Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend ❯ The Best Year Yet ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Yeah right.

AN: I must be crazy to be starting a new fic when I have six others that are nowhere close to being complete in the works right now. Then again…I do have the insane obsession with a fictious anime character so maybe I really am not all that crazy. Anyway this is a fic I've wanted to do for a longtime but I never had a story line before but now I do so let me know what you think.

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"Please try to be on time today, Bulma."

"I promise I'll be on time Yamucha. As a matter of fact I'll be early."


Bulma glanced at her watch and sighed. Well she definitely wasn't going to be early. She had lied to him again.

"-this year is going to be the best one yet and I'm not putting up with any bullshit. I will not have my year as class president marred because you guys didn't handle your responsibilities. So every committee better be on top of their shit. Any questions?" ChiChi paused throwing an aggravated glance at the table of extremely nervous high school girls.

Bulma frowned as she glanced at her friend. ChiChi could be rude, hell sometimes she could be a down right bitch but this was even out of character for her. Bulma glanced down the table where Juuhachigou sitting. The blond nodded her head in agreement. Looks like they would have to stay a little later today.

When no one spoke up ChiChi continued, "Fine. The bell for first hour will be ringing soon so you're dismissed."

Juu stood to move to the other end of the table when someone grabbed her arm.

"What?" she asked the redhead.

"Look Juu, you need to talk to Chi. Some of the girls want to quit the student government because of the way she acted this morning. I like ChiChi, don't get me wrong, but I'm not going to get up early two days a week and stay after school three days to have her talk to me like that. Either tell her to take a chill pill or she can run her perfect year all by herself." With that the girl left the room.

Juuhachigou sighed and picked up her books.

ChiChi stood to leave when a hand on each shoulder pushed her back into her seat. "What?" she asked looking at her two best friends.

"What's with you today Chi?" Bulma asked.

ChiChi slumped in her seat. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"We're talking about that whole drill sergeant act you just pulled," Juu said.

ChiChi sighed. "Why does he always have to be so dumb?"

Bulma and Juuhachigou frowned across the table at each other. That's what they had thought it was.

"What did Goku do this time?" Bulma asked.

"He forgot our anniversary, AGAIN! I can't believe him. Does he have a mental block or something? It has fallen on the same day for the last two years! If he really cared about me, he would remember."

As ChiChi fumed her two friends frowned. Was that all he had done?

"Listen Chi, you can't expect Goku to be perfect. I mean he's a guy. You have to cut him some slack," Juu tried.

"You can say that because Krillin doesn't forget your anniversaries," ChiChi accused.

"But Yamucha has forgotten plenty of ours. Hell I've even forgotten a few. One day out the year doesn't really mean anything. All that really matters is how he treats you the rest of the year," Bulma pointed out.

"Aside from that Chi, you have to admit that Goku is a major improvement over some of your other boyfriends," Juu reminded.

"Yeah remember in ninth when you dated Jewel. Though cute, he wasn't exactly the nicest guy," Bulma recalled.

"He was an asshole is what she means," Juu said.

"And then in tenth you dated Killa. Now that I think about it you seem to have a thing for football players," Bulma said thoughtfully.

"Which would include when you dated Vegeta at the end of tenth. I still don't see how you thought you two could ever make a couple," Juu said shaking her blond head.

"Vegeta wasn't that bad," ChiChi defended.

"All I know is that the sex must have been great because you guys sure didn't get along," Juu shrugged.

"I already told you I never slept with Vegeta," ChiChi said.

"Hello guys! We're not talking about Vegeta here, we're talking about Goku. Chi I know you and so I know that you probably said some pretty awful things to him this morning. I think you should go find him and apologize," Bulma advised.


"Come on Chi," Bulma coaxed.

ChiChi thought for a moment then bit her lip. "I guess you guys are right. I mean he is really good to me. I don't know what I do without him." She sighed and smiled as she grabbed each of their hands. "Thanks guys. I don't what I'm going to do without you guys next year when I'm way in Norman, Oklahoma."

"You don't know? I'm more worried about Goku. He'll never survive this relationship without us," Juu said.

The three laughed at the comment that was a little too close to true. Bulma gave ChiChi's hand a little squeeze then let it go as she stood and began gathering her things. "Since everything's okay now, I have to go."

ChiChi gasped. "I'm sorry B. I've made you late to your meeting with Yamucha."

"No you haven't. If I leave right now I'll be right on time. See you guys," She said as she hurried out the room.

