Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My December ❯ My December ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey guys, this song, 'My December' by Linkin Park is so sad I think. And I've always felt like Mirai Trunks would be angry and sad and so sometimes I think about him when I listen to this song. *Poor Trunks!* So, what would be better than to write a fanfic to go with it! Okay, This is after he has left the present and defeats the androids and Cell. Bulma has died a year after Cell's defeat and Trunks is very sad of course…Will he waste away or will he find new hope? Read on to find out! Please review! I like reviews! Thanks!


I Don't Own DBZ

My December

This is my December
This is my time of the year
This is my December
This is all so clear
This is my December
This is my snow covered home
This is my December
This is me alone

I feel myself shaking uncontrollably and tears stream down my face. Mom has finally died. I can't believe I'm seeing snow fall on my mother's grave. Who would've thought? She has made it all these years, why now? Why Mom? She lived through all what the androids had caused and was the only one to survive and protect me other than Gohan. She wasn't that old…she could have lived another 20 or 30 years. Why did you leave me so soon?

There's nothing left for me anymore, she's the only thing I had left. Sure, everything is fine and dandy now that the androids are gone; everyone is happy again. Cities are pretty much rebuilt and the population of Earth is starting to rise again instead of diminish. Was this what you wanted? Was this all that you were living for? To see the world being rebuilt and see the fruit of your labor for all these years? She shouldn't have left me alone. I have nothing now. I have no one.

There's so much more that we could have done. That she could have done. Why give up the ghost now? Why would she leave me? She knows I can't live without her! She's everything to me. I've always sworn to myself if anything ever happened to her that I would kill myself…Do I dare go through with that oath? …No. Mom wouldn't want that. We could have talked more than we did. I wanted to say how much I love her so many times, but I never did. I'm so grateful to her for keeping me safe and helping me through life and for saving the world. It was really her that did it, not me. If it weren't for her, where would I be?

And I
Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
And I
Take back all the things I said to make you feel like that
And I
Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
And I
Take back all the things that I said to you

I should have listened to her more often, though I wouldn't take back anything I have ever done. Someone needed to protect the earth from the androids; Gohan couldn't do it alone. I'm sure you understood why I left without telling you Mom. You knew didn't you? You knew I couldn't stand by and watch the earth be destroyed by a pair of tin cans. It shouldn't have surprised you that I wanted to fight them. But I should have stayed home a few times instead of making you worry so much about me. I couldn't help it. The Earth needed me. But I regret not listening. I know I pained her when I left without warning and didn't listen to her screaming for me to come back. I'm sorry I yelled at her when she told me not to leave. I'm so sorry Mom. I would definitely take that back. I never wanted to hurt her.

And I give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to

I'd give everything up to have her brought back. If I had to live on the streets for the rest of my life and to never have a roof over my head ever again, I would still bring her back. I would be happy just knowing that Mom was all right. That she wasn't buried six feet under the ground with bugs crawling over her body. My mom doesn't deserve that. My mom deserves much better than that. I have a mind to dig her up again and find a better coffin to put her in. That simple pine box doesn't do her justice.

I want Mom to be home with me again. Whenever I got done fighting or training, she was always home. Kami what I wouldn't give to have her at home again. I can almost imagine her cooking something in the kitchen and yelling at me for staying out so long. I smile at the memory. Then I frown remembering that there is no one for me to come home to. I let out a cry of pain and punch a nearby tree, snapping it in half. A clump of snow falls on my head and I punch the tree for letting it fall. I pound the tree as if it had killed my mother. I want to get rid of my anger and frustration, but to no avail. Mom is still dead. It wasn't the tree's fault, what was I thinking?

