Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend ❯ Father of Mine ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Yeah, well, you know *shrugs*

AN: * looks at date of last update and sweatdrops* Been awhile. Sorry `bout that. Anyway, enjoy.

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"I swear we have to be the only teenager girls in history who spend their Friday night studying!" Bulma complained as she popped a nacho cheese chip in her mouth. She glanced around Juu's family room helplessly and sighed.

ChiChi stole her calculator as she frowned at the problem in the textbook. "Oh stop your whining. You're supposed to be helping us."

Bulma gave a small grunt as she rested her arms on the table. "How am I suppose to help when neither of you are asking me any questions?"

Juu's irritation flowed to the tapping of her pen on the wooden table. "Look if you want to help do something other than whine."

"Like what?"

"Like give us the latest gossip or something," ChiChi offered not looking up from her book. "You're the nosiest one of three of us so you've probably heard something we haven't heard."

Bulma narrowed her eyes at the girls lowered head. "You know I could take real offense to that comment."

"Why?" Juu asked looking up from her outline.

Bulma frowned and crossed her arms. "Some friends you guys are! Just for that I'm not telling you my big news."

This caught both girls' attention and they really looked at her for the first time. Bulma smirked triumphantly.

"What news?" ChiChi wanted to know.

"Oh no. I'm nosy and spread gossip, remember? I wouldn't want to keep doing that now would I?" Bulma said refusing to look at either of them.

"Oh shut up, you know we were joking. What's this news?" Juu frowned.

Bulma seriously considered not telling them then figured she might as well. She was dying to tell somebody. "Well okay. Now don't be too shocked but Vegeta and I are dating. Kind of."

Their blank looks held for a moment before them looked each and rolled their eyes. Homework resumed immediately.

Bulma's scowl returned as she watched them. "Well don't get excited all at once!"

"Why would we? You promise this big news and then tell us something we already know," ChiChi shrugged.

They knew! "But how?"

"ChiChi told me," Juu said flipping a page.

"How did you know?!" Bulma focused her attention on the other girl.

"Oh come on B. After that night at the movies it was obvious. Not to mention that you to have been making eyes at each other ever since. You'd have to be a moron not to notice," ChiChi spoke nonchalantly.

"Oh," Bulma murmured. She then shrugged.

"So what's up for Goku's party?" Juu asked moving on.

Now that a subject of interest was up, ChiChi put down her pencil. "Well I talked to him about it and he said he wanted something small. So I was thinking that we could spend the day at the Grove and maybe Bar-B-que or something."

"Sounds good to me," Juu commented grabbing a chip out of the bowl in front of them.

"We can't do it then guys," Bulma informed. "Vegeta got the nationals bracket from his coach and the championship rounds are on senior skip day. He won't be able to make it."

"And I know Goku's going to want to go to that tournament," ChiChi moaned. "Well this stinks. Now everything's ruined."

"Not necessarily," Juu said putting down her own pen. "I mean we're sure Vegeta's going to win, right?"

"Without a doubt!" Bulma practically cheered.

"Well these things finish up late in the afternoon. Why don't we just go to the Grove a little later and stay a little longer? It can be like a half birthday half victory celebration thing," Juu finished on a shrug. It seemed obvious to her.

ChiChi shook her head. "Leave it to you to make it all sound so simple."

"It is simple," Juu said retrieving her pen.

"It's like with the prom dresses. We go look once and you find the perfect dress. I feel like I've been looking for years and I still don't even know what color dress I want," Bulma huffed.

"Well prom is only two weeks away and I'm determined to get my dress tomorrow. Goku and I are going to spend the only day looking if need be," ChiChi informed them.

Bulma blinked at the other girl, her surprise evident. "Are you telling me Goku's skipping Vegeta's tournament tomorrow to go shopping?!"

ChiChi cleared her throat and found a new interest in her math book. "We have an arrangement."

Her secretive tone told all and Bulma giggled as Juu pressed the issue with a sly smirk. "Oh? What kind of `arrangement'?"

The girl's brown eyes frowned at them as an irritated blush reddened her cheeks. "Well he's going shopping with me and I'm, uh, doing something for him."

Her half confession was too much and neither girl could hold back their laughter. ChiChi grabbed a handful of the chips and tossed it at them playfully.

