Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend ❯ Top Priority ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: *grunts*

AN: My special thanks to Louie, Veggies_grl, Kandy, Susan, Erie Dragon, Phoenix Feather, Moonkitty liafle, not sure yet, Matchmaker 88, moonsaiyanprincess, hippiechick, IneiTenshi, serendipity, NeoQbirdie, Masamune, Lady Foeseeker, Brittany: Screwed + Snapped, maggs, Mentally Challenged, oneblackvoice, Me, SheWhoShallNotBeNamed, dbz72, mirei nochi, nic, Kahlan Nightwing, BBFighter88, b e a u t i f u l i r o n y, kaaira, kitten, emma, more….etc, (that was one heck of a review, kid. It made my day), lasan, PannyChanny16, Misty, Ryukai, Nana, DBZBeauty, Yannie, VBHA (another great review. I had no trouble seeing it ^_~), and my extra special thanks to mela989898, Vega and Jade Dragosani for telling me 17's name. Enjoy.

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Bulma slowly opened her eyes as her alarm repeatedly went off. She rolled over and buried her head deeper in the pillow. She really didn't need to go to school today. She was caught up on everything in all her classes, so one day won't hurt. It was a Friday after all. The teachers wouldn't be able to get their student to do anything- wait a minute.

Bulma's eyes shot open and she sat up. Today was Friday. Today she was 18. And tonight she was going to have the party of a lifetime. Giving a shriek of utter joy, she threw the covers off and hurried to her bathroom to shower.

Stepping out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, hair, teeth and face washed, Bulma walked over to her stereo and pushed the Play button and then the Random button. The CD changer picked a disc and soon Bulma was singing along in her best Shakira voice as she entered her closet:

"Whenever, Wherever, we're meant to be together. I'll be there and you'll be near and that's the deal my dear…"

She continued to sing as she searched through her closet. Deciding on a pink midriff bare top with the word `Princess' scrawled across the front in big glittery silver letters and a pair of low riding dark blue hip hugger jeans, she quickly dressed. Stopping in her shoe closet to grab a pair of pink thong sandals, she reentered her bathroom and gave her hair a thoughtful look. She hadn't blow-dried it in her haste and it had dried into soft shoulder length waves that framed her face perfectly. She opened a drawer and grabbed a beaded pink headband and pulled it on. Smiling at her reflection one last time, she bounced out of the bathroom then picked up her backpack and left the room.

Still humming the earlier tune, she flounced down the stairs heading to the kitchen to grab a quick bite.

"I have to go, Emily."

"But it's her birthday, John!"

Bulma stopped in front of kitchen door and listen to the angry voices on the other side of it. She frowned. It sounded like they were at it again. John and Emily Briefs had been married for almost twenty-two years now and despite both of their usually easy going and sometimes airhead-ish personalities, disagreements were bound to erupt every now and then when two people had lived together as long as they had. But Bulma had noticed that their `little' disagreements had started happening a lot more often over the last few months and that they weren't so `little' any more.

"What do you expect me to do? If I don't jump on this now then Aramore Electronics will beat me to the punch," her father yelled.

"Then let them have it! What's more important? Being with your daughter on her special day or getting your hands on some electronic gadget, gizmo, thingy or whatever!" her mother shot right back.

These fights were always the worse for Bulma. The one's that were about her.

"Oh posh, Emily! The girl's having a party with all her friends. She won't even notice if I'm gone."

"Believe me, John, she'll notice." The anger in her mother's soft voice was almost frightening. She had never heard such anger from the usually bubbly woman.

"I don't have time for this," her father said after a long pause.

"If you leave tonight, I promise you'll regret it."

Bulma bit her lip. What did she mean by that? Bulma decided that she better make her appearance before things got out of hand.

Taking a deep breath, Bulma placed her hand on the kitchen door and announced in her cheeriest voice, "Morning all!" just before she pushed the door open.

As she entered the kitchen, her parents were facing off on either side of the kitchen table and had both turned to the door in surprise at her entrance. Her father was the first to recover and pasted a smile on his face.

"There's my birthday girl!" he said as he walked over to her. He gave her a playfully once over. "What are you now 5, 6?"