This is my December
These are my snow covered dreams
This is me pretending
This is all I need

Then I have a thought: What if this isn't real? It can't be! Mom wouldn't just die like this. There was nothing wrong with her. She was only in her 40s. She was too young to die! That means that this isn't real, and Mom is still alive. I'm just dreaming. Soon I'll wake up and go downstairs and see Mom talking on the phone, or cooking, or watching the TV. She could be doing anything but she would be there. She wouldn't be dead. Mom would smile at me and make me breakfast. Definitely after this dream I would make more of an effort to talk to her. I would say all the things I have wanted to say, like how much I love her. I would say that first. Then I would apologize for never listening to her when she wanted me to stay home. Then I would help clean the house; something I have never done. Maybe I'd cook her dinner for a change. I'd be extra nice to her and I would make sure that I would always treat her like a queen. That would be all I would need for the rest of my life. Just have Mom home with me, happy that I'm there with her and cleaning the house for her. Yeah, that's what I'll do. And what better time than now to wake up and start apologizing. So I pinch myself to wake up…Nothing happens. I try again, but I still don't wake up. More tears roll down my cheek. I guess I was just pretending she wasn't dead.

And I
Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
And I
Take back all the things I said to make you feel like that
And I
Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
And I
Take back all the things that I said to you
And I give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to

Mommy!! I scream and fling myself onto her gravestone. I know my dad would sneer at me right now for my display of weakness. He would think I'm acting like a lost child. But that's just it. That's what I am without her. But maybe Dad was the whole reason Mom gave up…Maybe she decided that since the world was saved and things were returning to normal that it was okay to die now and see her mate in Otherworld. But why wouldn't she think of me? Was she mad at me and getting revenge? No, she wouldn't go this far. Did she try to tell me that she was going to die? Did I miss something? I trace her name engraved on the tombstone with my finger. I have stopped sobbing, but I'm still crying. I'm curled up into a ball, leaning against the tombstone with the snow gently falling on me. At least she stayed with me until after Christmas.

This is my December
This is my time of the year
This is my December
This is all so clear
Give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to
Give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to

I must look like a total mess to someone who is walking by. The person stops and looks at me huddled up against my mother's gravestone, my eyes red and my face blotchy, with hours worth of snow covering my body. I stare back, not wanting him to bother me, but wanting someone to pull me out of my depression. I don't even feel the cold anymore. I feel nothing. The man turns back and walks back towards where he came from. I plan on staying here forever. No one can make me leave except her. And she's not her to make me leave.

Suddenly I see a woman with blue hair walking towards me. Mom is that you? She has a coffee mug in her hand and offers it to me. I sit up and rub tears out of my eyes to see better. No. It's not her. Just another kind lady with blue hair. A lot like my mom, but it's not her. I'm sitting on top of the dirt that my mom is buried under. But wait…there is another lady like my mom other than the one standing in front of me. She's in another time, but she's still my mom.

I jump up, thanking the lady profusely. She is confused, she has no idea what she has done for me. There is another mom out there for me. I can go back in time and live with my parents. Both of them. Oh, I can't wait to feel one of my mom's hugs again. There will be someone at home for me for sure! I turn around and kiss my mother's gravestone goodbye and run back to Capsule Corp. I go to the room where Mom kept the capsule with the time machine in it when it wasn't in use. I run back outside and open the capsule, revealing my familiar time machine. I stand in awe over my mother's creation. She was very proud of this. She spent such a long time working on this thing that saved the world. My gaze falls on a word she had written on it before I left. Hope. I have hope, Mom. I have hope.

I run back inside the house, grabbing a suitcase and fill it up with some of my clothes and other things that I want to take with me. Just as I am leaving the room, I see a picture that Gohan had taken of us one day. I was 12 years old. Mom wanted to have a group picture taken, so Gohan set it up and ran over to be in the picture with us. It's the only picture I have of him. Then I remember a few other pictures that I want to take with me. I grab the picture and walk into Mom's room and find the one picture she had of herself, another of my father she had taken one time when he wasn't looking, and the only other picture ever taken of my father. He had a scowl on his face while he looked at the camera (obviously Mom had forced him to get his picture taken), but he held me as a baby in his arms.

I grab these precious pictures and pack them into the suitcase along with everything else. Then I return outside and hop in the time machine and hit the button to go back in time. They'll want me there, Mom won't mind. Even my Dad from that time likes me a little. More than he lets on for sure, but I know he likes me. I'll see everyone again. I was accepted there where my friends and family are. Where my mom is.