"Oh shut up you two!" she frowned before going back to her assignment.

Juu was about to have a little more fun at her friend's expense when the doorbell chimed. With Jay out for the night and her mom out of town for the weekend, she had no choice but to get it.

"Don't tease her until I get back," she instructed the blue-hared girl as she pushed herself to her feet.

"Sure thing," she heard the girl pipe up behind her.

The bell sounded twice more before she made it to door. An irked frown marred her beautiful face as she yanked the door open. She raised a slight brow at the handsome blond hared blue eyed man standing there. He seemed somewhat surprised by her as well. It was several minutes before he finally spoke.

"Hello," he said softly.

"Can I help you?" Her normal impassive tone was well in place.

He studied her again very carefully before smiling into her eyes. "You're so beautiful."

She was already closing the door as her eyes rolled skyward. "Sorry but whatever you're selling I'm not interested-"

She was stunned when he placed a hand on the door and even more dumbfounded by his words.

"Juu, wait!" he said urgently.

She blinked at him before narrowing her eyes. "How do you know my name?"

He hesitated then a dreadful sadness darkened his eyes. "You don't remember me do you?"

"Sorry no I don't so let me ask you again. How do you know my name?" she said still holding the door half closed.

He glanced around his dark surroundings before looking at her. "Can we please talk inside?"

He was out of his mind he thought she was going to let a strange man into her house at this time of night.

"Is something wrong Juu?"

Both blondes glanced back at the voice. ChiChi and Bulma stood in the living room doorway eyeing the visitor curiously.

Juu shook her head and gave the man a firm look. "No, he was just leaving."

The man didn't look like he intended on going anywhere and Bulma decided to lighten the mood by walking further into the room.

"Hi! I'm Bulma and this is ChiChi," she said stopping next to Juu.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Nijuu," he smiled warmly.

Juu's uncharacteristic gasp had all eyes turning her direction. When an angry fire flickered in her icy eyes, Bulma and ChiChi decided that maybe it was time they go. Both made their way back to the family room to retrieve their things as Juu turned a look no short of unadulterated hatred on the man. "What do you want?"

He cleared his throat nervously. "At least you remember me now."

"Oh I remember you quite well, father?" She didn't attempt to hide her disgust at the last word. Her gaze didn't waver the slightest bit as her friends emerged with their book and quickly scurried out the door throwing half good-byes over their shoulders as they moved around the strange man.

He watched them go then dared chance a look at her. "Can I please come in?"

She stepped back in semi-invitation, her resentfully stare unchanging. He sighed his relief as he stepped into the house, his sharp eyes quickly taking in his surroundings. He turned with a smile to find her cross-armed still standing by the door.

"This is very nice," he commented.

"Yes, Mom has done well by us," she answered flatly.

A slight flush crossed his features before he nodded. "I guess I deserved that."

She looked away, choosing to focus her attention on the carpet rather than answer.

"Do you mind if I sit?" he asked wanting to break the silence.

She shrugged still avoiding eye contact. He settled down on the soft cushions finding it impossible to be comfortable under her heavy silence. He finally gave up and returned his attention to her.

"So where is Jay?"

"Out," came her simple reply.

He frowned slightly. "Isn't it a little late for him to be out."

Fury flooded her normally expressionless face, her eyes snapped to him. "How dare you come in after fourteen years and question how we live our lives! It's none of your damn business how late he stays out."

Nijuu quickly tried to backtrack. The last thing he had meant to do was upset her. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I was only concerned."

"Concerned my ass. And don't you dare sweetheart me. A birthday card every now and then doesn't give you a right to pet names," she told him bluntly.

"You're right Juu. I'm sorry," he offered lamely.

"Why are you here?" she demanded, tired of the games.

"I wanted to see you and Jay. It's been a long time and I thought that maybe we could have dinner together or something."

"Well I've already eaten and Jay probably want be back tonight," she moved to the door and opened it wide. "Sorry you wasted a trip but I think it's time you go," she stated.

He glanced down at his hands before nodding and standing. He moved to the door but instead of exiting immediately like she had hoped, he stopped before her. "I'll be in town for quite a while on business, most likely through graduation." As he spoke he pulled out his wallet and retrieved a small white card. He offered it to her as he continued. "When you and your brother want to talk I'll be just a call away."

