Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Grandpa's a Ghost ❯ A very important note- Read if you want to know what's going on ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

M'kay, Everyone!!! Pay attention, because this is important!!!!!

Even though this is hurting me more than anything to write this, I have to tell you that this story is on hiatus, and I am even considering putting it up for adoption or discontinuing it. *Dodges all of the bricks and tomatoes thrown at her*

You see, ever since Dragon Ball Z ended on Toonami, I have had a lack of interest and inspiration to write Dragon Ball Z. I mean, I can sit and try to write it (which I have been trying to do for the last month and a half), but I have found that my best works happen when I don't push too hard. If I do, then I get bored with it quickly and it doesn't ever turn out the way I had hoped it would, and I always want to give my best to my readers/reviewers. You are, after all, the ones who have to read it.

Since my interest in Dragon Ball Z has been leaving me, I have begun to fall in love with other animes, particularly Yu-Gi-Oh!, Shaman King, Noir, and Naruto (which has held my #1 anime spot for a few months and has quickly become my favorite anime ever). And since I have more interest in these anime than Dragon Ball Z at the moment, I would rather write in a Naruto story than a Dragon Ball Z one.

Now, don't get me wrong. Dragon Ball Z was my very first anime love, and it will always hold a special place in my heart (Sounds cheesy, I know). After all, it was Dragon Ball Z that first go me into writing fan fiction. If it weren't for it, I would never have gained the writing skills that I have today. Have Dragon Ball Z in my life was a definite blessing, as corny and stupid as that may sound. I have made friends because of Dragon Ball Z and this fic was the first one to ever get over 100 reviews, which definitely made me smile and feel all warm inside.

Since I have injured my ankle three times since December (and have had to be on crutches all three times) and I am still recovering from illness (The doctors are just now discovering what was/is wrong with me) that has taken away the last three months of school and has had me in bed since February, the reviews always made me feel a little better. Writers block, depression, illness, injury, you name it. I have suffered over the last three months, and My Grandpa's A Ghost is taking the beating for it.

I love you all. You have all put up with me and dealt with me. And to put up with a weak person like me takes a lot kindness. Thank you all for giving me this blessing in my life. Even though I have suffered over the last year, I have to say that it have also been one of the best years of my life.

You know, you can flame me if you want. After all, I cherish ever review and e-mail I get, even if they are flames. Call me weak, stupid, lousy, etc. I really don't care. I'll just smile and think 'That's what I get'. I'll be surprised if I don't get a flame.

As some last words, I would like to say that this doesn't mean that this story is going to end. I may change my mind sometime later on and continue it. It's just on hiatus until I decide.

You all have my heart. Thanks for everything, and, for now, Sayonara.


Erin L.