Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend ❯ What He Doesn't Understand ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Ah shucks, that's awfully nice of you to say but no I don't own this

AN: (AN from previous posting) My special thanks to Louie, Veggies_grl, Kandy, Susan (No. VGSA has at least three chapters left. You know Veggie always has to get into trouble at the end of the great adventures ^_~.), Erie Dragon, Phoenix Feather, Moonkitty liafle, not sure yet, Matchmaker 88, moonsaiyanprincess, hippiechick, IneiTenshi, serendipity, NeoQbirdie, Masamune, Lady Foeseeker, Brittany: Screwed + Snapped, maggs, serendipity, Mentally Challenged, oneblackvoice, Me, SheWhoShallNotBeNamed, dbz72, mirei nochi, nic, Kahlan Nightwing (WYLE huh? *taps chin thoughtfully* I may just have to look into that.) BBFighter88, and b e a u t i f u l i r o n y.

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Vegeta slipped into a pair of comfortable blue jeans. Fresh out of the shower, he walked over to his desk where his mother normally laid his mail. He frowned as he looked through the eight letters lying there. They were all from colleges, as usual, most offering scholarships for football or wrestling. There were some for lacrosse and several academic offers, as well. They all wanted him for something, the problem was that he didn't want any of them. The woman had told him to just pick the one that best suited his needs. Then again, this was coming from a woman who hadn't chosen a college herself.

At least he had it narrowed down to one country. Since ninth grade, Goku had wanted to play for the OU American football team. It was all he ever talked about. Since nobody else had chosen where they wanted to go to school and they all wanted to be near each other, they had decided to all apply to colleges in the states. That way they would all be on the same continent. Vegeta had never verbally agreed to this arrangement, but they all knew he would go too.

Vegeta sat the letters down and glanced at his clock. Damn! The girls' game started in fifteen minutes. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out a white T-shirt.

Argana crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame as she watched her son. His back was to her and she watched as he pulled the T-shirt over his head and down his torso. Her eyes caught the dark purple bruise on his lower back. She immediately lowered her eyes, guilt washing over her.

Vegeta slipped his wallet in his back pocket and grabbed his keys. As he turned he gave her a questioning look. He had known she was there along.

Argana gave him a small smile. “Are you going out tonight?”

“Yes.” Vegeta lowered his eyes a moment in indecision. “Maybe I shouldn't-”

Argana quickly shook her head. “Don't even think about it. You need to get out and have some fun. I'll be just fine.”

Vegeta grunted and walked towards the door. He stopped momentarily to let her precede him to the stairs. They walked down the stairs and out the front door in silence. At the door he walked past her and out to his car while she watched him from the doorway. Just as he unlocked and opened the door to the black year old Sunfire, the sounds of Aaliyah's More Than a Woman came basing down the street.

Both mother and son looked up as Bulma's red brand new Camero convertible pulled up to the curb. She turned down the music then stood up and sat on the top of the seat. She raised her sunglasses to rest on the top of her head then smiled bright.

“Hi, Mrs. Sei!” she called with a waved.

“Hello, Bulma,” Vegeta's mother said smiling softly.

“What are you doing here?” Vegeta asked.

“I figured it was stupid for the two of us to waste gas driving two cars alone. So you're riding with me, Veggie-boy.”

“I don't think so,” Vegeta said, preparing to climb into his car.

“Vegeta, why don't you ride with her? She drove all the way over here,” his mother suggested.

“Yeah, Vegeta. I drove all the way over here,” Bulma pouted.

Vegeta rolled his eyes and closed the car door. He walked over to her car and crossed his arms as he frowned up at her. “Why are you really here, woman?”

She smiled as she leaned down. “You didn't leave your phone on. Get in.”

Vegeta sighed and climbed into the car. Bulma slipped back down into her seat and placed her glasses back over her eyes. As she clicked her seat belt into place, she waved at his mother.

“Bye, Mrs. Sei. I promise to have him home before curfew.”