"I'm 9 Daddy," Bulma said playfully as she bent over kissed his cheek. He chuckled.

By this time her mother had moved to the stove and broke to eggs into a pan. "Happy Birthday sweetheart," she chirped though she hadn't been able to recover as quickly as her husband.

"Thanks Mom," Bulma said trying to ignore the slight drag in the woman's voice.

"Sit down Bulma and eat before you go running off," her mother said.

Bulma walked over to the counter and looked at a basket of freshly baked muffins. Walking over to a drawer, she grabbed a brown lunch sack and returned to the muffins. Shaking her head, she began putting muffins in the bag. "Sorry Mom. No time. I'm meeting Juu and Chi to pass out more flyers for the party tonight before school."

Emily Briefs raised an eyebrow as Bulma placed a third muffin in the bag. "Hungry?"

"No, I'm taking one for the girls," Bulma smiled as she closed the bag. After readjusting her backpack strap, Bulma walked over to the stove and kissed her mother's cheek. "I'll be home early to help you set up. Love you, bye."

"Bye-bye sweetheart," her mother said as she watched her daughter's back as she left the kitchen. When the girl was gone, she turned her eyes to her husband's. They stared at each other for a moment then he sighed and picked up his briefcase and left the room. Emily bit her lip as she turned and stared out the window.

* * *

Bulma whipped her bright red sports car into the space next to Goku's three year old hunter green Jeep Cherokee. Bulma turned off the ignition and climbed out the car. As she took off her shades, she smirked at the spectacle before her. Chichi was sitting on the hood of the car with Goku standing between her blue jean-clad legs. His hands were on her hips and the lip lock he had her in was…interesting to say the least.

"Ahem," Bulma said after a moment when they didn't seem to notice her.

ChiChi's eyes slowly fluttered open then lit with excitement. Breaking her kiss, she pushed her startled boyfriend aside and hopped off the jeep. Hurrying around Bulma's car, ChiChi grasped her in a bear hug. "Happy Birthday B-chan!!"

"Thank you," Bulma laughed as ChiChi almost knocked her over. ChiChi finally let her go and then smiled bright.

"So how does it feel to be an adult now," ChiChi asked.

Bulma took a deep breath and smiled. "It feels…the same."

Both girls laughed as Goku walked up behind his girlfriend. "Happy Birthday Bulma."

"Thank you Goku," Bulma smiled then pulled out her muffin bag. "Here Chi," she said offering the open end of the sack to the other girl. ChiChi looked into the sack, tempted at first then quickly shook her head.

"No I think I'll pass," she said.

"Are you sure?" Bulma frowned.

"Yeah I'm positive."

"Well okay," Bulma shrugged. "Goku?" she asked offering the sack to him.

"I thought you'd never ask," he said reaching eagerly into the sack. "Hey there's three in here. Can you really eat two Bulma?"

"No but one is for Juu so keep your paws off," Bulma scolded the ever hungry boy playfully.

Goku shrugged and took his muffin, finishing it off in two bites. Both Bulma and ChiChi shook their heads in disbelief as a silver Camry pulled up on the other side of Bulma's car. Juuhachigou stepped out of the passenger side while Juunanagou climbed out of the driver side.

"Well if it isn't the birthday girl," Juunanagou said resting his arm on top of the car.

"Hey Jay! You'll be at my party tonight, right?" Bulma said.

"It wouldn't be a party without me," Jay answered as he reached in the back seat and grabbed his bag. "Q-ball taking you home today?" he asked his sister.

Juu rolled her eyes and nodded her head.

"All right see ya later," Jay said as he turned to leave.

Juu then turned to her friends. "So birthday girl, are you ready to get started?"

"Yep," Bulma said as she handed the blond the sack. Juu removed the muffin then balled the sack up.

"Okay then let's do this flyer thing. I can't be late to Mr. Mau's class today. You should tell your dad to lighten up Chi," Juu said as she bit into the muffin.

ChiChi rolled her eyes. "Or maybe you guys should stop blowing off his class because he's my dad."

"Whatever, all I know is that his been riding us awfully hard lately," Juu said.