"That's a lot closer than you've ever been before. I guess that must count for something," she replied coldly.

He couldn't defend against the words. The truth in them was too strong to. With a final nod he stepped out the door and into the night.

Juu shut the door with a soft click and leaned against it. She glanced down at the card with the hotel's name and number scrawled across it so elegantly. The angry tears that filled her eyes could not be stopped as her back slid down the door until she could wrap her arms around her knees and sob out her fury.

* * *

She should have gone.

Argana glanced at the clock for the hundredth time since she had awakened this Saturday morning. It was five twenty. By now the match would have been over. She put one last fold the T-shirt before setting it on top of the pile and sighed with self-loathing. She hadn't been to one of his tournaments since that first one a few weeks ago and she was dying to go to another. However, anytime she asked him if he wanted her there he only shrugged and told her to do whatever she wanted.

What she wanted was for him to talk to her. Since the night of her husband and son's confrontation she'd never felt so alone. Aside from sharing the occasional silent meal with her, she never saw her son anymore though she could feel him observing, watching for his father to make false move. Fortunately, there was no move for him to see, for the sire was as much missing in action as the son. On the very rare opportunity that she spotted her husband it was only to eat and he spoke little to her. She never saw the two of them speak to each other.

There was only one good thing that had occurred since that night. In the few times she'd seen the senior Vegeta she hadn't once smelled alcohol on him. She truly hoped the change was permanent. She didn't think she'd survive any longer if it weren't.

She finished folding her laundry and placed the stacks of her child's T-shirts in the basket preparing to take them to his room. She stopped when she realized that she was no longer alone in the room. He watched her closely, his gaze hooded and she felt a shiver of fear run down her spine at the sight of him.

"Dinner's not ready yet," she told him curtly.

"I know," he answered pushing away from the door.

She had to tilt her head up slightly to meet his eyes when he stopped in front of her. She was trapped in his gaze as he searched her eyes before he motioned causally to the basket.

"Do you need help?" he asked.

"No, I've got it," she replied hugging the basket to her chest.

He frowned sharply then relieved her of the basket, setting back on the table. It was obvious that he struggled greatly with his next words but he got them out nonetheless. "I do."

She blinked, her black orbs filled with confusion. "You do what?"

He semi-growled as he dropped his eyes to the floor. "I haven't been the man," his lip turned up in disgust, "I should be for a very long time." His thoughts seemed to stray as he looked at some unseen object behind her. "I could have done so much in that time. So much wasted time," he finished hoarsely.

"What are you trying to say, Vegeta?" she asked wanting to understand his ramblings.

His intense gaze focused on her again. "I need your help."

She couldn't fight her gasp. He had never in all the years they'd been married told her he needed her. She wasn't even sure she'd heard him correctly. "W-what?"

He reached up to stroke her cheek but dropped it guilty back to his side when she shrunk away. "I need your help to change that. I don't want you to fear me. Not anymore."

Her eyes dug into his wanting to believe his words. After all that had happened. After all the hell he'd put her and their child through, she still wanted to see him return to the man he had been before everything had changed. She lifted a hesitant hand to his cheek and ran a curious finger down his jaw. After swallowing the lump in her throat she gave him a little smile.

"It won't be easy," she informed him.

"I know," he spoke as he took her hand and pressed the tips to his lips. The move brought memories of happier times. Times when he was ever so gentle with her. It was those gentle memories that had kept her with him when he struck out at her in misguided hatred and anger.

The clearing of a throat caused both to look to the door and Argana pulled her hand out of his grasp.

"Hello sweetheart. How was the meet?" she greeted the scowling teen.

He turned his suspicious gaze from his father and looked at her. "Fine. Is dinner ready?"

"No I was just about to start it," she said as she picked up her basket again and moved to him. "Here if you put these up yourself I can get to it faster."

He took the basket grudgedly. Casting a last warning glance in the other man's direction, he headed to his room.

"He'll be the hardest part, won't he?"

She turned back to him, having no intention of lying to him. "You've hurt him deeply and like his father he holds grudges well. But fortunately for you I've seen snatches of me in him from time to time as well. Perhaps one day things will be different."

