Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend ❯ No Big Deal ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I wish…

AN: I think I have the best reviewers in the world! Your reviews from last chapter touched me so much that I decided to update sooner than planned. I hope you guys enjoy ^_^.

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"We should mix the carbonlayfoxide with ammonia," Vegeta said looking over the assignment. When Bulma didn't answer him, he looked at her for the first time since she had gotten there, on time, this morning.

He frowned at what he saw there. "What is wrong with you?" he asked almost in disgust at her tears.

Bulma dug in her purse and pulled out a tissue. "I can't believe I'm still crying over this. I'm such a wimp!" she said as another tear rolled down her cheek.

Vegeta's frown deepened. He hadn't seen her cry since second grade when he'd thrown her favorite Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper in the mud.

Bulma tried to gain some resemblance of control over herself. She had spent the rest of her weekend in her room. She hadn't really cried much. She'd just sat in her room. She and her mother hadn't `talked' about it as she had promised because it was obvious that her mother was still stressing over her father's business trip. She hadn't spoken to anyone at all though both ChiChi and Juu had called at least ten times a piece each threatening to come over if she didn't pick up the phone. Fortunately, her mother had headed the two girls off when they had arrived, telling them that she was sick.

It wasn't until she had pulled into the school parking lot this morning that the tears had threatened again. It was all so embarrassing.

When she realized that Vegeta was still watching her she sighed. "Yamucha broke up with me. He said that he was tried of me putting him second and that he couldn't deal with it anymore. I just can't believe this! Four years! We invested four years into this and suddenly it's all over in the course of fifteen minutes. It just doesn't make any sense," she said as she blew her nose.

Vegeta arched a brow. "You can't say you didn't see this coming."

Bulma's eyes widened and she looked at him. "What do you mean by that?"

"Wasn't it you yourself that was always telling me how you felt bad about always breaking your promises to him?"

Bulma frowned. "Damn it Vegeta! Whose side are you on?"

"I'm not on anyone's side. I just don't think you're stupid enough to honestly believe that anyone in their right mind would put up with that shit forever."

"Great! So you think I'm selfish and inconsiderate too," Bulma said putting her head down.

"Oh don't start with that `poor me' crap. Selfish, to a certain extent, yes. Inconsiderate, no. Yamucha wanted to be baby. You have better things to do than baby him, so naturally you two don't mix. It's not rocket science."

Bulma smile gently as she looked up at him. "Really?"

"Yes, now I've had enough of this little therapy session. If you're done with the tears, I'd like to finish this assignment before lunch," he said returning his attention to the instruction sheet.

Bulma smiled for the first time in two days. She dabbed one last time at her eyes. "Thanks Vegeta," she said.

"For what?" Vegeta asked as he reached for the ammonia.

Bulma could take a hint. It was obvious that the Yamucha subject was closed. That's when her wrist caught her eye. "For the bracelet."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Vegeta sighed as he prepared to mix the ammonia with the carbonlayfoxide.

Bulma sighed. It was obvious that the gift wasn't open for discussion either. Bulma grabbed the beaker of ammonia before he could mix the two. "If you mix carbonlayfoxide and ammonia, they'll explode."

"Maybe that's what I want them to do," Vegeta smirked at her.

Bulma shook her head. "I think not. If we blow up the science lab, we'll never pass this class," she said setting the beaker aside and putting on her goggles.

Vegeta grunted and rolled his eyes. "You take all the fun out of everything."

Bulma laughed and started reaching for the proper chemicals.

* * *

"Meeting adjured," ChiChi said warily. She was so tired and she had so much to do. She had stayed up half the night studying for her test in Pre-Cal and then had had to get up early to take her little brother and sister, Kimmy and Kenny, to school because her step mom was out of town. Apparently, the caffeine pills weren't as potent as they had once been because she had fallen asleep in Mrs. Johnson first hour English class this morning. Luckily, Krillin was in that class as well and had taken notes for her.

She had been late to the student government meeting this morning because her lock wouldn't open, which the school janitor had had to cut off and she now had to find time to go buy a new one. When she had finally made it to the meeting she had found that her class secretary, Bulma, hadn't shown up and half way through the meeting the basketball coach had come and took her Vice President, Juu, to discuss something about next week's tournament. Her day had only just begun and she was ready to fall out.

Cassandra Littleton stood from her seat and picked up her notebook. She glanced down the table and smiled in sympathy. Everyone knew how hard ChiChi ran herself into the ground. It was just her nature but she looked particularly wore for a Monday morning. She could only imagine what the girl would look like by Friday.

Deciding she could be late to third hour she moved down the table towards ChiChi.

"Hey ChiChi are you okay?" she asked sitting next to the girl.

ChiChi gave the girl a small smile. "Yeah. Just a little tired. I stayed up too late studying last night I guess."

"You know you could take something to help with those late nights," Cassandra offered.

"I have but the caffeine pills I've been taking don't seem to be working that well anymore," ChiChi shrugged as she started grabbing her things.

"Caffeine pills?" Cassandra asked. "Is that all?"

ChiChi looked up in surprise. "Well…yeah. What else would I be taking?"

