Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend ❯ Goku's Promise ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Hmmm…

AN: Well my brother has been bugging me about never giving him a dedication when I bounce all my best -and worse- ideas off of him. So this chapter is dedicated to him, SuperGohan1516, for sitting with me through this chapter and farting all the way, further encouraging me to hurry with this chapter so I could get the hell out of his room and away from the smell. Enjoy!

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Goku ran into the emergence room and looked around in bewilderment. When he spotted the receptionist desk he rushed over and knocked on the window. The woman turned slowly in her chair a look of irritation pasted on her face.

"Can I help you?" she asked blandly.

"I need to find out where ChiChi Mau is," Goku blurted out.

The woman gave a half grunt sigh and turned to her computer. "What was the last name again?"

"Mau. ChiChi Mau," he said quickly. As she entered the information into her computer, Goku felt like pulling his hair out. "Do you think you could move a little bit faster?" he asked.

"These things take time," she mumbled never looking up from her computer screen. Goku tapped his foot impatiently as she continued to scroll through the screen.

A middle-aged lab technician walked up behind Goku at that moment and nudged him aside. "Excuse me son," he murmured as he did so. "Hey Sandra, we're ordering out. Want anything?"

The woman immediately stopped her typing smiled up at the slightly graying but still handsome man, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Hmm, I'm kind of in the mood for Chinese, so I think chicken fried rice would be good."

Goku looked at her in utter shock. Was she serious?! Pushing the man back out of the way, Goku knocked on the window to get the woman's attention. "Excuse me but I just need to get to my girlfriend. Please, will you just till me where she is?!"

The woman frowned at him before turning back in her seat. She hit one key before turning back to him. "Floor six. Room 602," she said curtly.

Goku nodded his head in thanks before hurrying away. The woman's eyes followed him before she returned her attention to her co-worker. "Some people are so rude," she said on a grunt.

* * *

The waiting room on floor six was a dreary one. Bulma and Vegeta reached the hospital about ten minutes after their call to Goku. In that time she had called Juu and she had just happened to be with Krillin and they had just passed the hospital as drove through downtown. When they had reached the emergence room, they'd found Juu in a heated argument with the receptionist. It had taken Vegeta scaring the shit out of the bitch to finally get the floor and room number out of her.

Reaching the floor they'd found the Mau family waiting for some word. Julia was seated with Kenny in her lap and Kimmy leaning against her shoulder. Both children were crying softly, while their father paced the floor. The foursome had quickly taken seats, Bulma choosing to swoop Kimmy up into her lap not only to comfort the child but to find some for herself as well.

The next fifteen-minute wait of silence was agonizing and sometime during the period Krillin joined Mr. Mau in walking the floor. Bulma hugged the child in her arms tighter to her chest as Goku rushed into the room. He looked at them extremely disoriented before murmuring,

"How is she?"

No one knew what to say until Vegeta's gruff voice spoke up from the corner he had chosen for himself. "Sit down Kakarot."

Goku opened his mouth to say more but no words came out and he put his head down at the helpless feeling that washed over him. After taking a seat next to Juu he was somewhat surprised at the uncharacteristic way she discreetly placed a comforting hand on top of his. Needing the connection, he turned his over and grasped hers tightly.

It was another eternity before a young female doctor in a white lab coat stepped into the room.

"Mr. and Mrs. Mau may I speak with you for a moment," she said motioning them over. George immediately made his way towards the doctor as his wife tried to set their son down. It became apparent however that the boy didn't want to release his lifeline and held his mother fast.

Juu gave Goku's hand a small squeeze before walking across the room.

"Come here, Kenny," she said softly, taking the child from his mother.

"Thank you," Julia murmured as she turned the boy over.

Once she was at her husband's side, the doctor gave them concerned frown. "First thing your daughter is in stable condition and could make a full recovery."

"Oh thank God," Julia murmured.

"Could?" George asked catching the slight drag in the doctor's voice.

"Well Mr. Mau, your daughter has some very serious problems."

"Well give it to us straight. No medical blab. Just tell us what's wrong with our little girl," George said quickly.

The woman nodded. "Very well. When she was first brought in it was obvious that she was malnourished. It's evident that her collapse is the effects of a severe eating disorder."

"Eating disorder?" Julia questioned.

"That's only the beginning of her problems. We've found traces of the drug speed in her system as well-"

"Are you sure?" George asked in utter disbelief.

"I'm sorry but yes. As I said before she could make a full recovery but it's entirely up to her. I strongly suggest getting your daughter some major help after this."

"Of course, whatever she needs," Julia said quickly. "Can we see her now?"

"Well technically visiting hours ended at eight but I'm sure we can work something out. I warn you that she hasn't come around yet and we can only admit immediate family at this time. The others will have to wait until tomorrow," the woman said firmly.

"Yes doctor," they said almost in unison.

"Now if you'd like to gather the children, I'll take you to her room."