“Bye. You two have fun,” the dark haired woman responded with a wave.

Bulma put her foot to the gas and pulled away from the curb with the reckless abandon of the average teenager. As they flew along, Bulma glanced at her companion. “So, are you going to tell me?”

“I don't want to talk about it.”

Bulma shrugged. He would tell her eventually. “You are coming to my party, right?” she asked, changing the subject.


Bulma smiled. “Great! You're going to have a great time, Vegeta. So,” she switched gears again, “what are you getting me for my birthday?”

“Have I ever gotten you anything before?”

Bulma rolled her eyes. “I was hoping you'd want to start a new trend this year.”

“Sorry to disappoint you,” Vegeta said sarcastically.

“You know, if you keep being mean to me, I may just stop talking to you,” Bulma warned.

“Is that a threat or a promise?” Vegeta asked in mock confusion.

Bulma scowled at him then turned up the music as We Need a Resolution came on. Putting the petal to the metal, she sped towards the school.
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They entered the gymnasium to find that Juu's team was already up by ten in the first five minutes of the game. The cheerleaders, led by their two blue haired captains, Marron and Launch, were a cheer force to be reckoned with as they cheered the team on.

Bulma quickly scanned the stands and upon spotting their group, she lightly touched Vegeta's arm.

“They're over there,” she said pointing.

They made their way through the crowd and to their seats.

Bulma slipped in between Yamcha and Juu's brother while Vegeta chose the seat below her, next to Radditz who was sitting next to Bardock.

“What are you doing here?” Vegeta asked the long haired college student.

“You know I had to come to my little brother's first game of the season,” Radditz said.

“So you came an hour and a half early to the girls' game?” Vegeta asked skeptically.

“Well, supporting Kakarot does have its perks,” he smiled as he returned his attention to the pile of teenage girls on the ground scrambling for the orange ball.

Vegeta rolled his eyes.

When Juu came up with the ball, the other coach called a timeout. All the girls on the team gave Juu encouraging pats on the back as they made their way to their bench. Bulma took the little break as time to handle some business.

“So Jay,” she said as she turned to the long haired boy next to her, “did Juu give you the fliers?”

“Yeah. I already gave some to this chick over at Blue Star High and this other girl at West Capital Preparatory. You're about to have one hell of a party, B. I hope you can handle it.”

“Don't I always?” Bulma said with a smile.

“So you're turning the big 18, Bulma?”

Bulma smiled at Juu's mother who was sitting on the other side of her son. “Yep!”

“Well, I'm going to expect your help when I plan Juuhachigou's surprise party when she turns 18. You too ChiChi,” she told the girl who was sitting between Goku's mother and grandfather.

“Sure thing, Mrs. J,” ChiChi said.

“Yeah, we'd love to help,” Bulma smiled.

One could not help but like Juu's mom. After she and the twins' father had divorced when they where four, she had dedicated her life to bringing up her kids and had somehow managed to support both of them in everything they did. She was the type of mom that was at every basketball game, every track meet, and every baseball game. To say Bulma respected the woman was an understatement.

The game restarted with Juu bombing another three from the outside. It pretty much set the mood for the rest of the game. The game finished up with a 76-28 victory for Orange Star High, Juu having 40 of those points.

“Yea number 18!” their whole section cheered.

Juu looked up at the stands and blushed slightly. She smiled and winked at them then she and the rest of the team hurried to the locker room. They continued to cheer until the big 18 on the back of her jersey disappeared from view.

ChiChi stood as the cheerleaders took the floor. “I have to go to the ladies room. Come on Bulma,” she said as she stepped out of the bleachers.

“Here hold this,” Bulma said handing her purse to Yamcha.

“Why is it that girls always go to the bathroom in groups?” Yamcha asked.

“It's one of those mysteries of life. Don't question it,” Bulma said giving him a peck on the cheek. She then climbed out the bleachers and grabbed ChiChi's hand as they hurried to the restroom.