Cassandra waved her hand in dismissal. "You'll never get anything done on those," she said as she began digging in her purse. She pulled out a small gold tube and sat it before ChiChi on the table. Frowning, ChiChi picked up the offering and open the cap. She examined the small white pills that fell into her hand.

Looking at Cassandra in total shock she asked, "These aren't what I think they are, are they?"

Cassandra rolled her eyes at ChiChi's expression. "Close your mouth Chi. It's not that big of a deal. I use them when ever I feel like I'm dragging."

ChiChi put the pills back in their container and sat them back on the table. "I don't think so. Aren't those dangerous?"

Cassandra picked up the container and pressed the pills back into ChiChi's hand. "Of course not. I've been taking them for like four months now and they've been only a plus for me. People really make to big of a deal about them."

ChiChi was about to decline the offer when the tardy bell rang and Cassandra stood. "Well I better go. Your dad has been really riding us about tardies lately."

"But, Cassan-" ChiChi said holding the tube out to her.

Cassandra smiled at her from the door. "Don't worry. You can keep those. I promise they'll change your life. Oh, and you should eat something. You're getting way too thin. See ya!"

ChiChi frowned at the container then remembering she was late to third hour, slipped the tube into her purse and quickly gathered her things.

* * *

Bulma slipped into the seat next to Vegeta and took her apple from his plate. He didn't even bother to scowl at her this time.

"You are in so much trouble," Juu said offhandedly as she took a fry off the plate she was sharing with her boyfriend.

"What do you mean?" Bulma asked just as ChiChi walked up to the table and slammed her book down on the table.

"Where were you?!" she demanded glaring across the table.

Bulma bit her lip. Even after her little talk with Vegeta, she still couldn't bring herself to face the looks of pity she would have received at the student government. She was sure that every one could look at her and see the word `Dumped' in big red letters on her forehead.

"I'm sorry Chi. I just couldn't," she said putting her head down.

"You knew that we were going to start planning for prom today and as head of prom committee you had to be there! First you avoid us all weekend and now this. What is wrong with you?!"

Bulma quickly glanced at Vegeta but if she was looking for moral support she was on her own. He was completely engrossed in his meal and wasn't paying any of them any mind. Sighing, she looked around the table and in a quiet voice said, "Yamucha broke up with me."

The newly informed friends looked at her in utter shock, even Juu dropped her normally cool facade. None of them had thought much about the fact that Yamucha hadn't showed up for lunch. It was a common happening for him to skip lunch to work on his already top-notch swing at the field. They definitely weren't expecting this.

"When did this happen?" Goku asked.

"At my party Friday night…well I guess it was more like Saturday morning."

"Ouch. That's brutal, being dumped on your birthday," Krillin said.

"Tell me about," Bulma said. "I'm surprised you guys haven't heard already. I would've thought Yamucha would've shouted it from the roof tops that he had gotten rid of the wicked witch," Bulma said in a sad attempt at humor.

"Did he say that?" ChiChi demanded. Cause if he had she would…

"No. Not in so many words but I want you guys to listen to me," she looking them each in the eye. "I know that things won't be the same but I don't want this to change you're relationships with Yamucha. I know you guys may feel awkward since you're friends with both of us but I think Yamucha would agree that we don't want you guys to be caught in the middle. Okay?" she asked waiting for each of them to nod. She didn't even look at Vegeta, since he never really cared for Yamucha in the first place.

Putting on a smile, Bulma tried to lighten some of the damper she had just put on the table. "So what's up for this weekend?"

"Weekend? You are aware it's only Monday, right?" Juu asked.

"I know but it's never too early to plan an awesome weekend," Bulma said trying to shake some of the heaviness she was feeling.

"Saturday is the first wrestling tournament of the season," Goku said nudging Vegeta, who barely speared him a glance and continued to polish off his fourth plate.

"Well I think I'm up to watching Vegeta nail some guys to the floor. What do you say babe?"

Juu shrugged, not willing to admit that she enjoyed the meets almost as much as Goku and Krillin did.

Bulma placed her elbow on the table and rested her chin in her palm, scrunching her nose up at the idea. As much as she loved rooting her friends on she detested wrestling. It looked too painful to her, the gyms always smelled to high heaven, and the worse was watching some of the more rotund competitors parade around in their suits. She just wasn't up to the challenge this weekend but before she could voice her opinion ChiChi practically squealed,

"Oh my Bulma! That bracelet is gorgeous! Was it from your parents?"

"No I got it-," she paused a second knowing full well that Vegeta wouldn't appreciate having his kindness out in the open. It just wasn't good for his image. "I got it from a friend," she finished. Goku briefly glanced at Vegeta, who showed no sign that he even knew they were there, then shrugged and went back to his plates.

"Anyway I really don't want to go," Bulma said returning to the subject. "Let's go to a movie Chi," she said to her only ally on the wrestling issue.

"All right," ChiChi said then began rambling off a few flicks.

Bulma put on a smile. Maybe this would get her mind off things.

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I had a few problems with some of your emails so if you asked to be on the mailing list but you didn't get an update please leave it again. Thanks a bunch! You + Review = Update. Thanks for reading.