Julia nodded and turned to retrieve her children, only one thing in her mind. Seeing ChiChi. If she could just see her then she could tell herself that she was really okay.

* * *


Bulma still couldn't believe it. How could one of their closest friends have been on drugs and none of them even notice it? She recalled the night of the first basketball game when ChiChi had taken the caffeine pills and guilt washed over her. Maybe she should have known.

No one had spoken since Julia had given them a quick run down of what was said by the doctor almost twenty minutes ago. She had told them that the doctor would not let them see her until the next day but no one had made moved to leave.

When the Mau family made their way back down the hall, Julia smiled at five teens that were still holding their vigil through a sheen of tears. The last fifteen minutes had been horrible. She had gazed over pale almost translucent skin of the once vivacious girl. The heavy circles around her eyes and the protruding tubes from every spot on her body only added to her ghastly appearance. Upon entering the room, she had immediately regretted bringing the twins. It was too much for an adult to take in let alone a six-year-old. She hadn't roused in their short visit but the doctor believed she would within the next few hours though they weren't going to allow anymore visitors until tomorrow.

George Mau looked at the small group, who were now all standing on their feet anxious to hear any news. He couldn't help but feel pride at what good friends his daughter had made in her short life.

He cleared his throat before giving them what they wanted. Information. "She's going to be just fine but as we told you before they're not going to let any of us see her until tomorrow. So why don't you kids head home and get some rest?" he said the strain of the day finally starting to weigh on his voice.

"What time do visiting hours start?" Bulma asked the question they all wanted to know.

"Ten," was his answer. "Anything else?" he asked feeling like he was holding a press conference. When Bulma and Krillin slowly shook their heads, he nodded his head slightly in goodbye before escorting his family out of the waiting room.

The teens were silent as they reluctantly began gathering their things to get ready to go. They were all finally ready to make their exit when Krillin frowned. His gaze had fallen on Goku who had reclaimed his chair. "What are you doing?" Krillin asked.

"I think I'm going to stay a little while longer," he said.

"Are you sure? I mean do you want someone to wait with you?" Bulma asked.

"No. I kind of want some time alone, if you guys don't mind?" he answered.

Bulma and Krillin shot each other concerned looks before slowly nodding in understanding though still reluctant to leave him. With a few more words in parting, the foursome left their friend and exited the same way they had come in. They went their separate ways at the doors of the emergence room having parked in different areas.

Bulma and Vegeta made their way back to the car in silence and once inside it was much the same. The radio played softly in the background, Avril Lavigne's Complicated being the current hit playing.

Her blue gaze was fixed on the stars flying by as she gently massaged her temple. They were quickly leaving the busy downtown metropolis where the hospital was situated and entering the suburb that contained West Capital Prep. The last thing she wanted to do right now was go home. That's why the growling of her stomach and the spotting of a diner ahead was like beacon for her.

Vegeta glanced at her at the sound, a scowl marring his features.

Bulma gave him a weak smile. "I haven't eaten since before I came to the tournament. Mind stopping before taking me to get my car?"

Vegeta gave a small grunt in response as he slowed to turn into the restaurant's parking lot. Little did she know that he was in no more a hurry to get home than she was.

Ethyl's was a small little mom `n pop place that claimed to have the best burgers in a four-mile radius. They were currently the only patrons aside from an older man sipping a drink at the bar. They took a booth and it wasn't long before a tired looking redhead made her way over to take their order. It was only about ten minutes before she returned with their meals and Bulma found that her appetite wasn't what it had been. She looked across the table at Vegeta and almost smiled at what she saw. Vegeta had lifted the top of his cheeseburger and was frowning at what was beneath it.

"They put onions on it?" she asked lightly.

"Some people's incompetence is outstanding," he muttered replacing the bun in disgust.

Bulma lifted her own crown and shook her head before switching the plates. "They must have mixed them up," she said.

He checked the burger again before lifting it in his hands. "As I said before," he murmured before taking a bite.

Bulma picked up a French fry and dipped it leisurely in the small ketchup cup then took a bite. Vegeta watched her play with her food and felt his nerves grind together in irritation.

"Eat," he ordered when she continued to nibble on the single fry.

"I can't. I just keep thinking about ChiChi. I mean we're her closest friends and none of us, not even her boyfriend, saw this coming. What kind of friends don't catch the signs of not only anorexia but also a serious drug problem as well? I just feel so guilty," she said putting her head down.

"Stop this. There was no way for anyone to know that she would do something so stupid."

"But we should have known-"

"Change the subject," he said firmly. It wasn't that he didn't share her concerns. He just thought that the situation was bad enough without complicating it with these little guilt fests.

Bulma sat back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest tightly, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Okay if you don't want to talk about ChiChi then maybe you want to know what interesting little morsel I picked up this week." When he raised one interested brow she continued. "Juu saw a interesting segment on Lifestyles the other day. Apparently, the press has picked up on my parents separation."

Surprise momentarily touched his face before it went blank again. "Tough shit," he said not unkindly.