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Bulma stepped out of the stall as she buttoned up her pants. She walked over to one of the sinks and began washing her hands. She reached for a paper towel and turned to ChiChi just as she pulled a small package out of her purse. ChiChi tore open the package and then swallowed the two tablets that fell into her hand.

“What are those?” Bulma asked curiously.

“Oh these?” ChiChi asked as she handed the empty package to Bulma. “They're caffeine pills.”

Bulma read over the package then frowned. “What do you need these for?”

She shrugged. “I haven't been sleeping well lately. Sometimes I need a little pick-me-up.”

Bulma handed the package back to ChiChi who, in turn, threw it in the trash next to her. ChiChi pulled out her hairbrush and began running it through her hair.

Bulma crossed her arms and bit her lip. “I think you should be careful with those. I hear they can be addictive.”

ChiChi put her brush back in her purse then smiled at her friend. “Yes mother.”

Bulma frowned. “That's the second time today that someone's called me that.”

“Then you should stop babying everybody. Now come on. Goku's game will be starting soon,” she said as she grabbed Bulma's hand and dragged her out of the restroom.

They reenter the gym to blasting music as the boys started their warm-up. Goku and Krillin had just come out of the team captains meeting with the refs. ChiChi waved at Goku and he smiled and waved back. He turned just in time to catch the ball that one of his teammates had passed to him.

Bulma smiled at ChiChi. “Awww, isn't that cute?” she teased.

ChiChi blushed and mumbled, “Shut-up,” as she pushed a chuckling Bulma back to their seats.

They reached their seats to find that Juu had already made her way over to sit with her mom and brother.

“Hey Juu! Great game!” ChiChi said.

“Thanks,” Juu smiled.

“I think if you would have hit any more baskets, the goals would have caught on fire,” Bulma said.

“Probably,” Juu said with a cocky smile.

They all laughed.

When the horn blew for the start of the game, Bulma and ChiChi quickly settled into their seats. Krillin, much like his counterpart opened the game with a three and that was pretty much it for the other team. They couldn't handle Krillin's outside game and were unable to stop Goku's inside game. Blue Star High went home a pretty sad team that night.

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Bulma and Yamcha walked out into the cool night air, their arms wrapped around each other's waist. When they reached Yamcha's black Dodge Ram pickup, he pulled her to him and kissed her softly on the lips. When they parted Yamcha smiled down at her.

“Do you want me to take you home?”

“No. I drove,” she said as she started playing with his shirt.

“Leave your car here,” he suggested.

“Don't you think my parents will ask why I didn't bring my car home?”

“I didn't intend on taking you to Capsule Corp.”

Bulma smiled as she looked up into his alluring brown eyes. “As tempting as that offer sounds, I have to take Vegeta home.”

Yamcha rolled his eyes. “Why can't Goku take him home? He lives closer to him, after all.”

“Because Goku is taking ChiChi home,” she said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Yamcha chuckled then let her go. “All right, but eventually we're going to have to make some time for you and me, you know?”

“I know. And the minute I get a break it's you and me all the way.”

Yamcha frowned. “Well let me know whenever you get a chance to pencil me in,” he said sarcastically.

“Oh, don't be like that, Yamcha. You know I didn't mean it like that,” Bulma defended.

“Yeah, I know,” Yamcha said as he turned and stuck his key in the door.

“Aren't you forgetting something?” Bulma asked expectantly.

Yamcha turned and playfully rolled his eyes as he bent down to kiss her.

“That's better,” she muttered as he pulled away. “Bye, Yam-chan.”

“Bye, Bulma,” he said as he climbed into his truck.

Bulma turned and walked five cars down to her parking space, waving at people as she went.

When she reached her car, Vegeta raised an eyebrow. “Took you long enough. Was your boy-toy pouting again?”

“Shut up, Vegeta,” she said as she handed him the keys. “I don't feel like driving,” she said as she slipped into the passenger side.

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Vegeta pulled to the curb and cut the engine. He glanced at his silent passenger and shook his head. He should have known she was asleep. She had been too quiet.

