Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My heart you hold ❯ He's the prince!? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kakkarot slowly started to awaken, he rubbed his eyes, and stretched as far as he could.

(Stupid author----un-gags herself, yawns,- I am tired. What time is it –looks at clock- 1:20 IN THE MORNING?!? –Grabs out a bottle of Sprite Remix- Alrighty…)

Goku looked at the control panel on his space pod. A voice came on over the intercom. “ We will be arriving on Planet Vegeta-sei in less than 2 hours.” Kakkarot yawned again. ‘Might as well wake everyone else up.’ Kakkarot turned off everyone’s sleeping masks and sent a little bolt of electricity through all of the Saiyans making sure as not to hit Bulma or Chichi. He figured he would let them sleep for a while longer.

“Kuji.” Kakkarot called through his screen he could see Kuji rubbing his head. “what the hell did you do that for Kakkarot!” He was referring to the bolt of electricity Kakkarot sent everyone.

“ It was your wake up call, you like it?” Kuji grunted and flipped Kakkarot off. “ I’m sure you don’t to have a spar against me later Kuji, I might not be so lenient on you this time. Anyways, we will be arriving on Vegeta-sei in less than 2 hours. I want you to help inform everyone else. Got it?”

Kuji yawned. “Yeah yeah. Whatever you say Kakkarot.” He said through his yawn.

“Oh, and don’t wake Bulma up, let her sleep, you don’t want her getting all ‘emotional’ on how you took her. I think I’m gonna have to beat you for that too, show some respect for our guests. Who knows, one day she might build a weapon and come to your door and kill you for what you did, she is a genius you know, id stay on her…good side.

“Yeah sure whatever Kakkarot.” He clicked out of Kakkarot’s conversation box to inform everyone else about the arrival of Vegeta-sei.


1 hour and 37 minutes later…

The Saiyans landed on Vegeta-sei, Bulma and Chichi were still asleep, and would probably still be for a half an hour after they’re sleeping masks were removed. Kakkarot stepped out of his space pod carrying the sleeping Chichi in his arms, followed by Kuji with Bulma in his, and the rest of the members.

A small green lizard looking creature with an orange-ish red-ish Mohawk stepped up to Kakkarot and spoke. “ Commander, Prince Vegeta will be waiting for you and sir Kuji in the throne room after you have had something to eat and medical attention if needed.”

“Alright, We will be there shortly. Kuji, follow me, we will drop The scientist and martial artist off in my chambers, and then we will go and eat. Man, I havnt had anything to eat for a month! I’m starting to get really hungry how about you Kuji” He asked Kuji as they walked down the halls.

“ It amazes me how your mood can change so sudden when the mention of food Kakkarot.” He rolled his eyes, “ Of course I am hungry moron. Lets hurry up so we can eat.” Kakkarot sped up his pace as did Kuji. When they finally reached there destination then set Bulma and Chichi on the bed and left the room towards the mess hall.

“Bet I can eat more than you Kuji!” Kakkarot said as he grinned at the man next to him.

“ No way in hell Kakkarot! I’m starved! There’s no way in hell you will beat me this time!” Kuji shot back, rubbing his stomach.

“ Oh yeah? I bet you I bag of gold.” Kakkarot smirked at Kuji. ( I keep wanting to call him Goku!! ER DARN! X.x I keep hitting the G instead of K x.x)

“Your on Kakkarot!”


A small figure paced around the room, his black cape hanging from off of his shoulders swaying in the direction the owner was moving. His tall dark hair shooting up into a flame shape, he didn’t look that happy either, they called him Prince Vegeta. Or the Saiyan no Ouji.

“Damnit, why haven’t I gotten word from the troops that were off to Namek? Or the ones from Earth?! At least they are here though… But the Dragonballs, are they real or just legend? I need to know!” The small but well built man growled to himself as his tail twitched in agitation.