"You're telling me," she said as she put her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her palm. "That really seems to be my life lately. First I get dumped on my birthday then my parents spilt. Now there's this stuff with Chi and to top it all off I'm attracted to my best friend. Life's a bitch."

She had said it so calmly that he was sure he had heard wrong. But one look at her set any hope for that aside.

"We are definitely not talking about that," he said putting the napkin he had been cleaning his hands off with on his plate.

Bulma laid her arms on the table and leaned in. "But Vegeta we have to sometime," she said jumping on this opportunity. Who knew when the next time she would get him alone would be?

"No we don't," he said as he stood. Bulma took his lead and followed him to the register.

"So what? Are we just going to ignore this and pretend nothing has changed?" she demanded as he paid the bill.

"I said drop it Bulma," he growled as the woman gave him his change.

"No. I will not drop it," she countered with determination.

He barred his teeth at her before leaving the restaurant. Bulma was about to follow after when the cashier/waitress grabbed her arm.

"Don't worry, sweetie. They always come around in the end," she said.

Bulma gave her a forced smile before following him out the door. She caught up with him as he reached the car and reached out to grab his arm in an attempt to make him look at her. He jerked away from her as he pulled his keys out of his pocket and Bulma growled in frustration.

"What is wrong with you? Why the hell are you fighting this so hard?!" she practically screamed.

He rounded on her then and Bulma took an involuntary step back at his fierce expression.

"I have way too much shit going on right now to add you, or any other female for that matter, to the mix," he said through gritted teeth.

"What is that suppose to mean?!" she asked throwing her arms in the air.

"I don't know!" he shouted back putting himself inches from her face. "All I know is that I want you stop whatever it is you're doing to change things!"

"I'm not doing anything!" she yelled stunned that he would suggest that she was.

"Oh give me a break! So it's just a epiphany that you had after almost thirteen years and now you suddenly can't live without me," he accused in a mocking tone.

"How am I suppose to know what's going on?! I'm just as confused as you are! And don't try and make this seem one sided because it's most definitely not. You know that as well as I do. So don't even play that shit," she said her anger growing with his every statement.

"Well what do you expect me to do about it?!" he demanded.

"I don't know!" she finally cried.

He grunted and crossed his arms over his chest. "Well at least we agree about something," he said cynically.

Bulma dropped her head and tried to get a hold on her raging emotions. Arguing with him wasn't going to get her anywhere.

"Fine," she finally said in a slightly calmer tone. "It's obvious that you need some time and I can respect that. But eventually we're going to have to deal with this thing between us because avoiding it will only make it worst for whatever we finally decide our relationship is. So do we have a deal?" she asked.

His eyes briefly scanned her face before he turned back to the car and unlocked the door and climbed in. Bulma shook her head in angry disbelief before walking around to the passenger side and climbing in. Like most of their rides of late, this one was silent and the moment he pulled next to her car, Bulma climbed out without a word. Vegeta watched as she climbed into her car and started it without a backward glance. This time it was Vegeta who was left to watch as she pulled out of the parking lot with a angry peal.

* * *

Goku glanced around the hall before he pushed open the door and slipped inside. He had sat in the waiting room for ten minutes after the gang had left before heading outside to his jeep. He sat in the vehicle for another fifteen minutes before he realized that he just couldn't leave without seeing her. It had been surprisingly easy to get pass the night nurse on duty and he had gotten into the room with almost no problem.

Now that he was here he wasn't sure he was in the right room. He moved slowly towards the bed. This pale figure couldn't possibly be his ChiChi. He just couldn't believe it. Wouldn't believe it until he saw her eyes. Maybe if he saw her eyes just once then he could believe it was her. And believe that she was okay.

Almost as though she had heard his silent pray, her eyes slowly fluttered open. Her mouth twisted in pain before her eyes finally focused and she looked directly into his.

"Goku?" she murmured in confusion.

He had to blink away tears of relief as he leaned closer and gently lifted her hand into hers. "Hey how do you feel?"

"Like I was hit by a train. What happened?" she asked, her voice slightly sluggish as the light sedative they had her under started to kick in again.

"You passed out and you're in the hospital," he explained softly.

"Oh," she murmured not really comprehending his words as her lids slowly slid close again.

Several moments after her breathing evened out, he continued to hold her hand as he watched her face. He knew he should leave now but he wasn't ready yet. Resting his head on the pillow just inches from hers, he used his free hand to tenderly stroke her cheek.

"I'm sorry ChiChi. I should have known," he whispered. "But I'll do better next time. Next time I'll take better care of you. I promise."

And in his young heart, he truly believed that to be so.

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Well kiddies I'm taking a brief updating hiatus from Willpower and My Friend so I want lose interest so quickly in them. So you lucky folks get to pick which of my other extremely neglected fics I update next. These are your choices:

When You Least Expect

The Show


The Group

Whichever fic gets the most votes is the one I'll update so be sure to cast your vote! ^_^ Anyway, You + Review = Update. Thanks for reading.