they clone him?” ask a guy who wore bright purple/blue that kind of resembles Raditz armor. He had high cheekbones, he had black spiky hair and put in a low pony tail, and he had a concern look on his face. Goku came back but he climbs up a tree and hide from Broly.
Goten look at the guy who said he was a clone of someone. `Why everybody tells me I'm a clone of someone!' Goten thought with a frown on his face. He ran over there and kick the guy on the leg and ran off screaming, “BAKA!”
“What the hell! That hurt!” yelled the guy while holding his shin.
A girl with a bowl cut, violet color eyes, and her armor color is pink. “Stupid. If Bardock seen you now, Tora. He laughs his ass off.” she said in amusing voice and then laugh.
“Shut up Fasha!” yelled Tora.
“Stupid some of a Bi-“
“Now, now lady no baddy wordys.” said Caitlyn in amused voice and a motherly tone. Raditz couldn't help but to laugh and did some others people. Fasha glared daggers at her. When Goten ran back and tackled Trunks and ran off again. Caitlyn let go off Raditz and Ran over and tackle Trunks who tried to get up. Goku jump down from the tree and look over at Trunks.
`Today is a weird day.' thought Goku.
I'm done with another Chap!!! Yay! Oh and Review! Before my baby SS4 Goku on you.