"Look guys, I won't make you late, just don't fight. Come on," Bulma said reaching into her back seat to get a stack of flyers.

* * *

Bulma walked into her first class of the day, Advanced Chem., with bright smile on her face. They had gotten all the rest of the flyers out and both Chi and Juu had gotten to the their first hour on time. Bulma had spent study hall at the baseball field where Yamucha had given her her birthday gift, a sterling silver chain with a small heart shaped diamond pendent hanging from it, which she now so proudly wore.

She reached class with three minutes to spare and headed straight to her station in the back of the room. Giving her lab partner her best smile she greeted him with a cheerier "Morning Veggie!"

"Woman," Vegeta said in acknowledgment.

When she was sure that was all he was going to say, Bulma cleared her throat expectantly.

"If you think I'm going to tell you happy birthday you're sadly mistaken," Vegeta said as he opened his notebook.

Bulma smiled. "You did remember!"

Vegeta grunted.

"Look what Yamucha got me," she said slightly holding the necklace up for his inspection.

Vegeta barely spared the necklace a glance. "Payment for services well rendered?" he asked.

Before Bulma could think of a suitable retort, the bell rang and Dr. Davis stood up before his class. "Good morning students. I want you all to pull out your outlines for next Monday's lab. I'll come around and pick them up."

Bulma's eyes widened. She had completely forgotten about their outline. She'd been to busy planning for her party. She wouldn't be so worried if it was just her grade but they where supposed to work on this with their lab partners on this and she had told Vegeta she'd do theirs.

"Vegeta I'm sorry. I completely for-" she started as she turned to him but was stopped as he pulled out a crisped, typed sheet of paper and laid it in front of her.

"You didn't honestly think I would trust you with my grade again after what happened to our last outline," Vegeta asked.

Bulma blushed at the reminder then smiled. "I knew there was a reason I picked you has my lab partner."

Vegeta rolled his eyes just as Dr. Davis walked over and picked up their paper.

"Dr. Davis?" Bulma said stopping the older man.

"Yes Ms. Briefs?" Dr. Davis asked.

"The student government is meeting during second hour on Monday so do you mind if Vegeta and I come in before school and do our lab?"

"No that's fine. But I won't be here to assist you so you'll be forfeiting any help with this assignment," Dr. Davis warned.

"That's fine. Thank you," Bulma said as the teacher moved on.

"Like we've ever needed his help before," Vegeta mocked.

Bulma chuckled then pulled on her goggles. "True. Now what's today's lab."

* * *

Yamucha took a fry off Bulma's plate and turned the page of his magazine. They were sitting at lunch in pretty much the same seating arrangement as the day before with the single exception that Bulma had pulled up a chair between Yamucha and Vegeta.

"I'm really thinking about this guys," Yamucha insisted.

Bulma glanced over at the magazine and rolled her eyes.

Krillin frowned. "I don't know Yamucha. Dying your hair blond? I just can't see you as a blond. Goku or Vegeta maybe, but not you," Krillin finished shaking his head.

Goku and Vegeta glanced at one another then shrugged and returned their attention to their respective plates.

Bulma snatched the magazine from Yamucha. "You are not dying your hair."

"Yes mother," Yamucha said taking his magazine back.

Bulma rolled her eyes. If one more person called her mother…

"So Bulma what time do you want us to come over and help set up?" ChiChi asked.

"How about right after school?" Bulma asked.

"Wait a minute, babe," Yamucha said. "We were supposed to do something together after school."

"I'm sorry Yamucha, but this party has to take top propriety," she said as she stood. "Now I have to go see Mrs. Anderson before lunch is over. See ya guys."

After she had hurried out the room, Yamucha shook his head in angry disbelief before he pushed his chair back and marched out the room.

What reminded of their table looked at each other in surprise.

"That can't be good," Goku muttered.

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Graduation is just five hours away and that's not just good news for me! It means that with school out of the way I'll have time for lots more updating! Hooray!!! Now next chapter is the long awaited party and lots is going to happen. So all you V/B fans, your wait is about to be over. You + Review = Update. Thanks for reading.