He shook her gently until her big blue eyes fluttered open and she smiled up at him. She then stretched and sat up, glancing out the window as she did. “We're here,” she said after a moment.

“Nice observation.”

Bulma then turned back to him. For a moment she just stared at him, making him nervous. When he could take it no longer he asked, “What?”

“When are you going to tell me what happened?”

Vegeta sighed. So they were back to this again. Fine, if she wanted to know the details… “The old man came home drunk again and said somethings I didn't like. I said somethings he didn't like and the mark was the result.”

Bulma watched her friend. She was so tempted to reach out and stroke his face, to let him now he wasn't alone. But at the moment he seemed as distant and cold as he had been when they first met. When Bulma had entered kindergarten, she had been determined to be friends with everyone but Vegeta had refused her offer of kindness. He didn't need her friendship and happily told her so on several occasions. Kakarot (as they had called him back then) had told her that Vegeta was unfriendly because his dad was mean to him. He made him train a lot and refused to let him `play' with any kids other than himself and Radditz. Bulma hadn't understood this so she had just left him be.

For some unknown reason at the time, the year that Vegeta entered the sixth grade, his mother sent him to live with Kakarot's family. In this new environment, Vegeta had become slightly more sociable and had first started exploring his athletic talents. Most importantly, he formed bonds with many of Kakarot's friends, one of which was Bulma herself. He had just started to come into his own person, when in the summer before his ninth grade year his mother had asked him to return home.

Bulma sighed after a moment. “You know, you don't have to be afraid to talk to me.”

Vegeta `hmphed' and looked at her. “Can you drive?”

Bulma had known he would change the subject. “Yes. I'm glad to see you care,” she said smiling.

“I never said I did,” Vegeta answered as he opened the door and climbed out. Bulma climbed over the gear shaft and settled into the driver's seat. She started the engine and pulled away.

Vegeta had reached the porch by this time. He watched her car disappear and shook his head. He didn't know why he always told her so much. As he continued to shake his head, he entered his house.

The living room was completely dark, but Vegeta knew immediately that it wasn't empty. He looked over to the couch. He could just make out the silhouette of a woman. Moving through the room instinctively, he looked down at the figure's lowered head then reached over to one of the end tables and flicked on a lamp. The figure flinched slightly at the sudden light that filled the room. Vegeta knelt down on one knee and placed his finger under the woman's chin and gently, but forcefully, lifted her face for his inspection.

The bruise around her right eye had already started to color and would be swollen by morning. Her nose was bent and obviously broken. The cut above her lip still had dried blood clinging to it. There were involuntary tears running down her cheeks.

Damn it. He knew he shouldn't have left.

“Where is he?” he asked in a dangerously low tone.

Argana quickly shook her head and placed her hands on either side of his face. “No, Vegeta. This is between your father and I. I don't want you to antagonize him in anyway tonight. Promise me that, Vegeta.”

Vegeta shook his head and began to stand. “No. I'm going to kill the bastard. That I promise you.”

Argana quickly stood and grabbed his hands. “No, Vegeta. Look at me,” she said roughly grabbing his chin and turning his face to hers. “I want you to leave what happened tonight be. Do you understand?”

Vegeta looked at her a moment, the scars on her face, the fear in her eyes, then shook his head in disgust as he pulled away from her. “How long are you going to let him do this to you?”

Argana lowered her black eyes from the anger burning in her son's eyes. She slowly sat back on the couch. “There's so much you don't understand Vegeta,” she said in a defeated voice.

“So much I don't want to understand,” Vegeta grunted crossing his arms.

Argana sighed and looked back up into her son's eyes. “Maybe so,” she said sadly.

Vegeta only shook his head and turned to leave.

“Where are you going?” Argana asked nervously as he reached the stairs.

Vegeta stopped and sighed. “To bed, mother,” was all he said as he continued up the stairs.

Argana took a deep breath and ran her hand into her long thick black hair. There was so much he didn't understand.

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Thanks for reading.