“ Knowing that retard Kakkarot he is most likely at the mess hall, probably pigging out. Might as well get something to eat.” The Prince left the room and headed towards where Kakkarot and Kuji were.

Back to Bulma and Chichi.

Bulma rolled over a bit and fell off the bed.(Author- – AHAHAHAA I can so see that happening x.x-thump-) “Ow!” Bulma screeched as she rubbed her bum. ‘Hey wait a minute-’ “Chichi!!” Bulma bolted back on top of the bed and clinged to Chichi, shaking her none to gently. “Chichi!!”

Chichi started to groan, she pushed her hands up to stop whoever was shaking her. “IM UP!” she yelled as she opened her eyes. “ YOUR NOT MY MOM!” Chichi jumped back a bit.

“NO FUCKING DUH!” Bulma screeched in a high-pitched voice that sounded quite pissed off.

She stared at the blue haired woman in confusion for a moment then remembed that she had been taken off her planet. “BULMA! Sorry, I forgot what happened.” She rubbed her eyes. “Where are we?!”

“I think we are on Vegeta-sei… I’m pretty sure we are… We have to find a way out of here! Come on. Lets go.” Bulma grabbed Chichi’s hand and led her towards the door, she twisted the door handled and was shocked it was unlock. They stepped out of the room and down the long hallway.


Vegeta went down the hallway, he was turning to pass a corner when all of a sudden someone ran into him, making him loose his balance for a moment, then regained his composure. He saw two female women on the floor groaning. ‘So that’s what I hit. They don’t look Saiyan. Could they be Earth women? Why are they un-supervised…’

“Ow! Watch where your going you stupid monkey.” ‘yep that was who they were. Wait wait wait, back up, stupid monkey? Does she not know whom she is talking to!? THE WENCH!’ Vegeta glared at Bulma who only glared back. “Stupid monkey? Do you not know whom you are talking to Earth Bitch!” Bulma and Chichi stood up.

“EARTH BITCH!? I could care less who I was talking to you stupid stuck up prick.” Bulma yelled back crossing her arms over her chest as Vegeta was.

‘Such disrespect!’ “WHORE!” Vegeta shot back.




Chichi stood there and gawked at the two as they thought insults at each other. ‘didn’t they already call each other that?’








Chichi was getting a headache, she couldn’t take this anymore! “ SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTHES!” she yelled at the two, grabbing her head. No one knowing both Kakkarot and Kuji standing off to the side of them staring at the three.

Vegeta and Bulma both turned away and ‘Hmphed’. “Don’t tell me what to do bitch. Ill have you both put to death for such disrespect.” He was going to have fun toying around with the blue haired beauty.

“Prince Vegeta…” both Kuji and Kakkarot knelt down on one knee.

“PRINCE VEGETA?!” Both woman screamed and stared at Vegeta who only smirked.

“Yes PRINCE Vegeta wench.” He motioned for two of the guards to come near who were standing away slightly off to the side. “take these idiot woman to the room I have provided for the Earthlings. Kakkarot and Kuji you two morons, follow me.” The three walked off, Bulma Chichi and the two guards walked off in the opposite direction.

“ What such great things to say to the prince Bulma!” Chichi clapped.

“Hey, you told him to shut his damn mouth, you did it to…”

“Yeah whatever. We better get a nice room. I’m hungry. Hey you!” Chichi called to one of the gaurds, but they only ignored her. Chichi got mad and smacked them both upside the head. “ I’M TALKING TO YOU! WE ARE HUNGRY! WE WISH FOR SOME FOOD!” Chichi screamed at the guards who stopped their walking.

“Stupid bitch, I would have killed you for that if you were not of some importance to us. We will send you up some food, now shut it bitch.” He growled at her.

They made it to their room, the guards turned to leave. “ Don’t forget about our food!” Chichi slammed the door on the guards face. “Stupid monkeys.” And with hat said Bulma and Chichi went to check out their new room.
