Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Grandpa's a Ghost ❯ What You Can't See, Can Hurt You ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Konnichiwa everyone! I'm back with a new chapter! And 27 reviews! That's sugoi! Thankies for all the reviews! This story is dedicated to all those who have written one and will in the future!

Also, from now on, I'm only gonna answer the questions in the reviews because, even though I am thankful, I don't think I'll thank every person that writes a review. I guess that was a first-time kinda thing. Anyway, on with review questions!

Michiru Sakuya- Gohan and Chi-Chi will be appearing every now and then.

JessIchi- Trunks most definitely will have a good role in this fic!

That's all the questions I got in the reviews! Now, what you've all been waiting for, it's time for.....The DISCLAIMER! *laughs* (had ya goin' didn't I?)


Angel Abi: *looks down at a script in her hands* I...go...npt...oyn.......? *Blinks in confusion* Who wrote this....?

Trunks: I did!

Angel Abi: It's not very good.

Trunks: *mumbles*

Goten: *laughs* I bet if I said I wrote it, she'd say is was good!

Trunks: Yeah right...

Goten: Watch! Hey, Angel Abi! I wrote it!

Angel Abi: Oh, you did Goten-chan?! It's very, very good! *Smiles*

Goten: *laughs in victory*

Trunks: *growls*

Angel Abi: Anyway, Goten-chan wrote on this piece of paper that I do not own Dragon Ball Z, I think.... I do, however, own this story. With the exception of the idea, because Burenda owns that!

Now on with the chapter!

My Grandpa's a Ghost

(What You Can't See, Can Hurt You)

'To those who see miraculous sights and envision all of the wonders hidden from the eye'

"....So....were, I mean, are you strong too?" Goten asked Bardock as he pulled his night-shirt over his head.

"Strong...?" Bardock asked, confused, while he sat on Goten's bed. Goten nodded. "I guess so...why?"

Goten shrugged. "I was just wondering because 'Tousan and Oniisan are really strong. And since they're really strong, you must be too." Goten ran over to his bed and stuck his nose only inches from Bardock's. "After all, where else would they get it from?! You must be really strong!!" Goten exclaimed excitedly.

Bardock was a little taken back by the small boy's outburst. "Uh....."

Goten closed his eyes and smiled as he tilted his head a little to one side. "Right?" He asked, opening his eyes.

"Uh..." Bardock stammered. "R-right...I guess..."

"Goten!" Chi-Chi's loud voice yelled from down the hall.

Goten closed his eyes again and cringed. "Uh oh..."

"Why aren't you in bed yet, young man?" Chi-Chi asked, opening his door. "And who are you talking to?"

"Uh...N-no one 'Kaasan!" Goten told her quickly and, as fast as he could, crawled under his covers and closed his eyes. "Good night 'Kaasan!"

Chi-Chi sighed before she shut off the light and started to close the door. "Good night Goten-chan. Get some good sleep. Remember that you have to train in the morning." She told him before closing the door.

Bardock blinked before looking down at Goten.

"That's your Okaasan?!"

"Sure is! It's a good thing that she can't see you because I'm sure she would have kicked your butt to Timbuktu!"


Goten covered his mouth with one hand as he yawned. Bardock floated on his back, hands behind his head, above Goten as he asked questions about his family.

"So what's your Oniisan's name? And your....your Okaasan?" Bardock asked, mumbling the last part as he recalled her the night before.

"Oniisan's name is Gohan. And Okaasan's," He started before stifling another yawn, "Okaasan's name is Chi-Chi. Why?"

"Just wondering."

"Well, I have a question for you. Can you go through walls and stuff like that?" Goten asked looking up at him.

Bardock leaned his head back as far as it would go and made eye contact with his grandson.

"Uh..." He stammered, turning around onto his stomach. He put his head on one of his palms. "Maybe...Let's see." He turned toward the wall and reached out toward it. His hand went right through it.

Goten and Bardock blinked at the same time. "Guess so." They both muttered to each other.

"Can you go through humans too?" Goten asked. Bardock, again, blinked.

"Lets see." He floated down in front of Goten and knelt down so their eyes were even. He picked his hand up and lightly touched Goten's cheek. His hand didn't go through it.

Bardock smiled. "Nope!"

Goten smiled back. Good.

"Who are you talking to, Goten?" A male voice asked from behind them. Goten quickly turned around and saw that it was Gohan.

"N-no one Big Brother!" Goten stammered as turned and walked as fast as he could down the rest of the steps and into the kitchen. Bardock stayed kneeling.

That was weird. Maybe he didn't get enough sleep. Gohan thought.

He started to walk down the rest of the steps. However, Bardock hadn't stood up yet and, since Bardock can't go through people, Gohan tripped over him and 'rolled' down the rest of the steps.

Goten stuck his head back in through the doorway and blinked at Gohan, who's was upside down with his back against the wall. He looked up at Bardock.

"What did you do?" Goten lipped the words to Bardock. He shrugged.

"What's wrong with Gohan, Goten?" Another voice said from behind Bardock. It was Goku walking down the stairs.

"S-stop 'Tousan! Don't walk any-" Too late. Goku tripped too and rolled down the stairs, just like Gohan, and landed in the same position. "More..."

Goten looked back at Bardock.

"Maybe I shouldn't kneel down on steps anymore...." Bardock suggested.

"Ya think?" Goten asked back, sweat dropping.


So? How was it? I hope it was good! Gomen to Goku and Gohan fans! That was a one time deal, I swear!

Gomen for getting this out so late. I just got back from my second vacation in 2 weeks! The first was in Florida and the second we went up to Rushville, NE.

This chapter is for all the people who have reviewed so far and will in the future! Arigatou!

Angel Abi