* * *

Bulma ran down the hallway towards the field house, her notebook clutched tightly to her chest. She had two minutes to make it to the baseball field. Just before she reached the door to the wrestling room it swung open and a boy helped another badly beating boy limp out.

"Ray what happened?" Bulma asked the human crutch.

"Vegeta happened. I guess wrestling is now officially in season," Ray stated as he helped his companion down the hall.

Bulma bit her lip and glanced at of her watch. Vegeta, like Goku, had just come out of football season yesterday, so that usually meant he had another day or two before he started pounding on the rest of the wrestling team. Something must be wrong. Deciding that she could check on him and still only be a few minutes late for her meeting with Yamucha, Bulma grabbed the door handle.

"Please forgive me Yamucha," she murmured then yanked open the door.

* * *

The smell of must assaulted her nostrils as she walked into the room. Dropping her notebook by the door, she walked into the dim room. She spotted him almost immediately. He was sitting against the wall with his arms resting on his knees and his head was hanging slightly. Bulma bit her lip. He looked so broken.

She walked into the room and stood over him. He didn't looked up.

Bulma sighed and sat down next to him. When he still didn't acknowledge her, she leaned her head on his shoulder. He didn't pull away, only grunted.

"Can't you take a hint?" Vegeta muttered.

"No," she stated simply.

"What do you want?" he sighed.

Bulma sat up and looked at him. "What you did to Henry could be considered assault."

"Henry is a fat, out of shape, pig," Vegeta stated nonchalantly.

"Some people aren't as athletic as you, Vegeta," Bulma stated.

"Some people are weaklings."

"That maybe true but that doesn't mean you should remind them by beating the snot out of them everyday."

"Whatever," Vegeta murmured as he turned away from her. In doing so he presented her with his full profile. There was no way that Henry could have caused the dark purple bruise along his jaw. Instinctively, she reached at and touched the mark. Vegeta pulled away and frowned at her.

"You have to stop getting into fights with your father, Vegeta," she said gently.

Vegeta looked away from her and stared at the far wall.

Bulma lightly touched his shoulder. "Vegeta?"

He sighed and put his head down. "Tell him that," was all he said.

Bulma was about to pump him for more when the first bell for first hour sounded.

"Shit," she muttered looking at the wall clock.

Vegeta looked at her and frowned. "What? You don't have a first hour class."

"I know but I was supposed to meet Yamucha like five minutes ago," she said.

Vegeta grunted.

Bulma frowned and began to stand. "Look Vegeta, I'm not going to argue with you about Yamucha today," she said. "Come on. Let's go," she said extending her hand to help him up.

Vegeta frowned. "Go where?"

"I may not have a first hour but you do and Mr. Mau said that if you skip his class one more time this semester he's going to fail you. So get off your ass and go to class."

"What are you? My mother?"

Bulma placed her hands on her hips and gave him a sultry look. "Believe me I'm definitely not your mother."

Vegeta arched a brow. "Was that supposed to turn me on?"

Bulma rolled her eyes and once again held out her hand.

Vegeta ignored her hand and stood up then with a small hand movement motioned her to the door. She walked to the door, stopping momentarily to pick up her notebook, and opened the door. Before she took a step out though she turned back to him.

"Look I want to know what happened so I'm call you after school. Will you please remember to leave your phone on?"

Vegeta shrugged.

Sighing in frustration, Bulma turned to leave out the room but as she stepped into the hall she ran into something solid. When she looked up a pair of angry brown eyes frowned down at her.

"Yamucha!" she exclaimed.

"You'll be early, right?" he said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Yamucha. I got side tracked," she said.

"I can see that," he said glancing at the silent man behind her.

Vegeta returned the man's disgusted gaze and then walked around the two and proceeded to the boy's locker room.

Yamucha's gaze followed him until he disappeared. He then returned his attention to Bulma.

"I'm really, really sorry Yam-chan," Bulma said placing a hand on his chest. "Will you forgive me?"

Yamucha sighed and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. "All right but you better not stand me up again."

Bulma smiled. "I promise."

"So do you want to go to study hall today?" he asked changing the subject.

"Actually I was thinking we could spend first hour at the baseball field," she said with a little smile.

Yamucha smiled too. "All right," he said as he led her out the back the door that led to the field.

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Well there it is. Tell me what you think. I'll be updated all my fics on an inspiration basis so if you like this fic you should review because nothing inspires me more than reviews. Thanks for reading.