He watched her leave the room as their son had done moments before and wondered if either realized the significance of what had just happened as he had. It was the first time in years that they'd left his presence and neither carried a new scar.

* * *

Goku checked his watch for the third time in the last five minutes. He couldn't believe he'd wasted a whole Saturday shopping. It just didn't seem fathomable. He could swear that they'd been to every formal dress dealer in the whole city and she still hadn't found anything she remotely liked. So here he sat in the waiting area with her purse in his lap like the good boyfriend he was. Man was he glad Vegeta couldn't see him right now. He'd never hear the end of it if he could.

"Goku are you listening to me?!" screeched the voice from the only occupied dressing room.

"Yes ChiChi. You said she wouldn't answer her phone," he repeated.

"Yeah, at first I got worried because that guy was kind of strange when I thought about it later. I was thinking about going over to check on her but Bulma called and said she'd went over and Jay told her Juu didn't want to talk to anybody and that she'd call us later. Who do you think he was?"

"I don't know Chi," Goku answered honestly.

"Oh well, I guess I'll know when she calls. Okay I'm coming out and I think this may just be the one," she called excitedly.

Goku stood smiling at the prospect of going home. His smile turned to something else at the sight of her. The seduction red dress was made of a soft satin. It was strapless and the back dipped almost to her waist. The material wrapped elegantly around her slowly refilling curves as it flowed all the way to her feet. She looked herself in the third fold mirror and for the first time in a month smiled at her reflection. When she turn to Goku she didn't even need to ask what he thought by the look on his face but she decided to anyway.

"So what do you think?" she asked walking towards him.

He shook his head as his smile widened. "Wow," was all he could say.

"Wow huh? You think I look wow," she asked as she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He nodded in the affirmative as he leaned over and kissed her lips. "So can we go now?" he asked against her lips.

"All right," she said pulling out of his arms. "Give me a couple of minutes to change okay?" she said lifting the skirts slightly so she could walked back into the changing room. She was shutting the door when her phone began to ring. "Will you get that for me Goku?" she more instructed than asked.

He picked up the bag and began searching through the contents. He could hear the trilling device easily; it was finding it that was the problem. He finally gave up searching the discreet way and turned the bag upside down. An array of items spread across the seat next to him one of which being the much-desired phone, which had ceased its ringing. However, the phone wasn't what caught his attention. He lifted the small golden tube and examined it carefully. He remember seeing ChiChi with such a tube before her hospital stay. Then he'd thought it was aspirin or something. He didn't think that anymore.

He had just opened the tube causing several small white pills to fall into his hand when ChiChi reentered the waiting room.

"Okay I'm ready. Who was on the phone?" she asked. Her question was forgotten when he held out his hands revealing his unhappy find.

"What are these, Chi?" he asked. He prayed silently that she would say aspirin. He knew his prayer would go unanswered as a myriad of emotions flew across her face, from surprise, guilt, and finally settling on anger.

"Who told you to go through my purse?!" she demanded as she snatched the tube away from him.

"Don't try to turn this around on me. Why do you have those pills? Don't you know how dangerous they are by now?" he demanded equally upset as he watched her begin gathering her things.

"Of course I know!" she snapped. "I go to a class three fucking nights a week to listen to some group therapist tell me how bad they are."

"Then why do you have them?!"

Her eyes turned on him. "Look Goku, I already have one overprotective father. I don't need another," she curtly informed him as she flung her purse over her shoulder. She tried to walk pass him but he grabbed her arm roughly and turned her to face him.

"ChiChi, I just want to help you," he practically cried.

"Well I don't need your help!" She regretted the words before they were even out of her mouth but there was no taking them back. She'd never seen so much hurt on one person's face before and it tore her heart.

He let go of her arm and dropped his arms to his side. "Fine. If you don't want me help there's nothing else I can do but I refuse to watch you kill yourself," he spoke and then was gone.

She watched him go able to find the words that would make him stay. With a half sob she sank into a nearby chair and buried her face in her hands.

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Well that was deep. And you guys thought life would be peachy-kin for Juu. You guys obviously don't know me that well. Oh and thanks to all of you that offered the name Nijuu when I asked for the mom's name. You guys really got me out of a bind today. Anyway, thanks for reading.